title speaks for itself
I found it by typing it "Boba Fett" lol
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
title speaks for itself
I found it by typing it "Boba Fett" lol
what , why boba doesnt show his face?
I siad the title speaks for itself. How did you find the BFFC? a friend? by accident? I have no clue y Boba never shows it face. Probably becuase he is cool like that
i found through yahoo years ago
Green Helmeted Fett, can you try to stay on topic?
I found it through misc searching of Boba. I was just searching around looking for sites about different SW characters and came across this site.
I found it via my older brother, who said "he tripped over it" which a suppose means he just found it laying about.
I found The Boba Fett Multimedia Page and then down the list of searches was this place. Way back on the old board.
I found it by typing in Boba Fett Fan Cub on Google. I forget why I did that, but I think it was just because I was bored. I'm SOOOOOOOO glad I found this site! You guys all rock!!!!
I found out about Fett by looking up "bounty hunters." Once I found out about him, he seemd very "cool," so I joined the old boards.
Green Helmeted Fett, can you try to stay on topic?
Omg that's like the 56th time I've seen you remind him. I didn't think it would take someone so long to get the point and stop spamming.
Don't worry, I'm watching.
I found BFFC in 2000 while doing a search for Boba. I submitted some Fan Fiction and it went from there...
hey Gustavo_perez, where you telling me to not keep on spamming? cos if you did tell the others that i'm just telling you stuff about sw's that i know - i'm not spamming! :(
Technically you're supposed to stay within the general idea of the thread's title. In this case how you found out about this site. I don't think we're supposed to be talking about weapons in this thread. You can either find a thread or make a new thread for that, or you can chat with people using the messanging service or the chat room.
so is no one mad at me?
I don't think anyone's mad yet. Newbs are expected to make mistakes sometimes, even us older members do it from time to time. Just stay on topic and have fun. :)
As for myself, I found out about BFFC througha school friend. I admit, I saw it, and was instantly hooked.
Purely by accident.
A friend on Yahoo! gave me a user name which is www.bobafett and I sioon realised it was a working link that brought me to thsi site,lol.
Searching "Boba Fett" on google brought me here.
I was bored and typed in bobafett.com to see what kind of site came up and viola.
I was reading about Jeremy Bulloch on IMDB and it was mentioned about in his biography. I then decided to have a look :D
I found it via Yahoo a few years back, but only recently came back and decided to join message board. Thanks for being the best site out there!! :D
I used a search engine. ;)
I was looking at wookieepedia shortly after I was banned at starwars.com when I came across a pic from bffc. I clicked on thelink and here I was!
I was looking at wookieepedia shortly after I was banned at starwars.com when I came across a pic from bffc. I clicked on thelink and here I was!
Why were you banned?
And I also found the site by typing Boba Fett in google one day.
Socking They thought I was MasterVrook(I think thats how he spelled it)but I was not.I was R8-C9
Jedi mind trick: That is all you wish to know.*waves hand*
....could you retype that please?
Jedi mind trick: you will not ask me any more questions.*waves hand*
....nevermind i think i know why...
Let's get back on topic.
I think I found it by looking up "Boba Fett."
Dog gon..........................hOW MANY POST DID YOU HAVE AFTER THE FIST MOUNTH?