Topic: RPG: False Emporer (Clones vs Chaos)

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Topic #1712

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August 11, 2007 9:19 pm (Edited August 12, 2007 01:04 pm) #

Ok, this is my second RPG, if you have seen the first, you may notice that I like Warhammer 40K.....alot. this puts the republic's grand army against the Chaos space marines
1 (im only placing this for people who dont know much about these) You must make a character before participating.
2 your character must be able to carry his/her eqipment
3 Stay consistant dont assault somthing that just got blown to the Warp
4 No insta kills please, it would take multiple wounds to kill a character.
5 if you die you can make another character
6 add some twists
7 have a good time and dont take anything way to seriously
ok, charcter "sheet"
Alliegance: (Chaos only this is the god you character follows, some classes are only available to certain allegances)
Armor Color/Leigion:
Secondary Weapon:
                                 here are the classes
Chaos:Marine, Plauge Marine (Nurgle ),berzerker(Khrone), Noise marine(Slannesh),Sorcerer( Tzeentch),  Dreadnaught, Possesed Marine*, Lesser Demon**,Demon Prince***, Greater Demon***,                *only five of these         **Only three of these    ***Only one of these

Clones:Freelancer, Non-Clone Officer ,Clone, Clone Sniper (more stealty) Commando*  Arc** Jedi*** Null Arc****               * Only two Squads           **Only four       ***only
two of these        ****only one

Ok story, This takes place in an alternate time line, In this, palpatine has the backing of the jedi, there was no order 66. In the time where order 66 would take place, two badly damaged republic cruisers, come out of hyperspace in the wrong area, the Eye of Terror, this area is not on any space charts, and there is an odd energy in space, their crew is suffering from some unknown disease, they run into a alien ship. When they attempted contact, they were fired upon. however they did recive one transmission, but it was only disturbingly odd howls and screams. They had sustained to much dace and were forced to make an emergency landing on the nearest moon. They set down in a canyon, fifteen miles long, on the other end, is a dark fortress. It is a wasteland,from caves to the east come odd yells and howls, none dare enter. let the bloodshed begin
((for background on chaos space marines go to

ok heres my character
Name:Tarkel Korun
Class:Plauge Marine
Legion:Death Guard
WOC: Bolter
WOC2:Plauge Sword
Secondary weapon:None

Tarkel stood, watching the ships land at the other end of the canyon, if you could call it such,it was more of a sunken plain, fourteen miles north to south, and twenty five  east to west, at the shortest. His helmet hung at his waist, his face was rotted, and disfigured, his armor was a pale green, and from it hung human skulls taken from the servants of the false emporer. He replaced his helmet, senseing that the occupants of the ship would fight the blessing of Grandfather Nurgle. No matter, some would see the true blessing of Nurgle's gift. Even if they didnt, there would be many things to be presented to Nurgle.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 11, 2007 10:14 pm #

(do I HAVE to play as a clone or Jedi cus Im Kinda sick of it.....)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 11, 2007 10:17 pm #

(no, you can be whatever, as long as its a clone or jedi.....jk... you can be chaos aswell, but you might wana go to that website and check some stuff out.)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 11, 2007 10:28 pm (Edited August 11, 2007 10:28 pm) #

(no Im sayin can I be somthin besides a clone, Jedi or a chaos space marine? like a fleet officer, or a smugler)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 11, 2007 10:39 pm #

ok, lemmie edit))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 11, 2007 10:44 pm #

(eh.....The smulgler and Officer thing was an example)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 11, 2007 11:36 pm #

((well, check the class list then))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 12, 2007 12:16 am #

(ok thanks)

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 12, 2007 5:52 pm #

Name: Devon Margress
Class : Devastator
Allegence: Chaos Undivided
Leigon: Iron Warriors
WOC: Heavy Bolter
SWOC: Krack Gernades

Devon strode down the ramp next to a Land Raider, as the huge machine roared by a smile appered on his face.  The thought of how much destuction that vehical could pump out was absolutly breathtakeing.  He could see other ships landing as this Crusade was getting under way all the Chaos Gods were represnted as he could see the ships of the Plauge Marines, World Eaters, Alpha Leigon, The Emporor's Childeren, and the Thousand Sons.  All had converged on this world and were about to open a gateway directly into the Eye Of Terror and perhaps Abaddon the Despoiler himself may come to lead this glorious event.  He formed ranks with his brothers, as the sun began to set on this alien world he thought how glorious it would be if it were it's last.

