Topic: RPG: Age of Skywalker

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Topic #2014

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December 11, 2007 10:14 am (Edited March 6, 2008 06:44 am) #


AGE OF SKYWALKER 2 YEARS A.B.E. (After Battle of Endor):

It Is A Dark Time For The Rebellion. They Have Lost The One Great Hope Against The Empire. Luke Skywalker. Pained By The Evil Brought By His Father, Lord Vader, And Emperor Palpatine, he has Succesfully Removed Them Both From Power (sw Episode 6, But Luke Was lured by Vader to the Dark side, and he'd helped Vader kill Palpatine, but Vader died in the process.)
Turned To The Dark Side By His Obssession With Bringing Order To A War Torn Galaxy, Luke Has Asked The Rebel Alliance To End Their Fight And Join Him, Or Else.
A Massive Attempt By The Alliance To Take Coruscant From The Empire Was thwarted By Skywalker, and the Fleet Was Ripped To Shreds. Leia Organa, Unable To Redeem Her Twin Brother, has fled With A few Of The Last Of The Alliances Heroes to the Unknown Regions (Chiss Space.) Unwilling to engage the Chiss in a direct conflict before he was prepared, Skywalker allowed them to flee.
Skywalker immediately established the Imperial Order, with him as Supreme Overlord. All military Divisions, Naval, and Ground Forces (stormtroopers, etc.) were recalled and recommissioned as PEACEKEEPERS, EVEN SPORTING MODIFIED DESIGN VERSIONS OF IMPERIAL WEAPONRY AND VEHICLES, AS WELL AS A NEW MORE SINISTER BLACK ARMOR. Force users are asked to join him, as Inquisitors, or be hunted. This is THE AGE OF SKYWALKER.

*Keep in mind, They'da Starjammer, Overlord Skywalker's soon to be High Inquisitor will be hunting force users as Skywalker builds his Peacekeeper Forces to secure The Imperial Order's safety.

HINT FOR ALL PLAYERS:  You could opt to create a character who intends to join the Imperial Order in ANY capacity,<except HIGH INQUISITOR or OVERLORD, of course.> including a recently commissioned PEACEKEEPER SOLDIER or OFFICER or a BOUNTY HUNTER recently sanctioned to operate within PEACEKEEPER guidelines or a FORCE USER who will be picked up, willingly or by force, which should be fun... or as Mandal has done, a soldier secretly in support of Thrawn's agenda to restore the "TRUE EMPIRE" as Thrawn views it. BTW Im not actually bringing in Thrawn any time soon yet, so we'll see how that goes. Those who choose this role, <NOT TOO MANY I HOPE> will be behind "enemy" lines w/ little to no direct support from Thrawn. Any and all concepts are welcome as long as they remain relevant to the Age of Skywalker timeline. Any questions, feel free to PM me.)

Name: They'da Starjammer
Age: 26
Lightsaber style/color: dual-bladed (Darth Maul), dual-weapon class lightsaber/light-greatsword style blades!
The hilts would be black, with adjustable hilt guards to compensate for the weapon class adjustment from "lightsaber" to "light-greatsword." The blades would go from silver (lightsaber mode) to red (light-greatsword mode) and disconnect into two seperate dual-weapon class lightsabers. They are linked by a length of coiled chain, forged from mandalorian iron, with incorporated RARE cortosis ore fibers (which disrupt the flow of the energy of lightsaber blades, shorting out the blade's loop, and rendering the attacker's weapon temporarily useless.) The weapons are wielded similarly to those of the main character in "GOD OF WAR: CHAINS OF OLYMPUS"
(Props to Zoncxs for the original design which inspired this one.)
(And for the design and construction to my explicit specifications!)

Lightsaber Settings
Focus crystal:

Durindfire gem -distinctive silver sheen

Power crystals:

Opila - produce an intense beam that seems extraordinarily quick to the cut.

Rubat - produces a clearly defined blade that a Jedi can easily track, making it easier to hit opponents.

Great-lightsword Setting
Focus crystal:

Phond- produces a fiercely burning light saber beam (Red)

Power crystals:

Damind- produce a clearly defined beam of subtly wider width and length.

Nextor - produces a volatile blade that can cause surprising amounts of damage.
Internal Switch:
The switch to activate the saber is actually located on the inside of the saber’s hilt.  This is to insure only a Jedi may use it.  Of course, the Jedi must use Telekinesis in order to move the switch.
Palm print recognition lockout:
This modification insures that the light saber will not operate in the hands of unauthorized personnel. A small sensor array built into the hilt of the light saber constantly reads the current operator, insuring that the cellular makeup and palm print configuration matches that of certified individuals. Should the pattern not match, the weapon simply shuts down and/or will not work.
Double Focus lens:
2 separate places for crystals to be allowing up to 2 pairs of 3 crystals in one light saber, when the switch is flipped the other set is put into place, allowing different arrangements of crystals.

A chain has been added to each hilt giving They'da more tactics in combat mode, specializing in his Vapaad form. The chain is 5 feet long. The chain is stored inside the end of each hilt and is retractable for Dual blade mode (Darth Maul). It is of Mandalorian Iron, interwoven with fibers of lightsaber disrupting, VERY RARE, cortosis ore.

Fighting style: basics of Vapaad FormVII AKA "Way of The Vornskr" (similar to Darth Maul's Juyo style, but created by Mace Windu). The most suitable form for his unique weapon.

Species/ Physical Description: Dark blue skinned Twi'lek. Wears custom armor of Jensaraai Defender (woven with rare cortosis ore fibers that are resistant to lightsaber attacks.) Helmet plate shaped like the face of a vornskr, a force sensitive hunting animal native to Myrkr. Equipped with built in visual enhancements from a trooper's HUD display.
(see Jensaraai @ and

Planet of origin: Myrkr.

Master's Info: Da'axh Starjammer, father (Twi'lek). Jensaraai Defender. Returned to Jensaraai homeworld of Susevfi, at the behest of the Jensaraai leader, the Saari-kar.

Astromech droid type (if applicable): Custom Modified Clone wars era pod racing pit droid, complete with astromech, protocol, and simple defender droid programs. Armed with two modified, mounted hold-out blasters. Named Glitch.

Pet: A domesticated vornskr named Scratch

Planet of exile (for emergency use only): Susevfi.

Name and type of ship: "The Wayward Soul" recently modified (by Overlord Skywalker). Firespray 31-class patrol and attack craft, appropriated by his father from Oovo IV security force person that tried to capture him on a supply run from Myrkr.

Manufacturer  Kuat Systems Engineering

Model  Modified Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft

Modified by  Kuat Drive Yards (courtesy of Overlord Skywalker)

Technical specifications 
Length  21.5 meters

Width  21.3 meters

Height/depth  7.8 meters

Maximum acceleration  2,500 G


Maximum speed (atmosphere)  1,000 km/h

Engine unit(s)  F-31 drive engines (3)

Hyperdrive rating  Class 1.0

Backup Class 8.0

Power plant  X-F-16 power generators (4)

Shielding  XS-12 Experimental Combat Shield System (Courtesy of Overlord Skywalker)

Sensor systems  Military grade sensor array

Navigation system  Equipped

Countermeasures  Military-grade Sensor mask and jamming systems
Static discharge port

Rapid-firing laser cannons (2)
Borstel GN-40 twin blaster cannons (2)
Dymek HM-8 concussion missile launcher (1)
Brugiss C/In ion cannon (1)
Arakyd AA/SL proton torpedo launchers (2)
3 torpedoes each
Phylon F1 tractor beam projector (1)
Homing beacon launcher (1)
Minelayer (1)
Standard load: Void-7 seismic charges (9)

Escape craft  Equipped

Crew  Pilot (1)
Co-pilot Navigator (1) (GLITCH)

Minimum crew  Pilot (1)

Passengers  Prisoners (2) Modified with Ysalimiri neutrient rigs to negate Force users abilities.

