Topic: RPG-Superhumans

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Topic #1946

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December 5, 2007 1:51 pm #

Are sybeotes allowed?

December 5, 2007 1:53 pm #

ummmm do you mean symbiote??

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 5, 2007 1:55 pm #

That thing that got on spider man in Spider man 3

December 5, 2007 1:58 pm #

Chromium thought now would be a fine time to tell Haze his life story, so he would answer her question in time.

"I'll tell you along the way to where your father is. At the moment I need to make a quick stop however." He told Haze

"Where?" She asked, finishing her kebob and telekinetically steering the stick into a nearby trash can.

"The bell tower, I need to pick something up."

Chromium lifted wrapped his arms around Haze and vice versa. He looked into her eyes again before blasting off again into the sky. He flew higher than usualy this time, not wanting to be seen by the police. They reached the tower and Chromium quickly walked in, grabbed his thick black cloak and put it on, and took flight again with Haze.

"Before I begin my story and we look for your father, tell me, what is your name? You know mine, and ive been wondering what yours was." Chromium asked Haze as they soared through the sky.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 5, 2007 2:00 pm #

(Well yea i guess theyre allowed Karson. I dont see why not. My character is technically one already anyways)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 5, 2007 2:02 pm (Edited December 5, 2007 02:07 pm) #


Name: Rocky Parks
A simple healing power

December 5, 2007 2:04 pm #

(Add his powers and his story Karson, so we know more about him)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 5, 2007 2:05 pm #

Any more on that??? like powers? or anything? maby an apearance?

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 5, 2007 2:33 pm #

((Yeah Night, I was hoping for some more time for character development ;) Maybe you could go persuade Noxious to join the cause.))

Haze decided it was only fair for Chromium to know her real name. “Okay, my actual name is Kaylene West. My parents live just outside the city limits in Turner Valley.”

“Which street?” Chromium asked.

“George Street.” Haze said and waited for Chromium’s response.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 5, 2007 2:56 pm #

"Very well, im new to this city of course so... lead the way." Chromium told Haze

She pointed him in the right direction and they continued their journey.

"Well? Whats your story? We had a deal..." Haze told Chromium after several moments of silence.

"Ah yes...that...alright."

(This next post will be kinda long.. so give me some time to compose it all :) )

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 5, 2007 3:47 pm #

Vandal looked at the frozen Noxious. “I don’t think we need to pursue Haze and Chromium just yet. It might be best to have a chat with our friend here first.”

“Okay, we can do that. But we better get out of the open.” Frost suggested.

“There’s an old warehouse in the industrial estate that’s only used seasonally. It should be empty now, we could take him there.” Vandal replied.

“Let’s do it then,” Frost said as he created an ice cart to push Noxious along in.

They came to the warehouse and it was empty as Vandal expected. “Let’s move him in on the South side, there’s more equipment for us to use as cover.

The three supers quietly found a way inside and propped Noxious up. Frost melted the ice around Noxious’ face so they could talk to him.

Vandal woke Noxious with a sharp jolt to his mind.

“What do you want?” Noxious growled and then noticed he was frozen. “Oh great, I’m an ice block.”

“Look Noxious, we have a job for you.” Vandal said getting to the point.

“What makes you think that I’ll co-operate with you?” Noxious snarled.

“Because we want you to kill someone.” Vandal told.

Noxious grinned and raised the short spines on his face, “And here I was thinking you were on the hero’s team.”

“I am, I just know when to cross that line.” Vandal said in response.

“So who do you want me to kill?” Noxious said, seeming to lavish the idea.

“It’s a shape shifter. His name is Harry, he worked at Happy Harry’s Bar above Oni’s hideout.” Vandal told.

Noxious laughed, “Oh come on, that guy will just mimic me and become immune to my toxins.”

“You’ve heard of him?” Frost asked.

“Yeah he’s well known in the underground. We stay well clear of him.” Noxious told.

“What if we injected your poison into him instead?” Vandal asked.

Noxious grinned, “Try getting it out of me, I doubt you’d survive.”

“Didn’t you ever learn to share?” Vandal said as she tweaked his mind, sending a small jolt of pain through him.

“Well if you’re gonna be persuasive I might just decline entirely.” Noxious growled.

Vandal sighed, “Acero can you please help Noxious make up his mind.”

Acero turned to his heavy metal form and reached out to remove one of Noxious’ facial spines. He dropped it into a plastic sleeve Vandal held out.

“That hurt you mongrel.” Noxious spat.

“Shut him up, Frost.” Vandal said as she examined the spine.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 5, 2007 3:53 pm #

"Well, I already told you how my powers came about, thats the most interesting part about my life I guess. But I havent told you anything about my early life.

I was born in Princeton, New Jersey and raised there and in Montana and California. My parents liked to move around alot and travel the world. I usually went with them, and it was fun for the most part. Seeing all those amazing places and wonderful things of course. Yet I never had a stable relationship with friends or girlfriends because of the constant moving. It was quite lonely at times, but life goes on.