August 15, 2007 2:37 pm #

Name: Bill
Class: Demon Prince
Allegence: Dark lord
Leigon: Iron Warriors
WOC: Power Weapon
SWOC: Bolt Pistol

August 17, 2007 1:09 pm #

((Thanks for making a character. however, you need to be more specific. what type of power weapon. also Dark Lord isnt an allegiance, its either Chaos Undivided, Nurgle,Khrone Slannesh or Tzeentch))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 17, 2007 6:32 pm #

As the Leigon's started to disperse in seperate directions a Dreadnaught from the Emporor's childeren had grown impationt with the way the Death Guard had cut across it's path and had opened fire.  As you know with Chaos fighting with fellow marines was quite common especaly when you were just starting a Crusade.  It did not take long for the Death Gaurd to dispell with the infernal machine and anyone of it's chapter that came to it's aid.  As for the Iron Warriors we had intel that said that their was an encampment near by and it appered to be well fortified so we were en-route to level the playing feild.  As the Vindicators and Land Raiders spread out my squad entered a Rhino.  The plan for now was use the Vindicators to breach the enemy defenses the Land Raiders would lead the attack through the breach followed by us and then we would find suitable high ground or a tower to set up and dispence death upon the followers of the false Emporor.

August 18, 2007 3:57 pm #

Name: Darus

Armor: Yellow and White Commander Armor (only wares armor in combat)

Age: 20 (10)

Gender: Male

Class: Clone Fleet Cammander

Allegiance: The Galatic Republic

Legion: Galatic Marines

WOC: DC-15m

WOC2: DC-15m

Ship: Venorator-Class Star Ship the: Unwavering

Sister Ships: Venorator-Class Star Ships The:  Defiant, Stars Blood and Majestic

Garrison: Fifty, Thousand Galatic Marines, Ten, THX Tanks, Fifty Clone Cammandos, Twenty BARC-Speeders, 100 LAATs, 800 Hundred ARC-170s, Fifty AT-TEs, Twenty, five AT-RTs, Fifteen AT-UT, Five Juggernaut Assault Tanks, Twenty, Five LAAT/e, Twenty AT-APs, 300, V-wings, 200, Republic Star Fighters

"Revert to Realspace" Darus said. Four Venorator-class Star Ships Exited Hyperrspace on the edge of an unknown system, looking for the Republic Ships that had crashed hear. Sir! We are picking up contacts on the scanners. Said one of the Bridge crew. "Fan out to Defense Pattern Ceti, and open a comm channel with them." Cammanded Darus. And Have the star fighter crews, go to stand by.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 18, 2007 5:21 pm #

As we approached the walls of the Alien encampment through the small screen that was linked to what the pilot of the Rhino saw, we could see where the Vindicators and Land Raiders had set up a firing line and were beginning their assault on the walls.   
“Pilot what are the structures primarily made out of?” I asked.
“They appear to be mostly a metal alloy with some concrete reinforcement.” he answered
“Good once the walls are down  head for the tallest building left standing.”
“Yes sir.”
      With the news that the structures were mostly metal I decided to change to two rounds of  AP spaced by one HE on the belt that fed into the heavy bolter that way if they tried to hide behind a wall the metal would not give them any protection.  “Here we go.” the pilot said moving in line behind the Land Raiders we would be the first to disembark what a honor we would be the first to dispel the enemy. 

