Topic: RPG-Superhumans

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Topic #1946

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December 2, 2007 9:25 pm #

((VOid is weak in extreme light.))

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 2, 2007 9:35 pm #

(Oh my god, Sev, your link there was the funniest think ive ever seen in my life. I love street fighter...slightly obsessed with it actually. Now i love deadpool, hes SHORYOUKEN...i do that all the time to my friends....i dont actually hit them tho. Im gonna book mark that page.....)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 2, 2007 10:16 pm #

Haze lay on the grass looking at the sky. She was tired and really wanted to sleep. Her eyelids dropped a couple of times, but she fought to keep them open. She turned her head to look at Flame, How are you doing?

I'm alive.He replied.

Haze looked up and saw Vandal hovering with Acero in her grasp.

"Oh crap," Haze said as she sat up.

Vandal lowered Acero to the ground. "Nice spot, didn't think I'd come here did you?" Vandal said with a grin.

"No I didn't think you would." Haze replied warily.

"Look I have no problem with you but the cops wanna talk." Vandal said.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 2, 2007 10:44 pm #

Desdemona stopped suddenly, dropping to a rooftop and taking Jack with her.

"Why are we stopping?" Jack asked as he rubbed his wrists.

"Something has gone astray." Desdemona said as she looked at the sky. The silver man shot across the building tops.

"That was Chromium." Jack said looking confused.

"Void isn't dead." Desdemona said simply.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 3, 2007 4:20 am #

Oni and Jericho sped away from the scene of the crime, picking off whatever law-enforcing stragglers chose to follow them.

"So...where to, boss man?" Jericho asked, putting a fresh clip in a Desert Eagle.

"The museum. I've got a contingency base there. It's time to up the arsenal for whatever we're gonna do now. We'll figure it out while we're there."


Back at the scene of what used to be Happ Harry's, the police were still cleaning up the mess and couting up the bodies.

"And...who is that one? Is that the Colonel?" Asked the police chief, examining a dead body. "The Colonel makes 40, 40 super-villains dead so far. You find anything over there, Simms?"

Officer Simms walked over to the chief to answer his question. "N-no sir. All I f-found was a d-d-dead rat."


YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 3, 2007 3:55 pm (Edited December 3, 2007 06:00 pm) #

Working quickly, Acero unclipped the reinforced chains from his wrists and used them to bind Flame's arms and legs. In one fluid motion he scooped up the fallen super and hoisted him over his shoulder. The wounded villain tried to heat up, just a little bit, but he couldn't muster up enough strength.

Haze looked on helplessly powerless to stop him.

Vandal kicked at a nearby tree in frustration too preoccupied with the thought of leaving her true prize behind in pursuit of Flame.

"If that laid back gun jockey slips through my fingers one more time..."

The other occupants of the park suddenly got a vivid flash of images letting them know exactly what she was going to do.

Acero gestured with two fingers to Haze and then pointed to the entrance to the park. He then opened his palm flat leaving it up to her as he turned to leave with Flame on his back.

"He means you're not wanted by the authorities," explained Vandal happy to translate. "But you're welcome to tag along if you've got nothing better to do."

"How come you understand him so well," asked Haze. "You just met him and you can't be peeking into his head all the time."

"Let's just say we speak the same language," shrugged Vandal lifting herself off the ground before following Acero. "In a sense."

Haze was left standing alone. After a moment of silent contemplation she tread after the others.

December 3, 2007 4:03 pm #

(not requesting you to edit, but Flame isnt that much of a smart a(selfcensored) And he probably wouldent know details about Oni's base and stuff.)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 3, 2007 5:20 pm #

Void could sense that second presence in his mind growing steadily closer.  Here, in his hospital bed, he realized that he would have very little room to fight.  For one thing, it was fairly well lit, until he turned off the lights, and cut the power to the room via sharp tendrils. And all this without leaving his bed.  He smiled darkly, and awaited the arrival of his unseen pursuers.  When they arrived, they wouldfind him not at all unprepared, and a more dangerous foe than they had anticipated.  Maybe, in the confusion, he could find a shadow outside, and escape.  It DID seem to be his lucky day.


Darklight donned his black and gold costume, and smiled underneat the fabric of his mask.  He was back now.  With a sigh of relief, he took off into the sky again, ignoring the discomfort of the sun.  He had been absent for too long, and would need to catch up on his duties.  So he soared over the city, patrolling and alert for any disturbances.  This was how things should be, he thought to himself.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
December 3, 2007 6:00 pm #

((No worries, I changed it, s'all good. Sorry for assuming))

December 3, 2007 8:47 pm #

Chomium soared through the clouds, the sun shined off of his metal skin and cast a silver streak behind him as he flew.

Each time he burst through another cloud it exploded and swirled in his midst.

Chromium never really got used to flying, he just got better. It was always an exhilarating extraordinary experience. When he was flying he lost all tension and could finally relax. It was one of his favorite hobbies.

This time however, he couldn't clear his mind.

He hadn't seen Haze anywhere. He had been searching for quite some time, back tracking and going to the place where they split up. He was getting a little worried. Many villains had died in the destruction of Harry's and their friends would be out for blood. Chromium could not let anything happen to Haze. He would not lose another....

As he flew over the tops of the buildings of Mission City he decided to go to the park Haze said her and Flame would be at again. He got there and decided to follow a different exit out of the park, he had already tried 2 of them.

He followed the path leading out of the park and flew for several minutes before spotting the running form of Haze in the distance. Vandal, a new stranger, and Flame were ahead of her, Flame draped over the new comer's shoulder.

He descended to about 5 feet off the ground and flew straight horizontally towards Haze. He slowed as he reached her and slowly flew up next to her as she ran and turned upside down to face her.

"May I assist you?" He asked her. She was somewhat startled at his stealthy appearance, but she regained composure.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 3, 2007 9:50 pm #

Haze grinned, " Well you could, but I wouldn't want to put you out."

Chromium grinned back then polished his fingernails on his chest. "Oh I think I could do it just for you."

"Oh I'm going to be sick." Vandal said rolling her eyes.

Haze laughed at Vandal which earned her a dirty look. "Don't mind her. I was just following these guys. Unfortunately Flame has an appointment with the cops."