After high school I attended Brown University and studied majored in biochemistry and minored in geology. After I got my Ph.D I started doing work for Boston University.....

....Thats when I met Sophia Torrens. She was a professor of Engineering there at the time. We spent some time together after working together to develop a way to unearth the old subways under Boston and create better frames to hold them open. We hit it off pretty well and we had a genuine love for one another. We got married 3 years after we first met.

And thats when I got the call from the government about the meteorite they found in the Northern most reaches of the planet with the silver liquid inside it. Naturally, with my credentials, I was perfect for the job of investigating it, and strengthening its healing power. At first, I denied it because I loved Boston and Sophia wanted to stay as well. However they insisted and offered an insane income. It wasnt greed however that curved my choice to stay, I just wanted to start a family with Sophia and I wanted to be able to give them what ever their hearts desired. So I agreed.

They moved us to Southern Nevada and provided everything for us. Life was quite comfortable. My lab was located deep within the depths of Area 51. It was quite exciting. I saw many things... But thats another story. Anyways, after about a year of working there my father died of old age and my mother soon followed a few months afterwards. She really couldn't live without him. It was very hard for me naturally, their deaths being so close together and them being my only friends when I was young. Sophia helped me get through it of course, bless her. We thought about moving back to Boston to relax, but I needed to finish my project. It would revolutionize medicine and first aid around the world.

Well, you know what happened after that. The silver liquid, now named Quintolorium, took over my body and I became a super. I dont remember exactly how I came upon the name Chromium, but I think it was from some help from the media. This happened at the time right after I became controlled by the symbiote and it made me insane. I nearly completely destroyed Area51 and the surrounding dwellings. I returned home and Sophia already knew what was going on. She tried to get me to calm down and explain what had happened when the military showed up and tried to subdue me. Naturally I destroyed them all, but I thought that Sophia had betrayed me and called them in on me. She hadn't, they just followed me I discovered later. In my anger and crazed state....I killed Sophia. I killed her. My wife, my friend, my love. I killed her.

Her death began the rebellion of my mind and body against the symbiote. I fought with it for 4 months in the desert before I could finally recall it back into my body. Several months after that I leanred how to completely control it. Now im learning how to control it while it isn't connected to me. However, then, the military was still after me. I sought them out and spoke with the head of Area 51, General Decant, and we struck a deal. All charges would be lifted from me if I worked for them for one year and did their bidding. I agreed.

They sent me to do anything and everything for them. Of course I was unbeatable. No other military or terroist division could stop me. They tried to duplicate the Quintolorium, yet it seemed impossible. Eventually, Decant saw the inhumanity of the slave like bidding I was doing for the government and he released me.

Then I came here...and I met you."

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 5, 2007 4:06 pm #

“Wow,” Haze said suddenly feeling as though her dispute was so trivial compared to Chromium’s past. “I guess my past my sound rather boring.”

Chromium chuckled, “Hardly. Our pasts shape who we are, even if the events that transpired almost kill us, be it physically or emotionally.”

Haze nodded and gave Chromium a squeeze. “So how long have you been on your own? It must have been hard to have no one to talk to.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 5, 2007 4:18 pm #

Flame was had found Oni, at least, he hoped so. He reached the car where, Oni and Jericho were, apparently out of gas. Oni spoted him. "Hey, buddy, where you been?"

Flame looked at him, his face, as usual, mostly unreadable(Its the lizardyness) "We need your help. Now."

"Uh, whos 'we'"?

"Just come on. Jericho too."

Oni hesitated, clearly uneasy "Alright, lets go." And with that, they were on their way back.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 5, 2007 4:18 pm #

Darklight was weakening, his rage was diminishing, and his weakness against light was taking hold.  Void too, was suffering.  He decided to change things up.  Darklight expended all of his remaining power in encasing Void ina  bubble of light, perpetually weakening him enough not to be able to break free.  The remnants of his light, Darklight bent around him, engaging his energy field, and taking to the air again.  He soared over the city, feeling weaker every passing minute. 

Finally, he came in sight of something that would be perfect for his plan; an old cliched abandoned warehouse.  Seriously, the owners REALLY had to stop leaving places like this; either they would get infested with supervillains, or become the site of a final duel, as this one was about to become.  He hurled the globe of energy down, and followed it.  It bashed through a skylight, and Darklight entered soon after.  As he had expected, the bubble had popped.  Void was free, and the warehouse interior was very dim.  He saw the dim lights overhead flicker, and die, as the power went out. Apparently, someone had been inside here recently, at least, before Darklight and Void had arrived.  If they were smart, the squatters would have left when they saw the approaching lights.

