hey guys have any off you got any 30th anniversary action figures? if so post here. i've got a mcquarrie white boba fett figure ( comes with a blaster rifle, flamethrower blast- attacheble to the flamethrower gauntlet and two helmets and a backpack of rockets. :)
Topic: has anyone got any 30th anniversary action figures?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
27 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestThis belongs in Collecting.
but...but its in creative and thats showing people new things that are out......( grumble! )
Creative is for fan fiction, fan art, etc., not collectables.
oh.....right. i dont know all these words sometimes, lol!
I got the Galactic marine
I have a bunch. Obi, R2, Mace, Biggs, Grevious Body Guard, Mustafarian, and one or two others.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
i simply have the white boba but am waiting the the second 1 to come out : ) those r the only two im interested in
―Peter Griffin
...the-second-white-boba....ohwhw,,,,,slaver, drool ( homer simpson )
u dont do much research do u green? the second 1 isnt white its holiday special
―Peter Griffin
right....sorry, high lieutenant.....lol....and stop it with the not doing research ! :?
Why yell at him? It is true that you do not do your research.
I do not have any yet, but I plan on getting the two Boba's this year.
as i said i have a millenium white boba from mcquarrie
So why say it again? That information is at the top of the page.
i give up with you! see ya! poof!! - disapearing in a cloud of smog
I really want the prototype one.
I really want the prototype one.
:lol: :lol: :lol: !!!!!
Yeah.Me too.
yeah, me too :O :O :O !!!!
thats it i cant take it any more i have a very short fuse and green all u ever do is spam u needa stop cuz it takes away from this site and u do it every day all over the boards. u needa stop because im sure every 1 here has also had enough with the spam
on topic... the r2 and csi droid that catch fire r pretty sweet if i were to get another 2 that were out itd b those because they r attachable
―Peter Griffin
on topic... the r2 and csi droid that catch fire r pretty sweet if i were to get another 2 that were out itd b those because they r attachable
Ok sorry I just have to laugh about this. csi droid! I know it's a mistake, I do it all the time but this time it just gave me a mental picture of a droid with red hair and sunglasses on doing the classic Horatio move! CSI: Miami if anyone is curious.
i love horatio even tho he is so bland lol thanks for the point out tho lol
―Peter Griffin
I've got the Concept Boba and am now waiting in high anticpation for the Holiday Special Boba ( i couldn't believe it when i saw the HS Version in the SW Magazine, felt like jumping up and doing a dance) :)
I found the Holiday Special Boba figure yesterday at Wal-Mart!! I was so excited I could barely speak! My BF just wanted me to point out that he bought the figure for me, cause intercepting it while we were at the store was the only way he could buy something SW for me that he knew I didn't already have. He's sweet. :)
I also found the Concept Chewie.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
sorry that post was months ago, so i have the galactic marine, darth vader with ben kenobi's cloak with lightsaber on it, an imperial stormtrooper and the boba fett mcquarrie. ( 4 ) collectors coins. :)
would this stuff be at the StarWars.com shop?
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
yeah...probably why? :O

would this stuff be at the StarWars.com shop?
Yes, but you have to order them by the case.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."