    We made it through the breach and were nearing what looked like a control tower for a landing strip.
“Nice, that will do nicely.” I said
    Once out of the Rhino I could see the enemy the were in white body armor .  Strange I thought  I had never in all my experience seen Imperial guard in white armor, they definitely were not marines they were not big enough.  All at once the turned and unleashed a volley of  blue energy, it was bad luck for Brother Janis one of the blasts caught him just under the helmet you could tell he was killed instantly because their was not even time for an umph sound to come from him, but the lenses in his helmet flashed and an instant later he was on the ground.  Not one to stand and have my a$$ shot out from under me I retuned fire unleashing the full fury of the heavy bolter the AP rounds ripped right through their white armor while the HP blew gaping holes into them, Brother Tornis fired his lascannon hitting one of them and ripping him in half covering the one next to him with blood and burning chunks that had once been his squad mate.  With the ten who had come at us all were on the ground dead or soon to be as we walked up toward the heaped clumps of bodies and body parts I saw one that was alive he was missing an arm and lying looking up at me, I raised my foot and brought it down in the middle of his face brains and blood covered my boot .
“That was for Janis.” with a smile on my face I proceeded  to enter the lower level of the tower if their was anyone in here they would have the same fate as the men on the street.

August 18, 2007 8:11 pm (Edited August 18, 2007 08:11 pm) #

'Stars Blood, move to a covering positon." Ordered Darus. "Majestic, Defiant and Unwavering will move to the planet and begin to unload are troops. Launch Gunships, create a landing zone."

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 18, 2007 9:01 pm #

Name:Valthonin Lenthinard
Class:Jedi Master, General in the Grand Army of the Republic
Armor Color:Black Jedi robes,(the ones luke wears in ROTJ, not anakin's)also, i look like obiwan but with longer, brown hair. imagine this but with a green lightsaber
WOC:one bladed green lightsaber

Valthonin had been standing beside Darus watching the ongoing deployment of ships. With Darus' order of troop deployment Valthonin nodded to him and left to his own starfighter to join the deployed troops.
"I'll be on frequency 1138, stay in touch." He said to Darus as he walked away.
Valthonin had been slightly annoyed at this odd mission of recovering the crashed fleet. Little information was given out and he had been pondering upon the question of why this mission required such a large force as well as a Jedi of his calliber. Never-the-less, he joined his troops as they touched down on the barren landscape of the unknown planet.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 20, 2007 12:40 pm #

The LAAT/es came in and droped the AT-TEs, The Gunships flew in and unloaded troopers buy the dozen, The Juggernaunts rolled out of the Defiants Troop bay. The Juggernaunts in turn unloaded AT-AP and Hundred Clone Trooped each......This will be a war to remember.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 20, 2007 4:50 pm (Edited August 20, 2007 04:51 pm) #

As I made my way up the tower I discovered an officer of this foreign army hiding in a small office as we do not normally get the chance for close combat I took the opportunity with joyous glee.  I threw my heavy bolter at him lifting him off his feet, and sending him falling onto his back.  I took off my helmet his look of pure disbelief went straight to horror as he looked upon my face my shaven head with horns protruding from my forehead my bionic eye was gleaming red and my oversized k-9 teeth as I smiled  at him all the blessings that the dark gods had bestowed upon me, he knew that these were going to be his last moments.  Out of the corner of my eye I caught glimpse of an other officer holding a small pistol like device I took a quick step and hit her across the face sending her fling across the room I would have to get back to her.  I quickly turned my attention back to this coward my hatred growing, he could not move the massive weapon that I had thrown onto him, I walked over to him lifted my heavy bolter off of him with one hand and grabbed one of his in the other tossing the bolter away I was going to enjoy this I started to squeeze his hand in mine the bones were beginning to break in his hand snapping and cracking his screams were growing louder, as my rage was rising.  I took my hand that had tossed my bolter and reached up to his face breaking his jaw, I reached into his mouth and pulled out a section of his jaw with teeth and meat still attached as his anguish grew so did my euphoria, I snapped the rest of his arm off blood spewing onto my armor.  I threw him to the floor with blood pouring from his face and arm I decided that he had not suffered enough yet, I took a step towards him and in a swift motion kicked him in the abdomen causing him to vomit the yellow brown bile hit my boots I then stepped on his chest slowly adding pressure causing him to suffocate.  What to do with her she had more courage than this worm, an idea crept into my head send her back to the Warp carrying the leader of the next generation of Iron Warriors.  I had my way with her, Slanish was pulling hard at my mind.  Putting my helmet back on I could hear chatter about the fact that one of our frigates had been taken down by these aliens and they were dropping troops near our position.
“Rhino this is Devon Margress I have a prisoner I need you to take back to the drop ship.”
    I picked her up she was still unconscious and would now pose no threat to anyone . 
“All troops report in status and weapons count we are going to have company soon .”
    As they reported in I made my way to the observation deck of the structure.
“Sir to the South their was a large force landing and assembling.”
    I took my binoculars and focused in that direction more of the white clad troops and  strange vehicles that were walking this way. 
With a smile on my face “ARE you ready for a war cause it’s coming.”
     With a chorus of yes and yeah's it was time "All troops to the South wall it's time to send all the non-belivers to HELL!!!!!!"