Darklight could see fairly well in the gloom, and it was dark enough to slowly recharge his powers.  He sensed Void was near, but also knew that Void would not attack for a while yet; he was busy recharging as well.  Darklight spoke up, his voice echoing in the confines of the building.

"It' just you and me Void.  We're both in our element now, no more advantages.  Come on out, and let's end this madness, here and now.  When all this is done, only one of us will stand."

Void's whispering voice came from everywhere at once; it always seemed to do that when he was surrounded by shadows.  "Nick, old 'friend', when will you learn?  You can't have darkness without light, and you can't have light without the dark.  If you kill me, someone exactly like me will take my place.  The same goes for if I kill you.  It's a never-ending cycle, a vicious trap."

Darklight flung a bolt of light into the shadows on the wall.

"With aim like that, Nicky, you'll never hit me."

Darklight threw arcs of light in all directions, hoping for a hit.  He was rewarded when Void's silhouette was illuminated by the brief flashes of light.

"Let's finish this, Void.  Once and for all.  No powers, nothing.  One on one."

Void slithered forward, a sneer obviously in place, even though Darklight could not make it out.  The man of shadows nodded, and seemed to concentrate.  His tendrils that perpetually waved out from his back retracted, and his darkness slowly seemed to recede.  He had not deactivated his powers like this in over a decade.  He used his power to reform the body that he had lost, and in doing so, with all the concentration that it required, effectively nullified his abilities.  In place of his black exterior, he now wore a grey T-shirt, and black jeans.  He had soft brown eyes, and dark brown hair.

Darklight took off his cape and hood, and laid them aside.  He stood there, in his gold and black costume, staring down at his brother.  He reached up, and removed the mask that he used to hide his face, letting it drift softly to the floor.  As his own face was revealed, Void grinned, "It's been a while, brother.  We haven't seen eye to eye for ages now."

"Shut up, Terry!  Your time is over."

"Let's put that theory to the test, then, eh, Nick?"

The two brothers rushed at each other, fists raised, and snarls firmly in place on their faces.  Not even the end of the world would stop them from finishing their fight now.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
December 5, 2007 5:05 pm #

"About 3 years, it was ok though. I actually enjoy solitude most of the time. Or I used to..." He said looking into Haze's eyes.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 5, 2007 6:00 pm #

Haze felt herself blush and then Chromium started to descend. Haze thought the trip had ended all too quickly. She was glad that they’d discussed Chromium’s past, it certainly put things in perspective for Haze’s own life. It really was time to talk to her parents.

They landed in a heavily treed park and Chromium changed back to his natural form of Tanis. Now that the public was hunting down supers it made sense for him to look as normal as possible. He kept his cloak wrapped around him, “I’d like to get some clothes.”

Haze raised a brow, “Why?”

“I’ve only got this cloak on at the moment.” Tanis said making sure it was securely wrapped around him.

Haze grinned, “Really? Oh well I suppose we should get you dressed. Especially if you’re about to meet my parents.”

“I’d prefer it.” Tanis replied as he followed her towards the closest house.

Haze put her hands on the fence and looked across several backyards. She saw one with clothes on the line which had some mens clothes pegged on it. Haze pulled the clothes off the line with her mind while making it look like a big gust of wind. The shirt, jeans and boxer shorts landed at their feet. “There you go.”

She turned around so he could get dressed.

“I’m done,” he said and Haze turned back around. She’d grown so used to seeing him as Chromium that it looked almost odd to see him as Tanis in plain clothing.

“I think you’ll need to lose the cloak.” Haze said as she looked at it. It almost was a clear statement that he was a super.

“What will I do with it?” Tanis said, not willing to leave it behind.

Haze extended her hand, “Give it to me.”

Tanis handed it to her and Haze folded it and wrapped it until it looked like a small pillow or larger handbag and held it at her side. “The new fashion accessory for every girl.” She said with a smirk then held out her arm to him.

Tanis took it and they walked to her parent’s house. Haze was feeling extremely nervous. She really didn’t know what to say.

“You’ll be fine,” Tanis said picking up on her tension.

Haze let out a sigh, “Okay let’s get this over with.” She lifted her hand to the doorbell and pushed it. A moment later the door was opened by a woman in her fifties. The two women stared at each other for a moment before the elder hugged the younger.

“I was hoping you’d come back to us.” Haze’s mother said as she held her daughter tightly.

When she stepped back Haze looked her in the eye, “Can we come in?”

“Of course,” she answered noticing Tanis for the first time. The older woman led them into her house and to the lounge room where her husband was watching the television.

“Damn media, they’re blowing everything out of proportion.” Haze’s father said before he looked up. He immediately dropped the remote when he saw his daughter. “Kaylene? You’ve come home?”

“Not exactly,” Haze said but before they could go any further Haze decided it was best to introduce them to Tanis. “Mum, Dad this is Tanis. Tanis this is Helen and Tristan.”

Tanis shook the hands of both parents.

“Are you getting married?” Tristan asked.

