Topic: Trials of the jedi

Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.

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Topic #1242
March 4, 2007 6:58 am (Edited March 4, 2007 07:16 am) #

hello everyone, this is kyale and I'm posting this topic. yhe basic rules of it are displayed below:

1. you may be ether a jedi (any type: jedi weapons master, force master, apprentice, padewan, knight, master, or general, since this is during the clone wars) or any type of clone or, if you wish, a politition.

2. for the droids, you may not ne a droid, but you can be a droid commander, a droid matinence worked, or a supreme general of the droids( only one of those).

3. for the sith, you may choose a title (sith lord, sith apprentice and your masters name, sith warrior, sith assassin ect.)

4. force powers include: force lightning, force choke, force speed, force push, force pull, force minor heal, and force mind trick mastery.

5. you may pick(if you are a jedi or a sith) a light saber color, a lightsaber style(doulbe sided, single sided, two individual light sabers, ect.
if you are a clone, pick a rank, armor color, weapon of choice, secondary weapon and close range weapon.
you must also pick a race for yuor choice of class.

remember no killing other players unless they want you to, and make this rp the most realistic one.

March 4, 2007 7:23 am #

Name: Master Zax
Class: Jedi Master and Council member
Force powers: force speed, force mind trick and force push
WOC: one single sided lightsaber
color: green
species: jawa

history: he was razed on the planet of tatooine, when he met his master. he was trained in the art of the force and built  his own light saber at a very young age. he then became a master and a council member when the clone wars started. he is a council master and a teacher to his newest padewan and is a general in the clone army.

March 4, 2007 9:07 am # offense but you need to learn how to spell. Raised is not razed. And you need to learn about a button called shift.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
March 4, 2007 10:20 am #

Now Villimar, I see your point, but don't run him off. ;)

"This IS my signature."
March 5, 2007 4:44 am #

name: Commander Ret
Class: Clone Commander
WoC: Dc15s (smaller version)
secondary WoC:2 DC17 pistols
Close range WoC: various vibro blades.
Armor: looks like commander blys but with blue instead of orange and with a grey Kama (skirt) built in to helmet microbinocs.

March 22, 2007 1:23 pm #

okay villiemar, if your so perfect and smart then solve this problem:
what is the chemical formula for sodium hydroxide and water.

March 22, 2007 1:38 pm (Edited March 22, 2007 01:40 pm) #

Zax landed landed his jedi starfighter close to the clone base. his padewan had to ride on the clone transport, she was to young to pilot her own starfighter. as Zax exited his star fighter a clone rushed over to his, "sir, we have picked up transmitions from a clone manufactureing plant, awaiting your command general."
speaking into a translator he said in a computerized voice, "Locate the area from which the signal is being translated from, then send Commander Ret and his troops in to wipe out th surrounding forces, i will talk to the Clone Commandos myself, they have a very special opperation to go on."
"Yes sir!" said the clone as he turned and ran back to the entrence. Then Master Zax's apprentice walked up to him.
"Hello young one, are you redy to leave for naboo?" said Master Zax.
"yes master, let us leave imediately." she said that, then they both started off for the clone base, and their transports.

March 22, 2007 3:19 pm (Edited March 22, 2007 03:21 pm) #

Kyale, Villimar, let's not start trouble. Kyale, try to stay on topic and try not to post twice in a row. And Kyale, Villimar was trying to give a helpful suggestion, not to insult you.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
March 29, 2007 5:28 pm #

okay, but if he gives me any more "constructive critisism" then im going to give his whats coming.

May 11, 2007 12:34 pm #

((new at this whole message board rp thing so I'm going to apoligize in advance for any mistakes I may make))
Name/title: Darth Ventris
Class:Sith lord
Saber style/color: Double bladed, Orange
Powers:Lightning, Choke, Speed
Has no appretice....yet.....

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
May 11, 2007 2:37 pm #

The ramp hit the floor pannels in the landing bay with a clang.A figure in a dark cloak steps off, looking around at the empty landing bay, and then moving to the door he stepped out of the bay and into the turbolift. He activated it, heading into the streets of Corusant((did i spell that right?))

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
May 12, 2007 9:59 pm (Edited May 12, 2007 10:05 pm) #

*shakes head* Why does there always have to be someone like this? Ah well, time to get to work. I took a glance at this kid's responses, and there was just no way I could keep my mouth shut on this one.

Kyale....I'm not sure who you think you are, and I mean this with the utmost seriousness. I quote:

"okay, but if he gives me any more "constructive critisism" then im going to give his whats coming."

Hmmm....more than a few problems with that one. Firstly, if he is compassionate enough to give you constructive criticism again, you'd do well to take it to heart; from what I've seen, you need all the help you can get. Now 'give his whats coming', there's a doosie for ya. Once you crack through the fragmented grammar and spelling, that sounds a wee bit threatening. And you're threatening him for...? What, exactly? Giving you advice? Call me crazy, but when Villimar said "no offense", I think he meant to avoid any immature squabbles like you tried to start.

