Topic: RPG: Age of Skywalker

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Topic #2014

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December 14, 2007 11:39 pm #
Fett_II wrote:

(so does this mean I'm in?)

(Wondering the same thing (this is my first RPG; waiting for someone to give me an in  :P ))

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
December 15, 2007 12:13 am (Edited December 15, 2007 12:17 am) #

( you guys need to make an in for yourselves. VM appo shadow and karn are on crosuant, im on Amelico the wookie is on kashyyyk. you have to put a place to start and at the end of every post try to make it seem like your going some where/waiting for something. Also i made your lightsaber look too good VM. it looks better than mine. and has better effects. )

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 15, 2007 1:14 am (Edited December 15, 2007 01:16 am) #

(Awesome job Z! Thanx! Fett_II and Drakus youre in sound good just check my previous posts for clarifications. Adeptus sounds good, Ill post Skywalker this weekend so please be patient. Im tired... catch you guys later...maybe tomorrow...)

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 15, 2007 2:52 am (Edited December 15, 2007 02:53 am) #

(thanks Zoncxs; entering now)

Shortly after dropping out of hyperspace, Ralin moved the Blood Hawk closer to the massed Peacekeeper fleet over Coruscant.  He quickly recognized that the gigantic warship at the center of the formation was a new class.   

Impressive; already this new lord of the galaxy has created a symbol of terror to impress and suppress the masses.  I wonder if it’s as over-rated as the last few ‘ultimate weapons’ that the previous regime created.

The Blood Hawk’s sensors quickly picked up the approaching flight of TIE fighters.  Ralin’s com unit came to life as expected. 

“Warning; you are approaching a Peacekeeper military formation.  Adjust course to one of the sanctioned civilian entry routs to the surface, or give the proper access codes to receive landing instructions.”

“Affirmative,” responded Drakus.  Turning away from the fleet, he moved the Blood Hawk towards the nearest space lane entering orbit.

You’ll have your chance for my service, Skywalker.  But let’s hear what the opposition has to offer, first

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
December 15, 2007 11:24 am #

(Story clarification, please

I was thinking that there were 3 sides in this conflict: Skywalker, the Remnant (Chiss), AND the Rebels.  But I was rereading the opening post and noticed that it says the Rebels fled to Chiss space.  Does this mean that the Remnant and the Rebels are working together?? 

Just wondering, and thanks)

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
December 15, 2007 11:57 am (Edited December 15, 2007 12:03 pm) #

Shiv was bored.  He was reluctant to admit it to the others though especially his wife to be Rahrwoan.  As he sat on the balcony loking out at the forests below he sighed.  This was his home on Kashyyyk.  But Shiv was never one to stay in one place.  He liked adventuring out in the world.  That's why he envied Chewbacca so much. Chewbacca was out and about with the smuggler friend of his.  That may be why Shiv became a Jedi.  As soon as he learned he was force-sensitive, he immediately left to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.  BUt that life was behind him.  He was now a rebel.  Just like Chewbacca.  But Shiv was stuck.  After Skywalker defeated Vader and Palpatine and declared himself Overlord, Shiv had lied low.  As he sat there contemplating he felt a furry paw on his shoulder.  He turned around to his fiance.

<Shvarrk, you look troubled.>

Shiv smiled.  <You know me too well.  Yes I am.  I cannot stand being in one place for too long.>

<That is very like you.  If you need to leave then go.>

<Really?  You mean it?>

<Of course I do. I can plan for the wedding.  When you get back, we shall be wed!>

<And I cannot wait.>  Shiv planted a kiss on Rahrwoan's cheek.  He ran off to the docking bay and onto his HWK-290.  He went plotted the course to the Rebel Base in the CHiss space  and relaxed for the ride.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 15, 2007 1:18 pm #
Ralin Drakus wrote:

(Story clarification, please

I was thinking that there were 3 sides in this conflict: Skywalker, the Remnant (Chiss), AND the Rebels.  But I was rereading the opening post and noticed that it says the Rebels fled to Chiss space.  Does this mean that the Remnant and the Rebels are working together?? 

Just wondering, and thanks)

(you have Luke skywalker and his new fleet of inquistors and peace keepers.

the rebels who escaped to chiss.

and everyone who is in the middle.)

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 15, 2007 2:13 pm #

(Hey VM considering what I plan to do, i think it would be better if i posted as Skywalker for now.)

Kharn stood. "You did this?"

"No, this was the work of my father and his master. Come with me." He said.


"Considering your lack of weapons, I wouldent say you have a choice."

Kharn followed him, the soldiers following with their weapons ready. Soon they were in a nicely furnished room, adorned with statues and beautifully crafted furniture. "Sit." the man said, turning to a large window with an impressive view of part of the upper city and the fleet. Kharn remained standing. "I want my things back."  The man turned to his guards, which had taken place against the walls. "Bring him his armor and weapons." About ten minuets later, the guards came back. "You may change if you would like," he said, "later."

"Why am I here?" Kharn asked "And who are you?"

"I am Overlord Skywalker" He answered, "and I want you to work for me."


"Take some time to consider it," Skywalker said. "I insist."

Moments later, Kharn was thwron back into the room he had woken in.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 15, 2007 5:29 pm #

(now I cant help but write in first person. Damn you VM!!! Lol)

The following day I needed to prepare myself for what was to come. I needed to find out how I could infiltrate skywalker’s group so I can gain information about his plans for those people from Chiss, I Don’t like being in people’s debt. I started by asking the local Satarins about what they knew of the current placement of the empire. Most told me that the old leader, Darth vader as he was called died after the battle of Yavin. And his son, as they put it, “stepped into his father shoes”. It seemed that this is all they knew, can’t blame them though cause that never get into the business of other things outside there planet. I would do the same but I would get hunted down by the Chiss in no time, they are probably keeping tabs on me now, I don’t know how they do things other than being very rude. I need to stock up on supplies and modify my ship for…unusual usage.

Half the day is gone and I got all the supplies I intend to use, along with other things that caught my eye. Once I install this A.I. to navigate my ship I would have no problem with leaving it anywhere, glad the Chiss didn’t junk it.

Took about the rest of the day, but it works. Gave it instructions to do incase of an emergency and on top of that it is able to find me where ever I am cause of my little amulet I have now, it cant be detected but it has a range of only a couple of miles. Included in the upgrade is a cloaking device for the ship, was thinking of using that crystal for my light sabers but it would go against my better judgment, besides I’m fine without it. Days done, better get some rest before I go out on this forsaken mission of mine.