“No, why would you think that?” Haze said in confusion.

“Well it’s the first time you’ve been home in twelve years, I’m assuming it’s about something important.” Tristan told.

“I’ve come for help. I know what you and Mum really are.” Haze said.

Tristan raised a hand to his chin, “Yeah we probably should have told you that.”

“It would have helped,” Haze said starting to feel fired up. She felt Tanis’ hand touch her elbow soothingly. She let out a sigh, “Look we can sort things out later, but I’m sure you’ve seen what’s happening through the media.”

“Yeah a bunch of supers have gone off the rails. I don’t think things are quite as they seem.” Helen said as she glanced at the TV.

“You’d be right, we have a renegade shape-shifter on the loose.” Haze told and watched as he parents looked at each other knowingly.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 5, 2007 6:14 pm #

"Hold up." Oni held back Flame and Jericho.

"We need to go now." Flame growled, growing impatient.

"Listen bubelah, either we go in right now, half-cocked, or we go in later, fully armed. Which woud you prefer?"

The point was well made. They were close to the museum, anyway. Hidden under the exhibit for Feudal Japan was another of Oni's special bases.

"Make yourselves comfy guys, this shouldn't take long." Oni entered a weapons closet, which was seemingly completely empty.

"See, after all the crap that's gone down, everyone's looking for me, or rather, looking for Oni. But a new player...someone unheard of...he could slip under the radar better than Oni's whose mask is all over the tabloids." As he spoke, Oni removed his mask, and pressed a button on wall in the closet he stood in. Cords and cables fried from all around him, connecting to his suit.

"Time for an upgrade." Smoke poured from the various tubes and a metal door slid down in front of Oni.

"I'm altering my suit's appearances and weapons systems. I'm dumping the tranqs and repulsor rays. They're both pretty lame in the grand scheme of things. Also, my forearm blades are out. I'm upping the strength enhancers and adding some speed and agility enhancers. As for appearances..."

The door slid open, and Oni, unmasked, stood in an armor that closely resmebled the armor worn by japanese shoguns, only all black. Aleksander, Oni no longer, picked up his old demon mask and split it in half. He picked up a mask resembling that of a shogun.

"Last night, when all the shat went down, I lost my purpose in life. All  worked so hard for got blown to hell. I'm a wanderer without a purpose, a traveller without a home, a samurai without a master. Or rather, Oni was. I'm not Oni anymore."

"Then...what are you,huh?"

"Oh..." Aleks winked before covering his face with his mask. "Call me Ronin."

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 5, 2007 6:28 pm #

"Some one reads to many comics." Flame muttered.

"Says the talking fire throwing lizard-man." Oni replied.

"Yeah, sure, lets go." Flame was getting much more impatient

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 5, 2007 6:48 pm #

“What?” Haze asked picking up the look between her parents.

“This shape-shifter wouldn’t happen to own a bar called Happy Harry’s by any chance?” Tristan asked.

“Yeah he would.” Haze said looking from her father to her mother, “You know him don’t you?”

“You mean you don’t remember Uncle Harry?” Tristan said.

Haze slapped herself on the forehead, “Am I related to everyone in this damn place?”

Helen shook her head, “He’s not related. He was your father’s side kick.”

“Oh man, that’s even worse.” Haze sat as she sat down on the lounge.

Tristan shook his head, “You don’t understand, Harry can’t mimic me. He’s never been able to.”

Haze covered her eyes with her hand, “Why couldn’t I just have a normal family.”

Helen sat down beside her daughter and placed her hands on Haze’s shoulders. “What your father is trying to say is that Harry could never defeat him. You see Harry imitated me to try and destroy us. That’s when you saw the fighting between what looked like your father and I. We didn’t tell you what was going on because we were so scared that Harry would hurt you.”

Haze watched her parents for a moment and could see the truth in their eyes. “You should have told me.”

“You were fifteen, you wouldn’t have listened to us.” Tristan said defending his wife.

Haze shook her head, “I’m twenty-seven now, surely you could have said something.”

“We tried to but you didn’t want anything to do with us.” Tristan said in response.

Haze sat in silence for a moment mulling over the information. “So what can we do about Harry?”

“We wait,” said Helen.

“Wait?” Haze said in amazement.

“Yeah,” her father grinned. “Harry is limited to how many super’s he can imitate. I think it’s about ten and he can only be one at a time, which means he can only have one super’s power at one time. He has to shift into the form of the one he wants to be before he can use their power. Wait until he’s picked someone you know is easy to take down and there’s your angle.”

“That sounds too easy,” Tanis said breaking the silence.

“It’s not so hard, once you know how.” Tristan said as he laid his arm across his wife’s shoulders.


Haze and Tanis stepped out of her parent’s house and out into the street. Haze felt like she was suffering from information overload.

“I guess we should find the others.” Haze said as she stared blankly into the distance.

