Actually, he is.
Upon further research, Fett doesn't stand a chance of beating him. Movie or Comic book version. (in my opinion)
Topic: All purpose Boba Fett verses matches
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
207 posts
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--Boba Fett
Definatley movie he got beaten easily.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
uh, yeah, he is. magic, science, cosmic energy; power is power to a man like victor von doom, and power is an end unto itself for him. but the movie version doom was a girl dog, so boba would omgwtfpwnt that guy.

I was reading about him, and you are right. He must be pretty great for the king of Shock Rock (Alice Cooper) to reference him.
What about Fett verses the T-100000? I am not sure about that one.
I don't know, it looks pretty dangerous. But if it failed to stop a pansy like John Connor(J.k.;)), then I don't know how it could stop Boba Fett. And if Fett could beat the T-1000 then he should be able to beat the T-1000000 using thee same tactics.
--Boba Fett
what about the T-X? would her inflatable breasts distract him? bad ass or not, boba is still a man, and boobs that can do could get any guy a little off topic.¤t=Scorpion1.gif
Who do ya think would win, the Scorpion or Boba Fett? Remember, the Scorpion has increased strength, speed, and endurance like Spider-Man! And he wears armor and his spiked tail can shoot acid!

Still, a wrist rocket could down him.
what about the T-X? would her inflatable breasts distract him? bad ass or not, boba is still a man, and boobs that can do could get any guy a little off topic.
True, but something tells me Boba Fett wouldn't be. But if I knew what the T-X was capable of not even I would be distracted by the way it looked. And I’m sure Boba Fett would do his homework before fighting something as dangerous as a T-X. (and therefore not let himself be distracted by the way things looked)
As for Scorpion, it's close, but I think Boba would win. If it's a close match between Spiderman and Boba Fett, and Spiderman beat Scorpion, Fett should be able to beat him, right?
--Boba Fett
Yeah deffinatly p.s Terminator 3 sucked.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
yes it did. arnie was looking a bit haggered in that one
yes, the Yautja are VERY brutal. MUCH more deadly than the Alien race.
ok then, how about Boba Fett vs Superman.TW
Fett verse superman??? Easy...Boba would definitely win. He would find some kryptonite (stab superman wit, kinda like lex :) ) and THEN shove a thermal detonator down his throat... ;)
once you have the kryptonite in superman, no thermal detonator is needed. just keep other people away from him. as much as i love superman, i have to agree that boba could defeat him because of the kryptonite weakness. at best it may end up a draw, boba tags supes with a kryptonite dart as the big blue lays a fierce right hook to him. i don't care what kind of armor you have on, if you're not a super, a punch to the face from superman will snap your neck and KILL YOU.

In light of a myriad of minute verses matches, I decided to resurrect this one.
Boba Fett verses Ulysses Bloodstone.,_Ulysses
I would probably have to say Bloodstone for this one.
Fett vs. Dr. Doom? Whoever posted is a silly person.
Dr. Doom is what inspired George Lucas to create Darth Vader.
bloodstone would definitely win in a dance off, he is rocking the disco inferno look.
Bloodstone is immortal THE END.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Is the bloodstone itself indestructible? If not then Boba would probably lose.
That new transformers movie looks pretty sweet. Exceppt that the main character is the guy from Even Stevens. Hated him. Anyway Boba Fett would find a way to kill a transformer. He would probably hop in the Slave I and unleash the full arsenal and blast the thing. But I don't know much about car transformers, only the ones from the beast Wars one.
lol, it's much harder to kill a transformer than missiles and lasers. there's not much difference between Transformers and Beast Wars (as i have knowledge of both), except that Beast Wars is Earth prehistoric, and Transformers is Earth common time.
stumbled upon...
Deadpool VS Boba?I like them both very much,I wonder who will win.

Thanks Draco.Boba won. :)
Fett vs Mysterio (not the wrestler, the Spider-Man villain).

That comic was non-canon. I'm sure that Deadpool would actually win.
No,I disagree!Boba would win!His fighting skills,experience,quick reactions and good timing are unmatched!

Deadpool is probably matched, but Fett could not destroy Deadpool. Let us continue tis conversation in the aforementioned topic.
Sure,but where is it?
Sorry draco,but it's very late here and I'm not fully functional.... :P
P.S I had seen your link 5 minutes before I ask where is it. :P

Because of six rapidly posted verses matches, I would like to bring this thread back. Please post all new verses matches here for a while.
I'll start it off: Boba verses Dare-Devil
Boba by a mile.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Are you kidding me even Venom could take DareDevil now imagine what Boba Fett could do.

This is just to devert verses matches here. Dare-Devil was the first one too come to mind.
ok then, How about Fett vs the Emporer. Thats something we've never done!
You people overate Fett he's good, but not that good. Boba would have been killed by Windu if Palpatine didn't brake it up; and when Windu fought Palpatine there were 3 other Jedi and he still barely won.
What about ROTS Anakin or ROTJ Luke?
Padme or Leia?
Ewoks or Jawas?
mace windu vs. 1alien and 1 predator from the movie alien vs. predator
i would say alien and predator but, it would be a close match
Ehem read the topic title all purpose Boba Fett verses matches.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
this is topic for Fett vs only. and all the r2vs, or luke vs, or star wars people vs star wars people is getting Kinda old. try waiting a little after you make a topic befor making a new one right away, and you should also try and make then at least a little different from one another.
episode2 obi wan and boba vs. episode3 anakin and darth maul
Stop spaming those posts are worthless.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
yeah u tusken i hate tusken raiders.
boba fett vs gigan?

Gigan the daikaijū, of Gigan the Gundam? Either way, Fett would probably lose.
that's it. in order to stop tusken's worthless spamming, I shall create an official all-purpose non Fett matches thread.
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