Does Boba Fett have red, or green gauntlets? Ive seen different pictures and movies of him wearing red and green gauntlets. Why dont they make up thier minds already!
Topic: Red or Green?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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Much like the difference in Jetpacks between Episode 5 and 6, or his color variant in the Christmas Special I don't think the guantlets have a specific color. I belive the magor one is green with traces of tan. Besides, it's hard for different people to make up their minds, for example Coruscant is supposed to have an ocean between it and another continent. The population is never the same either. And that other continent doesn't exist at all.
I doubt any minor part of Fett's costume will ever have a specific color.
(BFFC Moderator)
Or maybe he just has a handful of changes of clothes? Like, what if one's in the laundry (or whatever), what's he gonna do, hunt people while naked? :P
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I thought the green gauntlets were the ones from Empire, and the red ones were from Jedi. He probably has multiple sets for when one gets damaged, or else he repainted them somewhere between Bespin and Tatooine. After all, frozen Solo wasn't much for conversation. Had to have something to do besides listen to opera. ;)
BFFC Moderator
Or maybe he just has a handful of changes of clothes? Like, what if one's in the laundry (or whatever), what's he gonna do, hunt people while naked? :P
LOL......i dont think someone could pay him 1000000000 credits for him to streak around the universe naked. You see....he is a modest man....that likes to hide behind a mask....not be a jaybird.....streaking the neighborhood...LOL LOL LOL...soooo funny
Well, there was the hunt where he only wore his underwear...okay, so it said "shorts" but that sure sounded like boxers to me. ;)
BFFC Moderator
All he was armed with was a crystal baded knif, and a bow with arrows. The bounty was five million credits, the highest in the galaxy.
can i get a pic of that it would make a realy cool backround.
and thing with the colors. its like shoes one for everry occation

Well....if you ask me, I think his Gauntlets should be red. You know.....cuz his helmets green, his armors green, his jetpacks green, his private part armor thing is green, and sometimes, his gauntlets are green. The only thing thats red is the outline of his visor.
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I kinda like the red, adds a touch of varity (I think I spelled that wrong), and it goes well with the red around the visor and his red belt.
But green would look good too, sometimes, just saying if I ever built Boba armor I'd go with the red gauntlets.
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Whatever color results from green and red should be the color,red would compliment the visor...he has a red belt?Learn something new every day.
can i get a pic of that
If you wanted a picture, you'd probably have to draw it yourself, because they're aren't any out there. ;)
BFFC Moderator
ok thanks ill get on that. thank you. chrys. :)
Whatever color results from green and red should be the color,red would compliment the visor...he has a red belt?Learn something new every day.
The belt is a Jurneyman Protector honor sash.
Does Boba Fett have red, or green gauntlets? Ive seen different pictures and movies of him wearing red and green gauntlets. Why dont they make up thier minds already!
I'm pretty sure that it's red, considering that's how it was in the movies.

Much like the difference in Jetpacks between Episode 5 and 6, or his color variant in the Christmas Special I don't think the guantlets have a specific color. I belive the magor one is green with traces of tan. Besides, it's hard for different people to make up their minds, for example Coruscant is supposed to have an ocean between it and another continent. The population is never the same either. And that other continent doesn't exist at all.
I doubt any minor part of Fett's costume will ever have a specific color.
all exept his boots, they stay the same color no matter what ;) but yeah most of his armor changes color
I like his green stuff the best.
It looks really cool
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
heh, i remember once seeing him with yellow gauntlets.
Ya green is the best
i like his green ones...BFETT looks really awesome in green. Plus if he wore red gauntlets he would start to look like a christmas card....ya know! lol
{MW} MS9

Plus if he wore red gauntlets he would start to look like a christmas card....ya know! lol
Oooo......yeah.......I didn't really think of it like that. :/ ...........alright, alright! I change my mind...........How about, green with red trim?! eh, eh? Maybe? :D
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MandalorianSpy9 wrote:Plus if he wore red gauntlets he would start to look like a christmas card....ya know! lol
Oooo......yeah.......I didn't really think of it like that. :/ ...........alright, alright! I change my mind...........How about, green with red trim?! eh, eh? Maybe? :D
Yeah, that would be kool because it would match the red trimmin' on his helmet around his visor. I think this would b the perfect color gauntlets....(not too christmasy)
{MW} MS9

Uh........someone send a letter to Lucas, tell him to chage the gauntlets! :D
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*nods head twice*
*nods head twice*
THAT sounded reasuring......
{MW} MS9 :cool:

It was reasuring....
True Warrior {MW}
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oh, i see you now use the beautiful simbol after TW on the tail end of your post....i like it, i like it! he he he...
{MW} MS9

Yeah, now I just sign of like you, and put TW {MW}. Sometimes, when I'm feelin a lil pimpish, I put a :cool: next to it. I like it a little better.
TW {MW} :cool:
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Miba wrote:Or maybe he just has a handful of changes of clothes? Like, what if one's in the laundry (or whatever), what's he gonna do, hunt people while naked? :P
LOL......i dont think someone could pay him 1000000000 credits for him to streak around the universe naked. You see....he is a modest man....that likes to hide behind a mask....not be a jaybird.....streaking the neighborhood...LOL LOL LOL...soooo funny
Maybe for 1000000000 credits.............................................................lolol
{MW} JH3
[color=#FF0000]{MW}-"death and destruction to our enemies!"[/color]:cool:
Back to topic, guys. We have private messaging for a reason.
BFFC Moderator

So, with red trim. Get Lucas on the line! I want to talk to him! :P But seriously, can someone that aquires much better writting skills write a letter or something? Lucas needs to know!!
{MW} TW :cool:
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G-man is a busy guy...not sure if he'd even read it when he got it...
{MW} MS9

Ive always been wondering what Lucas does now that all the movies are done. Sorry to be off topic, but could someone tell me exactly what he is so busy with? :/
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da paparazzi (Sp.?) they r all over him. do you consider yourself one of them? no im jk... :)
{MW} MS9
Did they not already make prequels of Idiana Jones?
Yea, they did, I was joking.
(BFFC Moderator)
He's busy plotting ways to get Jar-Jar into the TV series script, or to make Fett look like a moron.
Guys, I think the gauntlet color issue is pretty cut and dry. As the FAQ in the Manual says, he wears green in Empire and red in Jedi. (Scroll down to the question about "What is Fett's color scheme?") The Admin did a really good job of compiling the info, as did all the contributors, and you should check it out.
BFFC Moderator

Hmmmm......very interesting. Thanx fo da answers. :)
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So, with red trim. Get Lucas on the line! I want to talk to him! :P But seriously, can someone that aquires much better writting skills write a letter or something? Lucas needs to know!!
{MW} TW :cool:
Got his address? Phone number? Pager?! Cell??!! Work????!!! oh come on!

It seems like a very good idea! I'll Private Message Aaron, see if he knows somethin. ;)
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I still doubt there is any way to get anything...i'm sure he kept that confidential. Ya never know...he might have an e-mail adress open to the public as mentioned earlier, that you could contact him through.
{MW} MS9 :cool:

Well, he sent me this address, although it might be considered fan mail. :/
George Lucas
PO Box 2009
San Rafael
CA 94912
and this...
If and when I send the letter, I'm going to include Boba cloning himself like Jango did! :D
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