You could help me escape. Flame voiced to her.

I don't want to tick Vandal off again. Haze voiced back.

Good point. Flame replied.

The group stopped as they came back to the shamble that had been Happy Harry's. "Looks like things got worse since we left." Haze said as she stepped around the debris.

"Not entirely," Vandal said as a slow smile spread across her face. She was watching Jericho's car driving off.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 3, 2007 9:54 pm #

Darklight was flying low, he had nearly collided with a couple of helicopters twice already.  As he flew over the ruins of Happy Harry's Bar, he noticed two things.  First, the army of cops gunning for a single car.  Second, He recognized Chromium, Flame, Haze, Vandal, and a new steel person walking towards the same scene.  Curious as to what was going on (he didn't remember much from the night before) he descended, and shut off his energy field.  He then approached the gathered heroes...

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
December 3, 2007 10:07 pm #

"Okay so Void's not dead. We can change that, can't we?" Jack said growing impatient.

Desdemona shook her head. "I cannot directly kill. I come to collect the dead."

"Oh that's just peachy." Jack grumbled.

"I wouldn't be here if he wasn't going to die." Desdemona pointed out and grabbed a fistful of Jack's shirt and lifted into the air.

"Hey can't you hold onto me in a more comfortable fashion?" Jack said with exasperation.

"We're not going far." Desdemona said as she sped through the sky. They landed only a few mintues later.

"So where are we?" Jack said as he dusted himself off.

"Feel my friend and you'll know the answer." Desdemona replied.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 3, 2007 10:14 pm #

Jack closed his eyes and focused on the feeling that had been pulling on him for the last little bit.  It was close.  He turned to where it felt strongest.  Which happened to be very near their position.  In fact he's right across the street at the hospital.

"What could he be doing at a hosptal?  Besides slaughtering innocents."  Jack thought outloud.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 3, 2007 10:18 pm #

Desdemona shook her head. "No he's not killing. Not yet at least. He's waiting."

"Waiting for what?" Jack asked clearly perplexed.

"He's waiting for Darklight." Desdemona told.

"But why would Darklight... oh wait you said Void hadn't killed yet." Jack said suddenly realising.

"Indeed." Desdemona said already knowing what future events were about to unfold.

"We've got to stop him." Jack said with urgency.

Desdemona stopped him, her hand pressed to the centre of his chest. "It is their time."

"I don't care. They don't need to die." Jack shouted in frustration.

"Everyone dies, Jack." Desdemona said coldly.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 3, 2007 10:27 pm #

Darklight landed before Vandal, much to her dismay. "Geez will no one let me after Jericho."

"It's good to see you too, Vandal." Darklight smirked.

"Yeah yeah, I know I should be happy you're in one piece. But I want my revenge on that rat." Vandal said then realised she'd made a joke, apparently no one else did. But then they didn't know where Harry went.

Haze stepped forward, "Do you know about Starbright?"

Darklight looked confused, "What about her?"

"She's dead." Haze said holding back a sob. She felt Chromium's hand close over her shoulder.

"That can't be true!" Darklight said suddenly appalled.

Haze nodded, "It is. I'm assuming that the police collected her body before the explosion."

Acero looked at her but Haze had no idea what he was trying to convey.

"No, no it can't be true. It just can't. That animal..." Darklight started then shot into the sky.

"I don't like the looks of that." Vandal stated as she watched him depart.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 3, 2007 11:40 pm (Edited December 3, 2007 11:44 pm) #

Jack drew himself up to full height.  To any normal person he would have looked quite menacing.  BUt Desdemona regarded him with the same intense curiousity she always had.

"I've lost Darklight once," he hissed through his teeth, "I'm not prepared let him die again.  I could have saved him then but I let myself get sidetracked.  This time I will make it.  Void is capable of much.  I don't know what the outcome will be like you may but I sure will not let it result in the death of my best friend.  So step aside or I will have to take force on you.  I have enjoyed the time we have had together and I don't want to end it like this, so please get out of my way!"

She continued staring at him.  "So be it," she said to him.  The words sent shivers down Jack's spine.  He was unsure wheather she was going to attack or let him go.  SO he placed a hand on the hilt of his katana.  Her eyes tracked their way down to where his hand was. 

"You know I cannot let you go.  And your weapons have no effect on me Jack."

"Yes I realize that," Jack smiled sadly but with a glint in his eye, "But Jack never goes down without a fight."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 4, 2007 1:26 am #

Desdemona sighed for effect, "Why do they all try to fight. You saw how futile it was for Magnus."

Jack seemed to contemplate this for a moment, "I'm not dead though."

A small smile tugged at Desdemona's lips, "No you certainly aren't. The dead are much more fiesty."

"Is that sarcasm?" Jack said, wondering if Desdemona was actually showing some emotion.

Desdemona shrugged, "My time to become fully human must be growing closer." She lifted her hand before her eyes and rubbed her fingers together. Once again her transluscent flesh seemed more solid.

Jack found himself reaching out to touch her hand, his fingers briefly streamed through her hand but when he went to pull back he actually felt something. "You know my sword just might be effective."

"You want me dead, Jack?" Desdemona said curiously.

"You make it sound like it's nothing." Jack said feeling awkward.

Desdemona shrugged, "Death is only a different state of being. I am not a truth reflection of that."

"What do you mean?" Jack asked, suddenly curious.

"I sold my soul to Death. I have a set purpose which I must continue to fulfill." Desdemona said as she gazed out to the horizon.

Jack took a step closer. "Why'd you sell your soul?"

Desdemona's lip turned up in a sour smile, "For love of course. What else? I was young and stupid. My heart was captured by a cad."

"What do you mean?" Jack said and moved so she would turn to look at him.

Desdemona let out a snort. A twinge of emotion touched her, the old memory was still a bitter one. "I grew up in a time far different from this one. I was poor, very poor and my father hoped to marry me to a wealthier man. His hopes arose when a new man came to town. He wore fine clothing and had a beautiful horse. He courted me and I took it seriously. I thought we were bound to wed. One day he took me for a ride on his horse. It got spooked and threw us. He hit his head on a rock and I knew he was going to die."

