anakin skywalker stalked throught the jedi temple and in his heart occured to him that all his life since coming here to the temple,powerfull people claimed his loyalty without evan thinking of asking him what he wanted the councill wanted him to spy on the chancellor ,the chancellor wanted him to spy on the council and his wife semed to be hinting about defecting to the seperatists.the thought was coming to him to say a curse on all your houses.he turned a corner and the force prodded his attention.there was a small door,old and unoticed set behind a pilllar.anarken felt a powerfull sence of things changeing as he looked at it.he walked over and opend paths of hsitory opend to him.there was a set old steps not used for centuaries and he walked down them shutting the door behind him.he shrouded himself very carefully in the force so none would see him go and came to a forgotten maintanance room."why not just leave?"he thought "put on a new life and let them get on with wan will look after padme and the others all deserve each other."
the dissapearance of anakin skywalker was the unsolved crime of the millenium.the jedi and the chancellor accused each other of murdering him and after a botched coup the jedi council fled to aldebarran.the chancelor declared himself emperor and the seperatists declared a cease fire and watched in bemusment as the republic tore itself apart.within a few years the galaxy was split between the coriscant empire,the new republic and the rim confederacy with systems like kuat and correlia being neutral.senator amedha returned to naboo and becoma a dominant force in the rim confederacy.thousands of books where written about who killed skywalker as the great powers watched their borders waiting for a cataclysmic war which never came till they where all invaded by the vong.
rin looked at her father and squared her shoulders and said"father i want to be a jedi"
her father sat back and sighed.he was a tall man with short fair hair going white.he turned up at the valin system one day and after serving as a merc pilot he founded a haulage company before retiring to be a gentleman farmer.
"rin dear,why do you want to do something so silly.they will just use you up in their little wars with the empire which has its own jedi too.its all just for nothing."
"father i know we have had this conversation before,but i want to make a difference.i want more out of life than running a buissness.ive already arrainged to go to alderbaran.its done"
"if you have to go then go.if it does not work out then you can return.otherwise i do not wish to hear from you rin.all i can say is goodluck and goodbye."
Topic: a different galaxy
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
7 posts
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(interesting premise...horrible spelling...)
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
yes very good stone mando...but SM? why did you say " let daddy buy you a new crayon set and a drawing book " Seriously! i'm 11 :|
what does that have to do with anything?
let it go, man.
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
K, but when you get insulted i wont be there for you, now that you've said that,....that phrase made me angry!
i can take care of myself.
they're just words.
let it go.
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
K, soz, i am sensitive, anyway stone mando sorry about that, so, anyway nice starting thread :D