“I think you need some quiet time. You’re parents certainly dropped a bomb shell on you.” Tanis said as he notice her far off gaze.

Haze blinked coming back to herself, “Okay maybe we should go back to the park for a while.”

The pair walked back to the park and found a park bench to sit down on. Tanis sat close to Haze and draped an arm around her shoulders. “Just breathe,” he said quietly.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 5, 2007 7:01 pm #

(Hmmm, dont see what could come of standing here making slight jokes about each other)

Flame, the villian formerly known as Oni, and Jericho were on their way back to the square, Jerico walked and Ronin was cloaked, and Flame used the rooftops. They were getting closer to the square by the minute.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 5, 2007 8:14 pm #

Jack and Desdemona lost track of Darklight and Void as Darklight had taken Void somewhere in a bubble of light.

“Let’s fly after them,” Jack said then quickly quietened down as a few people looked their way. “We better get the ‘copter ready.” He said to cover himself.

Desdemona picked up on Jack’s nervousness but did not understand. She was about to take his hand and fly when he yanked her arm hard.

“We need to stay on the ground,” Jack whispered to her.

“But you just said…” Desdemona started.

“Let’s walk to the car,” Jack said loud enough for the other people to hear. They had crowded around to watch Darklight and Void fight. Now that it was over people were starting to thin out.

“What do you wish to do?” Desdemona asked, not understanding the words he used.

“Let’s just walk away for now,” Jack said leading them away from the crowd. When they were finally alone Jack stopped, “Do you know where Darklight took Void?”

“Not exactly but I could find them.” Desdemona answered as she looked up to the sky. “Why are you afraid?” she asked picking up on his edginess.

“I’m not afraid. I’m nervous, I heard that the city is out to ‘collect’ supers.” Jack said as he began to pace.

“Supers?” Desdemona asked, not understanding.

“Those with powers beyond the norm for humans.” Jack clarified.

“Oh, I see.” Desdemona said as she watched Jack move back and forward, she reached out a hand to stop him. “We can still walk to find Darklight and Void.”

“Oh I think we can do better than that,” Jack grinned, “I’ll get my scooter.”

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 5, 2007 8:50 pm #

(LOL...the villain formerly known as Oni....)

Haze breathed deeply and looked towards the sky.

"Why are things so complicated?" She asked looking at Tanis.

"It wouldn't be life if it wasn't." Tanis responded. "By the way, you never told me which you would prefer. Haze or Kaylene."

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 5, 2007 9:13 pm (Edited December 5, 2007 09:13 pm) #

"Ah Bessie how missed you."  His scooter was still parked where he left it back what seemed oh so long ago when he first met Flame and the others.  And it had accumulated parking tickets.

"Crap.  Good thing I insured it in Darklight's name.  Hehe."  Jack hopped on to his scooter, "Come on Dessy, we need to get going."  She tentatively stepped onto the scooter.  Jack was off.  He felt free again.  Just him and his baby. 

"Nice scooter fruitcake!"  Some guy in a Mustang pulled up next to him and yelled at him.

"I'll have you know it's my totally manly transportation vehicle.  Geez have people changed much since your time, sometimes they are so judgmental."

Jack made his way where Desdemona told him approaching the scene of the battle.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 5, 2007 9:48 pm #

Haze looked at Tanis, "Well I guess when we're around the others Haze is better, but when we're not Kaylene is fine."

"I know I tend to call you Chromium all the time, does it bother you?" Haze asked as she watched some people walk by, some distance away from them.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 5, 2007 9:57 pm #

Desdemona was amazed at the scooter, she hadn't seen anything quite like it before. It took her a few seconds to answer Jack, "People are always judgmental. I don't think it matters what you do. So this thing is considered manly?" She asked truly not knowing.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 5, 2007 10:19 pm #

"Pssh you better believe it.  After one final turn into a deserted section of warehouses Desdemona told him to pull over here.  Immediately upon arriving they heard the sound of a brawl ensuing.  And this sounded like no super humans brawl.  Just a regular fisticuffs brawl.

"Are you sure this is the right place?"

"This is where I can feel him."

Jack pulled out his sword and entered the warehouse.  In the dimly lit expanses he saw no one but two apparent civilians duking it out.  One of them noticed and called out to him.

"Behold Nicky!  It's the great and mighty Jack come to your rescue.  Can't handle me alone?"

"Shut up Terry.  This is between you and me."

Jack immediately recognized the second voice as Darklight's.  But the first voice.  Wait, it sounded different when not distorted by the whispers of a shadow.  Voidhunter.  He said the first thing that came to mind.

"Your name is Terry!  That's rich!  I was expecting some uber-cool name like Blade or something.  Oh don't mind us we're just spectating."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 5, 2007 10:23 pm #

Desdemona followed Jack in and tilted her head slightly to observe the two opponents.