Desdemona paused and Jack urged her on, "What happened next?"

"I panicked and prayed to any God who was listening to save his life. But it wasn't a God who answered, it was Death. He promised to let the man I loved live to old age if I pledged my soul to him. As you can see, I did just that. As luck would have it, my suitor quickly turned his head to a different woman and I found out he was not rich. He was merely a con man looking for a good time and things to steal. He never even knew that indirectly he stole my very soul." Desdemona said as she fiddled with the material of her dress.

"Wow," Jack said as he wasn't sure what to say at all.

Desdemona looked him in the eye. "Now then, do you want to save your friend or do you think you're about to make a mistake as life changing as mine?"

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 4, 2007 4:07 am #

Oni and Jericho sped away from the crime scene, picking off the last straggler in their wake.

"Okay, Jer, let's cloak the car now. If these past few fiascos have taught me anything, it's to cover my tracks."


Back at the MCPD, the police chief was sitting alone in his office, gleaning over the tremendous amount of paperwork to fill out concerning all the dead super-villains, when he heard footsteps.

The superhero called Frost entered the room.

"Oh, what do you want? I've had enough of your kind today, thank you very much."

"D-dude..." Frost lifted his right hand, and pointed it towards the chief. "Not c-c-cool."

After the police chief was frozen solid, "Frost" sent his fist through the man's frozen head, shattering it into a million pieces. The entire affair was caught on security camera.

"Frost" ambled out of the chief's office and down the street before transofrming back to "Officer Simms".

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 4, 2007 5:25 am #

Let me go. Flame was still bound by the chains, unable to escape.

"No, your going to the police, their going to talk to you."


"I'm assuming its because your a villian."

Because I'm a "bad" person? I am being arreseted, because people fear me. Some of these people set out to kill me. I kill them. Does this make me "evil", defending my self?

Vandal stopped, Acreo stopped as well. Vandal lifted Flames head, so he was looking at her. "I'm taking you in be-"

"I could turn you into a torch right now, just from you being this close." Flame said interupting her speech. Vandal let him go, and stepped back.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 4, 2007 12:23 pm #

Vandal didn't like being threatened but she also understood the lizard man's point.

You didn't have to kill you know. You can incapacitate. Vandal voiced back.

I have the ability to burn things, incapacitation is somewhat difficult. Flame reminded her.

Point taken. Vandal replied.

As the group neared the Police Station they could see something was very wrong. The media was everywhere.

"I don't like this," Haze said as she caught up to the others.

"It might be wise to come back later," Chromium suggested.

Vandal took a step back. "The Chief of Police is dead. They think it was a super's doing. Actually they think it was Frost."

"What?" Haze said in amazement. "Frost is one of the good guys, what would make them think he did it?"

Vandal raised a brow, "The Chief was frozen and had his head smashed off. They also have video footage."

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 4, 2007 12:40 pm (Edited December 4, 2007 12:44 pm) #

Jack's mind was racing.  He wanted badly to torm out of there and stop Void before Darklight gets there.  But after Desdemona's story he didn't know what to do.  It was almost as if she cared for him.  And she probably did, Jack thought, I bet she doesn't want me or anyone else to go through what she did.

"Aww, you really do love me!" 

Desdemona just watched him.  She raised an eyebrow.

"It was a joke.  Remember those?  They are meant to be funny.  Come on, laugh with me.  Hahaha..."  Her lips formed a smile.

"Is that all?  Pssh.  Laughing must come later then.  You mentioned saving Darklight's life, what do you have in mind?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 4, 2007 12:47 pm (Edited December 4, 2007 01:09 pm) #

(( Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been really busy lately, anyways, here we go...))

Vandal and Flame turned down an alley, walking inconspicuously away from the frantic crowd of media and police. Just then, the air got colder, and Frost came skating in a trail of ice.

"Hey dudes! Wow, I've been looking all over for some other heroes. I guess we're all on the same side now, huh? That big bubble thing was... Hey, stop!"

Vandal was throwing "sounds" into Frost's mind. Buckling over, he knelt on the ground, holding his head and shaking. Vandal pinned him, saying, "Kay, buddy, we're turning you over. You can't just go around killing people for no apparent reason! Why did you kill the Chief of Police?! Wait a second..." Vandal stopped, face consternated in thought. "He didn't kill him."

"What?" Flame asked. "Of course he did... they have footage."

"And I just read his mind..." Vandal said, demeaningly. "He wasn't even there. He was inside the bubble, like he said." Frost was beginning to struggle up. "What was that for? Geez, that flippin' hurt, man!"

"Sorry" said Vandal, letting Frost get up "Someone, posing as you, killed the Chief of Police, freezing him then shattering his head. I was gonna turn you in, but I read your mind and saw you didn't do it."

Frost looked puzzled, "Okaaaay, then if I didn't do it, who did?"

They all looked at each other, than, in a sudden realization, said in unison. "Harry."

Luke: Your overconfidence is your weakness. Palpatine: Your faith in your friends is yours... Luke: Faith in yo mama. Palpatine: What was that?
December 4, 2007 1:32 pm #

Desdemona understood that Jack was making a joke but humour was still out of her reach as he'd assumed. Desdemona looked back the hospital. "You don't have to fight Void."

"What do you mean? Of course we do. You said he was going to slaughter people in there." Jack said his hand itching for a blade.

Desdemona raised a hand and pointed, "Darklight is coming."

Jack turned and squinted but saw nothing. "No he's not."

"Just wait." She said quietly.

Jack looked frustrated. "If I wait what will happen?"

"What's supposed to happen." Desdesmona said cryptically.

Jack stood with his hands on his hips, "And what exactly is supposed to happen?"

Desdemona reached out and caressed Jack's cheek with her fingers, "Something you won't like." She watched as Jack's eyelids fluttered and he fell asleep. She caught his limp form before he could fall to the ground. She didn't like having to do that, but if she didn't she knew that Jack's fate would be just as bad as the doomed Void's.

She lowered Jack gently to the ground and waited. Then she saw Darklight approach. He spotted them and landed on the roof. "What's wrong with Jack?" He demanded.

