OMG the bffc has a myspace! that so cool!
Topic: MySpace!
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
33 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestWhat!? BFFC has a myspace? since when?
More to come. ;)
That's pretty cool even though I don't like Myspace as much but it should bring in more fans to the club
Added, mines
i just sent a frend request.

fett3393, yes, it's only outreach to those on MySpace who either 1) don't know about this yet or 2) frequent MySpace anyway.
ARC, yes. ;)
Pimp-my-profile has a good myspace profile layout editor, if you want to snaz up the front page.:D
hey i got a myspace
lol i forgot i had this ghost rider pic i also have boba fett ones
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I too have a myspace:
I also sent a request, Admin.
hey nice space just sent my elmo21 in case u wonder who that is : )
―Peter Griffin

Broke 100 "friends" recently. Not bad, but just the beginning. ;)
If anyone would like to contribute graphics or suggest ideas, we could use a "friended" or "thanks for the add" kind of graphic, unique to BFFC (since we like being original here).

5 shy of 200 now. Pretty serious bunch. Only real BFFC fans and affiliates in there. :D
Yes the MySpace page has been up for some time. Actually I found this website through MySpace. My Myspace name is Painting Faces. Good job with the BFFC page Aaron! :)
I'm on the friends list I think...Revan is the name, Miniguns are my game. j/k (But you would not be able to tell from looking at myspace...)
That is funky :D
LOL I had not heard of myspace until a few months ago.

Ooh, Top 8 just adjusted. ;)
That is funky :D
LOL I had not heard of myspace until a few months ago.
Join the club.

Hey, look at that... We pimped our MySpace:
Awesome new look ;)
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced... if you rely want it.
....Sarlacc food......
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I sent a friend request to the BFFC myspace page. I have to go to school now! Bye!
The new layout is awesome...moer people need to check it out.

Thanks Sintas! It's a work in progress.

I just saw this today, but can anyone tell me if this is actually Jeremy Bulloch's MySpace page?
People have so many fakes up nowadays, it's hard to tell.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."

Yes, as it states, it's the official Jeremy Bulloch page.
In truth, it was set up by someone else for him, but it's his.