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 15, 2007 8:14 pm #

Kharn was pulled infront of the Overlord yet again, but now he was in his armor, minus a helmet of course, as that was still on the ship. "Leave us." Skywalker said, dissmissing his guards with a wave of his hand. As they left he handed Kharn his lightsabers, which had been taken yet again. He turned again, to the window.

"Look at it. So many people below us. So many normal people. Criminals, politicians, artists, many of them utterly unaware of the force that binds them, how much their actions affect those around them. We are the few, we must fight to make sure that they are safe. But now, I am in control, I have slain the tyrants. I have brought peace and justice to my empire. " He turned. "Join me and together, we can rule the galaxy, we can stop the rebelion, we can stop their crusade for anarchy. We can keep them safe."

(remind you of anyone?)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 15, 2007 11:05 pm (Edited December 28, 2007 03:42 pm) #
Ralin Drakus wrote:

(Story clarification, please
I was thinking that there were 3 sides in this conflict: Skywalker, the Remnant (Chiss), AND the Rebels.  But I was rereading the opening post and noticed that it says the Rebels fled to Chiss space.  Does this mean that the Remnant and the Rebels are working together?? 
Just wondering, and thanks)

(Im glad you asked Drakus. As of this post, There ARE at least 4 SEPERATE Factions: 1>Overlord Skywalker's Imperial Order. circa 2 A.B.E.*AoS alt. timeline* 2> Imperial Remnant soon to be led by Grand Admiral Thrawn *originally shows up @ about 3.5 A.B.E.*actual timeline*, but may show sooner* 3> The Rebel Alliance, who as you've read, led by the diplomat Leia Organa, HAS fled into Chiss space to make some kind of deal with their ruling families, The Chiss Ascendancy. 4>Chiss Ascendency, WHO MAY ENTER THE CONFLICT, IF THEY FEEL SKYWALKER'S NEW REGIME THREATENS THEM DIRECTLY.
Once again, well done everyone for your hard research in making this story viable. Once again, back to it...)


"Master Starjammer, the navigation computer has informed me of realspace reversion just outside of the Amelico system in 30 minutes. I'm informing you as you've requested." Glitch says to me over the comm.
I've just completed installing the last of four ysalimari into special containment units aboard the tiny projectile, an iceborer stylus ship, I've asked Skywalker to customize for this mission. I had his crews place it into one of the Soul's newly installed torpedo launcher's.

"Thank you, Glitch. Proceed according to plan." I climb into the launch tube and the tiny vessel. My armor and lightsaber are stashed in another custom, safely reinforced cargo unit, inside the tight fitting interior, of my only means of undetected planetfall. After sealing the ships hatch, I take a deep breath, naked except for a small, cloth skirt. My lekku are wrapped uncomfortably in front of me.

"Blast... Brilliant strategy...burn up in a strange atmosphere, in a force-forsaken coffin. " I mutter to myself.

"10 minutes, Master."

I breathe deeply to calm my nerves and instinctively attempt a force related calming technique...nothing.
<Good.> I smile to myself <The ysalimiri are working.>
I kind of feel bad taking them from their only native habitats on Myrkr and employing their force negating abilities like this.
<They may not survive>, I think, <If they do, they'll be cared for well in the Ysalimiri habitat I had built onboard my ship.>
I'm okay, though. Living my entire life on Myrkr has gotten me used to periods where I walked through the ysalimiri-laden trees, force abilities unaccessible. It makes me unique among most other users, I bet...helps me appreciate being a Force user more.

"5 minutes..."

<Keep talking to yourself and relax> I tell myself. <Drop in, find our friend quickly, and get kicked off the planet together. Sounds like a plan...> I laugh to myself. I allow myself to silently meditate and focus myself with the same determination of my Vapaad Form VII training. I focus on my craving for the hunt.

<If only I could take Scratch with me.> Poor little guy would go insane surrounded by so much Force energy.

"2 minutes..."

<...and counting... I hope the heat shields hold up or my blue skin will suffer an awful tan...or incineration. I hope this Satarin's worth it. For making me hunt him down, I may enjoy a bit of a fight. I won't harm him of course...>

"1 minute..."

<It's too hot in this thing...I'm sweating harder than a Hutt during tax collection...>

"30 seconds..."

Calm, focus, purpose. I am a weapon, razor sharp and prepared to pierce the heart of my prey.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Reversion"

I feel the Wayward Soul shudder slightly as it enters the Amelico system's borders on the planet's night side. Skywalker's intelligence placed my target in the vicinity of a small Amelican settlement, a few human colonists and of course force wielding Satarins. I'm not sneaking in to avoid them, I could go in normally, if I wanted to,
but they might warn my prey of impending danger. I feel a nasty jolt as the iceborer is launched into space.
I feel the inertial compensators kick in, give out, then kick in again. I want to puke. Artificial atmosphere is stable but only for so long. Then, the only tiny computerized sensorboard kicks in, warning of impending atmospheric entry. I had the computer installed within reach of my grip in this tiny deathtrap. I hit the one preprogrammed command and the ship's nav computer does the rest. The heat shields crackle for a few moments and then fail, but I'm already past the small "pinhole" my ysalimiri made in the planet's protective Force Barrier. Seconds later, the projectile crashes into a small body of water near the settlement, as


<I have to move quickly. They'll be investigating soon.> I recover my armor and lightsaber from their hiding place in my ship, and dress quickly. Then I feel the force slowly return to me as the last of the ysalimiri die from the impact.
<I'm sorry, my friends,> I think <Your sacrifices will be honored for the greater good.> I quickly minimize my Force presence to buy myself more hunting time, and move on.

I make my way to the outskirts of the settlement and blend in as best as I can. The exotic mix of strangers benefits my cause and I slip in, not wearing my helmet, but hiding it beneath my High Inquisitor cloak with the Peacekeeper Insignia removed, along with my lightsaber, which runs down to about my knee in length. Not a problem. I ask around for directions and a few random bits of planetary information, posing as a Merchant, looking for an crew to take me as far as Coruscant.

One of the tavern locals at the bar suggest I speak to a young half-Satarin named Zoncxs, who'd recently been acquiring info on supplies and ship mod parts. <Gotcha.> I think to myself, and after getting Zoncxs's ship docking info, I pay for his next few drinks.<Just in time too, looks like he's planning on making himself scarce, again. Well, let's help him find himself a nice place onboard The Wayward Soul, shall we?...>

It feels good to hunt again.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 15, 2007 11:48 pm #

((I thought minimizing the force prescence was something only Verege could do...))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 16, 2007 12:06 am (Edited December 16, 2007 12:10 am) #

( ah, let the battle begin! but to do this we need to chat for that post. for now lets leave it at that shall we V.M? pm me for what you do and i the same until that part is all done then we post it all for the rest to view.)

