Of all the Star Wars movies, which one is your absolute favorite? I know it is a tought decision; they are all so good... For me, I switch between RotJ and ESB. Both are excelent films. (Of course, all the Star Wars movies are.) I think right now my favorite is ESB. So, what about you?
Topic: What is your favorite of the Star Wars films?
Note: this topic was started 19 years ago.
54 posts
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If only ROTJ didn't have those damned Ewoks.... TESB would have to be my faviourite... Revenge of the Sith was pretty cool tho...

If only ROTJ didn't have those damned Ewoks.... TESB would have to be my faviourite... Revenge of the Sith was pretty cool tho...
Yeah, I agree... Those Ewoks are pretty annoying. I wish George had of gone with his first idea and used Wookies.
Empire Strikes Back. It was darker, the stakes were more real, there was a grit to it that made you feel every moment. Jedi's ewoks were not the only downfall, I thought the pacing of that film was jerky and the characters 'off'. I know they'd developed between the movies, but somehow it just didn't click.
Also: this may sound crazy, like you're watching Clerks: but they make a convincing argument. The battlestation was very incomplete. I find it odd that it was so heavily staffed with capable armaments and in house operational weapons. I could see if you had a fleet or two stationed around and on the planet , but Randall was right in indicating mostly carpenters, builders, engineers would be aboard.
Also, given the Emperor's penchant for wiping out races, I doubt they'd have let the Ewoks live while they built the battlestation above the planet. I could really see them wiping out all existing life if only for internal security purposes.
Also: this may sound crazy, like you're watching Clerks: but they make a convincing argument. The battlestation was very incomplete. I find it odd that it was so heavily staffed with capable armaments and in house operational weapons. I could see if you had a fleet or two stationed around and on the planet , but Randall was right in indicating mostly carpenters, builders, engineers would be aboard.
But, Palpatine said, "It was I who allowed the alliance to learn the location of the sheild generator something something friends something are walking into a trap." So, that's why they had so many fighters, ships, guns, whatever.
As for my favorite episode, hmmm.... That is a tough one. I know ANH, and AOTC are lower on the list than the others with TPM on top of those two. So ROTS, ESB, and ROTJ are my favorites. It just depends on my mood. "I could no sooner chose a favorite star among the heavens." -ever after (I think?)
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But, Palpatine said, "It was I who allowed the alliance to learn the location of the sheild generator something something friends something are walking into a trap." So, that's why they had so many fighters, ships, guns, whatever.
Good point, Miba! I'd forgotten about the old man's hubris and machinations.
This means only one thing: Time for a movie marathon to refresh my memories.
Np. I think I need a marathon myself, I've forgotten how that line goes exactly, lol.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Definitely Empire. Wonderful romance, interesting anti-hero...what more could you ask for?
BFFC Moderator

Empire.......All Jedi had was a bunch of muppets.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
It'd be ROTJ for me, I thought it great to finally see Luke handing the lighsabre with serious skill (mind you compared to the new movies it seems a little slow).
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Also, given the Emperor's penchant for wiping out races, I doubt they'd have let the Ewoks live while they built the battlestation above the planet. I could really see them wiping out all existing life if only for internal security purposes.
Maybe I'm giving George and Lawrence Kasdan a little too much writing credit, but having the Imps leave the ewoks alone showed how arrogant they really were thinking they were superior with all their weapons and technology, and in the end they were brought down with bows and arrows and sharpened sticks.
What I would have liked to see is Episode 7 starting right where Ep.6 left off... Death Star II has been blown up and huge burning chunks of radioactive metal are pounding into the planet surface below....the Ewoks who survive are turned into radioactive mutant killing machines and the new enemy of the new republic :)
Also, given the Emperor's penchant for wiping out races, I doubt they'd have let the Ewoks live while they built the battlestation above the planet. I could really see them wiping out all existing life if only for internal security purposes.
Maybe I'm giving George and Lawrence Kasdan a little too much writing credit, but having the Imps leave the ewoks alone showed how arrogant they really were thinking they were superior with all their weapons and technology, and in the end they were brought down with bows and arrows and sharpened sticks.What I would have liked to see is Episode 7 starting right where Ep.6 left off... Death Star II has been blown up and huge burning chunks of radioactive metal are pounding into the planet surface below....the Ewoks who survive are turned into radioactive mutant killing machines and the new enemy of the new republic :)
Good point! I really like your opener for Episode 7! Can we start a write in campaign?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Ewoks, heros in a half-pelt - Ewok power! Hehehe :D
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Ewoks, heros in a half-pelt - Ewok power! Hehehe :D
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I have never seen this, and I know thatif I did I would hate it, but the Star Wars Holiday Special (dodges rotten tomatoes). I also think Fetts armor was, for lack of a better word, "cool".

I have never seen this, and I know thatif I did I would hate it, but the Star Wars Holiday Special (dodges rotten tomatoes). I also think Fetts armor was, for lack of a better word, "cool".
I watched the first 5 minutes of the Star Wars Holiday Special, (on Blue Harvest) and it was so boring I closed the window. I may have to try enduring the whole thing some time, maby in summer when I have a lot of free time...
Yes, it is boring, that's why it's so funny. (I would skip ahead to the Boba Fett cartoon, about 45 minutes into it. That's part's actually good.)
BFFC Moderator
The Holiday Special is awful. I spent two hours downloading it (on dialup) to watch it, and it was a waste of time, except that now I can say I've seen it. And, yes, deffinately watch the Boba cartoon! That's the best part.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music

Just the Boba Fett cartoon. Quicktime in three sizes.