Passengers (2)

Cargo capacity  15 metric tons.

Special Rooms: Ysalimiri Habitat (care and nourishment of ysalimiri, designed to mimic Myrkr ecology)
                        Repair room for Glitch's parts, ship repair parts storage, and a small armory
                         Training Room for lightsaber combat practice.

Powers: danger sense, animal speech/control, sense force, TK,"ballistakinesis"(power in Jensaraai tradition, similar to telekinesis, which accelerates the velocity of objects to lethal speeds), force leap, lightsaber control (allows Jedi to become one with weapon in combat-"SW official RPG"), absorb/dissipate energy, read/cloud minds, minimize Force presence, etc.

History/motivation/personality: Raised in the Jensaraai tradition on Myrkr. His father as a young man, had fled after witnessing their previous leader, Nikko Tyris, killed with two of his followers by Jedi, who claimed the Jensaari were corrupted by their Sith mixed teachings. He fled for fear of his and his young wife's (Tylar'ra Secura's) safety. Years later, They'da was born, and his mother, not a force user, died in childbirth. He was taught what little his father knew of the Jensaari tradition, which was too primitive in practice to suffer the dark side's taint. Honor and discipline, as well as respect for those traits in his enemies are what he learned, as well as the use of agression (Vapaad fighting form) in defense of what he holds dear. He was taught to forge his lightsaber and his own personal armor, taking the vornskr, Myrkrs native force weilding predator, as his animal influence. Shortly after his Master granted him the title of Jensaari Defender, his Master left, urged to return by the Jensaari's Saari-kar. He is loyal and values loyalty in others, especially his best friend, Scratch. He is also dedicated to mastery of Vapaad. He has left Myrkr to strike out on his own.
Approached by the newly appointed Supreme Overlord of The Imperial Order, Luke Skywalker, They'da Starjammer has become Skywalker's High Inquisitor, in exchange for Skywalker's "protection" of the Jensaari, allowing them to remain hidden. He has been tasked to hunt force users and offer them a place in the Order or neutralize them, if they are too dangerous. He works hard to maintain the discipline to avoid the dark side. He fears Skywalker is consumed by it, but that his facade masks a man who can be redeemed.


"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 11, 2007 12:13 pm (Edited January 10, 2008 05:26 pm) #

Age:17 (Actualy 3,938 taken in suspended animation, until recently relased when the ship he had inhabited crashed, was discovered and activated. Has been frozen since Darth Revan dissapeared.)
Weapons: Double bladed silver lightsaber, ancient sith blaster.
Saber Mods:Interior switch, pressure grip thingy,
Fighting style: Very unique, focuses on activateing/deactivatein the blades very quickly, to penitrate guard, and avoid killing himself.

Species: Human

Apearance: Green eyes,  brown hair, wearing old ARC armor, painted black, Looks remarkably like Lord Kaan (left arm replaced with cortosis enhanced armor that includes glove part as well)

Force powers: Push/pull mind trick, heal, beast trick, speed, choke, lightning(later in the RPG)

Personality: Quick thinking, strong willed. Some would compare his actions to Anikan Skywalker's, before he was turned to the darkside.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 11, 2007 2:17 pm (Edited December 13, 2007 06:23 pm) #

Name: Jolee Jinn
Age: 59
Species: Human Male
Affiliation: Gray Jedi Consular
Weapon: BLue Lightsaber with 2 Jenruax power crystals for slightly more damage and much higher blaster deflection.
Fighting Style: Soresu (A defensive style that is adept at blaster deflection and blocking)
Appearence: Looks similar to Jolee Bindo, with Jolee's Jedi robes
Personality: Jolee kind of has the same personality as Jolee Bindo from Kotor (Hmmm....I wonder where I stole the name

History: Jolee used to study the Dark Arts, but he didn't like the way of the Sith so he joined the Jedi. He fought in the clone wars as a Padawan, but his Master was killed. He trained younglings in the ways of the Force, but he soon left the Jedi before the Purge. He has tried both extremes, Dark and Light, and frankly both extremes annoy him. Jolee now resides on Serenno, but he is preparing to leave on his ship, the Twilight, which is a modified X-Wing fighter with a second seat where the R2 unit would normally be.

Force Powers: Very good at using the Force, and he has all of the Jedi force moves along with a couple Dark Side powers that he has learned. I'll surprise you with them later :)

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
December 11, 2007 4:48 pm (Edited December 11, 2007 04:50 pm) #

Name: Darson
Age: 12 (look 22)
Species: Geneticly inhanced Human clone (not a clone of Jango Fett)
Class: Imperal Jet Trooper
Battlion: The 101st Airborn division
Affiliation: Old Empire ( Admiral Thrawn)
Weapons: Portable Laser cannon, two E-11 blasters (straped to legs), Jet pack
Armor: Grey black jet trooper, that has Mandlorian Iron woven into it, makeing in lightsaber resistant. Armor also features micro servo motors enhanceing strenght greatly. (Armor makes him look bigger, and around two fett taller)
Appearence: Has a ruged face, black milatary cut hair, brown eyes, dark brown skin

Personality: Takes great pride being in one of the finest legions in the galaxy. Fully supports Admiral Thrawn in his quest to rid the galaxy of the 'false' Empire. Is nice enough to his friends. Doesnt have any non-clone friends. Has seen little of the 'real' world, and is starting to get curious about it.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 11, 2007 6:01 pm (Edited January 7, 2008 10:23 am) #

(sounds like some cool prospects...lets begin...)


I land the "Wayward Soul" in the heavily secured private docking bay of the Imperial Order's newly commissioned Flagship, a Vader-Class Assault Destroyer, aptly named, "Overlord's Shadow." From historical records my father had me read as a boy on Myrkr, I could gather that grandiose concepts seemed something of a Skywalker legacy. I could be wrong. The TIE Interceptor escort that led me through the Imperial Order's Massive Fleet over Coruscant, the moment Glitch and I brought my Firespray out of hyperspace, leads me to think I'm not. The Peacekeeper assembly greeting me as I exit the hatch, leaving Glitch and Scratch to lock it down and keep undesirables out, also proves my theory. I shrunk my presence in the Force as much as I could the moment before my ship entered "realspace" in this sector, and I continue to limit my presence as I'm marched by a fully armored detail down the halls. I see the faces of Peacekeeper Naval personell, formerly Imperials, not very long ago, and even without the Force, I can smell their fear.
I know what I look like to them in my Jensaari Defender's armor. The vornskr-inspired design must be especially frightening, since not many people even know of the planet Myrkr's existence, let alone it's unique Force hunting predators. My armored lekku twitch slightly as I employ a breathing technique to calm my annoyance at feeling like I'm on display for Skywalker's goons. I feel the comfort of the slight weight of the unique lightsaber I designed and custom built. Most other lightsabers are deceptively light, but mine have a good balanced feel of weight, mostly by the extremely rare Mandalorion Iron and Cortosis ore chains that connect  the two halves, when seperated from it's dual lightsaber mode.
We step off of the turbolift that carried me from the private hangar to a staging area before what could only be Skywalker's meeting hall.
The freshly polished gold C-3PO unit gives me a full look over, analyzing my armor.
"My what a curious design..." the droid prattles on in the most annoying protocol droid voice.