"Oh and look, Jack's brought a girl to help him." Void said, his voice thick with sacasm.

Desdemona raised an eyebrow and looked at Jack, "I'm guessing he doesn't ride a scooter."

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 5, 2007 10:37 pm #

"No see it's manly only because your manly enough to ride something unmanly thus proving your total and complete manliness."  He struck a few body-building poses to demonstrate his point.  But I hear the ladies these days like men who are in touch with their feminine side.  So I'm covered from both angles."  He winked.

She again tilted her head.  "Well I guess you don't quite keep up with the times when you are asleep huh."

Jack sat down watching the other two punch each other's lights out.  He pulled out all his weapons and laid them out in front of him.  He began the laborious task of cleaning them.

"Just to pass the time.  Brotherly grudges can be drawn out you know."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 5, 2007 10:42 pm #

Desdemona found this world utterly confusing at times. But she believed Jack, he seemed the trustworthy type. She sat down next to him, though hovering slightly. She waved her hand and a pack of cards appeared. "Want to play?"

"You know about cards?" Jack said with surprise.

"A little, I was learning something called prode or poke or something or other." Desdemona said as she shuffled the cards. "Snap is so much easier."

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 5, 2007 11:07 pm #

"SO wehave much free time here.  You shared your story, care to hear mine?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 5, 2007 11:08 pm #

"Why not, it's got to be more interesting than cards." Desdemona said with a touch of jest.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 5, 2007 11:35 pm (Edited December 5, 2007 11:48 pm) #

Jack settled in.  "It all started many moons ago...  Sorry.  Always wanted to say that.  Anway as a kid my parents were Supers.  Two quite well known ones at that.  They were the greatest, we did a whole bunch of stuff together.  Fishing, playing sports, even some sparring.  That's when they found out I had the photo-reflexive memory.  In case you missed what that means I can copy any fighting style to par after viewing it once.  And then they realized that I had a healing factor after they learned the limitation of my power.  I had the chance to play road hockey with a famous player from the NHL once.  So I made some amazing plays and he encouraged me to join an Ice Hockey team.  UNfortunately I hadn't watched any sort of skating and as soon as I stepped onto the ice I fell and saw my elbow bend the wrong way towards my face when I fell on it.  My parents came out onto the ice expecting to have me rushed to the hospital but were immensly surprised when they found the arm normal."

"So you do not automatically learn all aspects, only what you directly see?"

"Correctumundo.  I was kicked off the team for being different than all the others.  Went home and bawled my eyes out.  My parents later explained to me how I was different and how many people do not like change.  So I moved around a lot after that.  I was around 16 when my wold fell apart.  We had just moved to Mission City and my parents had already resumed there superhero duties.  I was really popular in school because I was quarterback on the football team.  Gotta love the Peyton Manning/ Tom Brady style mixed into one.  It really worked for me.  Life was good.  I had just asked a girl out on a date.  We had been going out for about a year.  We'd sit and talk for hours at a little restaurant of ours.  One time I let slip I was a mutant of sorts.  She immediately left me.  Just left me at our favourite restaurant.  Never returned my calls or anything.  I was really depressed. 

Void hearing all this over the fight shouted out, "Very depressing Jack.  A bit of teenage angst sent you on your quest to become a super!  How pitiful."

"Stop jumping in to conversations! ((Inside joke))  The rudeness of some people.  Anwyway.  I though my life was over, I was so happy with her.  Stupid teenager.  Then one day a few weeks later after coming home from school the Chief of Police greeted me.  He held up an picture of an old foe of my parents that they thought they'd apprehended.  Apparently he escaped.  And tracked down my parents.  And murdered them both in cold blood.  I ran away from my house. Everything I had ever loved in about a month came crashing down on me.  For the next few years I spent my time wallowing in self-pity and hunting for that villain with a thirst for revenge.  I was dangerously close to crossing the line of hero and villain.  I finally found him when I was 19.  He didn't even know it was coming.  I slaughtered him.  But doing that gave me no comfort.  It was only the comfort of my new-found friend Darklight that snapped me out of it.  He showed me the light.  Pardon my pun.  I've been doing small time hero work ever since then.  Then I got involved in this.  And basically that's my story."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 5, 2007 11:44 pm #

Desdemona didn't understand everything Jack said but she go the gist of it. She took Jack's hand and weaved her fingers through his in an action of comfort. "It's human to fear what you don't know. Believe me it's a truth I've seen over my entire life... and death I guess you'd say."

Desdemona looked briefly at the pair fighting. "Look at those two, they fight each other because they are different. They don't see eye to eye, yet they are brothers and cannot forgive each other."

Jack took this in, "Forgiveness seems to be a hard thing for most people."

"To be able to forgive can sometimes set you free. Darklight has a bad soul, but he has tried to redeem himself. He wants forgiveness, Void does not." Desdemona said and looked at Jack seriously, "Sometimes your closest friend can hide a dark past. No one ever truly knows another. You've just got to have faith sometimes."

