I like your thin one better.
Topic: Avatar rating
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
828 posts
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Mwaaa ha ha!!! My brother picture avitar failed! It was supposed to be Jango Fett, but it just cam out as a fat Boba.
And what do you think of mine? I like it.
wth! I did jango flame!!!!
ok wheres the admin!
but it looks good on MY compy just not my bro's or anyone else's.
no. Okay there it went! ............................................................I like your old one better!
the old one was too qute for me. ....Buuuut it's still my sig :)
Can I have it? send it to me in a e mail! see your mail box.
I personally like IG-88's avatar. It looks... accurate.
If you have played a computer game called "Space Rangers II" you should know what (or who) my avatar is.
Or if you have ever heard of the game.
Anyways, My avatar is Terron, the Bad Guy in "Space Rangers II".
If you don't believe me I can post a couple of links.
(Lancelot! <3)
nice, where did you get it? 9/10
Photo bucket
What ya think of mine?
very cool.
i like the almost negative look. definitely caught my eye.
What ya think of mine?
Yes it looks different...
And great.
(Lancelot! <3)

What ya think of mine?
Dude, thats so Cool. Very nice.
Man that is...........................ALSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mine roks the known world!
and you all know it!
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
whadaya think of mine, remember, this, sapacemarine, bobapred. and i dont think there were any others...
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
mine roks the known world!
and you all know it!
I agree
I also really like Adeptus's avatar :P
Hail to the King Baby!!
....i like them, i wana get photoshop. then i can do cool efects like that...but cooler.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
yeah, but its still cool.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I'm going old school lol.
It's cute, Alo. Where is it from?
8/10, for being slightly pixely...
got a new one last week
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
You didn't rate mine... -_-
8/10... 'cause it's not Boba Fett! Nah, it's 'cause the guy from Half Life has a big forehead. :P
9/10. awesome picture, just slightly uncolorfull
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
It's cute, Alo. Where is it from?
8/10, for being slightly pixely...
I don't quite know lol. I saw it... I think on a wedsite somewhere and was like "Aww it's so cute. little man killer boba." so yah... I like to use him for other things as well. (note my sig)
I recolored mine =)
And Alo, your avatar is quite nice...
But what is that white spot on the far left corner?
(Lancelot! <3)
do u guys like mine????
I give it around 9 out of 10. It's a cool pose, and with good detail on the armour, for a cartoon.
ah, i finally get a new avatar (theres a few peeps here who probably remember me old one still).
I think it' pretty cool. Darth Sidious, eh? 9.5/10 for ominous-ness, and good angle on the pic.
hmm I agrre with M.A.....but.....im giving a 9/10.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
(I'm notorious for the numerals after the decimal places. Usually in real life, for self assessments.)
(is there a signature rating thread?)
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
For Christmas I have changed my avatar for a festive version. A person on another forum that I go on did this for me last year :D
10/10 Santa Hat=Cool
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
nice 9/10 (i don't give out 10's that much)
Awesome, Devil Girl! I'd say a 10/10; way to keep in touch with the Christmas season! I like the touch.
I agree with MA, that is awesome - 10/10.
What do you think of my avatar - I liked the idea of Boba on an old style phone.
Im a huge fan of Boba Fett and the Mando'a culture, especially after having just finished reading SW Republic Commando: True Colors by Karen Traviss (Kandosii! BTW) Unfortunately my di'kut computer's too slow so I had to pull Photoshop and cant get my own image up...sigh...can someone give me do me a solid and design me a buy'ce (Mando'a for the T-visor helmet they wear) as my avatar?
I only know what three of the Mando'a representations for colors are and I'd like to include them in the design. The helmet's black (JUSTICE), with the trim spacing around the T-Visor in green (DUTY), and a gold (VENGEANCE) outline around the visor trim. I'd like the visor to have a lens flare effect (Photoshop) if you can.
If someone could do that it'd be awesome...
Im hoping to get my sheb on the move and have a functioning computer soon, then I'd be down to help out, ner vode...
Im still waiting for someone to help me with my avatar!
Can anyone drop me a message if they can design it for me?
Net-A-Fett, I like your avatar as well. Good action shot, and nic angle; 9/10 from me.
I'm still waiting for someone to help me with my avatar!
Can anyone drop me a message if they can design it for me?
Hi VM, Sev gave me this link and it's got some cool clone avatars: http://www.clonecommandos.net/graphics/icons/index.php
Hope that helps ;)
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
virulent_messiah wrote:Im a huge fan of Boba Fett and the Mando'a culture, especially after having just finished reading SW Republic Commando: True Colors by Karen Traviss (Kandosii! BTW) Unfortunately my di'kut computer's too slow so I had to pull Photoshop and cant get my own image up...sigh...can someone give me do me a solid and design me a buy'ce (Mando'a for the T-visor helmet they wear) as my avatar?
I only know what three of the Mando'a representations for colors are and I'd like to include them in the design. The helmet's black (JUSTICE), with the trim spacing around the T-Visor in green (DUTY), and a gold (VENGEANCE) outline around the visor trim. I'd like the visor to have a lens flare effect (Photoshop) if you can.
If someone could do that it'd be awesome...
Im hoping to get my sheb on the move and have a functioning computer soon, then I'd be down to help out, ner vode...
Im still waiting for someone to help me with my avatar!
Can anyone drop me a message if they can design it for me?
There is a thread on avitar requests.
Look to the left top corner, BESIDE THE SEARCH BOX. Read the paragraph.
virulent_messiah wrote:I'm still waiting for someone to help me with my avatar!
Can anyone drop me a message if they can design it for me?
Hi VM, Sev gave me this link and it's got some cool clone avatars: http://www.clonecommandos.net/graphics/icons/index.php
Hope that helps ;)
Okay, so I'd been trying to get my Avatar for a week or so since Ive been in the BFFC. THE AVATAR REQUEST THREAD GOT ME NOWHERE, SINCE I'D BEEN MAKING REQUESTS ON IT SINCE DAY ONE. (I understand we all have lives), and I decided to jump in the chat room for a little "face to face". Automatically Sev and Mel were very helpful, and Sev agreed to help me out (thanx, vode). So a couple days later I got my Avatar.
Lemme kno what you guys think.
Very cool; hard to get a good view of him, kinda blurry, but I like the pose, adn the lighting is very dramatic. I'd say a solid 8/10 as well.
Thanx guys.
I like that its a bit dark. Sev actually lightened it for me but I like it cuz it adds to the whole Werda Verda (Shadow Warriors) mystique.
9/10 very cool avatar it screams sneaky..
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
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