LOL It is a brave move... But, Boba's in his top five... :D
Topic: Your Favorite Star Wars Characters (including Fetts)
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
167 posts
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Wow coming on to a Boba Fett boards with the name Mace_Windu_ is pretty brave. For those of us who actually don't mind Jango.
What does that matter? He could love Jango, and still like Windu.
Windu was the "Jedi with attitude" and that was cool, but I just didn't like the whole beheading Jango part or else he might have been on my list too LOL
lol why does everyone hate that beheading so much....?
I don't like it. It was not only dishonourable, (I'll be gatting a reply for that, I'm sure!) but he killed a Fett! After watching him get trampled by a reek, and after he cut his gun in half. Couldn't he have just cut Fett's hand off at the most? Why go and kill him? Fett was only doing his job!
I truly hate Jango. Mace had the right to attack him for at least three reasons:
1. Jango's job is illegal.
2. Jango was working against the Jedi.
3. Jango was trying to kill Mace.
If Jango's job was illegal, that makes Boba's illegal, so you can't really use that point to say you hate Jango, as it applies to Boba. And you obviously like Boba. Second, Jango was only doing his job. He needs to make money somehow. He had a family to support! :) Besides, the Jedi haven't exactly been very lenient with him. And as I said: To prevent Jango from killing Mace, Windu could've just cut off his hand. He didn't have to kill him.
1. That is not a reason that I hate Jango.
2. That does not matter, because the job is still illegal.
3. There are hundreds of other occupations.
4. Why should they have been lenient with him?
5. I am not trying to justify the decapitation. I am trying to justify the attack.
6. If I was trying to justify the decapitation, I would say : If Mace cut off Jango's hand, Jango still has plenty of other weapons.
Let's just say Windu is more of a take no prisoners kind of guy.
I agree.
You cant just be in the thick of battle and take prisoners. What would you expect him to do knock him out? What if he came round? Jedi have to kill in combat situations that large.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Sorry I was referring to the Sidious incident as well, but I still take side with Mace. It was more of a facetious statement.
OK, I changed my characters again. Read my new list!
My Top 10:
1. Darth Vader
2. Darth Revan
3. Qui-Gon Jinn
4. Yoda
5. Boba Fett!
6. Durge
7. Mace Windu
8. Jango Fett
9. Lando Calrissian
10. Plo Koon
These are not in any order, but those are my top 10.
it's a hard 1 to say...
1) Boba Fett
2) The guy with the long snout that spys on ppl (Think his name is Imperial Spy) lol
3) Anakin/Vader
4) Plo Koon
5) Yoda
6) General Grievous
7) Jango Fett
8) Kit Fisto
9) The Emperor
10) Fixer
1. Teebo
2. Logray
3. Wicket
4. Widdle
5. Weechee
6. Lumat
7. Deej
8. Kaink
9. Romba
10. Grael
Those are all ewoks.
1. Boba Fett
2. Jango Fett
3. Dengar
4. Bossk
5. Hammerhead
6. IG-88
7. Greedo
8. Montross
9. Zucuss
10. 4-Lom
As you can see, i'm a bounty hunter freak!
Hey! I think i may actually even change me title to that.
it's a hard 1 to say...
1) Boba Fett
2) The guy with the long snout that spys on ppl (Think his name is Imperial Spy) lol
3) Anakin/Vader
4) Plo Koon
5) Yoda
6) General Grievous
7) Jango Fett
8) Kit Fisto
9) The Emperor
10) Fixer
Isn't it called a Bothan Spy.
As previously stated, the spy's name is Garindan. Also, he could not be called a Bothan spy because he is not a Bothan.
1:Boba Fett
2:Canderous Ordo
4:Bendak Starkiller(think I mispelt it)
9:Kal Skirata
10:Cassus Fett
As previously stated, the spy's name is Garindan. Also, he could not be called a Bothan spy because he is not a Bothan.
lol I love the simplicity of your statements Draco! ;)
1.Darth Maul
2.Boba Fett
3.Qui-Gon Jinn
4.Obi-Wan(as a Padawan mostly)
5.Anakin Skywalker
6.Han Solo
8.Darth Vader
9.Cade Skywalker
My top ten countdown:
10.Bossk, simply because he "beats" Boba Fett
9.Mace Windu, simply because he killed Jango and beat Palpitine.
8.RC-1262 "Scorch", my only non-movie pick
7.Darth Maul
4.Darth Vader
3.Aayla secura
1.Plo Koon
Yeah, I'm not a fett fan. :)
Bossk never beat Boba. Palpatine could destroy Mace, it was a ploy. If you do not like Boba, no offence, why did you you join a Fett Fan Club?
Yeah that doesn't really make sense to be honest.
Force Master R you loser.
any way
3.Bossk (kinda for the same reason)
4.TK-421/all stormtroopers
5.RC-1207, aka SEV/
6.Alpha-77, known as ARC-77 and more commonly known as Fordo.
7.Vader(NOT Anakin)
8.Shaak Ti
(from the clone wars cartoon)
( this is the right spelling)
11.General Grievous
Sorry I went over bord but after the first 3 they are all at the same LVL so it dosen't matter how you order them.
BTW I like pics I don't know if this is alowd but I think if you have fav character that most people don't know you should post a pic. :) oh and I can't find a pic of D'harhan ANYWHERE! :(
Boba beat Bossk on many occasions playing with him and making him look stupid.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
yah yah but the fact that he did it ONECE after so so many times of losing makes me happy cu'z you kinda feel sorry for him all the time trying so hard to win and allways coming up on bottom, so you have to give him credit for the last laugh.
oh and one vitory is one more than most.
