Topic: Battlefront 3

Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.

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Topic #1043
June 6, 2007 9:30 pm #

Free Radical is working on SWBFIII, I read in this article that I can't find because the link is on another computer that died... try google. (Don't use Wikipedia, or else Draco will eat you..)

June 13, 2007 12:22 pm #

Hey! I edit that stuff!

June 13, 2007 1:25 pm #
Karson Fett wrote:

Hey! I edit that stuff!

What stuff?Wikipedia?Now I understand draco... :P

"Your passions give you strength, and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains."
June 16, 2007 2:31 pm #

I think Battlefront 3 should have all of the areas from Battlefront 1 & 2, more charactors (Heroes and infantry), and bonus charactors on certain levels like the Impeial Spy on Tatooine, or the Gungans on Naboo.

I'm just helping Boba Fett and killing wookies for him.
June 16, 2007 3:00 pm #

Welcome to the boards,wookiehunter. :) I completely agree with you,all the levels should be included plus some new.

"Your passions give you strength, and through strength you gain power. You have seen it, you feel it. You must break your chains."
June 16, 2007 3:28 pm (Edited June 16, 2007 03:29 pm) #

Boba Fett needs his Virbro Blades. Possibly his coolest gadget.
Star wars battlefront 3 needs more canon. The 501st weren't everywhere! Clone commanders aren't Mygetto troops!
In the second game, every thing is either insane or crap.
Jedi move slow when not sprinting, but wayyy to fast while sprinting.
Troops can either rock or suck.
Battlefront 1 was actually better....

June 16, 2007 5:13 pm (Edited June 16, 2007 05:24 pm) #
BobaFett Fan wrote:

Boba Fett needs his Virbro Blades. Possibly his coolest gadget.
Star wars battlefront 3 needs more canon. The 501st weren't everywhere! Clone commanders aren't Mygetto troops!
In the second game, every thing is either insane or crap.
Jedi move slow when not sprinting, but wayyy to fast while sprinting.
Troops can either rock or suck.
Battlefront 1 was actually better....

Boba Fett Fan I agree with you in everything exept that the first game was better. Sure the second game has problems but for example with the Jedi they might walk slow but you couldn't even be Jedi in the first game. Actually the only problems with the second game are that they took out some of the best areas and you can't make your charactor crawl.


I'm just helping Boba Fett and killing wookies for him.
June 16, 2007 6:06 pm #

yep, you said it.

June 18, 2007 6:25 pm #

I hated how in BF2 you could not eject from your ship. Possibly along with space battles, Capital ships could be on land battles. The game would also need strategy and tactics like leading a Sqaud of ARC troops into enemy territory.

Troops have low heath and fair damage, but larger numbers

Troops have high heath and damage but lower numbers

Troops have very low heath (except for SBDs and Drodicas) and fair damage Very high numbers

Troops have very high heath and damage but low numbers

Heros should be able to call their ships
Grevious gets Manga Guards to protect him with electro staffs and back missile launchers
Boba Fett is an all rounder with many great weapons and has very high heath, but he is slow at re-loading
Leia has a fast blaster with good damage She has a Vibro spear
Han is fast and good ranged damage
Darth vader has very high heath and damage but is slow.
Lightsabers should cut through people. Heros should either die or just escape from a ship.

June 19, 2007 8:37 am #

1) Darth Vader's sprint is the fastest in the game
2) Roll to make re-load time quicker
3) This game would be way greater if sabers could cut through people, and even dismemberment.

June 19, 2007 5:10 pm (Edited June 19, 2007 05:22 pm) #

Darth should be slow but have his freak attacks.
Personally, I want to see heroes butchering troops and tanks but not going at extreme speeds like in battlefront 2.
They need to be fast, but not too fast.
Lightersaber throw should be under abused.
The lightsaber block should be automatic and the black button should replace the entire force power menu. (Yoda has more than just two force powers!)

Plus, the game needs more squad based tactics like the stuff from republic commando.
Possibly, the bridge of a Capital ship could have an entire layout of the map and players could form a squad and plan their invasion with the map.
Something like Battlefield 2142 Titan mode. Capital ships could be on ground battles and could be controlled.
It should have a large interior too, fit with a bridge, gun batteries, hallways, lower deck(with all the life supports and engine cooling systems).

I always wanted to be Darth Vader and blow up an entire rebel capital ship (and then leave and watch in blow up!). (In fifth grade!)
The game developers of Pandemic soiled my hopes of Battlefront 1 and 2! Soiled!
Although I won a signed autograph of Chewbacca (Peter Maylew) at the costume party at gamestop the day before the game was released. I got it the day before it came out. I felt like such a dork though, as I was the only one dressed 
up there.........

As Darth Vader....


June 19, 2007 6:16 pm #

the only one as Darth Vader? Hats off to you. what did the others dress as?

June 20, 2007 8:09 pm #
BobaFett Fan wrote:

I hated how in BF2 you could not eject from your ship.

That and you can't be ships in planet battles.  P.S. I heard SWBF III lets you make your own heroes.

I'm just helping Boba Fett and killing wookies for him.
June 20, 2007 8:42 pm #
wookiehunter wrote:
BobaFett Fan wrote:

I hated how in BF2 you could not eject from your ship.

That and you can't be ships in planet battles.  P.S. I heard SWBF III lets you make your own heroes.

oh that would be sweet customizable heroes omg that would be cool

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
June 20, 2007 8:58 pm #
wookiehunter wrote:

P.S. I heard SWBF III lets you make your own heroes.

heard? source please...

i know they r making a bf for psp, that has costumizable options...but only for the psp.

"mmmm, pistol whip." -Homer Simpson
June 21, 2007 7:42 pm #

that's Battlefront: Renegade Squadron, which is like the opposite of BF2.

June 22, 2007 9:07 pm #

I'm kinda of sick of Battlefront. They should focus on a new SW game, instead of re-hashing Battlefront more...

-BFFC Manji aka Jess
June 23, 2007 9:10 am #

a new game is coming out, The Force Unleashed.

June 27, 2007 11:56 am #
Darth Maul Clone wrote:
Karson Fett wrote:

Hey! I edit that stuff!

What stuff?Wikipedia?Now I understand draco... :P

I edit mostly wold war 2 things.

July 5, 2007 7:20 pm (Edited July 5, 2007 07:22 pm) #

We're all aware the Force Unleashed is coming out. :P

Sorry I lost my old account, so I'm BobaFett Fan.
No one dressed up. I was Darth Vader.....
I was surrounded by young adults too.
Most had goatees.

"Just because Boba is smarter than Jango doesn't mean Jango is retarded."
July 7, 2007 7:16 pm #

they should add btter graphics and more vehicals...and biggier

July 8, 2007 5:04 pm #

welcome to BFFC, JEDISLAYER.

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