"Welcome back Que," Rekk said, taking shelter. "We could've used you a few minuets ago." His powers still weren't up, so all he could do was hit at their attackers and duck behind barriers.
Topic: RPG - Secret Resistance on Manaan
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
483 posts
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-Rampage, Beast Wars
Gahl ran, his speed was enhanced by the force, and he was close, he saw the droid, the thing spun quickly, raising its gun, gahl pushed it out of his way, the blast from his force push slaming the droid against the wall. He saw his targets now, he jumped in the air, activateing one end of his saber (His weapon is modified so that the blade comes to full lenght almost instantly) and landed in the group, already swinging his lightsaber.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
(you can change how fast the blade comes with any lightsaber, by moving a dial)
Stinger sat up, his armor dented from the powerful force blast, he replied be leting loose a stream of bone breaking sonic energy at the Sith from behind.
(well then in that case the dial is at maximum, thanks for the telling of the info. I assume this applies to the blade being sheathed?)
Gahl was moving to fast, and he was out of the way before he even knew that he had been shot at. (no not at the speed of sound, he just moved as you pulled the triger)
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
As the sith doged the sonic blast Que took out his garrot (a thin cord) made of cortosis and wraped it around the sith's neck. He wanted to snuff out the sith's life like he would a small flame... but no, he'd sworn off that kind of thing, he wasn't some hit man any more, he was a jedi and he had higher standards now. the sith tried to slice Que but Que just used the saber in his hands (witch were more like feet) to block. but what he faild to block was the sonic blasts from both the droid and Aphotic combind. ((Alo Fett)) "I supose I realy should introdose myself right" Said Aphotic " My name is Apotic it means "A consuming darkness" and that is what I am. a Power that will consume you all in it's dark wake" at that Aphotic jumped into the midst of the jedi,sith and droids ...holding a thermal detanator! "HrAhaRahaha!!"
((Whoops didn't see that coming did you? it's ok if you live through it. you just better have a good way to, thats all.))
Vrook and Rekk fell in the water.
Gahl leaned over, and flipped Que over his back, and slamed the jedi to the ground. He saw Aphotic dive into the crowd, and he knew somthing was wrong. He decided to get out of the area, he dived through a door, which closed behind him. The blast knocked the door out of its socket, and it slamed into Gahl, most of the boulding he was in collapsed.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Vrook and Rekk fell in the water.
((did you ask something?))
Karson Fett wrote:Vrook and Rekk fell in the water.
{NO ONE HAS ANSWERED ME!}((did you ask something?))
((Oh...about the Rekk/Utath thing? Sorry about that. I'm not quite sure what's going on between them.))
Rekk kicked up to the surface, hanging onto Vrook's hand tightly so he didn't slip under the waves.
"You okay?" he asked, spitting water as Vrook surfaced beside him. Once he was sure Vrook could swim himself, he let go.
"Where's Utath and the others?" Rekk asked, swimming towards the first piece of dry land they came across. "Did you happen to see where they were before we got the old dunk-a-roo?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
"Nah, but my whip is fried now," said Vrook. Rekk and Vrook pulled them selves up. A base! It was the sith base. "Damn, if they see us they shoot on sight," said Vrook. "Do you still have that knife?"asked Vrook. "Nah, lost it,"said Rekk. "Looks like we got to do this the hard way,"said Vrook. He pulled his blaster out and sliced the door. A sith stood in the door way. The sith hesitated for one moment, thats all Vrook needed. He grabbed the sith by the neck and shot his blaster. It was silent, Vrook dropped the dead body. "He has a knife git it,"said Vrook. Rekk bent down grabbed the knife and hid it in his vest. "Now to get a speeder,"said Vrook.
"One problem. The Sith speeders in here are encrypted with an access code. Check that body, see if he had any kind of access card on him," Rekk told Vrook. "If all else fails, we could just get back in the water and swim."
-Rampage, Beast Wars
(theres a body??????????????)
Gahl climbed out of the ruins, he needed to move, cops would be here soon. He pulled out his lightsaber, and went over to the edge, he looked around, and took a dive, headed to find the jedi.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
((Yeah. A Sith Vrook just killed.))