Force Master R you loser.
watch it, I know where you sleep.
draco fett: Have you never read the bounty hunter wars? I did because my bro left it in the bathroom and it was somthing I hadn't read for the 18th time. And Mace was winning because of his own skill, it was just planing on Palpatines part for Anikin to show up. I can hear Windu's spirt form talking to Yoda now: "And I would have won too, if it wasn't for that meddling kid!" and I joined to participate in the debate on the whales and got hooked. Curse these intresting forms.
I have read the trilogy twice. I remember Boba besting Bossk a number of times, but not vice vesa. Perhaps you are confused; Boba is the one in the armor, and Bossk is the reptillian one.
Palpatine is on par with Yoda, who is one of the most powerful characters introduced thus far, ergo, Palpatine was toying with Windu
Alo, Force Master, let's not start flamming or making threats.
But Mace was a better duelist than Palpatine and Yoda, not combined kind you.
No if Mace was a better duelist he would have been able to either save his fellow jedi before Palpy killed them or killed him while he was striking the other jedi. If he hadnt let mace win Aniken wouldnt have joined him.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
There was not much dueling going on, though. How do you know that Mace is a better swordsman.
Ah sorry I was mistaken. Yoda is in fact better. And Dooku. So I would assume Palpatine is better.
No way Dooku is better than Master Windu.Just read both profiles at Star Wars Wiki and see for yourself who has a longer history.
lets get back on topic befor some one gets hurt.
If you wan't to kepp fighting about it go here
and make a post about it.
lets get back on topic befor some one gets hurt.
If you wan't to kepp fighting about it go here
and make a post about it.
They're aren't fighting, they're debating :P
Can someone point me to the parts where Bossk won in the Bounty Hunter Trilogy? Because I seemed to have missed them...
-Rampage, Beast Wars
Can someone point me to the parts where Bossk won in the Bounty Hunter Trilogy? Because I seemed to have missed them...
See the part in "Hard Merchandise" where Bossk and Boba Fett meet in the cantina. Bossk wins. It is a diffrent sort of win, but it is still a win. It was their last meeting, at least as far as Wookipedia was concerned.
Draco: Alo is my brother, and we live in the same house. It was a joke. And Mace is the better Dulist, as far as sabers are concerned. Both times we see palpitine fight, he wins by use of the force, not saber. He had lost his saber before Anikin arrived. He also used his lightning after Anikin arrived, and don't tell me he didn't try to kill mace with it. The faking that he was too weak to continue was good acting on his part. In his battle with yoda he attempts to flee rather than fight and once the battle begins, he quickly resorts to using the force to hurl the Senate at the diminuitive master. Palpatine attempts the same trick he used on Anikin with Luke, and failing at that, again resorts to using the force. That is always been where his strength was, in manipulation and use of the force, not in saber skills.
Could you please detail Bossk's win?
Mace may have been a better swordsman, but Palpatine is still more powerful.
Could you please detail Bossk's win?
Mace may have been a better swordsman, but Palpatine is still more powerful.
Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert!
Bossk meets Boba Fett in the cantina. They talk for a bit and Bossk tells Boba Fett that he has the merchandise that Fett needs. He tells Fett that he can get a better price from Kaut drive yards but would rather sell it to him, knowing that for fett to have to pay him would be worse that if he (Bossk) killed him (Fett). Fett says that this is true, and points a blaster at Bossk's head. Bossk and Fett have a quick disscution about this, with Bossk just about to cave in and give the location of the merchandice to Fett, when, to Fett's surprise, he says no and tells Fett to go ahead and shoot him. The proprieter of the cantina walks up and attempts to break up the situation, which ends up with him on the buissness end of Fett's blaster. Fett tells him to transfer all of his funds to Bossk's account, minus a five precent fee for himself (the cantia owner, not fett). Bossk, stunned, ask why when fett tels him that he won, and asks for the location of the Data. Bossk tells him, still in a semi-dazed state. When fett leaves, the entier cantina breaks out into applause for Bossk, with him being congradulated with a "We don't like you anymore than we used too, we've just never seen anyone do that before, not with Fett at least."
And yes, I admit that palpatine is more powerful. I just said that Mace beat him in the duel, which is also true.
I remember that now, thank you. Now, back on topic.
I would'nt call that wining Boba needed it fast so he could'nt waste time all he did was pay him and i reckon the Hounds Tooth was worth more than the amount Boba gave Bossk. Also Palpatine isnt exactly bad at dueling he defeated 3 good Jedi in a matter of seconds.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
No way Dooku is better than Master Windu.Just read both profiles at Star Wars Wiki and see for yourself who has a longer history.
History doesn't really matter. It just means Windu was written/ shown more than Dooku. Read Star Wars databank and see.
I'd trust databank a lot more than wiki.
Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Obi-Wan Kenobi/Ben
Darth Sion
Darth Vader
-Boba Fett
-Darth Maul
-Revan (darkside)
-Mace Windu
-Aayla Secura
-Aurra Sing
-Asaaj Ventress
boba fett
obi wan
general grievous
skiff guards
jabba the hutt
Boba Fett
Darth Vader
Obi Wan "Ben" Kenobi
Darth Maul
Dash Rendar
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Han Solo
Luke Skywalker
TK 421
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
There is no order. These are my favourites.
The Imperial guards
Count Dooku
Boba Fett
The Emperor
The IG-100 Magnaguards
The (other) Members of the Separatist council
The Droidekas
Darth Nihilus
(A picture of OOM-9 below)
(Lancelot! <3)
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