August 20, 2007 7:32 pm #

Tarkel charged, his bolter blazing and sword sweeping, cutting and killing with every shot and swipe. He and his squad cutting a bloody hole through the enimies lines, yelling insanely. A possesed marine charged thrugh the chaos howling and screaming obscenly.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 20, 2007 7:36 pm #

Darus's gunship moved down from the main capital ship and landed in the assembly area. Sir! The other force is moving to ingage us, Said Darus's  Captain. And they are not responding to are comms. "Mark them as hostiles begin long rang artilery and orbital bonbartment. Said Darus. Prepare the infantry, set up a defensive line with the AT-APs, and get the LAATs to give us some air support."

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 20, 2007 7:43 pm #

"GET DOWN!" Tarkel heard the warning to late, a lasblast hit him in the chest and he flew back, his chestplate glowing molten red. He hefted his bolter and opend up on the aircraft that had done him this injustice. He saw a white armored soldier fall, and he readjusted his aim, trying to hit a yellow armored one.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 20, 2007 7:50 pm #

Darus's Gunship had moved into take the lead into the Gunship bonbartment, but as they had begun fire they had almost instantly taken small arms fire, and Darus's captain had taken a shot in the chest and had fallen down dead. Darus orderd the Gunships to redouble there efforts. The Gunships in reply swooped in and let loose there awsome amounts of fire power on the enemy forces, they where cut down by the dozens. But they in turn lost five to the enemys ground fire.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 20, 2007 7:53 pm #

A World Eater was scraming in mad rage "BREAK THEIR BACKS!!!!!" and such, as he jump at a gunship that was flying dangerously low, he landed on the deck, and began to massacre the crew, and the gunship went down, into a mass of white armored soldiers, exlpoding and taking the marine with him.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 20, 2007 9:00 pm #

Valthonin was watching the horrific battle, waiting for the right moment to unleash his supreme Jedi skill. He would allow the bombardment and any preceding bombardments to finish before he himself entered the fray. The view from the landed LAAT behind his forces and was directing as needed.
"Captain... " Valthonin commanded his officer
"You must the attack and allow the bombardment to finish for the ultimate effect. Hold them here and on my mark we will begin a full assault."
"Yes sir!"
Valthonin now turned his view to the fighting his forces. They were unlike anything he had seen before and fought with extreme intensity and vigor. He had faith in his troops however. He just then noticed shots being fired on Darus' gunship and a body falling from it. He could still feel Darus' life force however so he let out a sigh of relief. Losing a high commanding officer at this point would be tragic.
"Darus my troops can hold them for your bombardment, its your move. Report?"

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 21, 2007 4:29 am #

Watching from the walls it occured to Devon that this establishment was not planned but the remains of a crashed ship and that those troops were comeing for whatever it had been carrying. Those dammed Plauge Marines were in the way if they were to give heavy support they would stand a good chance of hitting their own.
"Fire at will use everything that has range to fire over the enemy start to drive them towards us, any that break through will then be easy pickings for us."
With that said their was a chorus of explosions as all the vehicals with ballistic weapons fired over the heads of the Marins and their foes seeding death and chaos behind the lines of Republic troops driveing them closer into the jaws of death as the Chaos Marines would surely overwhelm them in close combat.

