Topic: Old Republic RPG

Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.

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Topic #1101
February 28, 2007 6:43 pm (Edited February 28, 2007 06:43 pm) #

Someones grouchy

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
March 1, 2007 4:07 am #
Commander Appo wrote:

Fine, if you guys want me to quit, I will. Good bye. I will stop roleplaying in EVERY Rpg from now on.........:(

No, I don't want you too quit. The only thing I want you to quit is GMing my game.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
March 6, 2007 6:31 pm #

OOC: Sorry I've been gone so long. I've had a bunch of college junk and no internet on top of it. I'll be faster now.

IC: Faux looked up at Shion and bit her lip slightly, "I've never used a blaster or armor before. Maybe if you have something light, and a vibrosword I'll be able to help, but I don't think I'll honestly do a whole lot of good stumbling around in unfamiliar armor...besides...I wouldn't be able to use my force abilities to help you while wearing it."

The padawan sighed and spoke with a hesitant shrug, "Normal armor I still could, but there's something about Mandalorian Armor that makes it...difficult."

Faux then smiled with mischevious green eyes and an innocent smile, "I'll do my best to learn everything about your weapons and the way you fight of course."

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
March 7, 2007 4:21 am #

Shion pressed a finger to the girl's forehead and threatened to push her over with it, causing her to stagger back a bit. "I'm sure you will," she said knowingly, and decided to just let her ponder what she meant by it. She tilted her head in the direction of the armory, a gesture for her to follow.

"We can find you a decent vibroblade no problem," Shion said, strolling up and down the lines of weapons until she came upon a rack of every melee weapon known to man and some that weren't. "The armor might be different. See, Mandalorian children wear their armor from the time they're ten years old. But it's usually the same stuff we wear, beskar. The lighter stuff you don't see so much..."

She began to rifle through racks of armor, confidently turning her back to the child. It was not that she underestimated her, but that it would be stupid to try to kill a Mandalorian in their own base.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
March 8, 2007 1:17 pm #

Faux was in complete awe of the huge armory lined with racks and racks of unfamiliar weapons as she listened to Shion. Her Jedi studies of course had educated her in all the basic forms of weaponry used in the galaxy from grenades to vibroblades, but here were trophies taken from every Mandalorian conquest across the entire outer rim.

"Amazing how many different ways there are to kill something, huh?" Faux touched the long hilt of a vibro-axe that had caught her eye. The curious padawan tried to calculate how long it would take her to touch, examine, and learn about every single piece layed out before her...but sighed when she realized exactly how long that might be.

"So," The padawan turned to another rack and tried on one of the gauntlets, and continued talking off to the side her own back faced confidently at Shion, "What do you have to worry about the most when you're wearing armor? Are there certain flaws or weaknesses that could cause trouble?"

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
March 9, 2007 1:43 pm #

"That depends entierly on the Mando'ad in question," she said. "Our armor is easy to customize and can be modified for most conditions. Aha! Here!"

She pulled out what appeared to be a quite durable combat suit. She tossed it to Xondra. "Recovered from Iridonia- Zabrak made, for a smaller warrior."

She began handling the vibroblades, trying to find one suitable for the girl. "Think it'll fit you?"

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
March 14, 2007 1:07 pm #

"I'll live." Faux carefully pulled it on with Shion there to make adjustments and keeping her from putting things on upside down. The padawan had never worn anything more constricting than her loose robes and started to feel a little claustrophobic. She stretched her arms and moved around the armory a little trying to get the feel for it.

Then she half-snatched and grabbed a long vibro-blade out of the armored soldier’s gloved hands and (turning away from the Mandalorian) began trying a few different fighting forms to see which style worked the best for the new, weapon.

Questions reeled through the girl’s head to ask the Mandalorian warrior. What are your plans for when we hit Onderan? How many are coming? You don't think the Republic have gone there already? How heavily armed will we be? What equipment is coming? What are you looking to fight?

Instead she found herself asking an entirely unrelated question that had been eating at her from the inside for some time.

“Shion,” The green eyed girl turned and looked up at her, “Why did you leave the Republic?”

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
March 14, 2007 7:36 pm #

The question caught her unprepared. She didn't reply at first... just stared at the girl. Nobody in Mandalorian society (if such a thing existed) ever asked about such things. Like she had always been one of their warriors. Had she made a mistake telling the Jedi this? Nevertheless...

