It isn't? Ok. It was just what I'd heard anyway.
Topic: How old are you?
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
787 posts
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It is possible that you heard New York City. I have no idea what the limit is there, specificly.
It is possible that you heard New York City. I have no idea what the limit is there, specificly.
States designate license laws, not cities. And NY is 16 for learner's permit, 6 months later for junior license, 17 for senior license. So yes, NY is 17 for license.
Its pretty much the same here in NJ, 16 in learner's permit, 17 in provisional license (few restrictions), 18 full license
Hail to the King Baby!!
Just enjoying the last half hour of my 15 birthday. Oh yah.
Can't wait for next year already!
Happy Birthday :D
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Eh, once you have your license for a year or so, it's not such a big deal, but it is still exciting just getting it. It's like finally being old enough to drink, then it's not so much fun anymore. lol Dang, I've been driving over 10 years now--been pulled over twice and still have a clean record! :P That just tells how old I am
draco fett wrote:It is possible that you heard New York City. I have no idea what the limit is there, specificly.
States designate license laws, not cities. And NY is 16 for learner's permit, 6 months later for junior license, 17 for senior license. So yes, NY is 17 for license.
Its pretty much the same here in NJ, 16 in learner's permit, 17 in provisional license (few restrictions), 18 full license
Yeah, but NJ's boring.....I also live here in Jersey and I'm leaving as soon as possible.....
I'm 25, but don't hold it against me ;)
I know I won't since I'm 2 years older than you, Kel! lol
I know I won't since I'm 2 years older than you, Kel! lol
Glad to know I'm not the only "old dude" on the boards ;)
Hey I am right between the two and don't consider myself old. Just grown up with better toys.
Just grown up with better toys.
LOL! Seriously, the advantages of being older certainly outweighs the disadvantages of being younger! Like better toys!
I'm an old "dudette" lol Dang, 30 is just too close for comfort. Great, now these "young'uns" will be dragging out a cane for me or something...LOL
Oh YEAH--better toys!! I agree!!! :D
29 here....and yes I agree on the better toys part :)
lol--at least us 20-somethings have good representation as well!
You're one of thew youngest people I've seen on this website, Bounty Hunter Kaiza. How do you like it anyway?
I am 31 :D (I will be 32 in August)
I am 16,my birthday is April 22.
I am 16,my birthday is April 22.
I hope you don’t mind but that made me :D
Hehe you were born on the year that I left school :) (I was 15 when I left)
I post on another forum where I post I am about in the middle age wise so I think it is funny that when I come here I am one of the oldest (not that I think I am old though)
11 and I like my respect thank you.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
Darth Maul Clone wrote:I am 16,my birthday is April 22.
I hope you don’t mind but that made me :D
Hehe you were born on the year that I left school :) (I was 15 when I left)
I post on another forum where I post I am about in the middle age wise so I think it is funny that when I come here I am one of the oldest (not that I think I am old though)
Honestly,right now I should be jealous about this(that you haven't school)but a wise old man once said to me that when I grow up I will be saying to myself how good those times were and how I'd wish to be a student again.But,since I am not grown up yet,I'l just be jealous. :P
I feel kinda old - 27 here! Fett fan for... meh... since I saw Empire way back when in the days.
11th C Irish
Devil Girl wrote:Darth Maul Clone wrote:I am 16,my birthday is April 22.
I hope you don’t mind but that made me :D
Hehe you were born on the year that I left school :) (I was 15 when I left)
I post on another forum where I post I am about in the middle age wise so I think it is funny that when I come here I am one of the oldest (not that I think I am old though)
Honestly,right now I should be jealous about this(that you haven't school)but a wise old man once said to me that when I grow up I will be saying to myself how good those times were and how I'd wish to be a student again.But,since I am not grown up yet,I'l just be jealous. :P
Hehe :D
I think it depends on how your school days were.
Personally, I was bullied for 5 years due to my mum being a teacher at the same school that I attended so I can truly say that those days were not good at all. I am happier now than I ever was then.
You are not one of the oldest though Innegrire :) I sadly did not see any of the original trilogy at the cinema even though I am old enough (and due to work I missed episodes 5 and 6 the second time around :( ) I would like them to be shown at the cinema again.
I would like them to be shown at the cinema again.
I think a campaign is order; Empire is bliss on the big screen.
11th C Irish
Devil Girl wrote:I would like them to be shown at the cinema again.
I think a campaign is order; Empire is bliss on the big screen.
That is a funky idea :D I wonder how we could do that.
27 here too--yah we're some of the older
(okay, when did they make those funny Fett smilies??? hehehe I like 'em) :P
I am fourteen.
By the way FettFan79, "27" is my lucky number =)
(Lancelot! <3)
It's all good.....and I'm 24.
I'm 22 , i always thought Draco was alot older, from the way he type's his posts :D
I'm 17 now, BUT I'll be legal in August. *grins* Legally accountable in the US anyways, but I'm not sure how much fun that would be. (Not that I do anything to be held accountable for. *winks*)
Twenty six years on this planet called Earth!
Well, once you reach legal age for anything, it's just not as fun anymore LOL (I'm mainly talking about drinking age, though!)
Wow--great to know the next generation is catching on here... ;)
27--lucky # for someone here I read...well, I'll only be so until September. Geez, 30 is creeping up.
Well, once you reach legal age for anything, it's just not as fun anymore LOL (I'm mainly talking about drinking age, though!)
*laughs* Well, I don't really drink, so that won't be an issue. I'm just excited about voting. :)
That's great! Nice to hear. (OT: You're a tattoo artist? pm me back with that if you want)
Thank you very much!
You act like your 30 the way you type!
My birthday is on Saturday.
Happy Birthday for Saturday.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Happy birthday for Saturday Karson :D
Thank you, and happy early birthday!
Happy Birthday for Saturday.
Happy Birthday for Saturday Karson
Thank you!
I don't know if i've posted here yet but I'm a 1990 kid so what ever year it is thats how old I am, aka in 1999 I was 9, and now it's 2007 so I'll be 17 Nov 1st.
Happy Birthday Karson have a great day on saturday!!
Brilliant Pic Alo :D
I'm 18,and happy b-day to everyone I missed.
Yes, I'm behind--Happy Birthday! belated...
cool Yoda pic! lol I made one of Boba Fett with a birthday hat ;)
Happy birthday! I'm 16 years of age myself.
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