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 16, 2007 12:26 am #

Kharn couldent accept this. The man was clearly corrupted by the darkside. "No. I will not join you sith" He hissed. Skywalker turned around, drawing his lightsaber. Kharn pushed him against the wall, knocking him out for now. He turned and sprintied, cutting through peacekeepers that got in his way. Eventually he found his way to the hangar, got into his ship, and jumped before a tractor bean managed to catch him.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 16, 2007 6:02 pm (Edited December 16, 2007 06:05 pm) #

Slinging his long sniper rifle onto his shoulder next to his jet-pack and checking to make sure the heavy blasters strapped to his hips were unobstructed for a quick draw, Ralin descended the access ramp of the Blood Hawk and stepped onto the abandoned landing pad.  His heavy boots made a loud report with each step on the grated surface.  Deep in the Coruscant lower levels, what little light that was viable was entirely artificial, even though it was a bright day above.  At this level, thick pollution and clustered buildings created a permanent fog covered darkness. 

Using his helmet mounted scanners, Ralin detected five humanoids moving toward him from the access walkway.  Stepping forward to the edge of the landing pad, he switched his vizor to heat-sensing.  The five men all appeared to be little more then goons.  All heavily armed.

When they were close enough to see him, they spread out, making themselves harder targets.  Drakus had moved too close to the walkway, however, and they were unable to circle him.

“We’ve been waiting for you,” said the obvious leader.  A large, overweight though very strong looking human with a shaved head.  The crossed bandoleers over his chest that were partially exposed by the open long coat he wore held power backs for the repeater carbine that he lazily cradled in his arms.  Some of the others, mainly garbed in ragged coats or jackets patterned with gang symbols and patches, gripped their weapons a little more tightly; obviously intimidated my the dark figure before them.

“You’re not who I was told to expect,” Drakus said flatly. 

“It’s all right, mate.  The guy you want to see sent us.  We’ll take you to him.”

“Lead on, then.”

The leader lowered his carbine, holding it in his right hand by it’s pistol grip so he could hold up his other hand.  “Not so fast, iron man.  He told us to bring you in UNARMED!  I’ll be taking those cannons you got strapped on.”  Taking a step forward, he held out his hand.

Ralin sized up the group one last time.  “You’ll take me as I am.  Or not at all”

With a grin, the leader narrowed his eyes.  “Ok, mate.  We’ll just have to do it the hard way.  GET HIM!!!”

Before any of the gang had time to raise their weapons, Drakus drew his blasters and sent two bolts into the leader’s chest.  The impact from the modified, high yield weapons sent the big man flying back though the air nearly three meters before he touched the dirty surface of the walkway. 

Dropping to a knee, Ralin fired twice more, placing well aimed shots into the two men that had been standing to their leader’s right.  Then he rolled away from the incoming fire from the other two.

As Ralin got to his feet. . .

(Anybody else want to step in?  I have an ending for this scene if not.  Just checking to see if anybody wants to interact with my character yet.  I’ll post again late tonight or tomorrow if nobody comes in really soon)

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
December 16, 2007 6:23 pm (Edited December 16, 2007 06:24 pm) #

(wondering if i can make another charatcer for others to play with VM? cause i have a CRAZY character building up in my mind.)

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 16, 2007 6:39 pm (Edited December 16, 2007 06:42 pm) #

((ok V.M, I'll take all of that into thought, and I'm going to have repost my character, because I was originaly going to have a frontline sorta dude, but now Ive stuck my self behind enemy lines, which wont really work, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. ))

Name: Darson
Age: 12 (look 22)
Species: Geneticly inhanced Human clone (not a clone of Jango Fett)
Class: Imperal Shadow Trooper
Affiliation: Old Empire ( Admiral Thrawn)
Weapons: Two E-11 blasters (w/Silencer and specialy refined Tibana gas, for invisible plasma bolts)
Armor: Black (what seems to be) StormTrooper armor. The armor features a Mandolrorian Iron weave, making it more than just LightSaber resistant. The armor has an stygium crystal cloaking devise, allowing him to be practicly invisible. Armor also features micro servo motors in the arms, and legs of the armor, increasing strength.
Skills: Supurb slicer and Tech specialists. And has a fair grasp of stealth tactics
Appearence: Has a ruged face, black milatary cut hair, brown eyes, dark brown skin

Personality: A quiet, and resourceful spy. However, has the tendancy to be un-subtle. Doesnt like the New Empire, and wants to see the Old one Restored as soon as posible. Considers anyone who follow Skywalker: a heritic and traitor


It was the night hours...but it was always seemed like night in space. Most of the men on duty were asleep. Preparing for another day of exersises, and drilling. Only a few men were on the night shift. In the brightly lit corrider, a single figure moved along the hall way, hugging the wall. But if you where there, you'ed never notice: Because the man was invisible, thanks to the small stygium crystal. Located in the small backpack the man was wareing. The mans name was Darson. He was spy and saboteur recruited by Admiral Thrawn himself, to gather information and hinder the movements of the New Empire. It was all rather ironic really, the once proud Empire, hiding in the outer rim launching missions of sabotage, and quick hit-and-run missions, against a new Empire that was once the Rebelion. It seemed like the situations had switched. Practicly over night too. Darson (in his black armor) peaked around a corner, looking for the security terminal. He spoted it, right next to several Peacekeepers. Heavly armed with small repeating blasters. Darson sighed under his breath. Wishing he could just blast them, but someone would notice if two Peace keepers did not return to duty. Crouching there, thinking of a plan...that didnt involve vaporizing the two men. Darsons mind started to wonder slightly. He begain to recount the events that brought him here....

((flash back time....))

Crouched down in the supplies container, that was supposed to be full of frozen nerf steaks. Darson readyed his blaster in case things got out of hand. A careless crane operator, bumped the container against a wall, jolting Darson who was inside. Darson cursed the man under his breath.

Ten minutes later....

After all was quiet, and the Overlords Shadow had entered space, Darson released himself from the container. Pileing out in the storage area, Darson quickly found his way to the uperlevels, and blended right in with his black armor, and false Identifcation chip.

