i 2 glass shelfs on my room w/ boba fett pez, boba, jango, zukkus (spell), bossk, wampa, at at hoth driver and luke hoth version and 2 100th edition boba fett bust ups. vintage boba fett, bossk and snow trooper action figures aotc clone trooper and super battle droid a life size boba fett cut out, a ton of boba fett books/ comics and a boba fett post card
Topic: The Geekiest Fett Thing You Own
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
132 posts
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I took a while to think about this, and hands down: The little blue M&M plush toy in his Boba Fett Halloween costume. For a while it was neck and neck with stumpy superdeformed Fett, but Blue won out.
Two signed Boba pic's I got when I met Jeremy Bulloch several years ago.
A picture of me clinging to Tem Morrison at CIII....
Ain't nothing geeky about Tem Morrison Fettish,he's buku uber sexy. The geekiest thing i own is some of those free toys from fast food joints. Like the flying Fett that balances on his chin,or the jango fett squirt gun.
I take that back,maybe the geekiest thing I own is those cute little playschool Star wars figs of both Fetts and several Clone troopers. Or all my old custom tee shirts from ebay, like the one that says "Got Armor?"
My arm. I have the Mandalorian skull on my shoulder. gangsterrrr

Either Boba Fett underoos, in the box, or a fan made baby jumper that says Baby Fett on it. ;-)
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
that baby thing is cute... ;) i really want to get some underoos but i cant find any even on ebay!!!
There very expensive, i found apair a month ago and cost me 60$ but there so worth it. i wish i were small soi could wear them.
―Peter Griffin
Ah! Actually wearing them would be blasphemy! I would keep them mint. lol
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I recieved a Boba Fett PEZ dispenser for my birthday.
I have boba fett volume and tone knobs on my vintage jazz guitar, they are so cool and everyone that we play with asks where I got them
I have boba fett volume and tone knobs on my vintage jazz guitar, they are so cool and everyone that we play with asks where I got them
Awesome :D
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I have boba fett volume and tone knobs on my vintage jazz guitar, they are so cool and everyone that we play with asks where I got them
Dang I thought I had something geekie
peter wrote:I have boba fett volume and tone knobs on my vintage jazz guitar, they are so cool and everyone that we play with asks where I got them
Dang I thought I had something geekie
Don't worry we all do, it's the level of geekiness that counts :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Boba and Jango Pez Dispensers.
Now if it were Geekiest Star Wars Thing you own. I have the limited edition episode one Battle Droid KFC Chicken bucket cover.
(BFFC Moderator)
Now if it were Geekiest Star Wars Thing you own. I have the limited edition episode one Battle Droid KFC Chicken bucket cover.
Oh that's certainly a high scorer in the extreme geekiness stakes.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I used to think it was a frisbie(sp?)...
(BFFC Moderator)
I used to think it was a frisbie(sp?)...
did it fly very well? and was the grease stains on it? Cause I used to have all the Fries boxes from KFC that had pictures on them from E1. But they were discolored from the oil in the chips so my wife through them out thinking that they were rubbish
That reminds me, during the time Episode III was coming out, I got one of the paper bags with R2-D2 on it from Burger King that the fries come in.
Um no actually, it didn't fly well at all. And it's rubber so, no, no stains or anything. Nearly Immaculate. Might have to upload a picture of it because I can't find one on the internet.
(BFFC Moderator)
I'd have to say either my Boba Fett Pez dispenser (which i got last week off Ebay, been looking for that for ages :D ) or the Boba Fett Burger King toy (which i had sent from the US). I personally think they're both cool :)
Either Boba Fett underoos, in the box, or a fan made baby jumper that says Baby Fett on it. ;-)
Awe the baby suit is so cute. I would love to get two of those for my twins :D
I'm currently drinking out of a Boba coffee mug!
That reminds me, during the time Episode III was coming out, I got one of the paper bags with R2-D2 on it from Burger King that the fries come in.
I read this thread and looked around my room for the geekiest thing i have and i noticed that I also have the r2-d2 fries bag. That or my 3 force-fx lightsabers, those things were damn expensive for me. I also still have the packaging for a bunch of star wars figures and one unopened one of Anikin from Episode I. I would also love a Boba Fett pez dispenser but i can never find one, did find a Death Star one however when I went to Disney World a couple days ago. I am also currently working on a Star Destroyer model.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
Valthonin if you're looking for a Boba Fett Pez dispenser try Ebay, i got lucky and got one for £3 ($6) buy it now.
Been looking for ages to get one :)
Thx Ninjax
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
I just bought a minature Boba Fett Pez that has a strap on it to attach to your mobile phone in a little store in Osaka. When you pop the head back a replica peice of candy made out of plastic sticks out. Its so lame that its cool. If anyone wants to check out the store its www.mike-toys.com. Amazing store and the coolest BF stuff!
I own a dalek mug with dalek phrases....... :D, lol
I dont realy own much Fett stuff, im not realy a star wars nerd as i am just a nerd.
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
i am not a nerd even though i have braces, a few spots and glasses. but i dont have a nerdy/geeky voice...
Nothin wrong with being a nerd, dork or a geek!
nope, i like being nerd...even though its not very good for my social status, but still
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
a year ago i found star wars pez dispensers at a department store near my house i quickly bought the first boba i could find... Pez never tasted so good!!!
made myself a Boba/Jango neckercheif slide for my Scout leader uniform.I love the comits I get from the young and old Scouters.
I posted a better picture of this in the "creative" section.
Ha thats funny, do you get any questions about it?
I still have my ESB lunch box from the 1980s. I recently acquired a retro-science fiction lunch box as well.
Ok, I would have to say....i dunno, but the replica of Master Cheif's helmet should quallify. :D
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
i may get this beagle and name him boba
I would say the Boba Fett FatHead that stares at me as I visit his site. . . But that's too awesome to be geeky
So probably the 30th Anniversary:Saga Legends figures/toys that I've been collecting; that is if the 5 year olds don't beat me to them
Two Boba Fett action Figures on the self, next to the Boba Fett Bobble head, and the Lego Boba Fett figure. :P
i may get this beagle and name him boba
that would be VICOUS! :D :D :D
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
Update on the geekiest things I own: in addition to a Boba Fett bobble head I own the Tobbi Dala and Fen Shysa figurines along with a Dengar figurine from those Star Wars Legacy comic packs. It's been a GREAT pay day!
OOOH I've been looking for those. I too have the bobble head.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Geekiest Fett thing I own...hmm...
Oh, Wow!! That's totally cool! Where did you get it, Lord Revan?
Ah, either Wal-Wart or Tatooine Traders at Disney-MGM Studios, can't remember.
(Actually it's Disney's Hollywood Studios but I like MGM better. :P)
I'll have to take a look for myself. Thanks for the quick response, Lord Revan!
Yes I have that too.... :P I found mine at walmart.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
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