If he wasn't in "danger", do you think he would?
Topic: Does Boba Fett ever take off his helmet while sleeping?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
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I'm guessing that it would depend on where he was.I can't imagine that helmet being very comfy to sleep in. If it was at home then I'm sure he'd remove all of his gear. :)
If he was in the field, no. He'd need the HUD to warn him of incoming danger. Darman does this in 'Republic Commando: Hard Contact'. Plus soldiers are infamous for being able to sleep in the most uncomfortale conditions so I'm sure he'd be fine with it on.
If he's aboard the Slave 1 though, or somewhere else where he felt secure he probably wouldn't. There's actually a comic in one of the Star Wars Tales series that has him sleeping with his gear next to his bed.
-Nope, that ner vod is simply the sound of natural selection at its finest.
I think it would depend on how he slept. He he was sleeping standing up on the ship, then he perhaps might keep it on. But if he slept like an average person then he must take it off. I'm sure that if he didn't he would end up with neck and shoulder problems that would hinder his work.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
i think post sarlacc the "helmet thingy" rarely came off, if ever.
boba never sleeps.
I cannot imagine that he would take it off at all unless when it was really needed. LOL he lives in the thing :D
Jango took off the armour,so Boba probably does to.
I do not think that in this case that you can compare what Jango would do with what Boba would do.
I get the impression that Boba lives in his as he never wants to be caught off guard and he is always ready in case of anything happening.
In the bounty hunter trilogy doesn't Fett say that the slave dancer and Dengar are two of the only people ever to see him for who he is. But he must take it of in hyperspace cause a man has to shave. I dont see this huge beared dangaling from under his helmet
I think, if he were on his ship, he'd sleep with if off if he was alone. If he was toting a bounty, he's keep it on, in case of an unlikely escape or something.
Regarding the helmet, Boba once said in a comic: "This is my face."
So I doubt he'd take it off for sleeping. I think the only time he would take it off is to wash/bathe. Even then, it would only be in the safety of his ship, probably while in hyperspace.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Im certain he would take it off if he was alone and felt secure, he couldnt wear it all the time.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Like someone above me said, there's a comic where he has it off while sleeping, showering, and eating. And those three things do make sense, I'd have my helmet off during those times too if I wore one.
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I think he does take off to sleep. If ofcourse he is in complete privacy and NOT carrying a bounty. Although I think it is like the tree falling in the forest when no one is around; did it really happen? Evidence of it did is there just no witnesses. For instance he has no beard growing under his helmet, so he must shave and to do that he had to take it off. Such is my theory.
How certain are we that there was never a beard under the helmet? Perhaps Boba experimented with facial hair in his "college years". (JK)
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
He would have to take it off while "On His Throne" **wink wink** unless there is a little hatch in the back.
Like someone above me said, there's a comic where he has it off while sleeping, showering, and eating. And those three things do make sense, I'd have my helmet off during those times too if I wore one.
That's a Tales comic by the way. Not completely accurate.
I know it's Tales, but some Tales are canon, just most aren't.
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I'm not sure where I heard this, but someone ( not on this mb) said that nothing but the movies is really canon. I haven't really made up my mind though.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
How certain are we that there was never a beard under the helmet? Perhaps Boba experimented with facial hair in his "college years". (JK)
There was a conversation in Bloodlines where Boba Was talking to Han. Han was asking Boba about how he managed to get on so well with the helmet and Boba’s response was ‘you should try shaving in it’
There has been times that he has taken it off but I think that he wears it for 95% of the time.
I'm not sure where I heard this, but someone ( not on this mb) said that nothing but the movies is really canon. I haven't really made up my mind though.
Only the movies are one hundred percent canon, but most other sources, such as books and comics, can be regarded as canon.
I would assume that he takes it off when he sleeps, if he is in his ship.
I agree. All though wookieepedia can be trusted only the moves are 100% true.
Boba might also take his helmet off after he finishes a mission on a super-heated planet, once he is on his ship.
Wookieepedia cannot always be trusted.
I edit that stuff. I am one of the top members. Still I'm in agreement.
One known Point is when Chewbacca took off Boba's Helmet on Nar Shaddaa.
And Karson Fett it should say "He's worth a lot to me."
I would not think that Boba would take his helmet off to sleep. Also the helmet would give him protection while he sleeps, as no one would know he was sleeping. I think that he would not break that habit even when on Slave I and in Hyperspace.
Everettj, there is a edit button in the bottom right corner of you post. You can use that to save double posing.
I know this is a tad late, but, the movies are what's 100% canon, novels are 90-some% canon, comics are just under that.
And Wookieepedia lies. Although not as much as the actual Wikipedia, but Wookieepedia's almost as bad. I heard it described once as having "all the answers, but most of them are wrong".
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They aren't always wrong, they just don't explain the situation fully.
I think he would take it off, just to sleep.
I remember reading in one the books(Tales Of The Bounty Hunters) that he takes it off when he sleeps in the pilot chair in the cockpit.
Also later on in Jabba's Palace he's in his quarters lying on a bed and the helmet is balanced on his stomach. So i think there would be a few times when he would feel it was safe enough to take it off (although why he does it in Jabba's palace of all things, is a mystery to me :o )
I think he would take it off, just to sleep.
I remember reading in one the books(Tales Of The Bounty Hunters) that he takes it off when he sleeps in the pilot chair in the cockpit.
Also later on in Jabba's Palace he's in his quarters lying on a bed and the helmet is balanced on his stomach. So i think there would be a few times when he would feel it was safe enough to take it off (although why he does it in Jabba's palace of all things, is a mystery to me :o )
That is a good point. I had forgotten about that.
OK then I will revise what I said. Boba would take his helmet off to sleep and at times when he thought it was safe to do so :D
:D i sort of cheated for that one i had the book by the side of me. It would be kind of hard to sleep in it though, not to mention very hot!!
Ahh that explains.
I am, reading Tales of the bounty hunters to my eldest son but I have not got to Boba’s story yet.
I think that Boba would sleep in his helmet a lot of the time so I would imagine that he would find a way to get a good sleep in it :)
Cool, i hope he's enjoying it :D
I'm re-reading it at the mo, i'm on Zuckuss/4-lom's story. Such a great book.
Boba's probably so used to wearing it, he forget's to take it off to go to sleep!! LOL :)
And Karson Fett it should say "He's worth a lot to me."
Yeah yeah.....just be quiet!
I also agree with Miba

I agree with the point Si Titran raised. What if Boba Fett doesn't sleep flat on a bed? What about sleeping while sitting, or standing?
Karson, Everettj is talking about your signature... Is that how you say the line? "He still worth alot [sic] to me?" :P
Sir, with all due respect...I would like for you to quit bothering me about it.
I really don't see how a person can standing.
In the book bounty hunter stories it notes twice in the book that he takes off his helmet to sleep.
In Bloodlines when Mirta is aboard the Slave 1 with Boba he leaves her in the cargo hold and still thinks to himself that he should keep his helmet on. This kinda leads me to believe that he usually takes it off while on his ship alone and not talking to anyone via video commlink or anything.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
i bet boba has some sorta pillow inside his helmet
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
i bet boba has some sorta pillow inside his helmet
Oh that would be nice. I want a helmet with a pillow inside it! At work I could just stand there with my head leaning against something and I could sleep...
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wouldn't it hurt if he slept with it on?
Especially if there was a pillow inside. :D
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If I had a helmet, I would not sleep with it on.
id only take it off at night
I don't think I would wear one. It's a frequent habit of mine to be pushing up glasses or playing with my hair, so a helmet would get in the way.
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