Snaping out of his day dream, Darson quickly checked to see if the men were there. They were. Darson sighed once more. Then as quietly as he could, sneaked around the corner. Darson placed himself behind the first Peace keeper, and brought his hands down on the mans helmet. The plaststeel cracking under Darsons enhanced strength. The other man turning at the sound of the armor cracking, was surprised to see no one there, but his budy, out for the count. The mans confusion only lasted intill Darson choped him in the neck, with his hand. Then bashing, the unlucky soldier in side of the head. Sending him to blackness. Then Darson (still unseen) quickly sliced the terminal, opening the door into the Security room, surprising another peace keeper who quickly followed his friends outside. Then accessing the ships Main Frame, with a skilled security slice. Darson downloaded everything that looked interesting, and uploaded an anti-protocol wound, that would put the ship back weeks in its schedule. Darson then left the room, heading back to the barracks.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 16, 2007 9:06 pm (Edited December 16, 2007 09:14 pm) #

Name: Ne’kad


This is a smaller version of the lightsaber. The handle was usually 13cm long (as opposed to 25-30cm), and slightly slimmer than the saber's.  The blade is only about 20cm long, instead of the normal 60-70cm length of a lightsaber. It was typically used for training or utility purposes, or carried by Jedi as a combat backup (often used as Daisho).

Focus crystal:
Velmorite crystal
A yellow light saber crystal found on the planet Velmor. When used in a light saber, this crystal created a fine, thin blade for wielding.

Power crystal:
Lorrdian gemstone
When these gems were installed in a light saber, the user was better able to read the actions of their opponents. This enhanced the wielder's overall defenses and ability to deflect blaster bolts.

Stygium crystal
In its pure, crystal form it was known to be suitable for use as a light saber crystal. It was known that when refined Stygium was mounted on a personalized lightsaber and wielded by a force sensitive, the natural cloaking attributes of the crystal would augment the power of a stealth-minded Jedi in remaining unseen.

Sound Suppression: 
The light saber makes no noise when on.

Light Suppression: 
Light saber is in UV light mode making it invisible to the naked eye.

Non-Metal Construction: 
Plasteel construction.

Species/ Physical Description: Bothan

background: been in the rebels since the begining, was with them when they went to chiss space. cold attitude but freindly sometimes.  doesnt let anyone touch his stuff and sometimes talks to himself. hes a demo expert.


<waiting with the rebels is boring... i hate to sit by as the rest of them listen in on each other stories and plans for the future, its been a couple of days since we ran from..luke skywalker, never really trusted him, or anyone for that matter. why must 'we' run? we is just to many, i could have stayed and made a life. why didn't I? man Leia is kinda cute, for a human. why wont the chiss lets us on?! i should blow something up...yeah i feel like blowing something up, i hope they say we can blow something up...>

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 16, 2007 11:22 pm (Edited December 16, 2007 11:23 pm) #

As Shiv heard the chime indicating he was nearing his destination he headed for the cockpit.  He eased the ship out of lightspeed.  A moon was looming in front of him.  HIs com perked up.

"This is rebel base 520 to Ryyk's Edge.  Please come in.

Shiv growled out a response.

"A wookiee eh?  Well you're in luck, we have a wookiee in on communications right now."  Shiv was puzzled by this.  There weren't many other wookiees in the rebellion.  He heard growling coming through.

<Hello Ryyk's Edge What is yout request?>

<I wish to dock.  I am just following the codes given to me by Leia.>  The wookiee on the other line growled to another person.  SHiv heard another voice in the background.

"You got that right Chewie.  If we weren't assigned to comm duty this guy would have been in store for a long wait."

Chewie?  Could the other wookiee be Chewbacca?  Shiv has always idolized Chewbacca.  And he was talking to him right now.

<Excuse me but are you Chewbacca?>


<Really?!  It's so glad to finally talk to you!  You are my hero!>

<You give me to much honor.  Please dock at Docking Bay 7.  We shall have maitenance refuel your ship.>

<Right away Chewbacca sir!>  Shiv felt young again as he shut down the link.  He brought the ship in and gently lighted in down in the dockng bay.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 17, 2007 12:04 pm #


<so another rebel has just landed in the base. wonder who it is?>

I start to make my way to docking bay 7 to see who could have come. to my surprise it was a wookie.
<another wookie in the rebelion? ugh i could here them now, Rrrah RRReeee and what ever else wookie makes. though this one looks familiar. have i met it before? wierd, i always thought they all looked the same.>

Han solo and chewbaca greet the new wookie into the base, they start growling like i said, annoying.

"well then well get you a room now. you there! help our new friend here get a feel for the place." he says as he points at some guy.

< man i feel sorry for the loser who has to- oh...damn he was pointing at me.> *sigh*

i start to show the wookie around. " thats the new area we just had made, i blew that one up too. and that place over there was my work, and that one.

<maybe you would like to see me blow something up first hand? like you?>
i laugh as the wookie looks at me wierd.

we get to the area were we sleep only to find out that the wookie will be sleeping next to me.
<great. i hope it doesnt snore or im taping its mouth shut with explosive tape.>

"well thats everything you need to see, if you got any question go ask chewbaca cause ain't no one else here can understand you. Bye."

i leave going back to the mess hall, still trying to figure out where i have seen the wookie at.

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 17, 2007 2:51 pm (Edited December 17, 2007 06:57 pm) #

Kharn thought he would drop out of hyperspace soon, and see where he was. The ship began to shake, and he was almost thrown forward as the ship automaticly dropped out. From what he could tell, something, like a micrometiorite had hit him, putting the ship into a spiral. He tried to regain control of the ship. He wws going to fast, the Clawcraft entered the atmosphere, barely making it, almost burning up. He was spiraling. He was going to die. He could see the ground rushing up to meet him. There was an ocean. If he was lucky...He hit the ocean, almost hitting the shalow area. He had been lucky. Again. The oxygen in the ship  caused it to rise slightly then sink again. The engines still aparently worked, Kharn managed to pilot the ship up, it preforemed almost as well as it did in space. He soon found himself lying on the shore, the ship not far out, the cockpit's door just above the water.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 17, 2007 3:09 pm #

Picking up where I left off, as there were no takers

As Ralin got to his feet. . .

He saw that one of the attackers was running at full speed back down the walkway, leaving his braver friend to face the Mandalorian alone. 

