Okay lets see, report rises and falls of gas prices.
2.95! IN AL.
Topic: Gas is high!
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
29 posts
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A week ago it was 2.91, then it was 2.99 over the weekend. Now it's 3.05. That's in MT, btw.
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I don't know the exact conversion, but I believe in Canada we are quite a bit higher. 95 cents per litre. Canadian Dollars.
Gas=Broke Use something else, like SOLAR PWR, if you can, but their probly gona be WAY expensive.........
gas prices make me sad.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

It's almost always over 3, upwards to 4, in California. ;)
I saw $3.05/gallon here in North Carolina about a day or so ago.
i haven't seen higher than $3.05 yet. it's mostly around the $2.95-$3.00 range.
I heard in Calif. it was around $5.00
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
While I was in Spain over the summer, gas prices were 10 odd Euros a liter. And as far as I know, a liter is smaller than a gallon.
I am very happy I was not the one fueling up the bus.
(BFFC Moderator)

Maltese, right now the Euro is around 1.4 to 1 compared to the Dollar.
Europeans, in general, pay more for gas/diesel, but tend to commute less and/or commute by different means, like by train, subway, etc.
Oh yes I'm aware of the exchange rate, and understand why it's high. But I'd like to say that we did do a lot of metro traveling in France, more so than by bus. It's still the same however, I'd rather not have to pay the gas bill for the bus regardless, the price of gas in Europe as it is.
(BFFC Moderator)
Maltese, right now the Euro is around 1.4 to 1 compared to the Dollar.
Europeans, in general, pay more for gas/diesel, but tend to commute less and/or commute by different means, like by train, subway, etc.
germany's bus system is exelent.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Ever since the Hurricane Ivan or Katrina hit the gas has been high.
Sure I can understand that gas would be then but now?
I don't think one hurricane has hit the U.S. this season.
actually, it would should only be higher in that area, unless that is, that New Orleans is one of the major areas where gas is shipped into the u.s.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
It was starting at $3.14 this morning when I went to fill up. I swear, these prices are murder on a college student's budget.
Come to Australia where it's almost $1.40 a litre. So that converts to about $5.00 a Gallon
Remember Australia's land mass is approximately the same as North America. We've got a lot further to drive than the Europeans.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
you know, gas prices are getting scary, im gona start having nightmares :(
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Must have been that burrito. Haha. Get it? Gas-induced dream. :P
Sorry lame.
Come to Australia where it's almost $1.40 a litre. So that converts to about $5.00 a Gallon
Remember Australia's land mass is approximately the same as North America. We've got a lot further to drive than the Europeans.
Sheesh, they'd have an easier time at it by just having us burn the money to run things.
(BFFC Moderator)
*news reporter impersonation*
And now, in a unexpected turn of events, Australia has turned to steam to run their cars, as fuel, they are burning money! oddly, they still are not using as much money as they used when gas was car fuel.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I dunno
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I heard that most of the crude oil America produces is sold to Canada to be refined and then we buy it back.
we barely get any of it from the middle east.
but it still goes up because of supply and demand
Saw today that we're at 3.08 now. :(
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I filled up with Premium this arvo which was $1.45 a litre, cost me $60 to fill up and I have a medium sized car.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Here in NJ we're paying around 2.85. Some places are less some are more. (Like one out of the way place was 3.14 last week.) NJ actually has many oil refineries, due to Port Elizabeth which is a large center of incoming everything. States determine what the taxes are on gasoline and those are seperate taxes from sales tax and the alike. Most of the time pump owners make the same amount in profits regardless of the price per gallon. In Europe they have a different taxes on gasoline, which is one of the reasons it costs more there. I have not experienced it yet, but I have heard and read that in Europe they overall have good public transportation, unlike NJ and many rural areas. Here its easier and cheaper to own and drive a car everywhere. It was a whole study in the NJ paper. The large hurricanes of seasons past caused gas prices to go up because they damaged oil rigges in the Gulf of Mexico. I'm not sure if they have all been brought back to a pre- Katrina state.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I saw somewhere around 3.06-3.09 today here in North Carolina.