That's true, most people today would end up at least a bit nutty if they saw that.
Topic: If Jango had survived the Battle of Geonosis?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
78 posts
Sorted by oldest to newest"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Everettj wrote:I DOUBT that VERY much. He would Have had More Teaching. And would not have lost that 500,000 credits to Nuri. :P
Poverty or the desire for wealth can be a powerful motovating factor.
No greater motivation than the desire to never go hungry again. Least none I can think of.
And Boba wouldn't have grown to be as infamous as he did. The reason he is what he is , is because of the struggles he went through as a youth. If Jango had survived he'd have been the son of the galaxie's riichest bounty hunter. Sure, he might have eventually been hardened into the legendary bad@$$ he is today, but with Jango watching over him he wouldn't be able to live up to his full potential.
good question. i think he might become a general.
i think Jango would've been killed off sooner or later...
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
i think Jango would've been killed off sooner or later...
I agree, in whcih case Boba would have ended up in th same predicament as an orphan.
He may have been more skilled, by being trained by his "father" that would only make him better, keep him from makeing the mistake he made on tatooine, also you ever hear of that history repeates itself thing? well jango and boba, both "killed" (ill say this because i think that was George lucas's original intention) by jetpack issues.
if episode 2 was released way earlier i think boba would have stayed dead. i thought he died untill like......twoyears ago, and i didnt know much of him, my favorite bounty hunter prior to reading Tails of the Bounty Hunters was Bossok.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]

Jodo Kast wrote:i think Jango would've been killed off sooner or later...
I agree, in whcih case Boba would have ended up in th same predicament as an orphan.
Yes but if your parent dies when you are older is not as devistating as when your a kid and also not seeing your father beheaded right in front of you.
i think Jango would've been killed off sooner or later...
Me 2 but he shoulda had a better death
it was cool!
he was beheaded by Mace Windu!
that's awesome!
(especially when you're almost 12 at the time...)
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
and mace chopped his blaster in half before beheading jango...
He did!? I didnt get a look at that. I'll have to rent or buy the movie AOTC again.
i think mace was pretty dark in the force.he tried a coup de at . he was lucky with jango who was badly injured by the toad-rhino thingey.count dooku semed to be inclined to keep him around as a bodyguard and used him as an he prob would have continued in that role.if he survived the war boba would have grown up a conventional mando.
never say that about Boba Fett again!
he's an assassin, born and bred (literally)!
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
I have a pet theory that I dreamed up before digging very deeply into the EU about Jango and his motives for getting involved in the Clone Wars.
Keep in mind I haven't read any of the books (and are there comics that deal with this??) concerning Jango's early life and the training of the clones, so if this is TOTALLY impossible, please let me know.
We know Jango was the last leader of the True Mandalorians, right? But what then?? The general impession seems to be that he left his life as a Mandalorian and hired himself out to the highest bidder, totally moving on from his past life.
I don't believe it; once a Mando, always a Mando
I think Jango had a much deeper motive for taking the cloning contract.
What if he wanted to reform the Mandalorian clans?? I know this is a huge leap, but isn't it possibe that he planned to use the clone army for a Mandalorian Crusade?? This will likely never be more then a figment of my wildest alternat history dreams, but the pieces are in place.
You have the last leader of the high idealed True Mandalorians. He is allowed to live in the facility where the clones are being created; giving him access to their pre-birth programing/mind conditioning. And he is alowed to train the eliets of this clone army personally.
Also, has anyone figured why he wanted a personal clone for himself?? To raise as his right hand General/second in command, possably??
If he had survived the arena, he would have gone on with his master plan of liberating the clones from the Republic and turning them against their masters on a great Crusade!!!
I know it's probably too late to re-write most of this stuff; but it's one hell of a alternate history!
I am (or at least was before digging into the Internet and realizing how big the Star Wars Expanded Universe was) an aspiring writer and have a few chapters on this subject. Most of it I came up with off the top of my head a few years ago with the help of a few source books I got my hands on, and am sure most of it is totally contrary to canon material. But if there are any writers out there who are interested, I'd love to have someone check out my work. (it's a VERY rough draft, so accept it at your own risk :D )
Any thoughts??