Running wont help you

Ducking a shot that would have taken his helmet mounted antenna off, Ralin fired and sent the man flailing over the edge of the pad into the darkness below.  Holstering his blasters, Ralin unslung his rifle and took aim.  Locking onto the target as he ran, Drakus aimed low.  Need to talk to you.  Before the target could even get halfway off the pad causeway, Ralin squeezed the firing stud.  The green energy bolt found it’s mark, burning into the fleeing man’s flesh just above his left knee.   Satisfied with the shot, Ralin shouldered the weapon again and slowly made his way down the access ramp.

As he started down the walkway toward the downed attacker, the wailing gang member’s cries suddenly fell silent.  Pulling out his right blaster, Ralin carefully made his way forward.  His HUD detected no other life signs in the area, but he maintained his watch.  Approching the fallen assailant, he could see the man was dead, a poison dart to his neck. What the. . .

Pulling out both blasters, Ralin swept his view in all directions for a posbable attack.  “Face me!!!”

*Clap. . . Clap. . . Clap*   Ã¢Â€ÂœMost impressive.”

The sound was coming from a cloaked man who had stepped out of an ally just out of Ralin’s sensor range.  Before his hand’s had come together for the second time, one of Ralin’s blasters was leveled at his head.  “Are you the contact I was to meet?”

“Yes.”  Stopping at the far end of the walkway, the cloaked figure removed his hood, reveling his blues skin and red eyes.  “I represent the Chiss Ascendency.”

Ralin didn’t take his sights off the intruder just yet.  “Why did you have me attacked?”

“We of course we are familiar with your abilities, but some visual confirmation was required.  I must say you handled yourself very well.  I’m confident that you can be most useful to us.”

Ralin eased slightly.  “Is that an offer or a challenge?”

“An offer, to be sure.”  The Chiss bowed slightly.  “I am prepared to offer you a contract for your service if needed for the Ascendency.”

Lowering his weapon finally, Ralin continued to scan for an ambush.  “Doing what, exactly?” 

“We would retain you here on the capital world in case things between the Ascendency and the new order become. . . shall we say, strained.  In that case, we may use you for assassinations, sabotage, and other tasks that fit your skills.”

Ralin wasted no time.  “My service is not cheap.  My LACK of service is not for sale.  I didn’t return to the galaxy to sit back and wait on you or your masters convenience.  Contact me when you have work to be done.  Then I will reconsider.”  Tuning to leave, Ralin holstered his weapons and whispered a command for “Blood Hawk” to prep it’s systems for takeoff.
The Chiss was visibly taken back.  He hadn’t expected a mercenary to reject an offer of money for no work initially.  “But how will we find you again??”

Ralin looked back over his shoulder, the blood red outline around his vizor barley visible through the smog.  “I don’t think I’ll be too hard to find; if you know what to look for.”  With a glace down at the fallen goons, Ralin stepped aboard the Blood Hawk and took off for the higher levels.

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
December 17, 2007 6:37 pm #
Adeptus_Astartes wrote:

Kharn thought he would drop out of hyperspace soon, and see where he was. The ship began to shake, and he was almost thrown forward as the ship automaticly dropped out. From what he could tell, something, like a micrometiorite had hit him, putting the ship into a spiral. He tried to regain control of the ship. He finaaly managed, but found that he was pretty much dead in space. He pressed a small button that he could only hope was the ditress signal, and hoped that some one from the planet below would pick him up.
(er, is the planet your on the one with the force barrier? because if it isnt, im going to edit.)

(ne'kad is on the new rebel moon base near chiss system.

Zoncxs is on Amelico.)

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 17, 2007 6:39 pm #

k, water on the planet?))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 17, 2007 6:41 pm (Edited December 17, 2007 06:54 pm) #

(amelico has water. the description for the planet doesnt exist so just picture it has an earth. satarin are freindly to outsiders remember that. there is no major laws of anysort but there is still some to keep peace. the largest city has about 6000 people.
by the time you get there me and VM would have left. its that we havent posted that part yet cause we keep losing what we post.)

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 17, 2007 6:59 pm (Edited December 17, 2007 07:01 pm) #

Is there a planet on the chiss system that has water, where Kharn could be picked up by the rebels? so i dont need to edit again.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 17, 2007 7:28 pm #

(im sure there is but, i dont know the name of it.)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 17, 2007 8:31 pm (Edited December 17, 2007 08:34 pm) #


Daybreak arrives and I'm waiting patiently for the Satarin named Zoncxs. The local starport is fairly busy, with a lot of the Amelican settlers and merchant traders selling their goods and services. It's fairly peaceful here, not as chaotic as Coruscant, but not as secluded as my birthplanet of Myrkr. I know the intel's reliable, a happy drunk will spill his guts easily for a few more drinks down his gullet. Of course, my prey had no reason to believe himself in danger, so he had no reason to hide. And this fancy yacht I'm standing near isn't the sort of thing you'd leave behind on the run. I had a good lead on the guy. I wait. He'll be here. A few techs pass in and out, apparently installing the last of the owner's modifications and stocking his supplies.

<Not soon, enough> I think. <Skywalker's waiting for me. I hope he doesn't do anything too drastic in my absense. The young looking strange fellow in the Chiss clawcraft worries me. I don't know how he'd managed 3,000 plus years in cryostasis. A unique case indeed. I'm going to have to do this quickly to deal with the other issues obviously popping up in my absence. As soon as I get off planet, I'll take this ship to the edge of this system and contact Glitch through my holonet relay to rendezvous with us for a prisoner transfer, lock our friend nice and tight with a few ysalamiri neighbors for company and a nice ride to Coruscant aboard the Wayward Soul. I might even slave his nav computer to my own for the ride, if I feel generous. That's the plan.>

My musings are interrupted by the long awaited arrival. He's tall and young. He looks more human than Satarin to me, but then as a Twilek, they all look alike to me. He walks over, obviously nervous about my unexpected visit.

"Ummmm...can I help you?" he asks. He looks like he might run any second, or pull out the lightsabers hanging from his belt. No need to hide that here, I think. My presence is still minimized in the force. It's something I learned to do early on as a young boy amid force hunting predators on Myrkr. It comes so easily.

"Yes, I was informed you may be able to help me. I'll need a ride to Coruscant..."

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 18, 2007 7:16 am #

(ohh. playing that card will yah? well then...lets play.)


as i stand there starring into the eyes of this creature I scan him to see if anything was a mist, alast i sensed nothing out of the ordinary. " So then, you wish to go to coruscant?"

