I am gonna right a book- A Fett journal of Episode 2. I don't know which one to right about. Help me out BFFC members!
Topic: I am going to write....
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
24 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestWell there already kind of is a Boba journal of AOTC, it's called The Fight to Survive. ;)
As for Jango, there isn't one for him, so that could be it?
Or it could be like those Journal books that came out a while back for ANH and TPM, that would mean you could do one of Boba anyway.
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One on Jango Fett would be good.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
yes, " a story of jango " would be the title, i hope you get it published, etc.
Well, before you write a book, you got to go through the legal issues (Ask LucasArts or whoever has the rights to Star Wars.) Unless you mean book as in fanfiction, then go ahead and write it. That Jango Idea that's flying around sounds good.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
don't forget to spell check when you've finished writing it!
No offense, but why would he mean you? You are not the one writing the book, and there is nothing to reoly to in your last post. :P
no idea, and no offense also but why do you keep making me feel like angry jelly. y'know you can be very mean sometimes.....
lol, i mean im angry but your making me upset and turning me into green jelly

When you're done, we can add it to the fan fiction library:
cool, by the way, aaron, how do i send jeremy a message/letter on ask jeremy?
i had an idea, you cold make it like he has a voice journal in his helmet or somthing, and he records stuff during fights, and battles, and you could kinda make it just well, cut off, if it is a voice journal i mean.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
i had an idea, you cold make it like he has a voice journal in his helmet or somthing, and he records stuff during fights, and battles, and you could kinda make it just well, cut off, if it is a voice journal i mean.
What he said

When you're done, we can add it to the fan fiction library:
Yes, sir Jango it is. I'll get on it. if you have any Ideas for me post them here.

green helmet, for now, you can send him snail mail. I'll put that page back up. We may or may not do the e-mail thing again.
sorry, again but whats a snail mail ??? :x
Mail by regular post. What you get from the mail man.
like as in write to him by post, normally?
no, they mean write your questions on a piece of paper, put it into an envelope, and mail it to Jeremy.
thats wat i ment! lol :)