<I'm glad I gave Glitch's protocol voice patterns a less annoying tone. Well, less annoying than this one, anyway.>  I think.

"Where is it from?" the golden annoyance asks.

"Skywalker sent for me." I respond, eager to leave this droid behind me.

"Aaaah, yes. OVERLORD Skywalker will see you now." It says.

<The droid has the audacity to teach me proper etiquette>, I think to myself. Then I register exactly what it had said.

"Overlord? When did that happen?" I allow my confusion to seep through my voice, retaining my minimal Force presence, as if the droid could sense me. Well, Skywalker sure might. I hope not, though.

"A formal decleration was broadcast to all worlds of the Imperial Order, this morning at 0900 hours, Coruscant time." It responds matter of factly.

<Less than two hours ago... Blast. I should've set up to receive local planetary news upon arrival. I'll have Glitch make that part of his Navigational system arrival subroutines. Can't be such an amateur. One big screw up and a displeased Skywalker will make Susevfi spacedust...>

"Sir? Overlord Skywalker will see you now," Goldie says to me.

"Right..." Another breathing exercise to calm my nerves and my twitchy lekku, and a refortification of my minimal Force presence, and I'm through the doorway...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 11, 2007 6:23 pm #

Kharn walked slowly, through the forest on Endor It had been almost completely decimated, what had once been green now was black. The villages that had contained ewoks were nothing more then empty huts at best, piled of ash at worst. He saw a small camp, with a ship. It had been almost a year since he woke up, and he had been on endor ever since. He wanted off. He didnt know where to go, perhaps Coruscant, if he was lucky he could find the concil.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 11, 2007 9:10 pm (Edited May 1, 2009 06:42 pm) #

well after a days of studying and working on a back ground i finally got a character done! im bad at making up names though..

Name: Zoncxs

Age: 66 but looks like 20ish.

Light saber style/color: twin light sabers. both are the same in color and shape.

Focus crystal
Eralam - these crystals produce a clear, superior lightsaber beam.

power crystals
Damind - produces a clearly defined beam of subtly wider width and length.

Jenruax - produces a blade of unerring quickness.

Kasha - it helps clear the wielder's mind of distractions, even during tense combat.

Pressure Grip:
When the hilt is let go of (as in a drop or fumble) the blade automatically shuts off to reduce the chance of harming the user   
Note: the Pressure Grip may be thrown but the user must use Telekinesis to keep pressure on the grip at all times.

Variable Lengths: 
This allows the saber to effectively have two blades (each with different lengths) which extend in the same direction. This allows a user to select the best length for the given task.

Internal Switch: 
The switch to activate the saber is actually located on the inside of the saber’s hilt.  This is to insure only a Jedi may use it.  Of course, the Jedi must use Telekinesis in order to move the switch.

Palmprint recognition lockout:
This modification insures that the lightsaber will not operate in the hands of unauthorized personnel. A small sensor array built into the hilt of the lightsaber constantly reads the current operator, insuring that the cellular makeup and palm print configuration matches that of certified individuals. Should the pattern not match, the weapon simply shuts down and/or will not work.

Fighting style: Jar'Kai, Form III, form V, and mastered VI.

Species/ Physical Description: Satarin/humanoid. Long blue hair reaching his mid back area, wears a white inside shirt a black long sleeve over shirt, white garb and a black robe over that. Black pants (Doesn’t look like a Jedi but neither a Sith, just cool).

Planet of origin: Amelico

Master's Info: Yuan (you-an) Maijun, 26 years old when didn’t feel that the way the Jedi was doing things was right so he left the Jedi temple before its fall and went to Amelico.

Powers: high Force sensitivity, excels at creating force barriers/bubbles, telekinesis, push/ pull, heal, force leap, light saber control, hide Force presence, Jedi mind trick, force speed, force strength, Keen senses due to the force.

History/motivation/personality: Discovered by Yuan on Amelico at 58 BBE. Yuan could feel how strong the connection this child had with the force being part Satarin so he decided to train him so he could develop more. Growing up he mastered the ways of soresu first. As he got older he was taught the way of niman (making him one of the few who know now). During this time he was taught the mechanics of a light saber and was given one by Yuan, it was a black hilt with a bright silver blade. He started train in juyo and after about 2 years of training he decided to leave Amelico and explore the known galaxy for what was missing in his training. Yuan gave him notes on how to create a light saber and where to go to get parts. The last advice Yuan gave to him was “ stay hidden, no matter what happens don’t make your presence known and Trust yourself, for out there no one else will. May the force be with you.” he got his clothes and left the planet on a small ship to near planets. he met many jedi's on his journey even mace windu who showed him a little vapaad ( well not really, zoncxs just mimiced what mace did and practiced it.) After about 18 years of searching and gathering up items he had finally made what was missing, the other light saber. He was wielding twin light sabers, both black with a bright silver blade. He then went around traveling the galaxy ever since.

Name and type of ship: "Gaurdian sol "( a modified Baudo-class Yacht)

Manufacturer - Hoersch-Kessel Drive 
Model-  Baudo-class Yacht 
Class - Transport 
Length - 34 meters *
Sublight Speed - 90 MGLT  *
Sublight Acceleration - 9 MGLT/s  *
Atmospheric Speed - 1,300 KPH  *
Maneuverability - 70 DPF  *
Shield Rating - 190 SBD *
Hull Rating - 78 RU  *
Hyperdrive - Class 3  *
Backup Hyperdrive - Class 9  *
Cargo Space - 40 Metric Tons  *
Consumables - 1 Month 
Crew - 1 
Passengers - 2
Armament - 1 Light Laser Cannon
Stealth function added *
secerity system installed *

(* mods)

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 11, 2007 9:21 pm #

(Im not familiar with the Satarin race or the planet Amelico, did you make those up? Just curious...Another vapaad practitioner? damn our characters are getting real Nice concept.)

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 11, 2007 9:24 pm (Edited December 11, 2007 09:25 pm) #

(i looked up the list of star wars planets and that name pop out for me. it was a planet that was in habitants were... here's the link..  it was perfect place man, and yes our characters are very similar o.O or you spying on me? lol. and thanks for the comment cause i started doing this at about 11pm and now im done for now. go to chat.)

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 12, 2007 10:07 am #
Ralin Drakus wrote:

*(Can I introduce my own clan of perishabe players (Though I'm REALLY not looking to lose my guy's, savy!?! ( :mad:  GRRRRRRRR))?  Or only myself??)*

EDIT:  (And if I can bring in a Clan, is there a limit to it's size?)

(Keep in mind, They'da Starjammer, Overlord Skywalker's soon to be High Inquisitor will be hunting force users as Skywalker builds his Peacekeeper Forces to secure The Imperial Order's safety. !. What are perishabe players? or is that a typo intended to mean "perishable"? 2. Why a whole clan, and how big do you need it to be, 'cuz it may get too confusing as the story progresses. Im not exactly sure where it'll go yet, but I have ideas. 3. How do they relate to the story? 4. Why should they be perishable?