"Ah frack. That Sith is headed this way. Persistant son of a Dewback that one is. Sometimes I wish I just rejoined the Sith. Save me the aggravation of being chased," Rekk mumbled, searching around for a card, or something to get to the Speeders with.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
Utath blinked, her head hurt and so did her ears. She moved and let out a groan. It took her a moment to realise what had happened. There'd been some sort of explosion. She blinked and looked around. She must have been been thrown across the room, as she lay splayed against the wall opposite to where she'd previously been. There was a large smoking hole at ground zero and Utath couldn't see the others.
She shifted and discovered that she'd dislocated her left shoulder. She had a number of gashes over her body and her clothes were smoking slightly.
She was glad there were no signs of the Sith, but she couldn't see anyone else. She wanted to call out to Rekk, Que and Vrook but she didn't know who else was out there. She struggled to her feet, letting her dislocated arm simply hang at her side. She didn't try to put it back in place as she could do further damage. She really needed medical help but she wanted to know the fate of the others.
She shuffled towards the water and looked out but there was too much smoke. The smoke was worse as she drew closer to the water and her throat contracted in protest. Backing away, Utath decided to go to the local hospital. She just had the problem of explaining what had happened to her.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
back on the docks the mangaled and chard limbs of Ahphotic were pulling them selves back together. after a moment of rest Ahpotic notest that his self explosion wasn't waisted one of the jedi as knocked a bit by the blast namely Utath. "You must have been hit hard" Aphotic's now even more gruff vioce was mockingly sympathetic as he knocked her from behind on the head rendering her uncontious. "I'll just have to take you some place safe." Aphotic called his speeder with a romote and bound the jedi with force proof chains "this should hold you for a little while" he then threw he into his ship cell after removing her of her saber and other weapons. jsut then she came to "Where am I? wha...whats happening?"
Utath said as she woke "Boy do I have a headache. did I drink to much? no...I don't like to drink...or do I? ahh I can't seem to get my thoughts strait!" Aphotic was glade he had spent those credits on the force-repelling Ysalamiri ((http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ysalamiri)) those mixed with some quite potaint drugs and the concussion she had been given by him and the thermal's shock would keep her like that untill she could find the force again."Are you a slave trader?" ask Utath when she saw Aphotic and that she was in a cell. "You're going to wish I were." Answerd Aphotic.
((FMR)) Que was in the water, being knocked there by the explotion. He was cooming to and trying to swim and catch up with the others who didn't see him in the water before swimming off.
When he saw the sith dive in he thought "Rekk is going to need more time before having to meet with this sith again".
He then waseted no time in swimming over and lassoing the siths neck with his garrot. While doing this he also began to ply his opponets mind, attacking him through his own mind. "He's being strangeled and mind seared while under water. This should give the others the delay they need." Que thought, "I just hope I get to put those credits I spent to good use later."
Rekk stopped. He senced... no... that was it! He COULDN'T sence her! "Utath." Rekk said under his breath. What? Vrook said. "I feel something is wrong I can't sence her." Rekk said, half to himself. "Who?" Asked Vrook, who hadn't been around her as much (and who didn't have the same feelings for her.) "This is not good" said Rekk "lets hurry!"
((Utath isn't a Jedi))
Utath was starting to wonder if she had a concussion, things weren't very clear. The Sith seemed to think she was a Jedi. Fat chance of that. Sure she'd served the Jedi but she never was one. It made her wonder, was she stronger with the Force than a normal person? She seemed to be fooling this Sith.
She was too exhausted and battered to care where she was going. Her arm was hurting even more with her bonds. She decided to play dumb instead.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
(sorry I thought when you said that you "threw a chair" you ment with the force. and I'm NOT a sith I just had to work for them so I could get out of jail. and I was hoping to blow up HK...oh well. and when you say "with you" do you mean on her side or in my ship, if it's the latter he's long gone.)
