Now odds are no but this will make good discussion anyways but has anyone seem any Boba grafitti ever? or star wars in general? i personally have seen a few star wars since im always seeing grafitti. one was of vader the other of yoda ( cracked out though just like episode 1). Anyone else?
Topic: Boba Grafitti
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
22 posts
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―Peter Griffin
Nope, can't say that I have. Would probably take too long to do. Either that or Boba fans have a sense of ethics ;)
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
i dont think so.
I haven't seen any pictures of him, but my cousin is big into that kinda stuff and he says he has seen some tags from a "Kaamo Fett" (I think). He says he does trains.
Hail to the King Baby!!
that's cool.
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
Sounds lie "Kaamo Fett" is the closest thing to Boba Fett grafitti as we're going to get.
star wars graffiti i have never seen it!? :O interesting
Like the wall paintings with spary paint?
Never seen any. I think grafiti is kinda stupd in some cases.....Mostly bathroom grafiti. like "For a good time call your mom at 1-111-111-11-2" or whatever. It'd be kinda interesting to see it though.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
It would be funny to see if there was any. I never really thought of it. I've read that back in the day when Lord of the Rings was just comming out in the books that there would be "Frodo Lives" around some places. Not that that's the same, but I connected it in my head.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Star wars bathroom grafiti. That would be funny.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Never seen any. I think grafiti is kinda stupd in some cases.....Mostly bathroom grafiti. like "For a good time call your mom at 1-111-111-11-2" or whatever. It'd be kinda interesting to see it though.
lmao in my school, in the bathroom kids write on the wall girls that they think are hot.
I have seen KKK BG at the Winne- dixie in Pell city
I cant say i've seen any Boba Fett grafitti, but there was an article about SW graffitti in SW Magazine issue #63 May/June 06 (thats the UK edition so it would be February/March in US)
This is one of my favourites :
DUDE!!! NICE!!!! who did that?
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
You mind if i use that as my desktop wallpaper?
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Sweet! You know (and this is referring to traditional graffiti, and not the image) I've found that a lot of graffiti artists are very talented, and artistic. It's kinda sad how a lot of them just spray on random or offensive junk on walls. Although, I must admit, I would love to see, firsthand, an example of Boba Fett graffiti (that wouldnt be offensive, now, would it?)

My city has the HUGE wall of Star wars Stuff, I dont remeber who didit, but its pretty cool, it has Boba, Slave 1, the Falcon, and the entire gang. Its pretty cool. I'll take a picutre of it next time i'm over there.
I'd REALLY like to see that sometime.
Like is it a decent graffiti? Or just some random kid spray painting what looks to be drawings of a 2-year old?
Used to see the Rebel Alliance symbol sprayed around the place but to do fett is a big ask.Any fan that would have the idea to do him would want to do it justice and u dont have that much time unless u are commissioned to do a wall or something!