HINT FOR ALL PLAYERS: I'm not looking to kill guys off, necessarily. You could opt to create a character who intends to join the Imperial Order in ANY capacity,<except HIGH INQUISITOR or OVERLORD, of course.> including a recently commissioned PEACEKEEPER SOLDIER or OFFICER or a BOUNTY HUNTER recently sanctioned to operate within PEACEKEEPER guidelines or a FORCE USER who will be picked up, willingly or by force, which should be fun... or as Mandal has done, a soldier secretly in support of Thrawn's agenda to restore the "TRUE EMPIRE" as Thrawn views it. BTW Im not actually bringing in Thrawn any time soon yet, so we'll see how that goes. Those who choose this role, <NOT TOO MANY I HOPE> will be behind "enemy" lines w/ little to no direct support from Thrawn. Any and all concepts are welcome as long as they remain relevant to the Age of Skywalker timeline. Any questions, feel free to PM me.)

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 12, 2007 10:13 am (Edited December 12, 2007 10:31 am) #

( dang it i dont know which planet i should start of in...)

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 12, 2007 10:16 am #
Zoncxs wrote:

( dang it i dont know which planet i should start of in...)

You could start off on Amelico and I could come get you. I know exactly how to penetrate it's barrier. Ive done my homework...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 12, 2007 10:31 am #

(okay i got something.)

Zoncxs finally left chiss system in the outer rim, heading back to his home world. all this time he felt a disturbance in the force, it was sickening to him.

< what could have happened while i was a way? why is it so horrible, this feeling is not welcoming at all...>

soon after he lands his ship on amelico his home land, praising this day for so long. as he step foot on the land he remenises of how wonderful it felt to be here, after what felt like a long time to him he began to head towards the home he grew up in with his master.

<i'm home> he thought

as he makes it to the house he remembers how it use to be and how strange it was now.

*knock* *knock* "Hello? is any one present?"

*door opens* "yes? may i help you?"

(it was an amelican, a human who settled down on amelico a while ago for a peaceful life.)

"yes, what has happened to the preivous owner of this house hold? where has he gone?"

( the lady puts on a sad face, deeply grieved.) "im sorry, he past away a couple of years ago."

"oh,(Zoncxs was saddend by the news but he could tell that it was a natural death and not pain ful.) my apologizes then for disturbing you."

"oh not at all, did you know him? yuan?"

(hearing the name brings back memories for him, of how well he raised him aand taught him how what is right is what you feel.)

" yes...i knew him at one point." < he was my master...>

" well im sorry for you to find out this way once again."

"take care" he says as he goes off to the capital.

once there, he finds him self a place to stay.

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 12, 2007 11:15 am (Edited December 14, 2007 11:48 pm) #

(Ok, I'm in

And don't worry about the Clan; I'll just go in alone (less confusing for everyone; me included  :P ))

                                                             *     *      *

Name: Ralin Drakus

Age: 25

Species: Mandalorian

Occupation: Freelance mercenary/Bountyhunter; Follows a strict Honor code and will only accept missions that fit

Loyalties: To his Clan and Clan Brothers/Sisters

Weapons: Custom sniper rifle; Matching Mandalorian heavy blaster pistols(strapped to legs Jango Fett style, but a little higher);Jet-pack mounted rocket, usually a high explosive warhead
Gauntlet mounted weapons/gadgets include: Dart/Rocket launcher; A micro-grenade launcher; two wrist lasers; A fiber-cord line with grappling hook for scaling/descending obstacles ; A two-prong retractable18 inch blades in right gauntlet (like those used in the Predator movies);And a personal cloaking device recovered from ancient weapons catch on Duxn; Strength enhanced 

Armor:!86A971AB6DAB929!232/?startingImageIndex=0&commentsExpand=0&addCommentExpand=0&addCommentFocus=0&pauseSlideshow=0Black Mandalorian armor over gray flight-suite; features half-cape (like a Snowtrooper’s, but black and heat-resistant); Jet-pack with light armor plating, making it heavier but much harder to damage or accidently start

Appearance:5' 10; Slightly heavy build but still fast; Short military style cut brown hair

Personality: Calm under pressure; Very blunt and  to the point with outsiders, but easygoing and cheerful with Clanmates and friends; Extremely protective of those close to him 

Ship: Blood Hawk   Modified StarViper Assault fighter; upgraded Hyperdrive, Laser cannons replaced with six long barrel Mass driver cannons (which fire a energized projectiles that pass through shields unhindered)

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
December 12, 2007 3:37 pm #

((I was actually thinking that Thrawn would be openly attacking the New Empire..but whatever works, if thats not ok.))

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 12, 2007 3:56 pm #

Kharn walked over to the ship. It was grey, the cockpit was a ball. It had four wings. They were in an odd, curvey shape (its a clawcraft, modified, with a nav computer and better engines.) He got in, no one was looking and he took off. The ship responded very well. When he reached orbit, he took off, to Coruscant.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 12, 2007 4:32 pm #

(During the Clone Wars, Amelico remained staunchly neutral, refusing to aid either side. A Separatist attack force attempted to take control of the planet during the early stages of the wars. During the Battle of Amelico, the Satarin, seeing the futility of maintaining neutrality, used the Force to destroy the Separatist ships. Afterward, the Satarin closed the planet completely, using their abilities to create an IMPRENGNSBLE FORCE BARRIER around the planet.  virulent_messiah it wont work.)

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 12, 2007 6:31 pm #
Zoncxs wrote:

(During the Clone Wars, Amelico remained staunchly neutral, refusing to aid either side. A Separatist attack force attempted to take control of the planet during the early stages of the wars. During the Battle of Amelico, the Satarin, seeing the futility of maintaining neutrality, used the Force to destroy the Separatist ships. Afterward, the Satarin closed the planet completely, using their abilities to create an IMPRENGNSBLE FORCE BARRIER around the planet.  virulent_messiah it wont work.)

(Nope Im not changing my mind and you know why...nuff said)

(On to the story...)

The room is very...simple. Apparently Skywalker likes his life that way. He's seated behind his desk and stares at me as if I were a puzzle to unravel. I can feel him worming through my mind, and his thoughts following along my own, to go deeper. I remain closed off, resisting the urge to throw him from my mind. The invasion is only feather-light, and then it's gone. He's playing with me.

"You summoned me, Overlord." I play the part of a good little soldier.

"Call me Luke. I'd like to consider us something along the lines of equal in this venture of ours." He smiles the smile of the farm boy image everyone knew and loved. I can't help but think there may be hope for him.

"How can I help, Luke."

"First, I'd like to welcome you into The Imperial Order. You'll be given immediately, the rank of High Inquisitor." He smiles a smile far too friendly for such an ugly title.

"I see... and you had me come all the way here for that?" I try not too push it. I'm annoyed at allowing myself to put the Jensaari in danger. I hope Skywalker can be saved, as I believe he can.

"No, not at all, They'da. Here..." His gloved hand passes a datapad accross the desk to me.

"First mission briefing... I see..." I say, somewhat glad that my vornskr-inspired helmet hides my face and my lekku, twitching in agitation at his presumption. I remain calm.