"He was over eager to help you defeat Void." Desdemona told.

"What did you do to him?" Darklight said and attempted to be intimidating, it did nothing to Desdemona.

"He's sleeping. I didn't want him to get hurt." Desdemona told.

Darklight's face softened. "So you did it to protect him?"

"Yes," Desdemona confirmed.

Darklight leant down to check Jack's life signs and was satisfied. "Okay I believe you. You need to get him out of here while he's asleep. I don't want him used as leverage."

Desdemona gave a nod, "Very well but I will return."

"I don't need your help." Darklight said not wanting another person involved who could potentially be hurt.

"I'm not here to help." Desdemona stated.

"So what are you intentions?" Darklight said as he stood to his full height.

"To wait for the outcome." Desdemona said, not wanting to explain herself yet again.

"And then what?" Darklight asked.

"I mean you no harm if that's what you ask." Desdemona told.

"You're a strange one." Darklight said.

"You've got no idea." Desdemona replied as she picked up Jack as if he weighed nothing. She lifted into the air to take him some place safe. Then she would wake him and return.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 4, 2007 2:11 pm #

The group turned around, attempting to get Frost out of there. Unfortuanately, a photographer turned, and snapped a picture. The sound of the shutter caused a cameraman to turn around, the reporter he worked for looked, and and within moments, the entire mob was rushing at them.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 4, 2007 3:26 pm #

Chromium grimaced, He was not a fan of the media.

Thick strands of his metal shot out of his body and wrapped themselves around Frost, Vandal, Flame, and Acero. Haze was next to him to he grabbed her in his arms.

"Time to leave." He said to the group.

He looked upwards and burst into the sky, the companions in tow. He flew as high as the group could handle and hid within the clouds. He was going to try an ability he had been practicing for some time. He thought now was the moment of truth.

"Everyone hold on, dont sqwuirm." He said. Everyone's eyes grew large and they all were shocked. They didnt know what to expect.

Chromium winced, this was going to hurt. Large amounts of his metal began jutting outwards from his body and combining and twisting and morphing into one incoherent shape. Everyone was still suspended in mid air by the tentacles. Eventually the metal molded into the shape of a giant silver jet. The tentacles pulled the supers through the silver walls and into the cabin of the jet. (Just picture something like the X-Men jet but silver i guess)

There were no computers, naturally. And the windows had a slight silver tint to them because they were made out of Chromium's metal very highly compressed so they were see through. At the pilot's seat was Chromium, yet his hands and arms were joined to where the cockpit instruments would be. He withdrew his arm from the main part of the ship and waved the group into silver seats that shot out from the floor.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 4, 2007 3:34 pm #

Im invisioning a more....sevitor-y look for chormium right now, like a Titan servitor, like hes been intigrated into the ship))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 4, 2007 4:49 pm #

Frost was starting to get a little worried when the photographer noticed him. The whole identity theft, someone-who-imitated-you killed sombody thing, on top of freaking loud noises in his head 'cause of Vandal, was starting to become a bit much, so when Chromium was doing the quick-thinking, Frost was grateful. Then all of a sudden, silvery chaos ensued, and they were magically inside a plane.

"Ummm, Chromium?"


"That was cool..."

"Heh heh, thanks, I thought so myself."

"Okay, so, dude, where do we go now?"

Luke: Your overconfidence is your weakness. Palpatine: Your faith in your friends is yours... Luke: Faith in yo mama. Palpatine: What was that?
December 4, 2007 5:36 pm #

After killing the chief of police and soiling Frost's reputation, Harry moved on to his next target: Vandal.

Harry made tracks to the state pen, the one wihtout supers. assuming Vandal's form and powers, but reatianing Officer Simms' service revolver, (s)he walked in and mentally crippled all the security personel. Making his/her way to the main power grid, Vandal killed all the guards in the facility, making sure that the security guards caught him/her on tape. (S)he then proceeded to free all the inmates.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 4, 2007 6:08 pm #

"At the moment, no where. The ship is just going to fly around a bit. We are going to talk here." Chromium said to Frost.

Chromium rose from the pilot's seat and walked towards the back of the ship that was somewhat empty. While he walked he would keep the foot that was touching the floor connected to it so he could still mentally control the ship, he had not yet developed the ability to control his metal while it was disconnected from his main body.

At the back he spawned a large round table and he willed the chairs where the companions sat to the table. The seats slide up to the table and were evenly spaced. Chromium sub-consciously spawned his own chair next to Haze's...

"This Harry character has become the greatest threat to this city and the innocents within it. We must devise a plan of action to take him out of commision. We now now that he has framed Frost and he is no doubt doing so to the rest of us as we speak. Well ladies and gentlemen...any suggestions?" Chromium said to the group.

Haze ran her fingers across the smooth silver table and thought for a moment.

Flame leaned back in the seat, which had accomodated to his tail, and sighed.

Frost was still looking around at great silver ship that they were in.

Vandal had her chin in her hand and was looking at the floor, also thinking of what to do next.

Acero simply sat and looked at Chromium.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 4, 2007 6:39 pm #

Flame looked around, still bound by chains. Unfortuanately, these were now stuck in the seat, effectively stuck. He created a small fire, and shaped it, making two human like figures, which then proceded to fight. He quickly grew bored of this, and began to look around again.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 4, 2007 6:48 pm #

Chromium noticed Flame's boredom. He fought back the urge to send his own little silver figure to battle his of fire.

He saw that the chains were still on Flame. He broke them using the silver chair and Flame pulled them off, stretching and relaxing his muscles.

"Nothing to add Flame?"

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 4, 2007 6:55 pm (Edited December 4, 2007 07:00 pm) #

Acero reluctantly clipped his hardy chains back to his interface gauntlets. If there was one thing he put before his duty, it was protecting the world against the fall of the heroes. Harry was doing exactly this in a quick and efficient manner.

Suddenly the red beacon in Acero's right wrist blinked on. That was the bad one. He tried to connect to HQ, but his link had been severed. Another bad sign.

He placed his arm on the table playing the incoming message for the other occupants of the Chromi-jet. This time Lietenant Davis' revolving head was projected from Acero's gauntlet.