"It's difficult to explain," she said ponderously, choosing her words carefully. "So I will let the story speak for itself." She pulled up a crate with various blade hilts and rifle scopes in it and sat down, gesturing for Xondra to do the same if she wished.

"It began when my family moved to Dantooine from Coruscant," she began. "We were dirt poor there, and a farming world was our chance to escape. We were pioneers. But then the exhange, slavers, pirates, thugs... they tried to get a foothold there, and we had to fight them off. The Republic sent the Jedi to build an enclave, and we thought we were saved. But they just meditated all day... they never came out. Finally the attacks got more brutal, until dishonored Mandalorians, no better than thugs came to wring money and blood out of us. Their kin came to end their shame, but all I saw was the same armor. That armor shot my parents and burned my home. I was fourteen. I killed them."

"Then they took me prisoner. I thought I was to be sold, or killed, or worse. But instead I was taken into the home of a man, and he bandaged my wounds and fed me. He promised that he would take care of me. And when the exchange came to retaliate, he slew them without mercy. That man was my father... my real father."

Shion wiped her eyes with the heel of her palm, staring at the ground. "He took care of me. When I had nothing left, he gave me a new life. He did what the Jedi and the Republic would not: defended me when I was weak. I loved the life he and his people lived, and so I embraced it. Within the year he adopted me. I never looked back.

Her dark eyes came back to the moment slowly, and she wiped the dampness from them again. "I left, Xondra," she said quietly, meeting her gaze, "because as a Mandalorian I am what I choose to make myself. Because the Mandalorians showed me the care I never knew in the Republic. And because there is one thing we revere as much war, and that is family. And if you live with us long enough you'll come to see that."

Her armor gave a small creaking complaint as she sat upright again, then stood, the warrior again. She watched Xonrda cycle through her different forms and stances, none of which Shion was familiar with. But that made her look even closer so that she could learn.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
March 21, 2007 11:57 am #

The young girl listened to the whole story quietly. The universe truly was a very strange place. She thought of a couple quick retorts, snide comments, or lectures, but she couldn't ignore the feelings she felt eminating from the adopted Mandalorian. That aura of emotional energy held sincerity, honesty, strength, and even pain that Faux had never felt in another before...Never even looked for in a Mandalorian before.

She wished the whole universe wasn't so CONFUSING!!

The redhead slashed violently at the air in front of her, and with a powerful twist and turn came down hard on her pretend enemy that had suddenly transformed into all of the conflict within herself. The blade profoundly fell in a final attack.

Faux stood straight in her rust-grey colored armored, "When do we leave?"

Onderon awaited.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
March 22, 2007 4:13 am #

"Tomorrow morning we leave to scout," she said, a grin spreading slowly over her face. "When that's done, we rest a bit, and then we bring Onderon to its knees. You should sleep now. I'll find you in the morning."

Shion showed her to the barracks that had been adapted for the use of the prisoners. They had all been disarmed, of course, and to escape into the jungle, or to try to attack the Mandalorians in their own camp, with nothing but their bare hands would be suicide. Only one solitary guard stood at the entry, and he didn't even question Shion. Figuring that Xondra could handle herself from here on, she took her leave.

She knew that Territ would be in his tank, so she made a point to up security on the hangar before she went to bed. Tomorrow, that droid died...

After that she no longer had an excuse to stay awake. Making for her own room, she passed into a dark, dreamless sleep.


"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
March 22, 2007 9:01 pm #

Territ moaned in his tank and fluffed his pillow, his side hurt like hell. "Gonna rip that droids apart peice by piece." Territ layed back down on the bed in his tank, he couldnt sleep. He turned on his light and grabed his book from his pack and started to read. After a while he got weary again and he turned off his light, set his book down, and went to sleep.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
March 24, 2007 8:44 am #

Shion went through the usual routine of her morning- she got up, washed breifly annd dressed, then suited up in the armor that was more like her skin. But this morning she deviated from her course.

The sun was just beginning to raise its long, gold fingers up toward the horizon, leaving fine silver streak over the trees. By the little light there was, Shion dashed through the mess hall and snatched up a cup of stim tea for Territ. He didn't like to rely on them, she knew, but Mandalore needed them up and out, and he would need the help with his injury. He'd drink it if he knew what was good for him.

Plus I'll beat him into submission if he doesn't, she resolved. Musing about how best to fight Territ in his own tank, she grabbed a cup of tea for herself and entered the hangar.