I review the data on a planet called Amelico. According to the datapad, a race called the Satarin defend the entire planet, using an impregnable force barrier. Palpatine's survey and recon teams note that uninvited access is impossible. No such thing for a man of my such talents. Hunting down a particular Satarin that had been monitored recently entering the planet from a hyperspace point of origin that suggested Chiss space, was another of my talents.

"I see..." I say. Does Skywalker expect me to admit failure? "...and you want..."

"I want you to bring the Satarin me..." Luke seems a bit troubled. I won't ask why. It's obvious the Satarin are supposed to be neutral. Why would they send an envoy to and from The Chiss Acendancy?

"Interesting..." I say."Normal arrival, even if I announce myself as a trader or merchant or something, may tip him off..."

"...and he may run...yes, that's what I thought. I assume a young man of your unusual talents, may have a plan." Skywalker gives me a sly smile.

"I need some things..." I say. Time to assume my role. A fight with the Chiss may be a bigger problem than expected.

Skywalker hands me a datapad, and in a few moments I hand him back the requisition list I've compiled. Then I get up.

"It'll take a few days to get all this. Do you want any more components for ship modification? Doesn't look like much..." He looks confused, like he's trying to piece it all together. I take some small satisfaction.

"No problem. There are some things I need to acquire on Myrkr, Luke. Then you can have your tech's install my mod's and I'll go to Amelico. Anything else?" I ask.

" I'm satisfied. Thank you, High Inquisitor." He looks a bit smug.

"Of course, Overlord." I give a slight bow, and abruptly exit his office...

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 12, 2007 6:53 pm #

((Question: are you going to assault that planet by your self? Because i was thinking that the 101st airborn could help out with it....))

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 12, 2007 6:58 pm #

Coruscant had changed. A massive fleet orbited it. He tried to steer, but he was in a tractor beam, heading to the apparent flag ship of the fleet.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 12, 2007 7:43 pm #
Mandal_ShadowWarrior wrote:

((Question: are you going to assault that planet by your self? Because i was thinking that the 101st airborn could help out with it....))

( Nope just me...the planets protected by a force barrier, any direct attack will be repelled, I checked. But Ive got plans...patience...)

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 12, 2007 7:59 pm (Edited March 29, 2009 02:29 pm) #

Name: Ma'ryk Panak
Age: Around 24
Race and Gender: Male Human
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
WoC: A Heavy Repeating Blaster Rifle
Secondary WoC: Cortosis laced vibosword, Sniper rifle
Appearance: Wears Mandalorian Battle Armour, painted forest green, with a yellow rim around the visor, and a mythosaur skull insignia on the chest, also painted in yellow.  He has full combat armour, like Jango (ie. leg plates)
Personality: Cold and aloof while on business, but he is friendly and jovial around friends
Vehicle of Choice:
Uses a custom built ship, dubbed the "Stingray".  It is a customized YT-1930, armed with 2 SW-7a light ion cannons (located on the end of each wedge-wing), a AG-2G quad laser cannon on the top of the hull, an MG2 General purpose warhead launcher on the bottom of the hull, 2 KT6 Heavy blaster cannons (beside the ion cannons), with an arsenal of MG7-A proton torpedoes and cluster rockets.  He has also equipped his ship with a cloaking device, and anti-ion mesh.  The Stingray has a Corellian Evader-GT ion drive, and a class 0.8 Hyperdrive.
Current Location: Ziost

((I'll post more when I can figure out the rest of his stats and his background.))

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
December 12, 2007 8:09 pm (Edited December 12, 2007 08:12 pm) #

As I head for the hangar with my ship, my comm goes off. It's Skywalker again.

"I've just been informed by my crew that they've got an unidentified TIE variant being tractored into one of my bays. He's a force user, feels old. I need you to investigate. A Peacekeeper detail is awaiting your orders."

"Of course, Overlord."

I quicken my pace, quickly assuming my role. A Peacekeeper officer moves quickly to match my pace, handing me a cloak with a Peacekeeper rank and insignia...official looking, then.

"High Inquisitor Starjammer..." the young officer starts. I cut him off as I put on my cloak of office. Not bad, goes well with my Jensaari armor, I think.

"Take me there..."

I instruct Glitch over my comm to let Scratch out and tell him to join me.

My vornskr is at my side moments later, eager and happy to have a chance to stretch his legs. I pet him and using my Force talent of beast speech, I tell him we'll be hunting real soon. He get's very excited, his venomous tail, wagging ferociously.

The officer stares at me. What's speech to me sounds like menacing animal growls to him.

"What..." I pause to acknowledge his rank, "you've never seen a vornskr, Lieutenant?"


"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 12, 2007 8:16 pm #

Zoncxs makes his way to the city of Turras, the biggest city on the planet. As he walks down the streets he gets drawn to a pub, the ‘old shyyyk’ named after the planet kashyyyk he guessed. When he walks in there are different races there, mostly satarin’s and amelicans, but some from near by planets who had settled here. He goes to the counter and sits down, no one is near him but he could feel some of the wondering eyes in the place pass by him frequently.

<I guess a can relax a little before going to my ship for some supplies>

“Excuse me bartender?”

The bartender looks at me with a grin, very cheerful as he approached Zoncxs.

“ What can I get ya friend?” he picks up a bottle from under the counter and places it on the table. Zoncxs pondered for a moment.

< I wonder if I want to get drunk, not knowing what is going to happen, happen here once the Empire comes to take this planet. Would they succeed? No has been able to penetrate the barrier since the CIS tried to conquer Amelico. What can they do anyways->

“You all right their boy? Well? Ya want anything to drink?” the bartender asks in a questionable voice, but still smiling.

“ Umm, let me get one of those.” Zoncxs points towards one of the drinks on the wall, in a moments notice the bartender grabs the drink and hands it over.

“Thank you,” he says and the bartender just nods and walks over to the next customer.

< I can’t help the Chiss. I have no way of getting info about Luke skywalker, is it even possible for me to get any? Those rebels that aided me in leaving that prison the Chiss put me in was running from him. Guess he controls the republic now too. And who was that lady that helped me again? Man I’m bad with names, got to try and remember some one other than master Yuan... wish he was here, he could help me right about now. Stay hidden, right that went well, some job I did, got captured by the Chiss, freed by rebels and who know what else could happen now. Where is the force leading me? I cant believe the Chiss were going to torture me, I now owe the rebels for saving me and the I am in debt to the Chiss cause they are waiting for my Intel. >

Zoncxs gets up after finishing the drink, bows to the bartender who nods his head and left the pub. He makes it to his ship; on the side next to the entrance was the name of the ship “Guardian Sol”. He grabs some more things, locks the ship down and heads back into the city for a place to stay the night. After a while of searching he finds a cheap enough place for him to stay. He walks in gestures for one room and goes off to bed.

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 13, 2007 12:29 am (Edited December 13, 2007 12:35 am) #

(I just noticed something, for a rare ore, cortosis seems to pop up in these designs an awful lot...)

I march, with full Peacekeeper escort, to the captured clawcraft. Scratch seems edgy as we approach. His ability to sense the force in the crafts occupant excites him as the force hunting predator he is.
<Down, boy.> I say in vornskr growls. He immediately sits and waits, tail thumping in agitation.

"That tail's poisonous. Watch yourself, Lieutenant."
The young Peacekeeper grows pale as he steps a good distance from Scratch, who is intent on the starfighter's contents.