I have a pet theory that I dreamed up before digging very deeply into the EU about Jango and his motives for getting involved in the Clone Wars.
Keep in mind I haven't read any of the books (and are there comics that deal with this??) concerning Jango's early life and the training of the clones, so if this is TOTALLY impossible, please let me know.
We know Jango was the last leader of the True Mandalorians, right? But what then?? The general impession seems to be that he left his life as a Mandalorian and hired himself out to the highest bidder, totally moving on from his past life.
I don't believe it; once a Mando, always a Mando
I think Jango had a much deeper motive for taking the cloning contract.
What if he wanted to reform the Mandalorian clans?? I know this is a huge leap, but isn't it possibe that he planned to use the clone army for a Mandalorian Crusade?? This will likely never be more then a figment of my wildest alternat history dreams, but the pieces are in place.
You have the last leader of the high idealed True Mandalorians. He is allowed to live in the facility where the clones are being created; giving him access to their pre-birth programing/mind conditioning. And he is alowed to train the eliets of this clone army personally.
Also, has anyone figured why he wanted a personal clone for himself?? To raise as his right hand General/second in command, possably??
If he had survived the arena, he would have gone on with his master plan of liberating the clones from the Republic and turning them against their masters on a great Crusade!!!
I know it's probably too late to re-write most of this stuff; but it's one hell of a alternate history!
I am (or at least was before digging into the Internet and realizing how big the Star Wars Expanded Universe was) an aspiring writer and have a few chapters on this subject. Most of it I came up with off the top of my head a few years ago with the help of a few source books I got my hands on, and am sure most of it is totally contrary to canon material. But if there are any writers out there who are interested, I'd love to have someone check out my work. (it's a VERY rough draft, so accept it at your own risk :D )
Any thoughts??
Ok, thoughts 1 you should make a fanfiction.
2 If you cant then hopefully someone else will consult with you and make one
3 awesome, very good idea
4 awesome
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Wow; you really think so?!? I kind of thought everyone here would think I was nuts! :P
I'm open for suggestions
That's a totally sweet concept. I would easily read that fan fiction. But I'm still not totally swayed on that idea. Jango just seems like a bounty hunter to me.
That's a totally sweet concept. I would easily read that fan fiction. But I'm still not totally swayed on that idea. Jango just seems like a bounty hunter to me.
I'm not really sure. Haven't read any of the EU material that's come out about him yet.
All I do know is that he was raised by Jaster, one of the last great Mandos who firmly belived in the old Honor code, and he excepted the role of becoming the last Mandalore (he was never called Mandalore, I know, but that is basically what he bacame, right?). So, I guess what I'm saying is that if he's portrayed as a souless bountyhunter, I think it was a cover for his true aims.
Also, so there isn't any confuseion, my story isn't about Jango, it's about Boba.
A couple years after escaping the Sarlacc he discovers a New Republic prison for clones and learns that they have followed a secret Mandalorian cult throught their ranks since the Clone Wars.
Sounds great! As a fellow wannabe writer, I recommend getting the ideas out on paper or computer screen ASAP. Get a couple friends or trsutworthy people to read it over when you think you've got enough, and then go over it and edit the parts that don't seem to flow very well. (I had to do a LOT of editing). I would LOVE to read the fanfic, Ralin! It's got Fett, clones, and a secret Mando society, so that already sounds amazing!
Sounds great! As a fellow wannabe writer, I recommend getting the ideas out on paper or computer screen ASAP. Get a couple friends or trsutworthy people to read it over when you think you've got enough, and then go over it and edit the parts that don't seem to flow very well. (I had to do a LOT of editing). I would LOVE to read the fanfic, Ralin! It's got Fett, clones, and a secret Mando society, so that already sounds amazing!
