One thing you guys haven't thought of is if Boba could manage to capture Wolverine (say in a concrete room etc), he could always let him starve to death. It's very cruel and hardly sporting but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Topic: Wolverine vs. Boba Fett?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Wolverine's claws can slice through concrete ;))
It was only an example :P How about a cage made of adamantium?
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Ok that works! LOL
Wolverine is quite inteligent, but unlike Boba, he tends to "throw and go" in a fight rather than plan out hiis attacks.
You guys are thinking too straight forward. Forget weapons, Boba doesn't even need them to beat wolverine. Think about it guys, Boba is smart as hell, and would probably know a little bit about Wolverine if he were to for some reason end up in a fight with him.
Him knowing about Wolverine would probably be what caused the battle in the first place. But again where as wolvie was trained, boba only had what training he got up til Jango got his head seperated form his body, the rest he learned by himself, so really the advantage lies with either depending on if knowledge taught is better
than knowledge gained through experience.
Wolverine is just as intelligent or more intelligent than Boba. If Boba was to fight Howlet, Boba would definatly need weapons. Even with weapons, I'm sure Fett would lose.
Yes, Wolverine has had his adamantium skeleton ripped out of his body. And he survived. I still think Wolverine would win. Wolverine has been through a lot, samurai training, military he could beat Boba.
James Howlett is lethal. He was made to be a weapon, and he exceeded all expectations. Boba is deadly too, though. As I said earlier, If Fett keeps Wolverine at a distance, he might have a chance. Up close, he wouldn't last long against adamantium claws powered by berserk fury.
I wonder how Wolverine could stand up to disintegrations.
I wonder how Wolverine could stand up to disintegrations.
From what I can gather, adamantium is almost indestructable. A magnet could own him, though. Remember what Magneto did to him in the third movie? If Magz were in a really bad mood, he could have torn that adamantium skeleton right from Wolvie's body and called it a day.
So now I have a mental image of Boba trying to lift a giant magnet. Niice. I guess a force-field would be the better choice.
Wolvie also has a load of collateral just waiting to be ransomed. Jubilee?
Sev Fett wrote:I wonder how Wolverine could stand up to disintegrations.
From what I can gather, adamantium is almost indestructable. A magnet could own him, though. Remember what Magneto did to him in the third movie? If Magz were in a really bad mood, he could have torn that adamantium skeleton right from Wolvie's body and called it a day.
Wolvie also has a load of collateral just waiting to be ransomed. Jubilee?
Read three posts above yours. I doubt tthat Boba would threaten a child.
Clone_commander, that was off topic. People like to make verses matches.
Magneto did once tear the adamantium out of Wolverine, but he still lived, fought, and eventually got it back.
He would only die of a physical wound if there is too much flesh burned off, or too many vital organs missing. Then his healing factor would go into overdrive, and he'd die.
im not sure even mandalorian iron could stand up to adamantium. plus wolverines claws would just slice right thru anything boba threw at him. then again wolverine can't fly.
One thing you guys haven't thought of is if Boba could manage to capture Wolverine (say in a concrete room etc), he could always let him starve to death. It's very cruel and hardly sporting but desperate times call for desperate measures.
...Actually in one comic I read, Wolverine was talking about how he got caved in once with no way of escaping. I forget how he got out or how long he was in there but he lived by eating pieces of his own arm and then letting it heal....
...Somehow, I think I'd have to vote for Wolverine on this one...besides the whole Marvel Comic Mantra that no one really dies anyway...
Hmmm...maybe if Fett immobilized Wolverine for long enough he could ship him into a sun somewhere...
haha yeah, weve already seen a bullet to the head would incapacitate wolverine long enough for boba to so say throw him into space? not even wolverine would survive in a vaccum
I've only seen it in the second movie, but it did not incompacitate him for long.
yeah, but maybe a few blaster bolts to the head would do the trick. It would take a while for him to self heal several holes burnt through his brain.