"By immediate order of the mayor," said David. "Due to the impending threat that has arisen, all 'supers' are required to report to city hall for immediate processing. Those who fail to comply will be deemed hazardous and suffer the consequences. Law officials may use whatever means necessary to stop them."

The broadcast blinked off leaving everyone aboard in stunned silence.

December 4, 2007 6:56 pm #

"We've got to take down Harry, this is getting out of hand." Chromium stated.

Haze thought for a moment. “Harry can take on any of our forms and powers. So do we have a common weakness?”

Vandal glared at Haze, “I don’t like the idea of revealing our weaknesses.”

“So what other alternative do you have?” Haze said in reply.

Vandal let out a breath, “I don’t know, blow him to kingdom come.”

“Look we’re all flesh and blood. However Chromium and Acero have metal skins that can protect them from just about anything. Vandal, you can damage people’s minds, however both Flame and I have the abilities to block such attacks. Frost and Darklight obviously cancel each other out. But what can Oni and Jericho do?” Haze said.

“Jericho is bizarre, he’s a fighter but his ability to do so is odd.” Vandal said as if reliving a memory.

“As for Oni, I think his abilities are mainly from his gadgets.” Frost put in, “What about that chick that was hanging around Jack?”

Haze shrugged, “I know nothing about her.”

Vandal shook her head. “I felt nothing. It was like she was dead.”

Haze suddenly sat up quickly. “What about poison? There’s a super I’ve heard of that is covered with tiny spines that are poisonous. Perhaps that would get rid of Harry.”

Chromium shrugged, “I believe Jack has some sort of healing factor.”

“But is it enough to go against a seriously potent toxin?” Haze said.

The others shrugged. “I guess it’s worth a try.” Frost said

“So who’s this super?” Vandal asked.

Haze looked up, “His name is Noxious.

“Noxious? That guy is psycho.” Vandal spat.

Haze sighed, “If that doesn’t work there’s one other alternative. But I’d like to leave that as a back up.”

“What is it?” Chromium asked.

Vandal grinned, “It’s her father.”

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 4, 2007 7:03 pm (Edited December 4, 2007 07:14 pm) #

"I'm not going, we need to deal with Harry. He is very dangerous, he can look like me, you, or Haze. I can deal with him. It would be very painful." Flame said, looking at Chromium.

The figures, one redish, and one greenish continued their epic battle. Red drew a sword, and swung it, Green dodged, and grabbed Red's sword-wrist. He kneed Red in the gut, then grabbed the sword. He looked as if he were ready to execute Red. He looked at Flame, who nodded. "Execute him" the gesture said. The sword began to come down, but Red moved to the side, and grappled with Green, managing to steal his sword. Red swung the blade quickly, and decapitated Green. The body fell to the ground, and the fire that made it estinguished. Red looked at Haze, being forced to crane his neck due to his size, and did a medival-esque bow, he slowly seemed to unravel then was gone

(I had to re-type that, and as a result, it isnt as good as it was
(Not because of what some one did, but because i acidentaly hit some kinda hot-key :( )

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
December 4, 2007 7:25 pm #

Flame ended the battle between his mini flame men.

Haze glared at Vandal. “Thanks for sharing that.”

Flame looked confused, “What’s the problem?”

“My father and I aren’t on speaking terms.” Haze said as she glared daggers at Vandal.

Vandal shrugged, “Can’t blame you. The guy does tend to suck.” She said and burst into laughter.

“Who’s your father?” Frost asked.

Haze looked at her hands. “Do you remember the super known as Vince?”

“You mean as in short for “Invincible?” Flame asked.

“Yeah, that’s my father.” Haze said not knowing where to look.

Flame slapped the table and grinned, “He could definitely save our skins.”

Chromium tilted his head to the side, “I have not heard of Vince.”

Frost looked gob-smacked. “You haven’t? You been living under a rock? Well actually I suppose it’s been a long time since Vince graced us or anyone with his presence.”

Vandal looked directly at Chromium. “Vince is like Rogue from the Xmen. If he touches you he can drain your powers and acquire them. Difference is that Vince can turn this ability on and off like a switch. He’s also impervious to pretty much everything, hence why Haze was unable to kill him with a train, plus it’s said that no other super can mimic him.”

Chromium’s hand brushed against Haze’s but she remained quiet. So now everyone knew her father was a super. They didn’t all know that he beat her mother. It had taken years for Haze to realise that her mother was actually a super too. The violence had actually been battle practice.

Haze had been angry that her parents hadn’t explained this to her. They’d been happy to let her think the worst of them. She hated her family at times like this. She stood up abruptly and left the table to sit in the cockpit. She wanted to be alone.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 4, 2007 7:44 pm #

Chromium watched as Haze stood and sat in the cockpit. He resisted the urge to follow her. She needed to be alone, and this problem needed to ba taken care of.

"Alright team, we have a decision. Either we go after Noxious, which is pretty much a gamble, or we go after Vince. We could also split up and look for both of them and meet up afterwards. What say you?" Chromium said to the group.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 4, 2007 7:56 pm #

Darklight left the woman with Jack.  He didn't know why, but he trusted her; it didn't seem as if she was capable of lying.  After a brisk question and answer period with a secretary on the main floor, Darklight determined which room Void was in, and flew outside.  He found the room's window, predictably, it was shuttered and closed.  With a snarl on his face, Darklight summoned his power, and blasted the window in, and floated into the room, body encased in a veil of golden power.

"Well well, if it isn't the knight in shining armour, coming to rescue his princess..." Void's mocking voice whispered from everywhere in the dim room at once.  "A bit late for that, aren't you?"

"Void, I have had ENOUGH of you.  Anything against me, that hurts me is fair game, I can take it.  But I warned you, the second you hurt anyone close to me, you are a dead man.  You went too far this time."

"You really think I would do something like that?  Look, DL, I hate your guts, but I wouldn't go and kill her jsut to get at you.  Well, maybe I would.  But that isn't the point!  I mean, did anyone ever tell you HOW she died?  No?  Well, she was torn in half.  Yep, literally ripped to pieces.   You know me DL, and you know I am not strong enough to accomplish something like that.  Now please, I am waiting for my lunch, so if you could just go float outside, that would be great.  Oh, and visiting hours are from five pm to seven pm.  Look me up then, if you will.  Ta ta!"