<why has this man come to me about such things? who has told him about me leaving? was he standing at the docks waiting for some one to leave and ask them? no. that is not the case here. there are a couple of other ships here, some even more roomy than mine. he picked me and stood here all this time. how long has it been? how badly does he want to go to Coruscant? or is it something else? if i am to travel with such a fellow i need to keep my eyes and mind open. " trust only myself for no one else will"? Yuan, your words are always right. but i can't say no. if i say no then he might suspect me knowing that he is here for me, even if he isn't here for me he might be a theif. no I have to asume he is here to capture me. but who would want me? the chiss should have no reason to do such a thing since were no where near the system for them to try something like that. who could it be? a bounty? no. i have no enemies, i made peace with everyone i had ever met. that leaves only one person, luke skywawlker. he must have felt my presence when i was entering Amelico space and sent someone to retreive me. i must asume he can use the force to his will cause luke knows what i am capable of and wouldn't send a non force user to capture some one of my level. this guy is good. to come to me and ask tha i take him to the man that wants me while making it seem like he doesn't use the force. this is perfect, i can get into leagues with luke, find out whats going on. and report to the chiss so i have no more debts.>

"i will take you to Coruscant.: I say with a smile, < I will play your game, young one...>

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 18, 2007 8:33 am (Edited December 18, 2007 09:26 pm) #

He stares at me, obviously suspicious. He's good not to trust. I feel a slight probing in the force, he's searching for something. <Maybe he knows,> I think <or maybe he's overly cautious. I would be too if I were exiting Chiss space around the time the Rebellion had fled there. I'm not sure the rebels had any force users. I assumed they'd believed Skywalker to be the last of his kind. Of course the rest of us were in hiding. Maybe Skywalker's bravery to face the Old Empire head on does say something about his character. It's too bad he allowed his grief over years of war to justify his desperate take over. Maybe there's hope...>

My prey stares as though he was the hunter. I give him nothing. He conceeds, but remains suspicious.

"I will take you to Coruscant," he says, and smiles. It's dangerous. <Perhaps this prey has more hunter in him than I'd expected,> I think. I'm intrigued, but I don't want to lose my advantage, yet...

"Thank you," I say. "I'm in a bit of a rush, so as soon as your ready will be fine. I'll even pay extra. How much for a trip to Coruscant, anyway?"

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 18, 2007 1:53 pm (Edited December 18, 2007 01:54 pm) #

I sit down to lunch with ten other 'PeaceKeepers'. As I lift another spoonfull of MessRoom surprise into my mouth, an alarm sounds off outside the mess room. A the solider next to me moans, and put his head in his hands. " Thats the 5th one today" he groans. The rest of the Peace Keepers there nod. I just sit there and smile, as I eat the purple mush infront of me with vigor. The others begin to stare, and put there hands to there mouths. "How can you eat that shizz?" asks Frazle, a demolition expert who I met two days ago. I just shrug, and say a soldier will eat anything. But they keep stareing, and push there trays of food away in disgust. More for me. Theres a distant sound of explosion, and another alarm. I smile again.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 18, 2007 3:16 pm (Edited December 18, 2007 06:39 pm) #

(Am I the only i one left????
And would you mind greatly if I sort of oh....made up a planet or moon? Just for the next bunch of posts, until the people at the rebel base rescue me *HINT HINT NUDGE NUDGE*)

  Kharn raised his lightsaber, yet again. The blade hummed. There it was again. The large fish hiding in underground tunnels underneath the beach. He hoped the creature wouldent look up again, it was tense he could tell. Kharn reached out, trying to calm the large serpentine fish. He could feel its discomfort, and he saw its eyes flick up quickly, and saw its muscles bunch for the quick backwards thrust. Kharn slamed the lightsaber down. He had been hunting this damn fish all day, and all he had to show for it were holes in the rock. He had set multiple traps in many of the tunnel openings, he had seen the entrances to this tunnel system that ran under the submerged part of the beach as he brought the Clawcraft up to shore.

  Kharn's hyperdrive was shot, so all he could do was try to escape, and die of old age. He had seen birds and other creatures in the distance, he would hunt for them soon, but now, he decided to pull the Clawcraft onto shore, before it rusted. As he landed he thumbed a small distress signal. As he began to pull himself out, he noticed a small nerf-leather holster. He took it, and set it with the rest of his armor. It was too hot, he had stripped down gradualy to the point where was just wearing part of the leggings. He went to check his traps, and found that some of them had caught small fish, but not the one he had tried to catch. It was a smart one. He had seen its relatives in the ocean.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 18, 2007 5:57 pm #

Some of the others are getting irritated because of all my smileing, they decided to pick a fight. Four of the peace keepers from the other table come on over and sit, with one of them on either side of me. "What are you so happy about?" one askes gruffly, who is obviously the leader of the group. "Nothing," I reply. "Just had a good day."

"A good day of what?" askes another, shouldering me.

"A good day of not getting your face shoved up my ass." I reply sharply. The leader growls and leaps at my throat, knocking me off the bench, and sending me to my back with him on top of me. I reach up grabing his hands. Trying to keep from getting strangled. The man is much bigger than me, and his weight is crushing my chest. I try and breath but its hard, I bring my knee up in to his stomach, knocking the wind from him and letting me throw him off. I stand up gasping for air. But one of the mans buddys grabs me from behind and holds me while another can pound me in the gut. Its a bad thing i didnt put on my armor for lunch. A blaster shot goes off, sending everyone to the floor. I look up groggily and see that its another peace keeper, one in full combat armor, with a smokeing rifle pointed at the ceiling. Before I black out, I can see two gloved hands reaching for me...

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 18, 2007 9:09 pm (Edited December 18, 2007 09:13 pm) #
Commander Appo wrote:

Name: Jolee Jinn
Force Powers: Very good at using the Force, and he has all of the Jedi force moves along with a couple Dark Side powers that he has learned. I'll surprise you with them later :)

(I'd prefer not to be so surprised, Appo. I'd like to know what specific powers Jinn has, if you don't mind. Prevents any future issues. I don't want all-powerful force users. We all have weaknesses...)

Luke Skywalker was not in the best of moods today. Since the new High Inquisitor had departed, he'd dealt with too many intrusions. Taking control of the former Empire was not a decision he would have like to have had to make. He felt it was the only way he could prevent any further Galactic Civil War. It hurt him even more deeply that his friends in the Alliance had abandoned him. Even his own sister, Leia had told him he was making a mistake. He felt in the force what he thought was right. Now with all these problems he had his doubts.

"Overlord Skywalker," said a young and worried looking officer over his comm, "you have...ummm...someone wants to speak with you..."

