movie comes out 2009...
oh, and it's "Rorschach". sorry...
(his "mask" looks like a Rorschach test...)
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
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movie comes out 2009...
oh, and it's "Rorschach". sorry...
(his "mask" looks like a Rorschach test...)
And I can. not. Wait.
It is about Mr. T, ergo, it is the greatest show ever.
Walker. Texas. Ranger.
B. Team.
C. Team.
D. Team.
E. Team.
F. Team.
G. Team.
H. Team.
I. Team.
J. Team.
K. Team.
L. Team.
M. Team.
N. Team.
O. Team.
P. Team.
Q. Team.
R. Team.
S. Team.
T. Team.
U. Team.
V. Team.
W. Team.
X. Team.
Y. Team.
Z. Team.
I. Would. Pity. The. Fool. Again. But. He's. Dead.
(C and D Team are reserved for Chuck. but he never uses them, so their on loan to Mr.T)
Mr. T. Beat. Chuck. Norris. With. Bruce. Lee. And. Jackie. Chan. Family. Hour.
Teams C and D are actually on loan to Chuck.
can i borrow X-Team?
That's $29.95 a month if you wish to borrow a team. I personally own P-Team, but let Chuck Norris and Mr. T brawl over it.
Mr.T is loaning C and D team to Chuck as a joke, because Chuck owns them and is loaning them to Mr.T they think its funny that you can be loaned somthing you already own
That's $29.95 a month if you wish to borrow a team. I personally own P-Team, but let Chuck Norris and Mr. T brawl over it.
(haha... "P-Team")
(oh, and Chuck Norris would win.)
but they would never fight.......because it would implode the universe...
that'd be fun to watch!
no it wouldent, cause youd die from the sight...
there's a newsflash for ya!
(oh, and Chuck Norris would win.)
Mr. T < Chuck Norris is a paradox.
not if your Chuck Norris...
besides, chucky was trained by bruce lee!
not realy....Chuck trained himself
not if your Chuck Norris...
Ah, then Chuck's mind obviously cannot handle simple logic.
no, logic just doesnt apply to him, just like physics.
That explains why he thinks he can defeat Mr. T.
But physics do apply to Mr. T (hence his door-kicking).
They only apply if he wants them to.
Who do you think wrote the laws of physics?
Here's a hint: his name begins with "Mr." and ends with "T".
you mean Sir Isaac Newton went by the penname of "Mr. T"?
No, Mr. T stuck his hand down Newton's throat and into his arm, and wrote it.
now Mr. T has crossed the line between "bad@$$!" and "disgusting..."
Survival of the Fittest, by Charles Darwin: If Chuck Norris does not kill you now, he will kill you later.
Only Chuck Norris can prevent forest fires.
Mr. T's autobiography, "So Many Fools, Not Enough Pity," was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for its heartwarming and inspiring tales of Mr. T overcoming his fear of flying, and his battle with gold-addiction--as well the sweet tutorial on how to install machine-gun turrets on top of a GMC van using a welding torch, a 55-gallon drum, chicken wire, and skim milk.
Mr. T never takes showers. Instead, whenevr he's dirty, he points to himself and shouts, "CLEAN!"
Mr. T once won the Olympics. All of them.
The turning point of World War II was not when the allies invaded Normandy, but when Mr. T was born and Hitler shot himself to avoid the consequences.
Mr.T doesn't have night mares, night mares have Mr.T.
there were no A-bombs: Chuck Norris was dropped on Hiroshima and it echoed all the way to Nagasaki!
wheres my thread, aww jodo why did you delete my thread :(
1. That is spam.
2. What thread?
3. Why did you blame Jodo?
4. Jodo cannot delete threads.
5. A moderator probably deleted it if it was in the wrong place, again.
Mr. T can shoot down a plane by pointing at it and saying "boom."
That was originally a Chuck one methinks.
Chuck Norris uses a live rattlesnake as a condom.
Mr. T can shoot down a plane by pointing at it and saying "boom."
some one already did this one, i dunno if it was with chuck, or Mr.T though
Chuck Norris dosent break windows when he plays baseball....he breaks satellites
dont forget planets.....and dimensions....
and reality....
.....and other things that are impossible to break with a base ball....
Dont forget imagination....
I mean, if that ball comes even close to your head, like within five miles, you will have NO imagination, its why Mr.T wont stop saying "I pitty the fool"
And that T.V. show, would have been called "T.....For Termanaton", and would have been a biography, but chuck was palying baseball to colse to the wrighters
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Note: the last post in this topic was 17 years ago.
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