August 21, 2007 8:27 am (Edited August 21, 2007 08:28 am) #

Darus's comlink crackled with Valthonin Lenthinards voice: "Darus my troops can hold them for your bombardment, its your move. Report?" "Sir, are capital ships are almost in positon for a Turbolaser strike. Your forces must hold them, I will send V-wings on a bombing run to help you repell them."

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 21, 2007 11:47 am #

"CHARGE!" A cry shouted out as new soldiers charged on to the battlefield seemingly out of nowhere. in the very back of the battle, a demonic gate was being constructed, allowing the forces of Chaos to bring unlimited reinforcements onto the feild. Large spiked vehicles rolled into the warzone with freshly impaled clones screaming in pain as they were kept alive, their chests flayed open, by demonic energy. Tarkel reveled in the combat, but a clone, covered in grevious wounds grabed him in a bearhug, holding somthing in his hand. he killed the clone and opend his hand, seeing a silver-grey orb, with blinking red lights on it. realization of what it was dawned on his face, and he hurled the grenade, but to late. The grenade explded and vaporized Tarkel

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 21, 2007 11:51 am #

(ah, finnally an rpg with star wars and warhammer! i love it.)

Name: Vassili Koslov
Class: Chaos Raptor (With Jump Pack)
Allegiance: Berossus
Legion: Rutilus Legio (Red Legion)
WOC: Acursed Bolter
WOC2: Las-cannon slung on back
Secondary weapon: Melta Bombs

Captain Vassili Koslov from the dark legions of the north, eyed the battle with a practiced eye. His helm tucked under his arm as the remainder of his Raptor company assembled behind him.
"Imperator!" His commanding seargent cursed. "These white devils are more of a nuisance then we expected."
"Patience Boromir, Patience." Vassili replied replacing his helm and sealing the collar. His voice crackled thru the vox caster. "We will soon teach these white rats the meaning of torment." Vassili turned to his company. "We will not fail, Berrosus wants this city for his glorious name!" His men cheered in. "Death to the emperor!!!" They shouted. Vassili unsheathed his bolter and ingnited his jump pack. "To the skies!!" he shouted as the company of a hundred strong blasted off towards the walls of the acursed city.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
August 21, 2007 12:12 pm #

(you should have posted this, i barely know anything about chaos..... :( )
Name: Ancient Rykol
Class:Chaos Dreadnaught
Allegiance:Chaos Undivided (you mind if im in your legion?)
Legion:Red Legion
WOC:Twin-linked heavy bolters
WOC2:Missle Launcher
Secondary:Dreadnaught mele weapons (Left arm, and flamethrower mounted in the hand.)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 21, 2007 12:30 pm #

The AT-TEs lumbered in to position, they fired there top-mounted Laser Cannons into the enemes rank, the AT-APs moved swifly to renforce the infantry position, the V-wings swooped in from the sky and droped there pay load of Proton bombs on the enemys forces. Darus over saw it all. But the LAATs where taking heavy fire, even though the Enemys forces weapons seemed to be mosty slug-throwers which his gunships armor could take, they also had multible laser type weapons among them which his gunships could NOT take very well. From front line reports he heard of how barbarc and well..... CHAOTIC the enemy seemed to be, with reports of enemy infantry jumping on to gunships and deastrying them, and sodiers just charging into are lines in complet dissregard for there own lifes. Darus stilled a  shudder that ran up his back.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 21, 2007 12:41 pm #

Ancient Rykol came throught the Chaos gate, and killed the first thing he saw. The Cultist he picked up worshiped Slannesh and scremed in delight as he was crushed.  Rykol began to move twoard the combat, his heavy bolters firing in perfect harmony, one firing rigt after the other, so there was no space inbetween shots. he reached the fron lines, and he grabbed a clone, let the piston in his arm hammer outward, breaking his back. he fired his flame thrower, cooking the clone in his own armor.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 21, 2007 1:31 pm #

Darus's comlink crackled one again: Sir! Turbolaser strike ready! said the Captian of the Stars Blood. "OPEN FIRE!!" yelled Darus. The skys rained fire on the gate and on the advacing enemy troops.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 21, 2007 1:41 pm #

