boba has lots of cool gadgets, like his wrist blaster and flamethrower weaponry gaunlets. or his amazing mandorlian armour, or even his jetpack. what about his helmet? it was designed just for him! post here for ideas surrounding him
Topic: boba gadgets
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
35 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestThe helmet is a Mandalorian helmet, not just Fett's.
no, i meant thats fetts mandorlian helmet was made just for him
No, it was originally Jaster Mereel's helmet.
jaster mareel?
that is very interesting, aaron, cheers, for the info.
i meant the mandorlians helmet for themselves was built for each mandorlian soldier in a different way, all were different
The title could be more specific.
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ok, what i really, ment was that all mandorlian helmets are different, and boba , is the only one that has a helmet like that
Then what does this have to do with Boba's gadgets? Also, Boba did not have his helmet custom made, and there are others who have helmets just like his.
like jaster mareels?.....anyway lets get back on topic, boba had loads of cool gadgets that he used, like his wrist blaster when he used it when luke slashed his EE - 3 blaster rifle in half, and his whipcord which he successfully whipped around luke, but luke blocked the guard from the top of the barge and blocked the shot into fetts armour........
What is the point of this topic? Boba's gadgets, or Mandalorian helmets?
Jaster's helmet is Boba's helmet.
no, offense but gadgets!!
That whole conversation is funny! :lol:
be, quiet, darth maul, clone! i'm trying to make a nice thread here! :(
Why should he be quiet? He was not hurting anything, or insulting anyone.
be, quiet, darth maul, clone! i'm trying to make a nice thread here! :(
Hey,green helmeted fett,don't tell me to be quiet!I didn't say anything bad,and I surely didn' say anything insulting!If your thread fails to be nice,it surely isn't my fault ok?
I think all of Boab's gadgets are really cool, but i think some of them are overlooked such as the anti security blades. I also think his multi detonator is pretty cool.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
ok, i know you were only making a comment, sorry, darth maul clone .....anyway, IG-88 has boba got a multi detector? :( what is it's purpose?
Its a multi detonator and its a high powered exposive.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
like a wrist bobb/projectile?
Nope its just like a very powerful bomb.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
the one he used to blast out off the sarlacc's mouth in tales of the bounty hunters ? :|
I dont think so. It shows it inthe Star Wars visual dictionary
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I wonder if Boba has those blades that Jango did in EPII? I thought those were pretty neat and handy.
Course he does all that style of mando armour has the same stuff.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
i think boba got cool gagdets and is cool, who's with me? :D
Well Boba wouldn't say cool...but effective! ;)
i know, star wars people dont say the word " cool " ;)
You know his knee pads have hidden dart lunchers. =D
lol Dart Lunchers. I can imagine it now...
Boba fires his hidden luncher into his quarry's leg.
"I have now injected the equivalent of 20 Large Pepperoni Pizzas into your blood stream. You shall now become fat and die of embarrassment. MUAHAHA!"
So, I just re-realized how awesome Boba Fett's outfit is. His gear looks the coolest of all characters gear.
Of course, I remind myself of this every day, so I'm not sure why I'm saying it now.
lol Dart Lunchers. I can imagine it now...
Boba fires his hidden luncher into his quarry's leg.
"I have now injected the equivalent of 20 Large Pepperoni Pizzas into your blood stream. You shall now become fat and die of embarrassment. MUAHAHA!"
lol that is hilarious Sev! :P