I'm given a comm patched into a general frequency. Dozens of black armored and armed Peacekeepers have the fighter surrounded in a capture formation.

"Unidentified starfighter..." I announce before I'm interrupted.

"It's a Chiss clawcraft, sir. I've seen them on patrol on the edges of the Unknown Regions as an Ensign, sir," interrupts the young Lieutenant. I stare at him for a moment so his eyes can fully absorb my vornskr-inspired helmet design. I know he is unfamiliar with it as no one who hasn't been on Myrkr has ever seen a vornskr. I know firsthand how very few have been on Myrkr and survived to tell others of its location. I know he's afraid.

"Thank you, Lieutenant, good work." I praise the young officer, which does a bit to allay his fear. Not by much, though.

"Chiss clawcraft," I correct myself, "Exit with both your hands up. That is an order." I command.

The ball cockpit opens and a cautious looking young man with brown hair and green eyes stepped out. (Is he wearing the ARC armor yet, Adeptus? I assume he got it on Endor somehow, 'cuz you didn't specify...lemme know.) His eyes scanned the hangar full of Peacekeepers. They stopped at me, and just stared. He tilts his head questioningly at me and says, "I'm not familiar with your species. Forgive me. I assume you're the one in charge here."

"For the time being," I say. "I don't know much about the Chiss, but I didn't think there were any humans among them..." I look in his eyes and they look old. Too old, he doesn't look any older than 17, 18, the most.

"Chiss? Oh, you mean the ship. No it's not mine. I..." he hesitates "...found it..."

"I see..." I tell him. I recognize the armor. The reading my father had me do while hidden on Myrkr kept me fairly up to date. It used to belong to a clone trooper, ARC, by the looks of it. I could tell, even though it's painted black.

"The armor too I, assume" I notice the modification on the armor's left arm. Cortosis ore. Very rare. I should know-I had a very difficult time acquiring enough for both my armor and weapons. More difficult than finding the Mandalorian Iron I had my chains forged from. Way more difficult.
****** (Understand my emphasis on the rarity, guys. I'm curious how all you guys got access to your ore.)

"Not as interesting as yours. You look like your pet." He says. He's not afraid...interesting.

"My vornskr and I are both gifted at hunting Force users. Who might you be, stranger?"

"My name is Kharn," he says. "I'm looking for the Jedi Council here on Coruscant...but everything's different."

"Kharn, is it? The Sith destroyed the council over 30 years ago. You must be mistaken." I can see Kharn's confusion.

"You don't look like Darth Revan did all...this?" he looks at me warily.

"Darth who?" I ask.

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 13, 2007 5:00 am #

(Yeah he had pretty much everything I described him with. Hey, it may be really really rare, but he was around 3,938 years ago, and he got it from a dead sith person guy)
( got to go for now, will post/edit later)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 13, 2007 8:52 am #

((I got mine off of a black market weapons dealer.  He made me a bad deal, and payed for it.  I melted down the ore, and forged it into my sword.))

Ma'ryk looked through the scope on his rifle, sighting in his target.  The man was walking slowly, having no knowledge of his hunter.  He had ticked off the wrong people and they had hired Panak to take him down.  The idiot actually thought fleeing to Ziost was a good idea.  He would soon be proven wrong.

As his scope zoomed further in, he caught a look of apprehension on the man's face.  That was odd; he should have no reason to be afraid. He didn't know what was about to happen.  Panak's finger tightened on the trigger, and he fired, a bright red bolt of death speeding towards its target, catching him in the left temple.  He was dead before he hit the ground, and Panak would soon have a sudden influx of credits to his account. He walked over to the corpse, and picked up the special wristwatch hat he was instructed to return to his employer as proof of completion.  He smiled behind his helmet, and walked back to his ship.  The "Stingray" soon took off, and shot into the inky abyss of space, carrying a very happy bounty hunter.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
December 13, 2007 10:51 am #

Hey Mandalorian Assassin!  Not saying you can't use is, but did you see my guy's armor description?  We're going to be looking a LOT alike!  Check out the link I edited into the description.  And I didn't steal your idea for the red visor outline, I've had the recolor for some time.  Guess we both just have really great taste in Mando armor!  Anyway, since we look alike, should we work together or hate eachothers guts in this RPG??

Will work on a post as soon as I get back from work tonight

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
December 13, 2007 1:18 pm #

((Yeah I noticed that after I posted.  If you want, I can change the appearance.  If not, I don't see any problem with working together ;) ))

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
December 13, 2007 3:16 pm #

"How can you not know of Revan? He-" Kharn trailed off. The changes, the ship he had just stepped off of. When he had stepped off of his ship. It had been so rusted. As if it had been direlect for thousands of years. The forest had taken it over. It had crashed on a mountain, far away from the battle that had taken place. The scar it had dug on the planet was overgrown, ferns and even large trees. Plants had grown on the  ship itself, and even in some places, inside. Holes had been rusted in the hull of the ship, and roots snaked down the side of the coridors. He had been in cyro-stasis for much longer then he belived.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 13, 2007 3:32 pm #

Ma'ryk leaned back in his chair on board the Stingray and sighed, a grin plastered across his face.  He had given his employer his proof-of-completion, and had a couple hundred creds to show for it.  He was heading to Coruscant to see if he could acquire a few ugrades to his armour, wepons or vehicle; he'd been off of that market fr too long in his opinion.  The last time he had purchased something, the deal had gone sour, and the dealer ended up losing all of the cortosis ore on hand to Panak as payment.   Ma'ryk had then used that ore to forge his viborsword, glad of the rare find. 

He was also going to Coruscant to check up on some older employers, and see if they needed anything done.  They paid well, and they were nice to do business with.  They never left anything unsaid, and never hid any info from Ma'ryk.  As the surface of the planet-city loomed before his vision, he relaxed, and made his approach.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
December 13, 2007 3:45 pm #

Kharn looked at the man before him "What year is it?" The jedi answered

Kharn began to experience a very odd form of shock. He felt dizzy, his vision blurred, and he saw dark spots, fizzing in and out of his vision. He blacked out, the cold metal of the deck against his face the last thing he remembered.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 13, 2007 5:11 pm (Edited December 15, 2007 12:01 pm) #

Name: Shvarrk (Shiv)
Species/ Physical Description: Wookiee.  Prominently brown furred has back streaks of fur everywhere as well.
Age:  187 (Based on the average life span of a wookiee in relation to the human life span.  187 is like 25.  So using this formula he would have been about 20 in human years during the Clone Wars.)
Weapon:  Bowcaster.  Has some thermal dets (and a translator droid) and other various grenades around his belt. Disguised within the other weapons is a lightsaber.  It has a deep green blade as a reminder of his forest home of Kashyyyk. 
Master’s Information:  Some random Jedi master that died at Kashyyk in Order 66.
Ship:  Heavily Modified HWK-290 
2 Ion Cannons
2 Dual Laser Cannons
Up to 10 Proton Torpedeos

History:  Shvarrk was a Jedi Padawan when in the during the Clone Wars.  He was assigned to aid the Jedi at the Battle of Kashyyk.  He was out in the forests destroying droid landers when the Order 66 was given.  His master was killed by the clones.  But using his knowledge of the area he managed to evade the clones by ducking deep into the Lower section of Kashyyyk’s forests.  He waited a few months before reemerging.  When he came out he found the wookiee’s cleaning their beaches of dead bodies and broken droids.  After he learned of Order 66 from the others he hung up his Jedi title taking up the rebel instead after seeing what the new Empire had done to his people.  Went about with the rebel alliance idolizing Chewbacca.  When Luke went to the Dark Side he nearly dropped from the rebellion but he felt that Luke would only be worse for the galaxy.  So he’s stayed.  Done random job’s for the rebellion since. 