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 5, 2007 11:56 pm #

Strangely Jack felt immensly comforted by her hand.  The last time someone held him like that was a long time ago.  Sure there was Haze but that was meant as an attempt to hide who they really are.  This was...different.  Jack closed his eyes and focused on times past.  These last few days so much has happened.  And he was a bit overwhelmed. 

"Tell me about it.  I never even thought Darkight capable of such atrocities.  But faith and forgiveness go hand in hand."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 6, 2007 2:16 am #

"Whatever Darklight's reasons are, he is trying to atone for his past." Desdemona said as she watched the two titans fight. She had almost forgotten that she was still holding Jack's hand. It was only when he gave her hand a squeeze that she remembered.

"How did you actually die?" Jack said feeling awkward asking the question.

"It was eight years after I sold my soul. My father died and I had no income to live on. I gradually starved. One night there was a huge storm with lots of thunder and lightening. I stood in the rain hoping a lightening bolt would put me out of my misery and one did." Desdemona said, her mind taking her bad to that time. She could see the dark clouds that had been illuminated with each flash of lightening, she felt her heart race at the recollection.

"That's a pretty harsh way to go." Jack said more that just a little rattled at the idea.

"The pain ended then, along with feelings. It was a release and I welcomed it." Desdemona told.

Jack looked at his hand linked with Desdemona's, "Do you want to having feelings again?"

"I've been human since, I've reached my quota twice before. I only lived for two years the first time, that was the dark ages and I was slaughtered by invaders. The second time I lived for forty six years. I lived as a nun, as you can imagine I was rather wary of men. My life was good, but I felt that something was always missing." Desdemona said, trailing off in her own thoughts.

"You didn't really answer my question," Jack said waiting for her answer.

Desdemona looked away from Darklight and Void. She turned and study Jack, "Yes I would like to have feelings again."

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 6, 2007 8:39 am #

((Hey guys. Sorry I wasn't around last "Night" (heehee) to read the requests about the fast post. I'll still edit it if you guys want but Mel seems to have solved it anyways. Nice job, by the way Mel.))

Luke: Your overconfidence is your weakness. Palpatine: Your faith in your friends is yours... Luke: Faith in yo mama. Palpatine: What was that?
December 6, 2007 11:59 am #

((Thanks, by the way I was thinking that we're going to need to expose Harry for what he's been doing. Anyone want to create a reporter character who's determined to get to the true story?))

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 6, 2007 12:49 pm #

"Well, i guess the same principle I'll use for your names, you can use for calling me." Tanis told Kaylene.

"So what are you going to do about your parents now that you've seen them once again?" He asked her.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 6, 2007 1:28 pm #

Haze thought for a moment, “I’m not sure. I guess I’m still taking in what they said.”

“I can understand that,” Tanis said as he looked up into the treetops.

“I guess we should get back to the others.” Haze said realising that Harry could have framed yet another one of them.

Tanis squeezed her shoulder, “Only when you’re ready.”

Haze let out a deep breath, “I’m ready.” She said as she stood.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 6, 2007 1:32 pm #

( I can try the reoprter guy, it may not be very good though, as im to focused on Flame)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 6, 2007 3:15 pm #

(*sigh* thats ok Adeptus I'll do it)

Name: Ron Lorn
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Job: Freelance reporter
Appearance: Dark blonde hair, 5 feet two inches tall, dark blue eyes, slightly muscular, almost tanned skin. Wares blue jeans, white long sleeve shirt, and brown coat over it.
Personality: Cocky, rather annoying, spirited, and likes to remind people about freedom of the press.
Equipment: small portable video camera, voice recorder, 9mm pistol, swiss army knife

Ron was driving around the city, listening to the radio for anythings of interest he could report on then sell, to any newspaper company who was willing to buy.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 6, 2007 3:39 pm #

Flame stood on a roof near the place where he was dropped off. Ronin and Jericho  were on the ground. You guys might want to wait a bit Flame voiced to Ronin and Jericho. Uh, yeah, im going to go get a cup of coffe or somthing Jericho said, nodding slightly at the cafe on the road. Bring me somthing too alright? Flame voiced.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 6, 2007 4:48 pm #

Jack sat there.  He was bored.  He cleaned all his weapons and spilled his entire life story to a female who was supposed to be dead yet he was developing feelings for.    He was sure a few days previous he would have shuddered and laughed at that.  But he was willing to believe anyone.  This battle didn't appear to be going anywhere.  ((Hint hint nudge nudge, MA!!))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 6, 2007 6:05 pm (Edited December 6, 2007 06:05 pm) #

Void looked to the side, and made another scalding comment towards Jack, only to be rebutted in teh same instant.  That same lack of concentration allowed Darklight to land a punch to Void's jaw, sending him to his tiptoes, before crashing down on his behind.  He stood over him, and bashed his face a few more times, for good measure.