Yes, but he would not have to heal his brain. Blaster bolts would not pierce adimantium.
thats right, i forgot his skull is made of adamantium too. silly me. maybe a well placed rocket to the head
Adamantium is indestructible. Gambit once used his powers to blow Wolverine's face off, and he's still alive and killing. Gambit has more power than a rocket, depending on the amount of potential energy in the object he is charging, so Wolvie's head would be as big of a boom as a large bomb. And he's still alive, as I said. One rocket, even two, wouldn't break past the adamantium skull.
Boba's flamethrower could burn all of wolverine's flesh off before it could regenerate. Or maybe his poison darts could help or something.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
nope. not a chance. you need to read your comics, youngling.
Just trying to help the Fett side on this one....
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
Then you should try to get your facts straight.
:( ....sorry....
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
Boba would surely win.He can just fly high and shoot Wolverine.
Wolverine has been shot plenty of times. and he's still standing.
He can regenerate I know this very good.But....what would be left to regenarate by the time Boba shoots him with a paralyzing or sleeping dart,and then stand over him shooting him with his flamethrower for about an hour?Or just throw him a thermal detonator and blow him into million pieces?No,I think Boba is way more good from Wolverine.
I second that :) come one darth maul clone we can take em.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
He can regenerate I know this very good.But....what would be left to regenarate by the time Boba shoots him with a paralyzing or sleeping dart,and then stand over him shooting him with his flamethrower for about an hour?Or just throw him a thermal detonator and blow him into million pieces?No,I think Boba is way more good from Wolverine.
The flame-thrower does not last too long. Also, Wolverine's reflexes and agility are highly above normal, so he could dodge nearly all of Boba's weapons.
But his reflexes are only at the level of a human who has trained a lot. He can't dodge bullets or anything. Still I think his healing factor is strong enough to immediatly filter out any toxins. And like Mandalorian Assassin said a while back, he has survived have pole charged by Gambit shoved into his mouth and being blown up. Easily enough to amount to the kinetic force of a thermal detonator.
Ok then.Boba would just take a huge magnet and trap Logan,then send him into space!MWAHAHAHA!!!!!*ahem*
I think that'd be all that Boba could do,but adamantium isn't naturally magnetic,plus none of Boba's weapons could do anything to him,I mean the guy survived a pool of lava!and being trapped in ice surviving on his own flesh!I seriously doubt that Boba could defeat someone that powerful with any mandalorian weapon!
Wolverine is invincible. That's all there is to it. No-one, including The Fett Man, can beat him. The only way I can see Logan dying is by suffocation. But you'd have to get past his claws . . .
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
Boba has the support of the whole Empire with him!He would call a Star Destroyer or just bombard him with Slave 1!
He does not have the support of the Empire. They merely hired him a couple of times.
Doesn't matter,as I stated he could just bombard him with slave 1!Wolverine just can't beat Boba.I cannot accept it!
Wolverine has the Blackbird. Boba hs no way of defeating Wolverine, at all.
I think that'd be all that Boba could do,but adamantium isn't naturally magnetic,
If not then why is Magneto able to control him through his adamantium skeleton?
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
Because adimantium is a metal, and Magneto can manipulate all metals. His powers are not exactly based on magnetisism.
I always thought it was magnetism hence the name Magneto. Every where i've looked it says they are based on magnetism. This is from wikipedia: Magneto is a mutant with the superhuman power to shape and manipulate magnetic fields that exist naturally or artificially. And this from Magneto possesses the power to control all forms of magnetism.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
But anything that is remotely magnetic he can control. Some things are not that magnetic enough to be picked up be any size magnet unless is what extremely large eg size of small city. So Boba probably doesn't have a powerful enough magnet to tear out Logan's skeleton.
Wolverine has the Blackbird. Boba hs no way of defeating Wolverine, at all.
I don't believe Wolverine ever piloted the Blackbird (X-jet)
Wikipedia is not trustworthy at all. I'm sure that he can manipulate magnetic fields, but he can also manipulate. metal.
The Marvel encyclopedia i'm holding in my hand says otherwise... but ok, what ever. But yea I get what your saying Sev thats not what I was arguing though. I was arguing that Magneto has power over magnetism and magnetic fields, not metals. And also wolverine's skeleton has been ripped out by magneto before, so it does have a magnetic charge
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
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