Rykol heard the thunder of of an orbital bombardment behind him, they were attacking the gate. The massive dreadnaught laughed, partialy because of the fact that he was in combat, killing many foes, but also because such foes thought that a simple orbital bombardment could destroy the gate. It was powered and protected by ancient machines, which would be hidden under ground, beneath mountains, only in destroying them all would the gate close, he continued to kill, still laughing, as more and more servants of the Dark Gods poured forth from the gate into the warp.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 21, 2007 1:46 pm (Edited August 21, 2007 03:33 pm) #

Sh*t!! yelled one Darus's officers look sir! The gate is unafected! "Give me a long rang scan of the surronding area! Cammanded Darus, I want jedi Master Valthonin to take a cammando unit and deastoy what ever generators that are keeping that gate working!"

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 21, 2007 4:12 pm #

Seeing the gate open Devon was exalted, this world and the surrounding ones would now be under their control and their was nothing the enemy could do other than retreat or die.  Devon like the second better.
"C'mon no sense being left out of the fun." Devon said to the other's in his squad.  This was his chance Abbidon may arrive soon, and this could be the time that he choose's the Iron Warriors to lead the crusade.  That would propel the Leigon to Lengendary amongst all of Chaos, putting them ahead of the Black Leigon.
     Leaping off the wall his brother's followed running as fast as they could all the Iron Warriors were on the move.
"If anything is in the way destroy it alien or brother." those words were greated with a chorus of yells and random fire in the direction of the fight.   This would be their chance to cleanse the feild in the name of the dark gods.

August 21, 2007 4:26 pm (Edited August 21, 2007 04:27 pm) #

Rykol heard a great cheer arise from behind (hey wizard.....were in the eye of terror......this is all under Chaos's controll) He turned from the battle. Who had arived, but Abbadon the Despoiler.
He ran, at full speed, eagar to see the Warmaster in person. The man who had been so close to Horus himself. he sprinted to the front of the crowd, knocking aside an Iron Warrior, in his eagarness, he would have fell upon his knees but he did not. Instead he roared in joy as he saw the massive form of the Warmaster. He looked at the clones, and the dark twisted thing that dwelt in the dreadnaught  truly felt pitty for them.
(abbadon wont have much of a part in this....ok....just say he is kinda busy at the moment......YOU CANT PLAY AS HIM))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 21, 2007 4:44 pm #

((I know i wasn't going to become Abbadon but just for the sake of haveing him show up is enough.  And all the planets in that system should end up in the warp.))

August 21, 2007 5:13 pm #

(iknow, i was just putting that incase some one else showed up and wanted to play as abbadon.)

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 21, 2007 5:20 pm (Edited August 21, 2007 05:24 pm) #

"Advance the chain-gun weilding clone blaze troopers to the front and have them unleash upon the enemy. That should do some damage." Valthonin said to his captain
He had just gotten the message from Darus about the current situation regarding the hellish gate spewing troops onto the battlefield. It was a top priorety and Valthonin would lead a special ops team of elite ARC troopers to look for and destroy anything that would have prevented the barrage from destroying the gate. He directed his LAAT to the field command center and gathered his ARC's as fast as possible.
"Darus, im leaving my troops to you, after the Blaze trooper assault they should be softened up a bit so im sure you'll manage. Commencing radio silence now."
The results from Darus' long range scan came back showing unusual metallic formations in the mountains to the east and in the caves behind the enemy forces. Valthonin gathered his 30 ARC troops and relayed to them the current situation and mission.
"That gate will be the end of us if not destroyed. We must not fail." He ended the meeting with.
"We will not fail." Responded an ARC commander. Valthonin smiled, he had trust in his troops and was especially confident with his ARC troops unwavering moral and success in past missions.
"Lets move out, were heading for the mountains first so we can get behind the enemy later and go to the caves........may the Force be with us."

