I have been told I am a Lipstick tomboy
That's an interesting idea. Does that mean you're a tomboy with a lipstick fettish, or simply that you wear lipstick?
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
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I have been told I am a Lipstick tomboy
That's an interesting idea. Does that mean you're a tomboy with a lipstick fettish, or simply that you wear lipstick?
It pretty sure it means I look like a girly girl but I'm a total tomboy.
And yes I think being a father would make you a man...unless...oh I don't wanna get into that. ;)
It pretty sure it means I look like a girly girl but I'm a total tomboy.
And yes I think being a father would make you a man...unless...oh I don't wanna get into that. ;)
LOL that is cute, so you are a funky blend of tomboy and girly girl :D
But I agree with you we do not really want to get into that unless we are in the mood for some really interesting pictures ;)
I'm attending the University of Connecticut in the fall.
Ah college life. Good luck Gunslinger. I'm a SIXTH year senior and I think I may never graduate, though I know I will in just 3 more semesters, (ooh I can't wait). I'm 100% female, a chicka through and through, with a tendancy to like what the boys like. Stuff like cars, racing, beer, action movies and Star Wars.
I'm a SIXTH year senior and I think I may never graduate, though I know I will in just 3 more semesters
Holy wow, that's a chunk of time. What are you going for?
Fine Arts Degree. The problem was that I started out by completing 2 years of interior design, which I then switched to Art Education, but then the Teaching Preformance Center ( the place that tells you where to student teach) messed up some things with that so I didn't get placed on time so then I was stuck waiting. Finally I just switched to staight Fine Arts so that I could just graduate finallly. But then I transfered because my old school was refusing me the credits to classes I took. Yeah Its crazy and rediculous, but eh, I can't change it now. I love what I do so I'm sticking with it.
Because this is about members' genders, it would make sense to derect this conversation here: http://www.bobafett.com/boards/viewtopic.php?id=1579 , about schools and colleges. :)
Wow...I definitely thought that was where we were. Whoops.
To fit with the thread, then, male.
I belong to the male gender ...
And are there many female Fett fans?
I belong to the male gender ...
And are there many female Fett fans?
Yes me. There are others as well, you just need to look at the previous posts to find out how many :D
With 9 pages that would be a lot of counting! I am one of them by the way.
I am male and I am almost 14.
35 days tell my B-Day!
i am a male, and als almost 14. 28 days to my birthday.
I am a MAN!!!!!!!!
I belong to the male gender ...
And are there many female Fett fans?
There's pretty much an equal balance of male and female Fett fans on the boards.
And as previously stated, I am female.
male.....but that dosent neccisarily mean human does it?
No it does NOT necessarily mean human.
i'm a trained ape that can type really, really well......for an ape
however, the trainers seem to be lacking in the spelling and grammer department....
well, thats one way to look at it.....
(why the hell do you always have to gripe about my spelling?)
boredom....pure boredom, and sometimes it realy bugs me
boredom....pure boredom, and sometimes it realy bugs me
Spelling mistakes "realy" bug me too, sometimes. ;)
well, I'll admit not being one of the best spellers in the world, but I'm far from one of the worst.
I can't spell. Thats why I use fire fox it has a spell check!
Now let get back on topic!
Yes Booyah for Firefox! But yours has a spell check? How?
Once December starts rolling around I start getting excited. As I realize my birthday is getting closer.
Female here.....I've loved Han ever since I first layed eyes on him when I was five. Have one Han tattoo on my arm, and another of the famous Han and Leia kiss on the Millenium Falcon on the inside of my arm.
May the force be with you.
By the way I'm new here...just getting used to it.
Just one quick thing. Instead of double posting just use the edit button! Enjo your stay. *Leaves a little mint on your pillow.* MUAHAHAHAHA, yes I know where you live. <.<
Okay, Sev, if you wanna get the newer members to STAY here, you may not wanna TOTALLY creep them out :P
(Just kidding around, mate.)
Just one quick thing. Instead of double posting just use the edit button! Enjo your stay. *Leaves a little mint on your pillow.* MUAHAHAHAHA, yes I know where you live. <.<
Ha! you may know where they live, but my location is right behind them.
(no, not the one under profile)
su'cuy vode!
Im a dude. I think its awesome so many chicks are in this club, especially since Mandalorians have no distinction between gender, males and females kick shebs just the same. My girl just laughs at me for being such a die hard Fett and Mando'a fan (i laugh at her Judge Judy and Bridezilla obsessions, so i think we're even on that note, but i guess thats what love's all about...)
Keep up the fight!
oya Vode!
Hi! I'm female!!!:)
And what do you mean saying "a gal" ? Sorry, dont understand english perfectly :/
I'm male.
And i'm one too. Sorry for taking you for a guy before. :P
Dont worry, I didn't understand :) We learned English in school, but nevertheless, some phrases leave secret tp me, especially slang... :)
That's really cool. Do you live in Quebec?
Where is Quebec, Sev?
well, I'll admit not being one of the best spellers in the world, but I'm far from one of the worst.
I know you're not, I'm the worst (reely reallly baad, som tims ;) )
Think I posted it someplace before, but that was off topic; so here it is in the right place:
I'm a Guy!
Where is Quebec, Sev?
Quebec is in Canada
Thanks, BHK, much appreciated. :)
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