Gahl activated his lightsaber and swung the blade at his attacker.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
((uuuum....your being choked.read 4 posts up. FMR))
((sry didnt see that. editied.)0
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
"Yeah, we really need to get to a speeder now, access card or not," Rekk said, searching for anything resembling a garage door. "When I lose sense of someone, it always means bad news. Especially if it's a friend." He added the last part under his breath.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
Aphotic was glade he had spent those credits on the force-repelling Ysalamiri
(the Ysalamiri effect only works if the Ysalamiri are alive)
Gahl activated his lightsaber, and cut the wire, then he swung the blade at his attacker.
Umm... the cord is made of cortosis, a saber resistaint metal. So you can't cut through it. ;)
Alo Fett wrote:Aphotic was glade he had spent those credits on the force-repelling Ysalamiri
(the Ysalamiri effect only works if the Ysalamiri are alive)
They are alive, the're in the ceiling above the cell.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
((that was fast. and also off subject those are ssome HUGE stars!!))
(FMR) As Que and the Sith were underwater and as the Sith was undergoing massive mental pain, Que simply grabbed the Sith's arm with one of his "foothands" and twisted it, causing his foe to release his grip on his weapon. "He can't take much more of this," Que thought, "He's blacking out, and if he dosen't get out of the water soon, he'll be one less sith to worry about. And if he somehow does, he'll at least be in no condition to give us much troble for a while
(so was that.
I think we should get on with it...)
Gahl managed to get his hands between his neck and the cord. He pulled suddenly and managed to slip his head out. He was free, he swam to the surface, retriving his lightsaber(force) and force-jumped as high as he could, managing to grab a ledge. He reinforced his mental barriers, the other would bother him no longer...
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
((Lord Revan are you still playing? If so I wan't to do somrthing with you, if not pls tell me so I can do something else))
i think your still in the water, watching Alo's guy magicaly pop up behind me.)
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
(ok we need a recap, and a summary of where everyone is)
Hangin on a ledge, bout 20-50 feet off the water.))
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
{I am lost where are me AND Rekk?}
((I thought we were in a Sith Base, looking for a Speeder to escape.))
-Rampage, Beast Wars
((All riiiiiiiiiight.
Rekk and Vrook are in a sith base trying to get a speeder and get out.
Gahl is on land next to the docks after just getting away from Que, who is still in the water.
Aphotic is in his ship ( witch is fairly big) and has Utath prisoner.
Utath is Aphotic's prisoner on his ship and might be taken to Demagol aka lord raven.
Stinger has yet to tell how he got away from the Thermal blast and where he is.
*Wheew* I think thats everyone, I hope that clears things up and we can get back to the game.))
((why isn't anyone posting??))
((I can't do much since I've been captured)).
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
yah... I cinda ment Mandal_ShadowWarrior or Karson Fett or Thylacine.
Im waiting for you, gahl's hanging/sitting on a ledge, thinking up his next move
He slashed out at the one guy who kept chokeing him)
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I had posted last.
(Yah but it wasn't a a rpg post it was just a post post. and if someone dosn't post soon I'm going to end this very messily ;) )
(ps. Mel you can post about hoe you get away or what not.)
Gahl dives back in, slashing wildly at Que.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Utath struggled in her chains and noticed that they weren't particularly tight. Apparently the Force-repelling creatures were supposed to hold her in. Since the Force had never really been with her, Utath slowly shrugged the chains down her body.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
((FMR)) Que block and quickly pushes the sith into some ruble close by the next thing the sith saw was a blade being swung at his face.
((Alo Fett)) "Putting yourself back together isn't as easy as I make it look" Aphotic said over his shoulder to his prisoner (who was hoping that he wouldn't see her wrigling out her chains.) "So I'm gong to take a nap but worry I'll have one eye open so don't try any thing, pluse the door is locked and good luck breaking that."
This is some "art" I did
and with out color:
(i thought we were in water, the rubble would be at the bottom.)
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Gahl dives back in, slashing wildly at Que.
(sorry I didn't see that you dived back in. in that case forget the push part. Que stil in battle with the sith.)
K no prob
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
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