Darklight gritted his teeth.  "This game has gone on long enough Void."

He sent a blast of light into the darkest shadowy corner he could see, and received a satisfying yelp from Void's hidden figure.  He then fired an arc of power which sent Void into the wall.  Void retaliated by extending his arm adn three tendrils, and shooting them at Darklight, like a mini ebon train.  It struck Darklight's shield, and the force alone sent him soaring out through the window.  Void then leaped out after him, arms stretching out to attack Darklight from both sides, and his tendrils also darting in.

Darklight fended them off as best he could, sending bolt after bolt of light at the shadowy tentacles, forcing the occasional few to recede, while enduring the strikes of the others.  He and Void flew together over the city, locked in an airborne duel, Darklight not even wanting to throw Void off of him; so engrossed was he in his conflict.  Void grabbed the front of Darklight's costume with one hand, adn began to slug him with the other.  Darklight grabbed a fistful of Void's essence with his left hand, and struck at Void with a light-coated right fist.

Passerby's in the streets looked up, and beheld the spectacle of a golden comet, streaked with black, and the distinct picture of light fighting darkness as they witness Darklight and Void's attempts to bash the brains out of their enemy.  They were so caught up in their fight that they didn't notice an odd shining silvery plane, flying low, until it struck them, and sent them hurtling to the ground below.  As Darklight hit, his shield flickered and went out, overburdened by the force of the impact.  Dazed but alive, he stood, and charged his fists with his power once more; the daylight's adverse effects being negated by his pure rage.  Void had liquefied upon impact, and had already reformed, also ignoring the sunlight, again, due to his own fury.  Neither of them noticed that they were standing before the hospital once again. 

Their eyes locked, and they charged at each other. Bolts of light and shadow flew every which way, and the fists of both combatants struck their opponent countless times, neither one permitting the other to get an advantage over the other.  Neither of them noticed Jack on the ground nearby, and the other girl standing and watching.  They had eyes only for each other...and not in the stereotypical manner, either.  They were looking to tear each other to pieces, their years of conflict and hatred finally coming to a tremendous boil.  And they fought on, oblivious to any audience they might have gained.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
December 4, 2007 8:15 pm (Edited December 4, 2007 08:24 pm) #

The Jet shook slightly with the impact.

Chromium quickly walked to a window and looked outside at the figures of Darklight and Void who were fighting in front of the hospital. Exactly what he didn't want.

"We have a problem." Chromium said to the group

He landed the jet on the street next to the battle and created a door and ramp on the side of the jet.

The companions walked out to the scene of the battle.

Chromium however made his way to Haze who was still sitting in the cockpit. She was looking out the silvery winshield yet her mind was elsewhere. He placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I realize this will be difficult for you. However, for the sake of the innocents of this city, it must be done. I will be always be here for you and I will be with you as you face any challenges." He said to her.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 4, 2007 8:36 pm #

Darkligth saw the silver jet land, and a group of heroes spill out.  He had enough trouble as it stood...He hoped that they would back down, and let him finish his fight before they did anything stupid.  Void's fist caught the distracted Darklight in the jaw, and possessed enough force to send him hurtling into the cluster of heroes.  Amid a tangle of arms and legs, he heard a voice, distinctly Frost's pipe up, "Dude, anyone get the number of that truck?"  Darkligth smiled and stood, apologizing to the heroes, and received a thick column of shadow slamming into his back as a reward, pinning him to the side of the jet.  He whipped arund, endured the crushing pain, and fired a lance of light back at Void, the impact of which threw the villain away from Darklight.

Darklight walked away from the jet, and resumed his attack on Void.  Sword of light met shield of shadow.  Hammer of brilliance met with axe of darkness.  Tendrils tipped with razor edges met with a bubble of energy.  On and on they fought, at range, or right up close and personal; once more ignoring their growing audience.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
December 4, 2007 9:40 pm #

Haze let out a sigh. "Thanks Chromium, but what do you say to a man you haven't seen in twelve years? Hi Dad, I need you to kick some butt?"

Chromium gave her shoulder a squeeze. "We can work it out on the way to see him."

Haze stood. "Very well then. Though I still suggest trying Noxious in case Dad doesn't want to play."


Outside the jet Vandal, Frost, Flame and Acero watched the fight. "This is great." Flame said wishing he had a cup of popcorn.

Frost gave him a shove. "We should help him, shouldn't we?" He asked turning to Vandal.

Vandal raised a brow. "Okay Darklight wants to set things straight, but he's no angel. Do whatever."

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 4, 2007 10:04 pm #

Chromium and Haze walked off the jet and Chromium withdrew it back into his body. They walked up and joined the group.

"Hold Frost." Chromium said, placing his hand on his shoulder. "At the moment, I think we should wait and see who will emerge victorious. Neither are innocent, so we would only be helping ourselves and the authorities in subduing them. We will only enter the fray if necessary.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 4, 2007 10:37 pm #

Desdemona had moved Jack to a quiet rooftop some distance away. As she lowered him to the ground his hair was ruffled by the wind and she noticed just how boyish he looked when sleeping. She found herself smiling despite herself.

Touching a hand to his cheek, Desdemona allowed him to wake. While in the process, Darklight and Void flew overhead throwing punches at each other madly. "Such fury," she whispered to herself quietly.

If it bleeds, we can kill it.
December 4, 2007 10:41 pm (Edited December 5, 2007 02:03 am) #

Haze stepped forward, "Frost, I think that you, Acero and Vandal should see if you can find Noxious. We're going to look for my father."

"Yes," Frost said pumping his hand in the air.

"What do you want me to do?" Flame asked.

"Find Oni, see if he knows how to get rid of Harry. If not see if he can help us." Haze told.

Vandal crossed her arms across her chest, "I'm having nothing to do with that sadist."

Haze shrugged, "You don't have to, just ignore him."


Haze and Chromium had walked a few blocks away when Haze heard Chromium's tummy grumble. "Hungry?" she asked.