Just the Boba Fett cartoon. Quicktime in three sizes.
Nice, that should come in use. :)
Oh, The Empire Strikes back is the BEST of them all! :)
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
I would say Empire I like seeing Luke getting his hand chopped off,Han getting frozen in carbonite,and Vader telling Luke he was his father.
rotj, or the empire strikes back
I could watch Han Solo get frozen in carbonite for hours and never get bored
And rotj because of the last sequence between sidious, vader and luke
(BFFC Moderator)

rotj, or the empire strikes back
I could watch Han Solo get frozen in carbonite for hours and never get bored
And rotj because of the last sequence between sidious, vader and luke
Yeah, that last sequence makes the movie. The music is especially nice in it. :)
probs Empire, with ROTS right up there.
Empire. Absolutely. When we saw it (first run), we realized that this wasn't actually a sequel. It was the next part of a really really big story.
Ewoks. Bah. Ewoks were why napalm was invented.
yea, the whole Hoth battle was great,
Empire. I think, this was because, at least in part, George Lucas didn't direct or write the film.
Revenge I think was the best, I tottaly loved the deprresing parts and the huge battles. The intro kicked ass too ^_~
hmmmmm good question.......i think after hours of thinking......that i would go with the empire strikes back.....video 5......because it shows probably the best footage of my favorite charactor (boba fett) and because i really like the whole hoth stuff at the start of the movie!!!........i like the post. :D
I probably stand alone her, but I liked Attack of The Clones best.
I liked episode 2 mainly because it was the only star warsfilm to truly do justice to the fett family. In the original trilogy, boba onlly has a few minutes on screen, but in attack of the clones, Jango, who is very similar to boba, has a pretty big part. We get to see him best obi-wan, which is pretty cool (don't get me wrong, I like Obi-wan, I just like to see a fett kick butt.). It also showed us the origin of Boba Fett, which I like much better than the Jaster origin. Plu, the part where yoda trashes count dooku is always fun to watch.
I like episode 2 also. Mostly because of the CLones and a strange moment between me and Jango. :)
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ATOC and ESB all the way
I'm guessing it's because those were the first (real) appearances of Fett? :)
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
I like episode 2 also. Mostly because of the CLones and a strange moment between me and Jango. :)
strange moment?
well the first real appearance of a mandalorian in the films should be impressive...i agree TW
{MW} MS9
Empire Strikes Back Is The Ultimate Star Wars Film!!!
To Say Otherwise Is Blasphemy!!!!!!!
After that I like
Attack of The Clones
A New Hope
The Phantom Menace
Return Of The Jedi (Too much Ewok crap, not enough Fett)
Revenge Of The Sith (NO FETT :( )
I would say ROTJ if it wasn't for those gay ewoks they ruin it but rotj is still my fav. and ESB is clsoe 2nd. I love the big battle to destroy the DEATH STAR that part rocks in ROTJ.But in ESB I like when there at cloud city when LUKE battles VADER!!
VADER:obiwan never told you what happened to your father did he?
LUKE:He told me enough he said you killed him!
VADER:LUKE i am your father!!!!
LUKE:Noooooooooooooooo it's impossible!!!!
[color=#FF0000]{MW}-"death and destruction to our enemies!"[/color]:cool:
When they rehearsed/filmed that scene, to keep the secret that VAder was Luke's father underwraps, the script said
"No! Obi-Wan Killed Your Father!"
Becuase they dubbed Darth Vader's voice with that of James EArl Jones
He was told what was actually going to be in the film.
They told Mark Hamill later....
pffft....lol didn't know that....that had to be funny.
{MW} MS9
i love rotj, just because of the fantastic finalie with like three huge battles going on at once. what a rush!!!
pffft....lol didn't know that....that had to be funny.
{MW} MS9
It was...
I was watching some TV show and Hamill was like
" I was taken off set and George told me that Darth VAder was MY father and I was like NO WAY!!! and when I watched it I was STILL surprised!!! "
I find that hard to believe personally...
Haha!! Probably felt like cold water in his face!!
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
True Warrior wrote:I like episode 2 also. Mostly because of the CLones and a strange moment between me and Jango. :)
strange moment?
Yeah, I mantioned it like 3 times already on different post. The first time I saw Jango's helmet, There was a strange moment between me and the figure on the screen. It was saying "Fett" and everything came to me in a flash! Memories of Boba on the old triligy. Then I looked into it and read the Boba Fett kid's books first. I relized that Boba Fett was the coolest guy I've ever discovered! :) It was very creepy, but comforting at the same time. :/
{MW} TW :cool:
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
Now that you put ot that way, TW, I know exactly what you mean. I underwent a similar experience.
i love rotj, just because of the fantastic finalie with like three huge battles going on at once. what a rush!!!
Ya that part is exciting probally my fav. part of rotj.
{MW} JH3
[color=#FF0000]{MW}-"death and destruction to our enemies!"[/color]:cool:
Anyone who says that any of the new three are their favorite gets a .45 in the brainpan. OT are the only ones that even get considered, of those, I like The Empire Strikes Back the best. Massive Hoth battle, lightsaber fights, Boba Fett, fire fights...just beautiful. ROTJ would be next, I can still remember jumping up on my couch with my toy lightsaber and swinging it around when Luke was fighting on the skiffs.
Heh, that sounds like me when I was lil! :P Copying movies and stuff. :)
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
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