Dont know how many of you are interested in alien and predator but the official site is up with a trailer it looks really pretty :D oh and dont watch if your under age or w/e theres gore scenes in this
Topic: AvP - R
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
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i'm 11 so i wont watch
That looked alot better than the first one. I don't know that I'd call it pretty, though. :P
is it an 18? :O
Double shoulder cannons. Nice. And if you look closely you can catch a glimpse of the Predalien.
And if you look closely you can catch a glimpse of the Predalien.
I saw that too. It took me a second to figure out what it was.,;) is it an 18
More than likely, Green. Most Aliens and Predator movies are Adults Only.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Interesting - I read in a magazine the sequel was gonna be called AvP- Survival of the Fittest. I'd go see it, this definitely looks way better than the first one. I tried to find the Predalien, but I couldn't. It had some beautiful scenes (people just gettin stabbed :D).

the predalien is the one that gets a set of wrist blades stuck up its face :) and if it were another pg-13 i wouldnt see it. Alien and Predator movies are nothing with out delicious gore. They're also making a new game of avp for psp its unknown whether it'll be based on the movie or not
I can see it in 7 yearsif i am 11. my brother, Lewis , is 18 so he could watch it, * sniff! * :(
the first avp game actually came out a few years before the movie. GHF, quit complaining and just sneak in the movie theater or download it off the internet.
no offense but your sounding like a bad person there :o
I love the game....the first one was a dissapointment, and this one looks better.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
is there an avp game? :O
yes, its rated M and its for the PC and its probabaly older that you are
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
probably * lol and sorry, what is an M?
Rated M for Mature
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
no, i know its a letter but is it like an age rating? :O
sort of, you cant buy it without a parrent if your under 17 in some stores
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
okay, i wouldnt buy it anyway because i'm not into avp :D
????????????????????? 0.o?????? :O
wait....then why did you post here?
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
because i wanted to know what it was :D oh course
That is why we have Google:
lol i knew that ;)

which "first" AvP game are some of you talkinf about? There is some confusion at which the first was. The very first AvP game was for Super Nintendo and Game boy ( AvP Last of his clan) the one for game boy is impossible to beat I'm serious, its not hard but there is no way out of the second level.

Dude, that looks really good. Alot better then the first one. I cant wait to see it.
well i dont mean the first, i mean like AVP2 for the pc
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Heh.. I'm 14 but I'm going to most likely see it. I saw 300 no problem...
Plus, I survived 6th grade health 3 years ago!
Nasty stuff.....
I've seen loads worse than 300, plus gorey movies just don't get to me (I pigged out on popcorn during Saw 2 :D) Besides, 11th grade health is worse than 6th grade health (it's much more boring and you are guaranteed to sleep)

I'm glad they didnt make the name survival of the fittest. It just sounded dumb. Requiem sounds bad @$$...any one know what requiem meens?
Straight from :
req-ui-em (rěk'wē-əm, rē'kwē-)
1. Requiem Roman Catholic Church
1. A mass for a deceased person.
2. A musical composition for such a mass.
2. A hymn, composition, or service for the dead.
Requiem also means a dream or a flashback.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
i dreamt i was in a massive WW1( 2 ) like war and all my troops were falling into the dust and dying..............:(
you know whats weird.......draco cant say thats off topic
good job green :)
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Thank You Adeptus Astartes and , my dream was very scary. i expierenced a fellow friend of mine getting hit and falling into a puddle of dirty water and lol, ( its a bit gruesome but his head got ripped off ) and his eyes were still open when he died and they soon got dirty and mud and dirty water were in his eyes.....* shudder! * :|
Actually, it is off-topic, as we are not talking about people's dreams, we are talking about the up-coming movie.
I think Requiem in the movie will come from definition two.
but IG-88 said : Requiem also means a dream or flashback
But he did not ask you to tell him your dreams.
Anyways, I can't wait to see the movie.
k, but is there another ALIENS movie coming out? :O
There is an Aliens versus Predator movie coming out, and it has the Xenomorphs.
are they aliens?
Try Google: .
How are Predaliens produced?
They look very very scary, * shudder! *

face hugger + Predator = Predalien. did any of you catch a glimpse of the Preatorian Alien, well atleast I think it was the preatorian cause it looked alot smaller then the queen. Maybe the Preatorian is the big surprise the Strause brothers said there would be :D some specualte it will be the Alien King from the Rogue comics if any of you are familier with those one....if not I suggest reading them :D
to those of you wandering where the predalien is the one on the left
who, me?
Saw the trailer, Looks 10,000 times better then the first one. I might go see that when it comes out
who's yo mamma?
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