Current Location:  Kashyyyk

I'll post later.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 13, 2007 6:12 pm #

((What do you think happened to all that Mando Iron, when the Empire stripmined Mandolore?))

P.S do you mind if im in the hanger also?

"I'll get him Sir" Said Darson as he practicly waded through a sea of Storm Troopers and then walked over to where Kharn was, and picked him up by the back of the shirt. "What you want me to do with him?"

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 13, 2007 6:20 pm #

Jolee was speeding through hyperspace in the Twilight when he came upon the Overlord's Shadow. Jolee wanted to meet Skywalker and possibly join him. Either that or he would kill him. Jolee docked in the hangar, and exited the Twilight. Immediatly (Spelling?) two guards noticed him.
"Hey, who are you and what are you doing here?" one guard asked.
"What makes you think that I have to answer to you?" Jolee replied.
"Well, um, just answer my questions!" the guard commanded. Obviously he was very nervous under Jolee's intense gaze.
"I am Nobody." Jolee said, using a mind trick. The gurad nodded, and suddenly Jolee decapitated his partner with his lightsaber. The  guard shouted, and then bolted away. The guard ran down two hallways and banked a left where his superviser was.
"What so you want! Can't you see I'm busy?" boomed the Superviser.
"Sir, Nobody has decapitated my partener and is now running amok in this Star Destroyer." the guard said.
"Well, if nobody is doing that, then why are you bothering me?" the Superviser shouted.
"But sir-" the guard responded weakly.
"GET OUT!" screamed the Superviser. The guard quickly exited the room quickly, only to run into Jolee's lightsaber blade. The guard was chopped in half, and Jolee entered the Superviser's room.
"What the-" said the superviser as Jolee's lightsaber blade was pointed at his neck.
"Bring me to Overlord Skywalker." Jolee commanded. The Superviser complied, and soon Jolee had an audience with the Overlord.

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
December 13, 2007 6:23 pm #

(have you read the oddesy lately?)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 13, 2007 6:26 pm #

( and howed you get the docking codes to land....just curious....)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 13, 2007 6:37 pm (Edited December 13, 2007 06:38 pm) #

(No, I wouldent think so, its just starting)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 13, 2007 6:39 pm #

(What if said guards had shot on sight?)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 13, 2007 8:30 pm #

because V.M. has requested it and we talked about it i will now give you all the details about cortosis that every one is missing:

1.Cortosis ore was a very rare, brittle, fibrous material whose conductive properties caused lightsabers to temporarily short out upon contact. This effect made cortosis a useful material for anti-lightsaber melee weapons, though with repeated strikes, a lightsaber could still cut through it.

2.This substance was used extensively in shadowtrooper armor, as well as the cortosis battle droids during the Clone Wars, and the Force-using group known as the Jensaarai.

3.Pure, unrefined cortosis ore was for unexplained reasons energized, killing anyone who touched it with his/her bare skin, even Hutts, who had energy resistant enzymes in their sweat.Miners had to have filter equipment, or else the cortosis particles would accumulate in their systems, causing hair loss, sickness, and eventually death.

4.The substance was heat and energy resistant, meaning energy tools; such as plasma torches, were virtually useless. The brute force of hydaulic jacks were used to mine it, though it quickly wore the head of the jack to uselessness and its dust would clog the pistons.

5.The most valuable type of Cortosis was the purified one. It is known as Cortosis-Shield, used by Roan Fel's Imperial Knights on their gauntlets. It can short out a lightsaber for a short period of time.

6.Large deposits of cortosis were also known to be on Duro.

7.there are two types of cortosis—cortosis ore and cortosis alloy. Cortosis ore deactivates the lightsaber, and cortosis alloy simply blocks the blade, making cortosis something of a marvel of metallurgy, as nothing known about how the ore accounts for the relationship between the actions of circuit-interruption or energy-blade blocking. It should be noted, however, that cortosis is very brittle, and breaks easily. This is why it is mixed with other metals, to form cortosis alloy. However, the alloy loses the shut-down capability of the ore. Even when mixed, however, cortosis still makes the alloy weaker. At one point in Darth Bane: Path of Destruction it says that cortosis is incredibly hard, and even resistant to lightsabers.

8.The length of time cortosis is effective seems to vary. In Vision of the Future, when Luke Skywalker first encounters it, it deactivates his lightsaber, but he is able to reignite the blade immediately. In other depictions, however, including Purge and the Legacy comic series, it renders lightsabers useless for several minutes. This may be explained by the cortosis alloy/ore difference and the amount of ore present in the alloy used.

this can all be found on the wookiepedia. so for those who have cortosis you need to tell where you got it from and what type it is cause it is very rare, and cheesy personaly.

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 13, 2007 8:46 pm #

((Okay, to clarify, mine is a cortosis alloy, gained from a black market dealer who had acquired it from some disabled cortosis battle droids' chassis left over from the Clone Wars.  He later made a bad deal with Ma'ryk Panak, who liberated him of his cortosis as payment, and paid a hefty sum to have it forged later on into a Vibrosword.  The dealer also died of unknown causes a few days later.  Is that any help V_M?))

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
December 13, 2007 11:39 pm (Edited December 17, 2007 01:23 am) #

The hum from the Hyperdrive was soothing.  The last contract had been long and hard.  But it was time to get back to what he loved.  Battle 

It had been a long time since he had been in Known Space; or so it is still called here.  Fighting races of aliens not yet cataloged in the service of great Empires yet to be recorded in the Imperial Library itself had tempered him greatly since leaving Mandalore at the age of 14.  Those who survive the Wild Space are few.

The galaxy is in even more turmoil then when he had left.

Good for someone in my business Ralin thought with a dry smile.  With the fall of the Emperor and Vader, the question now was which side to pick; if any.  Skywalker was offering high bounties for Force users who didn’t join his cause.  He, the Remnant, and the Rebels alike were offering good contracts for skilled mercenaries.

If events fell in a certain way, the entire galaxy might fall into chaos.

Honor can be won in chaos; not to mention a large number a credits.  Even after the trials of the Unknown Regions, this war could prove an interesting challenge for my skills

A light flashed on his control board, accompanied by a warning message transmitted into his ear through his helmet.  He was about to leave hyperspace.

Time to see which side wants me more; this group, or their enemies

*EDIT*  wrong way, has been in Wild Space, not the Unknown Regions

"You set a code to live by. I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted...I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them."
December 14, 2007 4:03 am #
Adeptus_Astartes wrote:

(have you read the oddesy lately?)

(Yeah my class is learning about Greek mythology at school, so I thought that it wuld be humorous to make a slight reference to it :D)

"None of this is really happening. There is a man. With a typewriter. This is all part of his crazy imagination."
December 14, 2007 2:34 pm #

(Kharns would be alloy, and remember its very very old and its just his left forearm and the left hand.

oh and you missed one
9 In Darth Bane: Path of Destruction it goes into detail (slightly) about a cortosis mine, as Darth Bane worked there as a child)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 14, 2007 3:33 pm (Edited December 14, 2007 03:48 pm) #
Mandal_ShadowWarrior wrote:

((What do you think happened to all that Mando Iron, when the Empire stripmined Mandolore?))