"Make an appointment..." Skywalker said.

" to be brought to you, Overlord...ummm...sir." The officer sounded very worried now,"He killed two of our officers to get to me...he looks angry...and he's holding a light...ummm...saber?"

"Sigh...On my way..." Skywalker rose from his desk and left the room at a rapid pace, robes as black as his temper, flailing behind him as Peacekeepers moved to clear from his path.
(I'm posting as Jolee Jinn too, Appo...)

"He's...umm...on his way, Sir..." the young officer, a Lieutenant named Farr said, "can you...ummm...deactivate...the weapon..."

"Once I'm sure it's Skywalker and not some trap." Jolee Jinn said, lightsaber blade still close to Lt. Farr's neck.
"I've killed enough Peacekeepers today."

The sound of the door hissing open interrupted the exchange.

"Yes, yes you have. Perhaps we can speak in private?" Overlord Skywalker was quick to cover his emotions before the intruder.

"Why not here?" asked Jinn.

"Because my Lieutenant has work to do today, and this effects Peacekeeper morale. I'm sure we can both reach an agreement that would satisfy all parties involved." Skywalker was all calm and relaxed, his voice smooth and even.

"I...I...see..." Jolee Jinn felt far more relaxed now, and was very willing to talk to Skywalker. "Yes...all"

"Good..." Skywalker smiled.

The two force users left Lt. Farr rubbing his slightly burned neck. He could still smell his burnt neck hair in his nostrils. Skywalker paused and turned around.

"Lieutenant?" He asked.

"...ummmm...yes...yessir...umm...Overlord Skywalker, sir?" Lieutenant Farr heard rumors amid some of the other Peacekeeper officers that Skywalker was somehow related to Vader. The thought frightened him.

"I want you to collect the officers on duty at the sensor, communication, tractor beam, and forcefield control stations at the time of this particular guests arrival..." Skywalker paused, waiting for the Lieutenants confirmation.

"Umm...yessir..." Lt. Farr acknowledged.

"...and inform each of them..." Skywalker paused again for emphasis.


"...of their demotions to latrine and kitchen duty..." Skywalker continued.

"gulp...umm yes, sir" the Lieutenant gulped loudly.

"...effective immediately..." Skywalker smiled.

"Yes...yessir...O-Overlord Skywalker, sir." the Lieutenant appeared both relieved and upset at the same time.

"Next time, I may not be so generous, Lieutenant." Skywalker turned and left, visitor in tow.

"Yessir..." Lt. Farr stammered.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 18, 2007 9:40 pm (Edited December 19, 2007 07:29 am) #

"I won't charge, this is the first time i have ever taken anyone somewhere."

<once we are on board i will activate the scanners to make sure no one is following us in space, the last thing i need is more than one on my tail. i will make the computer keep tabs on his motion when inside, and when he goes to his small room i will watch him on the screen in at the cockpit. there is no hidding in my ship. If you are up to something i will find out, and you won't even know. >

"we can leave now, I was on my way today, going the Coruscant. I wanted to meet people down there and explore a little more" I smile once more.
<let him see it, see that i know something, let him fall into my trap. no one, not even my master has ever been able to outsmart me in tatics, i hold all the cards and blocked all the doors except the ones i want you to see.>

we eneter the ship. " you can sleep in here. its not much but cozy none the less." i Point him towards his room.

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 19, 2007 4:58 am #

(Ok, im going to give this 1st person stuff a try)

I stand, almost completely still. My lightsaber's hilt is about a foot above the water. The fish pulls up, then, more quickly as if the damn thing had been anticipating me it looks up. I see its muscles begin to tense "Not this time." I say, as I activate the blade. It rushes out, hiting the fish right at the back of the skull. It begins to twitch and shake in death, and I manage to pull it out of the water, its large, and heavy. The meat should last until someone finds me. After I place the fish near my things, I run and check to see if the distress signal is on. It is. I return, and begin to skin the fish, I will be eating well tonight.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 19, 2007 10:19 am #

(Damn... 1st person perspective shift! Everyone's doing it now? I'm honored, I really am. Let's not get carried away though. It gets confusing... Excellent story so far guys! keep up the good work!)

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 19, 2007 1:45 pm #

(I dont like it back to 3rdfor me :P)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 19, 2007 3:02 pm (Edited December 20, 2007 02:35 pm) #

Name: Hisuke Ichimura
Age: 26
Species:Cyborg kaleesh (wearing the skull of a karabac)
Lightsaber: crimson dual blade
Craft: Modified sith infiltrator
Force abilities: choke, force drain, lightning, heal, push,pull,poison, paralyze,kill(only on animals), mind trick, beast mind trick,speed,repair, and jump
Armor: black robes with titanium steel spiked shoulder pads
History: Once a sith at the beginning of the clone wars. he killed again and agian at the emperors orders, and by doing so coming across the infamous Delta squad killing them all he took their armor as a souveneir. He soon caught wind of what the Emperor was doing though and fled the reaches of the separatists to an asteroid feilod where he set down his infiltrator and shut everything down and hopped into his cryotube. approximately 50 years later he was awoken by an alarm that rangoff when a small asteroid hit the hull of his ship

Now heading out to his homeplanet of Kalee Hisuke sees he is being followed by an unknown craft, he speeds up his boosters and brings his sheilds up just in case, but only angeers the pursuing fighter. An alarm blares throughout the ship and a hull breach sign flashes on his hull display panel. Deciding  the enemy has too great blastersfor his ship's sheilds to handle he stops. As soon as he does he recieves a transmission."You will submit to the Peacekeepers will" His ship is then beamed aboard a capitol cruiser that has just jumped out of hyper space.

Everybody knows about the international dibs protocol and tthe no take backs accord- Sarge Red Vs Blue.
December 19, 2007 3:09 pm #

(ZONCXS SEV! SOME ONE PICK ME UP...or should I just fly off on my own?)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 19, 2007 3:30 pm #

(Zoncxs is leaving amelico thats in wild space, Ne'kad is on a moon near chiss space. I cant come and get you, sorry.)