"Famished," Chromium answered as he placed a hand on his belly. "Sorry about that."

Haze smiled slightly, "I think I can forgive you this time."

Chromium smiled back. They walked in silence for a while until they reached the 'eat street'. "I'll get some food," Haze volunteered as she knew it pained Chromium to return to his natural form.

"Okay, but I'll be watching." He replied.

Haze took a moment to decide, she picked out a kebab shop and returned to Chromium. "Chicken or beef?" she asked as she held up two kebabs.

"I'll have the beef," Chromium answered as he remembered Haze had eaten a chicken meal when she'd dined with Jack. "So did Jack ever pay you back for that meal."

Haze had just taken a mouthful of her kebab and had to chew a moment before she could answer. "No, I doubt I'll see the money."

"Maybe he'll shout you dinner instead," Chromium suggested though the thought niggled at him.

Haze smirked, "Oh I seriously doubt it. That guy sinks of 'I'm afraid of commitment' I just failed to notice initially."

"I might have to shout you dinner then instead." Chromium suggested.

Haze smiled, "I'd like that."

Chromium reached out to remove a shred of chicken that was on the edge of Haze's lip. "You know I've never met anyone quite like you before."

Haze chuckled, "You mean someone who can literally sweep you off your feet?"

"Well there's that, but it's nice to find someone I can talk to." Chromium told.

Haze nodded, "The thought's mutual."

As they finished off their meal Haze realised that she could put off her visit to her father no longer. "Let's get this over with."

"You getting rid of me already?" Chromium said in jest.

Haze shook her head, "I was meaning finding my father."

"I know," Chromium said as he took her hand in his. They walked along for a moment before Chromium spoke, "You didn't mention before that your father was a super."

Haze didn't say anything for a moment, "I didn't know initially. At the time that I attacked him I thought he was human. The way my mother acted you would have thought so too. It wasn't until I was 25 that I found out. My Aunt let it slip. You see she's my mother's sister. That's where Starbright inherited her power from."

"I'm not interested in Starbright, I want to know about you." Chromium added to get her back on track.

"Right," Haze said continuing on. "My mother came to visit my Aunt regularly, I had no idea. My mother has the ability to turn invisible. She can also turn her skin solid. I didn't know this. But apparently that's why Dad had no qualms in hitting her because he knew it wouldn't hurt her. They were only sparring, but it was so violent that I was certain it was domestic violence. I should have realised that she never bruised."

Chromium held her by her upper arms. "Any one would have thought as you did. You wanted to protect your mother."

Haze nodded, "I know. I just felt so dumb when I found out. Worst part is that my parents never approached me to make amends and I don't know why."

"Perhaps they thought they were protecting you." Chromium suggested.

Haze let out a snort. "Oh yeah, let's leave our scarred little girl, who can move things with her mind, in an emotion wasteland."

Chromium brought her close for a hug. "You don't know their reasons. But know that I am here for you."

Haze felt secure in their embrace. "Why didn't I meet you years ago?"

"I was in the lab remember." He said and gave her a gentle squeeze.

"So what's your story?" She asked.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
December 5, 2007 6:59 am #

Harry had heard the public anouncement calling all supers to gather. He decided this could be a chance to dirty another of his enemies' noses. As Officer Simms, he moved towards city hall.

Supers were all over the place, and the mayor was standing at a podium waiting for more heroes to arrive. Titan, a superhero who could alter his size at will, towered 5o feet tall, and Gecko, who could adhere to any surface ((think Spider-man's wallcrawling)) stuck to a wall. Without even thining about it, Harry "downloaded" these abilities.

When no one was looking, he shifted in Acero, and ambled up to the mayor.

"Acero, good to see you've heeded my ca-aauggh!" The mayor attempted to say something, but "Acero" Gripped him by the throat, snapping the mayor's neck for all to see.

Cops hesitated to open fire, unsure as to whether or not what they just saw really happened. Before any chaos ensued, "acero" performed a super-strength enhanced leap up to the roof of a closeby building. He heard police radios crackle to life after the people had recovered from shock.

Harry shifted to Chromium and dropped from the buidling.

"What h-happened?" 'Chromium' asked Titan, who was trying not to step on anyone as he searched for the mayor's killer.

"Acero...he...he just killed the mayor! Always knew there was something funny about that guy."

"Well,t-tell the mayor I s-s-said hi."

"Wha--" before Titan could finish, a silver spear had prtruded from his chest. 'Chromium' had struck.

"Titan!" Gecko, who had noticed Titan's murder, lept towards Chromium, meeting the same fate.

'Chromium' then took flight, streaking like a comet through the sky.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
December 5, 2007 10:25 am #

Jack was vaguely aware of things going on around him.  But he was asleep.  Odd.  He felt himself being moved from one location to another.  When he awoke he saw Desdemona standing right over him observing.

"I didn't even get a lullaby!  What a rip."  He immediately noticed Void and Darklight clashing overhead.  Jack resisted the urge to go and pull out his uzis. 

"Are you no going to do something Jack?"

Jack sighed.  "This time this is Darklight's fight.  I must let him finish it.  So I will do my best to stop anyone from interfereing.  If that means giving a long talking to to some friends or kicking the butt of some villain so be it."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
December 5, 2007 11:44 am (Edited December 5, 2007 12:32 pm) #

Frost was excited, looking for people with poison pricklies all over their body was always fun. And it normally meant a rubber bullet through a sniper rifle to the temple of who ever you were trying to capture.

"Okay, dudes and dudettes, where do we want to start looking? Vandal, can't you use your telepathy thing as like, a mind-finder or something?"

"Yeah, I could try that, but Noxious'll have to be within range?"

Frost was curious... "Which is... how big?"

"About 25 miles."

"Oh! Good, well, start thinking, or whatever it is you do."

Vandal concentrated, sifting through thousands of people's minds in minutes. Starting to get mentally exhausted, she found him. "Whoa! This guy is scattered... He's got tons of different thoughts going through his mind at one time. I've never seen anything like it!"

"Ummm, the dude is a psycho.”

"Good point. Let’s go get him."

Acero, who had been quiet up to this point, spoke up, "Where?”

