What would happen?
Topic: Obi-Wan vs Luke
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
23 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestthat's dumb as well. Everyone knows Obi-Wan would win, as he taught Luke.

That has nothing to do with it, Luke also became Grand Master.
Obi-wan: reasons 1 He never fell 2 He taught luke
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I have to agree i think Obi would win, he taught Luke & he's been through the clone wars , oh & he's fought many sith :D
Yea Obi-Wan could just be like "It is customary for all jedi in duels to look into their lightsaber and promptly activate it thereafter (hehehe)"
Luke basically goes crazy and swings his lightsaber around, but Obi-Wan can (wow!) actually fight. I wonder who would win?
I'd say Obi-Wan, he seems more prepared.
Obi Wan. He is the best jedi ever, let me explain: he beat vader (episode 3), who beat emporer who beat yoda and windu, and yoda and windu are better than anyone else, and he trained luke who beat vader again and started the new order. I know, he's not really the best, but I like to use this argument for fun, and he is really good.
You can't realy use that association. Different factors effect each fight. Sorry just a pet peeve of mine when peopl do that.
it would also depend on which Obi-Wan was fighting.... the elder one that Luke knew? Or pre Order 66 Obi- Wan. The whole Anakin thing changed Obi-Wan.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
Hah,Luke is Grand Jedi Master! Ben Kenobi is only Jedi Master! Luke would win in time. :cool:
No he wouldn't. Unless he got up to at least Jedi Knight. Which he isn't at first. ;)
Well that's true but Luke beats Kenobi after 48 hours. :)
When Luke became Grand master,Kenobi is bantha's food.
luke wasn't GJM until he had reconstructed the Jedi Order, which was years after ROTJ. Kenobi wins by default.
But after luke became GJM! Then Kenobi is bantha's food.Kenobi has no-chance. :)
Then luke wins by default.D'oh Kenobi is ghost,when luke become GJM.Luke can't kill Kenobi.
Ok, lets say that they are both in their prime at the time of the fight, how bout then?
((And banthas are herbivores I think)
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
obi wins all the way
obi wins all the way
my thought exactly
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
Depends on whether their "prime" is age and fitness, or wisdom and Force knowledge. Lukes learned a ton, and is now incredibly wise. He totally toyed with Cadeus in "Legacy" and has learned the shatterpoint technique. But I'd say Obi's got better lightsaber technique. But Lukes got more pure Force power and knowledge...I love Obi-one, but Lukes learned a ton.
so it depends on how you look at it.
--Captain Dynamic--
Hahahaha,Is this a joke?Luke wins by default.
Hahahaha,Is this a joke?Luke wins by default.
By your thought-process yes. Since Obi-Wan died Luke wins. But that is no fun. So we theoretically pit these characters against eac other. Try to think in that context.