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 21, 2007 5:34 pm #

The sky begings to change. The odd ruddy red begins to change to a sickly redish light, which seems to be moving like water. Only the Chaos Space Marines truly knew what was happening. The planet was being swalloed by the warp.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 21, 2007 5:45 pm (Edited August 21, 2007 05:49 pm) #

Knowing that if they just stood there ground they would be wiped out, Darus orderd a flanking maneuver with the AT-UT and supported buy AT-APs. Cathching the enemy slightly off-guard, The AT-UTs marched into the right flank with with Plasma canons blazing cuting down many, twenty clone troopers unload from ten AT-UTs, they gained a little ground at first....but where pushed back qwickly, The enemy marines ran strait in and choped them down with there chain saw swords. Fall Back and regroup they yelled the clones. But in midst of the battle one man stood his ground and fought the hardest he had in his twelve years of life. He yelled a ralling cry, the ralling cry of the Grand Army of the Reublic: One man, but the right man for the job!!!! At those words the clones regrouped, and actually pushed them back! The enemy baffeld by these white soldiers, of blue fire called apon there dark gods to help them......

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 21, 2007 5:59 pm #

Yes the warp thought Devon the gods were blessing them. Seeing a barage of fire from chain guns he held up a hand stopping the advance of his devistator squad.
"Form lines," as soon as the squad had formed into one line "open fire!!!"
Unleashing the full fury of the devastator squad on the enemy would be a fine sight as he knew that soon there would be no escape as the planet was pulled into the warp. Plasma, Las-Cannon, Multi-Melta, Frag Missles, and his own heavy bolter were raining death on all in the way they were cutting a path straight through the center of the conflict death cult members were dieing by the hundereds. Those fools thought Devon as one of his bolter rounds took ones head off spuing blood  and brain matter over others close by.
"ADVANCE"  takeing steps into the carnage they were creating rounds of bolters were bouncing off his armor as well as the reounds from the enemeys chain and energy weapons, the barral of his Heavy Bolter was glowing red as the extrem heat from prolonged fireing was starting to take effect.  Crash an explosion occured to his right the plasma cannon over heated killing the bearer and covering Devon's armor in burning plasma. On fire and consumed with rage he through down his bolter and charged head on into the enemy lines swinging his fists with the fury of the Blood God Kohrn, he began the hand to hand slaughter of as many as he could reach laughing and reciting the creed of the chapter. He truely look like a demon now on fire and were not on fire covered with blood.

August 21, 2007 6:08 pm (Edited August 21, 2007 06:13 pm) #

Valthonin faltered inside the LAAT. His mind was reeling with unknown worries and thoughts...there was a disturbance in the Force. He did not know what exactly could cause such a huge Force disturbance. He had been in many battles before: Genosis, Kashyyyk, Garqi, even the costly Second Battle of Cato Neimoidia had never given Valthonin a feeling such as this one. He broke radio silence for a moment.
"Darus, how is it coming along? I felt a great disturbance in the Force and something has either happened or is about to happen. Notice anything odd? Why is the sky fluctuating? Could this be the warp taking effect?"

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 21, 2007 6:11 pm #

Rykol began to advance against the enemies eagar to prove himself to the Warmaster.His boltrs shreded through infantry, and his missles destoyed aircraft, he grabed a clone and impaled him upon some of the many spikes on his hull.  He charged onwards, plowing through the mass of clones, as the sky continued to change.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 22, 2007 8:53 am #

"Not so well general Darus repled to his comlink, my troops are being massacred out there!" "Please hurry up and deastroy that genarator!" Darsus shut off his comlink, and looked to the battlefield, Launch are ARC-170s star fighters and attack the enemy! Yelled Darus, Bring up the Juggernauts, and barage the enemy with concussion missles! Get the infantry to pull back, Jet-Troopers attack them and hold the line. Launch mortor covering fire, rearm the reserve infantry with DC-15 rifles for extra fire power, and order them to charge! Reagroup the missles troopers into squad of six and focas there fire on the center flank!