Vandal replied, "Ummm, you guys aren't gonna like this... but he's actually living in a building about a block from the police station, and we can't go back there, Frost is like a wanted criminal.”

“Ummm, dude, so is Acero,” said Frost, looking at a TV in a bar across the street. The TV was showing footage that showed “Acero” walking into the police station, apparently turning himself in, then going up to the mayor, and breaking his neck. Acero, Vandal, and Frost watched in disbelief.

Vandal spoke up first. “Okay, Harry has to be stopped. He’s turning the entire city against us.”

Acero spoke again, “How?”

“Okay, dude, you seriously have to say more…”

“Frost! Stay on topic! We can’t go near the police station, and we’re probably going to have to knock Noxious out before we recruit him, or we won’t come quietly. So we have to knock him out from long range.”

Frost perked up, picking up on Vandal’s subtle hint, “Yes! Sniper time! Okay, let’s go!”
He grabbed Vandal and Acero, then conjuried a trail of ice, and a toboggan on top of it. He shoved them into the toboggan, and ice skated behind it, pushing it. He pushed it into the sky, then hopped in and let gravity power the sled the rest of the 19 miles to a rooftop about a mile away from Noxious’ building.

They all hopped out and the sleigh melted almost instantly, influenced by Frost. While Frost set up his sniper rifle, Vandal looked sceptical. “Are you sure you can make a shot from this distance?”

“Hey, look. Did I doubt you when you found one guy among a city of thousands using only your brain as an organic search engine?

“Fine, you win.”

“Thank you.” Frost loaded is gun with a rubber bullet, then, looking through the scope through the cement valley at the building a mile away, he asked Vandal. “Mind telling me which room he’s in?”

“Oh! Ummmmm, 26th floor, third room from the left” she said after concentrating for a bit.

“Thank you.” Frost found the room, and saw Noxious through the window. Then, aiming at his head, he fired. The bullet traveled fast, but even so, during it’s journey, Frost added layers of ice to it, until it was a baseball-sized sphere, and he kept it on course by manipulating a cold wind behind it, propelling it forward, yet keeping it straight, and avoiding parabolic rotation. Then, at the last second, in order to slow the ball down so he wouldn’t kill Noxious, he briefly made a fan of ice around the ball, inducing a parachute effect. Then, melting it, after slowing the ice-ball down enough, Frost watched it shatter the window, and conk Noxious in the head, slap-stick style. Noxious immediately fell to the ground, unconscious.

“Nice… shot.” said Acero.

“You know, coming from a dude who says, like, three words a day, that means a lot. Thanks, man.”

Vandal, who had watched the shot by putting herself in the perspective of Frost’s mind, said, “Wow, that was… creative. Cool. Now, let’s go get him.”

Frost packed up his sniper rifle, and conjured the toboggan again. They all hopped in, and Frost pushed it along the ice trail suspended above the ground across the expanse and through the shattered window.

“Okay, who wants to pick him up?” Frost quipped.

“Ummm, how ‘bout you encase him in ice first.”

“Good idea.” said Frost, turning Noxious into a block of ice.
Vandal picked up the block, and dropped it in the back of the sleigh. Then Frost got behind, jumpstarted it with a few quick strides, then jumped in and let it glide to where Vandal had found Haze and Chromium with her mind.

Luke: Your overconfidence is your weakness. Palpatine: Your faith in your friends is yours... Luke: Faith in yo mama. Palpatine: What was that?
December 5, 2007 12:53 pm (Edited December 5, 2007 12:53 pm) #

Darklight was thrown from the duel with a mighty punch from Void.  He crashed into, and knocked over, a streetlight.  With a groan, he stood again, and fired a blast of light towards Void, who nimbly contorted his shape into a “C”, to avoid it.  Void shadowstepped across the distance, and attacked Darklight with a frenzy of tendrils and fists. 

Their duel, now once more on the move, being flanked silently by the watchful Jack, had moved into the street, and through a nearby bar.  Void was thrown through the walls, in a shower of debris.  Darklight followed him, and sent him through the other wall with a light powered blow to the chest.  They continued their duel until they wound up in the centre of the city, surrounded by hundreds of frightened pedestrians who lacked the presence of mind to leave the scene.  One of Void’s attacks sent Darklight soaring into the air, for him to recover by once more activating his field of light, and diving down at Void.  He hit him full on, Void’s tendrils wrapped around Darklight’s body, and his fists pummeling Darklight’s face.  Darklight himself pounded Void’s black form, doing his best to fly the two of them into had objects, also trying to dislodge his unwanted passenger.  A billboard clipped Void’s back, and the man let go, falling to the streets below, splattering on the pavement as he landed. 

Darklight descended, and deactivated his shield.  A pillar of shadow –Void in a completely nonhuman appearance- struck him, and threw him through several streetlights, a stop sign, three taxis, and an apartment building’s lobby, until coming to rest in the city’s large, major intersection, duking it out amid the clamoring of the horns of the cars, and generally destroying a lot of property in their attempts to kill their opponent.
Neither of tehm paid attention to the approaching police cars, or the pedestrians calling on tehir cell phones for larger assistance, namely, the military.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
December 5, 2007 1:48 pm (Edited December 5, 2007 01:52 pm) #

(Em, Night, i dont want to be mean but....that was kind of quick. I think Mel intended it to be a little longer so Chromium and Haze had enough time to find Vince. Also, creative ice bullet thingy, but super speed is not one of Frost's powers, so i dont know how he was able to conjure ice on the bullet, blow air at it to influence its flight path, and conjure a parachute ice thing around it so fast. I dont doubt that Frost could do that, but i do doubt that he could do it all faster than a speeding bullet. And what does Noxious look like? Sorry, i just thought everything moved a little fast there. Haze and Chromium havent even started looking for Vince, so is it ok if you stall for a bit?)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
December 5, 2007 1:51 pm #

Flame was running, he was rather good at this.  He had cauterized the wound, but it still hurt, the bullet was still in there, and he he needed to get it out as soon as he got back to Haze and Chromium. He was close to the bar, he vaulted over the police baricade. The reporters were gone. The bar was empty. He began to run in a different direction, seaching with his eyes, and possibly more actively, with his mind.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

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