Anybody here play Oblivion? its such an awesome game. I have to for PC, and I got The shiviring Isles a couple of days ago. its so much fun.
Topic: Elder scrolls IV: Oblivoin
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
32 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestI have the normal version for xbox 360, i also downloaded spell-tomes, vile lair, wizard tower, and theives den.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I will be getting the GOTY edition for 360 soon.
I play for the 360, it is a amazing game. Definately still one of the best games out there, can't wait for the next installment in the elder scrolls series.
I have Shivering Isles (So much fun), the pirates cove, and the ice sorcerer tower. I got the second two from a demo disk and the SI was just too cool to pass up.
Hail to the King Baby!!
I have it and I think it damaged my hormones. Argonians are so hot!!!!11!!
Seriously, I have a level 37 Argonian warrior/ranger, named Sindri (after Sindri Myr from DoW)
It is a good game, but could use some work.
At the edge of my seat waiting for TES V...

lol, I just got to level 4, and I plan to try and get to 50. I always forget to look, cause I just need to sleep for like, and hour, then I can upgrade. I cant wait for elder scrolls V it will be awesome.
I like Oblivion, it gave me faith for Fallout 3. A lot of us die-hard Fallout fans were uneasy when we learned that Bethesda, big, mean corporate Bethesda had yanked the title from little old Interplay, but Oblivion proved that they can do wonderful things with the RPG genre. Although others remain dubious, I am placing my trust in Bethesda...for now.
As great as Oblivion is, it will be trumped soundly by Fallout, I can assure you = )
Which will be crushed by TES V.
Which will then be PWND when they release Warhammer 40k online...if what i heard is true.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Yeah, I play Oblivion. It's a good game full of interesting things to do.
Like killing the Adoring Fan... Taking the Adoring Fan to oblivion and telling him to wait... Make him stay in the boat beside the White Stallion Lodge and filling the boat with skooma, tobacco and wine... Make him stay in the skooma den in Bravil and giving the other people in the den dark clothes... Take him to dive rock and tell him to beat it...
Sorry, can't think of more right now.
Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.

DUDE!! I just told him to blow off, I will have to go find him and do horrible things to him!!
turn him into a book. lock him in prison cell in your house.
Excellent game. One of the best reasons to own a 360.
What happens to the Adoring Fan when you put him in a boat filled with Skooma? Or when you put him in the Skooma Den? I shot mine in the face months ago and he hasn't come back like he usually does.
Shoulda waited. now they have the GOTY eddition....
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Excellent game. One of the best reasons to own a 360.
What happens to the Adoring Fan when you put him in a boat filled with Skooma? Or when you put him in the Skooma Den? I shot mine in the face months ago and he hasn't come back like he usually does.
He's probably standing in the Arena district, or he might be stuck in the Arcane University. Also check the place where he died.
And nothing really happens, it's just fun to see the adoring fan standing in the little boat, maybe with an oar and a few skooma bottles. I once made the whole white stallion lodge look like a black business area, even a dark brotherhood murderer guarding it. Oh and those two bretons you have to help find their home, they were guarding it too. And they both wore daedric
The skooma den thing I mentioned is also fun, you just have to find dark clothes (from shady sam) and then take the adoring fan there, and fill the place with skooma.
Also, go to all the churches in the game, and put a bottle of skooma on every altar.
Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
cool idea. i'll have to check that out.
Have you guys ever done this? There are several characters in the game that you can take with you on quests. They can't really "die" and just go unconscious for a few seconds after they run out of health. Well, you can start several of these quests at once and leave them unfinished and pretty soon you'll have a roving band of blood-crazed warriors to help you fight in the world of Oblivion. Here's my team:
My character, the two elf twins, Oreyn Modryn, another Orc from a Misc. quest from Leyawiin castle, a mage apprentice, and a dark brotherhood murderer. That's 7 stalwart warriors that will follow you anywhere, and are loyal to the death (so long as you don't hit them).
I did it, but I fought the Imperial Palace guards. But I had a Knight of the Nine and the Adoring fan with me, guess who died first...
Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
Just a quick picture of my character:
Long time since I posted here...
Nice, an Argonian! What's it named? Is that the Dark Brotherhood sneaking suit?
I like the Argonian characters because of their voice, and 4/5 of my friends have an Argonian character.
Ah... This topic reminds me of the house I had on my Nord character... I should have taken a picture of that. The rooms, I mean.
Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
I had an exelent argonian. Listener of the black hand. Had the pirates cove download almost all the way done. all that........Until my freind got a little to enthusiastic about deleting his character. Also got rid of an orc I had.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I also have an Argonian character...small world eh? I'm level 32 and have all the guilds beat and the main quest. I have the Orrey, Deepscorn Hollow, Fostcrag Spire, Spell Tomes, Horse Armor, and the new one...Battlehorn Castle. If you do not have that one, you should download it. It is worth every penny. Does anyone know how to duplicate Items?
The Argonian is named Sindri, after Sindri Myr in Dawn of War.
He is level 38, and the armor he uses is the assassin's creed style armor. (mod of course)
He also wears a ninja like mask, as in this picture:
I am the user 'Secret ninja Stamos' on the Bethesda official forums. When I get my computer fixed up, I will have more pictures.
I dont have this game but i play it alot at my friends house. I have a level 20 somthin Nord with a complete set of dwarven battle armor and weapons.
I love the graphics of Oblivion. I haven't actually played it yet, sadly, but I really want to some day.
Does anyone know how to duplicate Items?
This can cause game slowdown or even crashes.
Get (at least) 2 scrolls of the same sort, select the scroll twice and then drop anything you want to duplicate.
Remember, doing this for money is cheating.
I remember once when I filled an entire room of my house with large scrolls, or when I copied 200 watermelons on dive rock and when I copied skooma bottles and left my secret stash of (100) skooma bottles on the roof of the Knights of the Nine church...
I also once found a strange, black hood with weight 0, so I copied it, enchanted it with 5 damage, and started reverse pickpocketing it to people I wanted to get rid of (dark brotherhood quest targets for example).
One more thing: Never ever copy 200 sigil stones! Your computer/PS3/X360 would explode! Not really, but you would break your speakers.
Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
Yeah I know. I was gonna do that and my friend said not to after telling me what it'd do. Also, don't duplicate more than 30 items, lockpicks especially. It might cause Xbox/PS3 to freeze.
I've seen that happen, and a lotta progress get lost. It aint fun.
Love Oblivion so much I made an RPG for it here :D
If anybody wants to join, it's still alive:
Oblivion is like the best game I'm playing now, I can't get off it, can't wait till new armour and weapons appear :)
Good to see you found the disscusion thread, Grengan :)
You`re on what level now? About 8 or 10? The good stuff will be showing up for you soon ;) If I`m working a character who uses heavy armor, Orcish is really good! I don`t like the helmet or greaves much, but the rest is really good, especially for a Barbarian/Nord type.
Hopeing to show terra Oblivion soon up here :D