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 22, 2007 3:43 pm #

(generator is hidden) The sky wasnt any specific color now the light was mny colors, an odd, wavering light, like it was alive..... the planet was almost gone. Rykol roared in delight as he saw enimies shudder, some vomiting as the light disorenented and sickend them.The dreadnaught charged ever onward killing anything that got in his way,his guns firing a constant stream of bullets, and his missle pods releasing a constant stream of death and destruction.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 22, 2007 4:04 pm (Edited August 22, 2007 05:35 pm) #

Devon was knocked down by the barrage unleashed upon the chaos ranks by the Juggernauts. 
"Hit that thing with something heavy now d@**'it, where the hell are our Land Raiders." Devon was swearing into his helmet mic.  The Lnd raiders had circled around behind the enemy Juggernauts and was about to hit the enemy from the rear and drive them closer to the warp portal.
(( Can we have a Chaos Titan come through the warp? Non playable but just because.))

August 22, 2007 7:08 pm #

( sounds......AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if we got abbadon then yeah. )
Rykol heard the Titan before he saw it, a massive, bloodcurdling scream erupted from behind him, and a massive explosion erupted in the ranks of the clones, killing hundreds of the white armored soldiers, and vaporizing a squad of noise marines. He turned and saw a massive titan lumbering through the warp gate. The sky had stopped changeing.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
August 22, 2007 8:09 pm (Edited August 22, 2007 08:11 pm) #

(abbadon and now a chaos titan?)
Valthonin got confirmation on the fact that the odd formation behind enemy lines was nothing unusual, so he continued to the one in the mountains, sure that that would be the source for the portal's power. He had hoped that Darus could hold the enemy before he destroyed the generator and could join the fight. After a few moments the LAATs touched down in the nearby moments and the group hiked a few feet up to a demonic looking machine which was noisy, big, and undoubtadly the source for the portals power. However, the generator was guarded by a platoon of the demonic warriors currently fighting Valthonin's forces...This situation would require stealth and perfect execution. Valthonin ordered his ARCs to circle around and flank the platoon from three sides to corner the enemy against the generator. The ARCs had the cover of rock formations and high ground to hide their movements. The warriors seemed at ease, thinking no one would find this place.
And thats were they made their mistake.
From three sides erupted a barrage of laser fire from the sophisticated weapons of the elite ARCs. Valthonin cleaved heads, torso's, and limbs from bodies as he charged foward into the startled warriors. The initial attack was devistating, however they regained footing and fought back tooth and nail and managed to kill many ARCs and almost break the left flank, but Valthonin took care of that. They died to the last man, none surrendered. As they victors turned to the generator to deal witht their new problem 3 defilers suddenly erupted the the mountain top above and charged the ARCs, guns blazing. The ARCs fought two of them while Valthonin took the third. Dodging one of its claws and its flamers he force ran underneath it, slashing its 3 left legs. It fell to the ground with a huge crash sending rocks and dust everywhere. Valthonin then circled back around and jumped, coming down on the defiler and slashing it in two with a flash of his emerald colored lightsaber. The remaining ARCs finished off the last two Defilers as they brought down several ARCs with it. Then they turned to the generator once more and upon Valthonin's order they unleashed everything they had upon the generator. They had gained distance to allow it to be destoryed in saftey, the resulting explosion rocked the mountains and created a rock slide. They ran for their lives. The LAATs were waiting where they left them and they all ran aboard their respective LAATs and they headed back for the battlefield as the lethal rock slide continued underneath them. They all awaited the sight of the portal after they had destroyed its power source and most likely saved their comrades' lives. Valthonin turned on his commlink and set it to the frequency him and Darus were using.
"How are the fireworks?"

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
August 22, 2007 8:53 pm #

(just so everyone knows the Galatic Marines are an Elite core of clone troopers, so give them a little credit ok?)

Not so well sir, he to the replied to the Jedi Master. There portal is still on but its flikering, some of there troops that are coming out are be vaped half way out when it flikers....its rather messy to watch. There must be more genarators out there, I am picking up readings of large amounts of metal in the hills to the west and east, thats your best bet, Darus out.

The flame troopers where doing a valiant job of killing the enemy marines, burning them, cuting them open with vibro-swords, punching, kicking whatever it took to take one more of them down. They had a small advantage over the normal infantry...... because of there jet-backs. They used this to there fullest to give them the edge in combat.

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]

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