"I beat you again, Terry.  Give up, or just let me kill you."  A dagger of light appeared in his hands, held above his head as he prepared to drive it home, into Void's throat.  Void chuckled dryly.

"You never learned the relationship between light and shadow, Nick.  That lack of knowledge may end up being your undoing, you know.  You cannot have light without the dark to make it seem brighter.  You cannot have the dark without the light to make it seem more complete.  Do with me what you will, but you WILL suffer for it."

Darklight hesitated, giving their audience ample time to react...(hint hint Sev and Net ;) )

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
December 6, 2007 6:07 pm (Edited December 6, 2007 07:31 pm) #

(im gona bring Mr. Hungry back)

Name: Drakeus the Hungry
Real Name: unknown
Age: Around 100,000 years
Class: Demon; slightly spirit, slightly physical
Powers: Death field, Absorb bomb, Soul consuming, Soul Burning, Dark fire, Flight
Weapons: Dual Katanas (Katanas are infused with dark energy, so when you get hit bye 'em it feels flaming hot)
Appearance: (looks like the grim reaper, with out the blade and the skeleton)
Side: His own
Goals: To gain revenge on Jack. Soul absorbing.
History: (Not-recent) Drakeus is an ancient demon bent on absorbing all life.
(recent): After being defeated by Jack (or so he thinks) Drakeus has stoped the whole burn-the-universe thing, and is focusing on burning Jacks soul instead.

A portal from Hell its self opened up, scorching the earth. And from its mouth came one of its demons: Drakeus the Hungry. The ground seemed to draw away as Drakeus set foot apon it. He let out a demonic houl that could be heard for miles around, and darkened the sun its self. Annoucing the arrival of the Dark Lord....and Hells favourite demon.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 6, 2007 6:51 pm #

((lolz, Jack has made a very power enemy.))

Jack was up in an instant.  He saw Darklight pull his light knife back for the killing blow.  Using some of his residual powers he guessed only came around as a result of an adrenaline spike, he sprinted to Nick pulling a flying towel.

"Desdemona grab Void!"

Jack and Darklight rolled across the floor.  Darklight's eyes glowed and Jack was launched of him by a blast of light.  Darklight got up and began making his way to Desdemona and Void but Jack was quick to recover and blocked Jack's path.

"Get out of my way Jack.  This is between Void and I."

"I realize that Nick.  But you don't seem to get it."

"I'll say this once more Jack.  Out. Of. My. Way."

"For your sake I can't do that Nick."

"Have it your way Jack."  Darklight launched a flurry of light balls at Jack.  Jack was quick due to his sixth sense and agility, but not quick enough.  A light beam burned his shoulder in mid jump.  He landed awkwardly on the ground.  He was immediately back on his feet. 

"You don't seem to understand Nick, did you not hear what Void said?"

Darklight just yelled and rushed Jack.  Jack saw it coming and deflected the attacks.  Darklight realzing he could not defeat Jack hand to hand flew into the air and again, began throwing light beam after light beam.  Jack dodged and dodged.  But vaulting everywhere was really tiring him out despite him being at peak physical condition. 

"Think Nick, what did he say?"

Darklight snarled and doubled his efforts. 

"Fine.  We'll citing quotes was never my strong point in English.  You can't have darkness without light, and you can't have light without the dark.  Please don't make me analyze this quote."  Darklight hesitated.

"Jack how does quoting a psychopath help you prove your point?"

"FINE.  I will analyze it!  Gosh.  What is darkness?  Anyone, anyone?"
Jack waved his hand in the air.

" Yes Jack please speak up!  Darkness is lack of light.  Complete darkness is death.  And obviously no one can survive in complete darkness.  Not even Voidy over there.  So if you take all light away shadow dies.  And can you have no shadow?  No of course not!  I still have yet to see total and complete light.  So using that logic Light and Shadow are linked correct?  If you take one away the other ceases to exist as well."

The concept suddenly dawned on him.  "I am Light, and he is Shadow..."

Void snickered.  "Took you long enough."

Jack ignored him and continued.  "You cannot live without him Nick.  As he cannot live without you.  You are reliant on each other.  So that leaves us with the last question.  We obviously can't just let him go.  What are we to do with him?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 6, 2007 7:50 pm (Edited December 6, 2007 07:50 pm) #

Drakeus rapped his cloak around him, and hoped to appear like a normal man, so he would not attract to much attention. He begain to walk down the road, and presently came accross cafe. Drakeus could sense a blackened soul in there, he entered the cafe intent on bringing yet one more soul to Lucifer...

((ps: Drakeus is more attracted to evil souls)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
December 6, 2007 8:18 pm #

((Oooh I sense a battle approaching between Jericho and Drakeus.))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 6, 2007 8:19 pm #

((Yeah, but Flame is thirsty...:( ))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

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