She paused only a minute to admire her basilisk again and gulp down the last of her drink. Then she crept in perfect silence up to the hatch of the tank. It was shut tight, just as it had been.

"Right where I left you," a smile crossed her face, quickly becoming a smirk as she realized what she had to do: knock.

"Territ," she called, rapping lightly on the hatch, "wake up, let me in."

Funny, she thought. Even after the long talk with Xondra, her Mando'a still came more naturally than Basic. Maybe there was some hope after all.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
March 24, 2007 9:35 am #

Territ moaned. "Gimme five more minutes." The banging continued. "Ah hold on." Territ pushed a button on the control pannel and let Shion in. "Morning. Dont tell that is Stim Tea?" After a good beating Territ gave in and drank the tea. "Ug nasty stuff. How do you stand it?"

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
March 24, 2007 9:54 am #

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," she said, shoving Territ aside with enough force to make room for herself on the bed, but not enough to hurt him further. "That... and it's better than caffa."

There was a long pause. "How are you feeling?" she asked finally.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
March 31, 2007 12:05 am #

"Oh fine, If you dont mind a hole in your side." Territ said. He groaned a bit as he touched his side. "Gotta kill that droid. Why did Mandalore let him stay after he shot me? If I was Mandalore and that droid shot one of my men I'd kill the droid."

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
March 31, 2007 2:04 am #

((Ack! Vil, I thought you died or something!))

She smiled, a real smile, not the cynical one she often wore. "Then maybe you should be Mandalore," she said simply. "Today is a good day- I won't let that droid ruin it."

A little worry showed through as she took his wrist and pulled it gently aside to have another look at the wound. It seems a little better, she thought...

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
April 3, 2007 4:33 pm #

Territ leaned back and smiled, "Maybe I should go into a healing tank, I really didnt get much sleep. Plus I dont like this planet, who knows what's in the air." Territ poped the cap off a stim and ingected it into his neck. "I hope that kills the pain for now"

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
April 3, 2007 7:08 pm #

"The Jedi aren't happy about it either..." Shion trailed off, staring pensively at the floor of the tank as she remembered her conversation with Xondra the night before. Come to think of it, she realized, nobody had ever asked how she came to be Mando. Too late she realized her Mando'a had slipped, but hoped Territ would either miss it or not care.

"Maybe a dunk in a kolto tank would do you good," she reflected, shaking her head. "I know you'll recover, you always do, but the wait in between makes me uneasy."

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
April 17, 2007 5:53 pm #

"Ya, Ya. I Know." Territ said getting up. "Ill go pop into the Med Lab for a tick." He crawled out of the tank and slid down it's side landing on the ground with a grunt. He then started walking towards the Med Lab.

((Miss Me?))

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
April 19, 2007 7:43 am (Edited April 19, 2007 07:43 am) #

Shion climbed out of the tank and began to head to the barracks to wake Xondra. She paused, though, and turned back to Territ.

"I swear, if you don't finish patching yourself up this time I'll leave you behind!" she shouted. Her expression was one of pure frustration. But it was true- if he wasn't fit, or at least doing a better job of acting like it, she'd have to go without him. Back-to-back with a Jetti... she didn't like that idea.

((Yes, I did!! =( Stick around for awhile, will you?))

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
April 19, 2007 8:23 am #

((And a psycotic Assasin Droid.))

"This IS my signature."
April 23, 2007 6:12 pm #

((Yeah, true. Rev, jump back in here- this thing's gonna die if Vil keeps disappearing.))

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
April 26, 2007 6:17 pm #

Okay, Vil's dropped off the face of the galaxy... permanently, I think. :( The show can't go on without him... but I think everyone else has lost their interest, too.

Well, it was fun while it lasted.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
May 16, 2007 1:54 pm #

race: human
alliance: solo
occupation: Bounty Hunter
Armor: padded Battle Armor similar to Boba Fett's only a little different...
color is Black and Red, with a red cape/ cloak
Weapons: Vibro Spear and Shield with a Blaster rifle on my back...and a vibro Falcata

"You better pay up, or you'll be living in a world of pain..." - Boba Fett
August 6, 2007 1:29 pm #

dude, I think that this thread is dead....

[i]"Sir, Finishing this Cake."[/i]
August 6, 2007 3:24 pm #


No disintegrations, No fun

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