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 19, 2007 3:33 pm #

(I was hoping i could make up a small drifiting planet that was close to the moon Ne'kad is on)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 19, 2007 3:57 pm #

Getting out of his seat he went to the bay and let down the platform. soldiers of some sort were circled around hi ship in a capture formation. he would not be taken by anyone. One of the soldiers stepped forward and said "We'll need to hold you and search your ship" Hisuke thinking of a less violent way to escape then cutting them all down put his hand down at his side by his saber hiding most of it then waved hishand and muttered "you do not need to hold me or my ship here" the soldier in response said" Let him go boys hes cleacn, nothing rebel about this one" getting back aboard his ship he saw he had a distress beacon flashing not too far from here, he decided tp pick up and fly over there.About an hour later Hisuke arrived at a small moon of sorts where the beacon was emanating from  pulling his ship down onto the planet he hopped aboard his sith speeder and typed in the coordinates of the distress beacon. when he got there hre saw a lone figure next to a shiphe sped up and headed over to the figure.

Everybody knows about the international dibs protocol and tthe no take backs accord- Sarge Red Vs Blue.
December 19, 2007 7:48 pm #


Kharn could feel the taint radiating off this man, he had become quite skilled at putting on his armor quickly and he did, pulling the helmet on last. He drew his double bladed lightsaber. "Stop sith!" He comanaded in as strong a voice as he could muster.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 19, 2007 8:10 pm #

( posted the mods on my ship in my first post for all to see. the twoo at the bottom where added while in game play.)

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 20, 2007 1:45 pm #

"Lower your weapon master jedi I mean you no harm I recieved a distress beacon emanating from this region and came to rescue you, besides I am no longer a SITH LORD, I have long since changed my ways since the collapse of the CIS forces upon themselves. Now hop aboard quickly, we need to head to  coruscant."

Everybody knows about the international dibs protocol and tthe no take backs accord- Sarge Red Vs Blue.
December 20, 2007 2:21 pm #

((Sevdelta07, how did your character kill delta squad?))

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 20, 2007 2:22 pm #

(sory SD07, i cant let you do that, it would kill Kharn's future :D)

"Liar." Kahrn hised, as he charged.  The sith was faster then he thought, and raised his saber quickly. Kharn deactivated one of the blades as it passed the Sith's reactivating it as soon as it was clear. The sith dodged the suprise attack. Kharn pushed him back with the force, and managed to disarm him. He kicked the knee, bringing him down. Kharn snapped his saber into two parts, as he had made it to do so. He held them up looking into the sith's eyes, and with a quick twist of his wrists, sent them at the sith in a strike that would decapitate him. The sith leaned back, changing the would be decapitation to a burn on his neck. He fliped back to his speeder and retrived his saber with the force, and fled. Kharn looked down, and in the water, saw his reflection. Something was wrong with his eyes.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 20, 2007 2:30 pm (Edited December 20, 2007 03:30 pm) #

(A  gruesome story but I am glad you asked they had just been recently assigned to take out CIs leaders on Utapau hoping to find them there they instead ran into my character, choking the first one to come around the corner to death [Boss], he then jumped up with dual blade lightsaber in hand and sliced down the two nearest [Scorch and Fixer] he then had the task of taking out sev who through down a proximity mind, my charcter then set it off using the force, running through the smoke he stabbed into the last one left [Sev].)

You will pay dearly for that Jedi scum bag running back to his sith infiltrator to modify his ship and lightsaber so as not to fall victim to the same attack again. Firing up the engines of his Infiltrator he headed to Tatooine for some ship modifications.When he got there he looked around for an old freind of his and headed down over to that area when he got there he saw a young human boy at the counter, He asked where Traxus was the pointed out back, Hisuke walked outside into the blistering heat again to see Traxus signing for some new parts ."Traxus old buddy I need some new parts can you help me out here", "sure ,sure just lemme sign this real quick" the twilek finished up and said "whaddya need" afew hours later Hisuke had all the parts necessary to ourun mostly any ship he had acouple of Traxus' slaves to help carry the parts over to the hangar his ship was docked in paid each of them for helping and got to work, when he was done he had a marvelous thing to look at, with a hyper drive rating of 0.2 and backup hyperdrive class of 0.5, 2   0.2 class hyperdrives attached to 6 tion Mil/Sci Mil Star IV engines and CES x41 maneuvering thrusters, an advanced nav system with just about every star chart in the galaxy programmed in, a max speed of 2,080 km/h [1,280 km/h (atomospehere)]
particle and shift sheild systems installed meaning that no torpedo nor lasercannon could scratch his hull not even in hyperspace, 2 triple cannon front mounted blasters, 2 front-bottom mounted autocannons,4 side mounted turbo laser cannons 2 on each side, 2 side mounted ion cannons both on the left side, and on the rear bottom parts of the ship a concussion missile launcher, an energy torpedo launcher, and a proton torpedo launcher, all with friespary capability, now all he had to do was modify his lightsaber

Everybody knows about the international dibs protocol and tthe no take backs accord- Sarge Red Vs Blue.
December 20, 2007 7:23 pm (Edited December 20, 2007 07:42 pm) #

Hmmm.How is he an old partner of Obi wan when he is only 23???? huh?

Sevdelta07 wrote:

You will pay dearly for that Jedi scum bag running back to his sith infiltrator to modify his ship and lightsaber so as not to fall victim to the same attack again. Firing up the engines of his Infiltrator he headed to Tatooine for some ship modifications.When he got there he looked around for an old freind of his and headed down over to that area when he got there he saw a young human boy at the counter, He asked where Traxus was the pointed out back, Hisuke walked outside into the blistering heat again to see Traxus signing for some new parts ."Traxus old buddy I need some new parts can you help me out here", "sure ,sure just lemme sign this real quick" the twilek finished up and said "whaddya need" afew hours later Hisuke had all the parts necessary to ourun mostly any ship he had acouple of Traxus' slaves to help carry the parts over to the hangar his ship was docked in paid each of them for helping and got to work, when he was done he had a marvelous thing to look at, with a hyper drive rating of 0.2 and backup hyperdrive class of 0.5, 2   0.2 class hyperdrives attached to 6 tion Mil/Sci Mil Star IV engines and CES x41 maneuvering thrusters, an advanced nav system with just about every star chart in the galaxy programmed in, a max speed of 2,080 km/h [1,280 km/h (atomospehere)]
particle and shift sheild systems installed meaning that no torpedo nor lasercannon could scratch his hull not even in hyperspace, 2 triple cannon front mounted blasters, 2 front-bottom mounted autocannons,4 side mounted turbo laser cannons 2 on each side, 2 side mounted ion cannons both on the left side, and on the rear bottom parts of the ship a concussion missile launcher, an energy torpedo launcher, and a proton torpedo launcher, all with friespary capability, now all he had to do was modify his lightsaber

I miss punctuation and capitalization.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

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