P.S do you mind if im in the hanger also?

"I'll get him Sir" Said Darson as he practicly waded through a sea of Storm Troopers and then walked over to where Kharn was, and picked him up by the back of the shirt. "What you want me to do with him?"

VM: sorry my computers down for a bit until I get everything strighten out Z will be working in my place. good job in placing yourself in that postion, but remember that they are Peacekeepers not stormtroopers anymore and how have you infultrated the peacekeepers ranks? sounds good so far though. and i dont think the empire has ever stripmined mandolore, do you have referance to support that? please include links. if your reffering to skywalker doing it it didn't happen.

Commander Appo wrote:

Jolee was speeding through hyperspace in the Twilight when he came upon the Overlord's Shadow. Jolee wanted to meet Skywalker and possibly join him. Either that or he would kill him. Jolee docked in the hangar, and exited the Twilight. Immediatly (Spelling?) two guards noticed him.
"Hey, who are you and what are you doing here?" one guard asked.
"What makes you think that I have to answer to you?" Jolee replied.
"Well, um, just answer my questions!" the guard commanded. Obviously he was very nervous under Jolee's intense gaze.
"I am Nobody." Jolee said, using a mind trick. The gurad nodded, and suddenly Jolee decapitated his partner with his lightsaber. The  guard shouted, and then bolted away. The guard ran down two hallways and banked a left where his superviser was.
"What so you want! Can't you see I'm busy?" boomed the Superviser.
"Sir, Nobody has decapitated my partener and is now running amok in this Star Destroyer." the guard said.
"Well, if nobody is doing that, then why are you bothering me?" the Superviser shouted.
"But sir-" the guard responded weakly.
"GET OUT!" screamed the Superviser. The guard quickly exited the room quickly, only to run into Jolee's lightsaber blade. The guard was chopped in half, and Jolee entered the Superviser's room.
"What the-" said the superviser as Jolee's lightsaber blade was pointed at his neck.
"Bring me to Overlord Skywalker." Jolee commanded. The Superviser complied, and soon Jolee had an audience with the Overlord.

VM: *sigh* i like...your, i like your "tenacity" in placing yourself in this current postion. HOWever, skywalker has only allowed you to get this close to him because he admires you as well and wishes you to join him or else and i'm not kidding around. play that part out if you must. keep in mind that he is upset about the lost of some peacekeepers, makes him sad.

(Kharns would be alloy, and remember its very very old and its just his left forearm and the left hand.

oh and you missed one
9 In Darth Bane: Path of Destruction it goes into detail (slightly) about a cortosis mine, as Darth Bane worked there as a child)

VM: how did you get the ARCarmor if you came straight from endor since they were no ARC's on endor from my research? was the armor plate his before going into cryo? yes i know about Darth bane, i read that a really long time ago.

VM: Fett_II solid concept, need specs on the white strip. and what place does a dark side follower have in this story? I will allow it if it sounds cool, remember skywalker is not sith, but is on the darkside...for now. that could change depending on the players.

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 14, 2007 5:39 pm #

((theres no more Storm Troopers???...dang I was assuming there was some still there. Is there only Peace keepers no soldiers? Cus if there are id be one of those.

And about the Mandolore getting striped mined: I dont have a link for, cus I read it in Bloodlines. (by Karen Travis) ))

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 14, 2007 5:41 pm (Edited December 14, 2007 05:42 pm) #

(storm troopers are peacekeepers, it was mentioned in the first post of V.M.)

"My servants are so loyal they would give up there friends live just to serve me."
December 14, 2007 7:58 pm (Edited December 14, 2007 07:59 pm) #

(( bad. I guess im a peacekeeper then...with a jet pack :P))

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 14, 2007 10:17 pm (Edited December 14, 2007 10:38 pm) #

(replacement 56k modem installation successful! yay! i spoke to zoncxs who updated me on current postings from you guys...i know he posted on my behalf my comments and concerns as far as story's continuity and relevance of character actions and details to the story. Id like to thank zoncxs for taking the role of te Werda Verda Clan's researcher very seriously. Ive already given him 4 of his 4 rep pts. i suggest you guys show him some love too. Everyone's concepts are awesome, well done guys. Appo, as i said you have to justify to me bustin in past an ENTIRE Peacekeeper fleet and killing two guards to get to Skywalker. If that's how you want to play it, as the GM I am required to inform you that there are consequences. Im not against it if you feel it's a good part of your story, however prepare... <im not hatin' just letting you know...>. Mandal, Z's right, Peacekeepers were described by me in the initial post as Skywalker's way of remaking FORMER STORMTROOPERS in the new image of his new regime. I'm okay with you infiltrating and assuming a Peacekeeper role, if that's how you'd like to begin the story. THINK ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER'S MOTIVATION. HE'S ONE MAN BEHIND ENEMY LINES, NOW SURROUNDED BY ENEMIES INCLUDING A GROWING PRESENCE OF FORCE USERS. HE'D HAVE TO GO IN REEEEEEAL DEEP TO PREVENT DETECTION BY SKYWALKER AND HIGH INQUISITOR STAJAMMER...sounds like a lot of fun. However, Mandalorian armor and jetpack resources aren't available if you choose that option...we can say you stashed @ asafehouse for future access before stepping onboard a Peacekeeper transport taking new recruits to the "OVERLORD'S SHADOW" for tour of that out in a flashback, maybe? AS FOR MANDALORIAN IRON, M.A., YES...I REMEMBER THAT NOW. WE'LL SAY THE MANDALORIANS HAVE MANAGED TO ACQUIRE SUFFICIENT SUPPLY, BUT A MANDALORIAN IS REQUIRED TO EARN A SUIT BY RITE OF TRIAL...IS THIS YOUR TRIAL...MAYBE YOU'RE TRYING TO EARN IT ON THIS MISSION? THERE'S MOTIVATION FOR YOU...OR IF YOU ALREADY HAVE SOME OR ALL OF IT, WHAT DID YOU DO TO GET IT? Tell us in-story... maybe a flashback also?(i like flashbacks, good for character development)... lemme know...okay back to the plot. )

"Kom'rk tsad droten troch nyn ures adenn, Dha Werda Verda a'den tratu."
December 14, 2007 10:57 pm #

(yeah, so im assuming he would be in a medbay or something. oh and about the ARC armor. Ship Crash. one survivor, com was down, hunted and eventualy died of old age, Kharn found the armor with a helmet, (I'm assuming it was in the ship) he used it, assuming the dead soldier didnt need it)

Kharn's eyes snapped open. He was in a bright room, white, sterile. He didnt have his armor on. He refered to it as his, because he asumed the soldier that had perviously owned it didnt need it. He looked around, finding he was in what appeared to be a private hospital room. He was naked, there was a set of plain black robes nearby. He stood and put them on finding that they fit very well. Moments later, a group of soldiers walked in, folowed by a man. The man had blond hair, and apparently a prosthetic hand. "Hello." He said. "Welcome to my empire."

(Ok, not ok?)
(I think you know who it should be, V_M I think you should RP as him when now.)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

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