hi im thinking of ordering a marmit boba fett 12" action figure now i was wondering is it a good figure for display...and i must admit i may play with it with my freind cause he painted his own patterns on his jango 12"...? heres a pic of the marmit fett
Topic: marmit boba fett 12"
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
13 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestdont see why it wouldnt be good for display, and its no big deal if you play with them, they werent made to be cooped up in a box
I like opening the boxes, then you can make kinda kewl scenes with them, like luke geting knocked into the sarlac pit by Bob
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

They are actually very good for display. However, might not be so good for play. The hands snap on the wrists by ball joints (comes with two different sets), and the helmet is essentially filled with styrofoam, which also goes on a ball joint. This way you can move it any direction. Anyway, if you played with it alot, you might have a hard time getting the hands to always stay on. But they are great for display. It's one of the best detailed Fett figs out there.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
I didnt say play, i mean you carfully position the figure. To make a sort of diorama or somthing like that.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
yeah I like to do the diarama thing, I find it a little to difficult to actualy play with them although I still do most figures are just to hard to move. The AT-TE gunner would have been the absolute best figure if its shoulders had more articulation.

I didnt say play, i mean you carfully position the figure. To make a sort of diorama or somthing like that.
Devin Jax was asking if this figure would be good to display and play with.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
The Marmit is by far the best Boba Fett collectable, as Sadriel Fett says realy only meant for display(and VERY expensive for a toy) . I recently took mine out of it's display box and found it quite hard to piece together (this might have been cause i dont have a hair dryer ;D ) but after an hour of hard work i managed success and it now looks very smart in my collection. Anyone else found it hard to put together? :D
I've nevber even heard about or seen this figure b4
The Marmit 12" is a great figure to pose, but not so much to play with because the helmet just floats around. The only improvement would have been to lock the helmet down on a large ball joint...

The Marmit 12" is a great figure to pose, but not so much to play with because the helmet just floats around. The only improvement would have been to lock the helmet down on a large ball joint...
Yeah, I didn't get that at all. Are the other Marmit Star Wars figs like that, too?
Did they ever make a "corrected" version of the Marmit figure? One that has the correct colored T-visor.
Luckily, when I got mine a few years ago, I was actually dating a Japanese girl, so she translated the instructions for me.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."