Which do you use more often? The "Quick Post" box or the "Post Reply" button?
A 3rd party candidate is the "Quote" link :P
Topic: Quick post or Post Reply?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
26 posts
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This really should be in Fans (This section is for general BOBA stuff)
The one that's probably the most used is the Quick Reply. Quote shouldn't even be counted, that's usually only used if you're quoting someone.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
Quick reply is much easier. I was thrilled when my personal message board was upgraded with the feature. And now when I go somewhere where there's no quick reply, I feel a little sad because it's so useful. :)
Particularly if a website takes a while to load... Then it seems to be tedious to try and post many places without a quick reply.
I think I've only used Quick Reply two or three times.
I love Quick Reply. I never use regular reply. It's just so much faster and easier to simply type at the bottom of your screen. Also it's easier to see what someone said, or who said something, without either hitting the back button or bringing up a new window.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
When you use the Post Reply button, you can see the previous posts at the bottom of the page.
Yeah, but it's still easier to tell who said what when it's not backwards. lol
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Quick post :)
qp, it's much easier as you can type everything in a little box. speak of the devil, i'm using the quick post right now to post this.
I'm useing and will always use (unless it's not there) Quick post!
Long live the Quick post!!
I am all for simplicity. "In simplicity there is both clarity and strengh" So the long way of saying... quick reply, almost exclusively.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I got no choice but to quik reply, I've never seen anyother option but quikreply
Above the Quick Reply space, there should be a black space. In there is a red "Post Reply" button.
qp, it's much easier as you can type everything in a little box. speak of the devil, i'm using the quick post right now to post this.
Hehe I always type out in Word before copying and pasting into quick post. I use word as it is a good way of checking spelling and punctuation :D
Fett_II wrote:qp, it's much easier as you can type everything in a little box. speak of the devil, i'm using the quick post right now to post this.
Hehe I always type out in Word before copying and pasting into quick post. I use word as it is a good way of checking spelling and punctuation :D
The internet browser Firefox has a built in spell check, so if i want to type a tricky word like monotonous, it tells me exactly how to spell it! Off topic but worthwhile information.
Hehe I always type out in Word before copying and pasting into quick post. I use word as it is a good way of checking spelling and punctuation :D
And speaking of punctuation, I believe you forgot a period at the end of the word. ;)
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Devil Girl wrote:Hehe I always type out in Word before copying and pasting into quick post. I use word as it is a good way of checking spelling and punctuation :D
And speaking of punctuation, I believe you forgot a period at the end of the word. ;)
Eek…oops. Well it works most of the time :) what is a period though? (I am sorry the English that I was taught at school was not good so most of what I know now has been self taught)
I prefer using word as if there is a problem and my computer dies (or our electric meter runs out of electric) then at least I can recover what I have typed.

Devil Girl and others, try using the Firefox browser. One of many benefits is that spell checking is built in, when you type into form fields like this (message box at bottom of page, above submit button).
Devil Girl and others, try using the Firefox browser. One of many benefits is that spell checking is built in, when you type into form fields like this (message box at bottom of page, above submit button).
Yeah except it's US English and I don't know how to change it to Australian English :(
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I only use the link when I am Qoteing someone!
Thanks Draco :D LOL I have not heard it called that before.
I will have a look at Firefox, thanks for the link BFFCA :D
I like using Word though at the moment :)
I use Firefox. It's really good! Much better than Virus-Catcher aka Internet Explorer.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I use Firefox. It's really good! Much better than Virus-Catcher aka Internet Explorer.
Hehe, I think I will have to try it then :D
Devil Girl and others, try using the Firefox browser. One of many benefits is that spell checking is built in, when you type into form fields like this (message box at bottom of page, above submit button).
I have FireFox it helps alot with spelling.
quick post. (lol i am using post reply for this)
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