Thanks for the *thumbs up* Mandalorian Assassin
Since you're into writting too, maybe us two wannabes can work something out. If you have the time and the interest, I'd love to share what I've done
I have several chapters already finished that I worked on some time ago. Not sure they're in a format that's appealing to the forum here in the 'Creative' section on this site, though, so I am interested in sharing what I've done and getting feedback before posting it.
If anyone else would like to see if they can help smooth it out/correct errors in StarWars facts, I have a storyline I can send out so you can decide if it's in your line (and to see if I'm any good at coming up with alternate stories :P)
Grateful for any interest!
i have to say, while its not a bad idea, you need to play star wars bounty hunter. a large number of mando's were wiped out by Jedi, he was captured, made a slave, escaped, got revenge, became a hunter, the best. Later, invited to a hunt for a rogue jedi. wins, Dooku offers. friend had tried to get him to start a family, so he asks for boba. etc. gtg
--Captain Dynamic--
i have to say, while its not a bad idea, you need to play star wars bounty hunter
Not sure how that contradicts my idea;
you said: "a large number of mando's were wiped out by Jedi, he was captured, made a slave, escaped, got revenge, became a hunter, the best. Later, invited to a hunt for a rogue jedi. wins, Dooku offers.â€Â
*My idea begins:* Jango still strong in his Mando heritage; despite some things he might have said to the contrary (ie Boba’s various lies about himself to cloud his past)---sees an opportunity to bring back the Mandalorians in this offer---infiltrates the cloning facility (that he’s invited to live in; making that a little easier) and makes subtle alterations to the early clones’s mental conditioning programs while in their test tubes; like secretly adding orders to those commands that were burned into the brains of the clones, like Order 66 and others---is allowed to TRAIN clone commandos, giving him the opportunity to PERSONALLY set a seed of Mandalorian culture in them---
*back to your quote* “friend had tried to get him to start a family, so he asks for boba.â€Â— where’s the problem? Seriously; I want to know if you see one
Would LOVE to play Bounty Hunter, but it didn’t *as far as I know* come out for the PC, my only platform :(
Mandalorian Assassin wrote:Sounds great! As a fellow wannabe writer, I recommend getting the ideas out on paper or computer screen ASAP. Get a couple friends or trsutworthy people to read it over when you think you've got enough, and then go over it and edit the parts that don't seem to flow very well. (I had to do a LOT of editing). I would LOVE to read the fanfic, Ralin! It's got Fett, clones, and a secret Mando society, so that already sounds amazing!
Thanks for the *thumbs up* Mandalorian Assassin
Since you're into writting too, maybe us two wannabes can work something out. If you have the time and the interest, I'd love to share what I've done
I have several chapters already finished that I worked on some time ago. Not sure they're in a format that's appealing to the forum here in the 'Creative' section on this site, though, so I am interested in sharing what I've done and getting feedback before posting it.
If anyone else would like to see if they can help smooth it out/correct errors in StarWars facts, I have a storyline I can send out so you can decide if it's in your line (and to see if I'm any good at coming up with alternate stories :P)
Grateful for any interest!
I'm always interested in new ideas relating to SW. And if it's Mando, then it's all the better. I'll read over the manuscript if you want. I'd love to read it. If you want me to read it, PM me, and I'll PM you my mail account.
Here's a thread that I really enjoyed that hasn't been posted on in a while.
Are there any new thoughts on what Jango would have done if he'd survived Geonosis? I still suscribe to the theory I'm working on in my FanFic. If it wasn't that, I suspect he probably would have stuck with Tyranus for a bit long as a hired gun and hitman, then retired from the scene for a time when Boba reached the proper age to focus on his son's training into becoming a full Mandalorian
He'd be selling used cars... not :P
I'd say he'd be still in the bounty hunting business, bringing up Boba and thinking of how to bring the Mando's back together (man sounds like the Blues Brothers: "We're getting the band back together") :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
that's...........................................a really depressing comparison :P
Depressing? The Blues Brothers? Never :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Um, did RD just insult the Blues Brothers?
Thou shalt be smited.
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]