Give him what's his (adapted to standard English)? And what can you do, exactly? You, my fine young friend, radiate immaturity, or "newbishness" as it is often times called on our wonderful world wide web; and to avoid getting that confused as a simple insult against you, I'll give a supporting quote:

"okay villiemar, if your so perfect and smart then solve this problem:
what is the chemical formula for sodium hydroxide and water."

.......are you serious? Nevermind, I'll just shake my head and leave it alone, just reading that statement alone should be enough proof. I am, however, perplexed by your ability to spell hydroxide without a problem, yet you can't spell raised, you're, criticism, or even Villimar's name.

In pleasant conclusion Kyale, you need to remember your boot size, and try not to buy them a few sizes too small. You spell horendously, that is not an insult, that is not a taunt, that is an honest-to-God fact. You're not the first member to do it and you won't be the last, but you are one of those people that desperately needs to copy posts into Microsoft Word and spellcheck it. Villimar noticed that, gave you advice, told you not to get offended, and gave an example. It's easy to see how he was obviously the aggressor here, isn't it? Kyale, take his advice, and after that take mine.

His: learn how to spell (My Corollary: use spellcheck)

Mine: Watch your tongue, try a lot harder not to sound stupid while trying to sound big bad and threatening (chemical formulas and the like can definitely be left out in the future, for starters), and remember just how much power members like us have to give anyone what's coming: none. Villimar never had anything coming to begin with, but you're starting to build up a list, so don't be a hypocrite, please.

Simply accepting the validity of this post would go a long way towards ending this pleasantly, and I don't mean by you or I. Carry this on, and the admins will have a field day on us both, and I'm not too keen on being showed the door yet again.

May 12, 2007 11:08 pm (Edited May 12, 2007 11:14 pm) #

well put Scififreak90 now.... CAN WE GET ON WITH THE RPG PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

May 13, 2007 12:14 pm (Edited May 13, 2007 12:14 pm) #

((havent realy heard of clone maufacturing plants so im gona assume you meant droid))
Darth Ventris looked around slowly, searching the shadows of the undercity for the seperatist spy. He spoted him, in a small street walking to the cantina that was the meeting place. He moved quickly, as he was skilled in force speed. As he closed the distance, just another dark shadow in the undercity, the spy turned slowly and spoke "My lord," the spy said " we have intercepted republic transmissloins. They seem to be sending a group to clear a droid manufacturing plant, we are unsure of the system but we are certain that the force will include commandos." Lord ventris stood silently the only part of his face visible beneath his hood being his mouth when the spy finished speaking he said quietly, "Find the location of the plant and send them to my ship. When you do, I want the plants defence force doubled. I will  personaly lead the defence". With that, he turned not even waitng to hear the spy's reply, to head back to his ship.

[i]The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed[/i]
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
May 20, 2007 8:02 am #

NO, This RPG is over thanks to some people who all ready ruined it, myself included, and now the people who will visit it will not even get to the rp by the time they get through Scififreak90's rant on my bad gramar and spelling mistakes. and another thing i can give Villiemar his just desserts because i know villiemar, the actual kid, personaly because he is my friend, unlike you people who do nothing but find joy in critisizing other peoples work.       nothing but a bunch of self ritouse, ass covering, pricks(direct quote from M in James Bond) who do you think you all are. i have writen Two books in my life and i am only a kid, granted my editor did spell check and revise it, but what have you done with your lives, check the gramatical errors of a man who is not even from this country, im a Brit you Basterds and i damn well expect you to respect that. i will never return to this site ever again, and some of you may rejoice but I couldn't care. I won't give you the satisfaction of my anger. All you blokes are nothing to me, and your critisism doesn't do a lick of good to someone whos father and mother a both incredable spellers and very creative, so think before you give "constructive Critisism

May 20, 2007 9:05 am #

1. The game may be dead because others do not find it interesting.
2. I'm sure you are going to come back.
3. No one insulted you at all.
4. You insulted them.
5. What are the titles of the books?
6. We have other Britons here, and there grammar and spelling are fine.
7. What everyone said was, in fact, constructive critisism.

take it easy baby take it as it comes
May 21, 2007 7:11 pm (Edited May 21, 2007 07:11 pm) # me crazy but I believe the British spell the same way we do....with the addition of a few silent e's here and there.

Bye! Go write another book or something

-love, SciFi

PS - I'm sure your parents are great spellers, thank you for that. I won't even begin to wade into that tangle of grammar and spelling you wrote, but I only walked away with a few facts: You think you're better because you wrote two books (Quite an accomplishment, and I'm dead serious about that, if you're as young as you seem, that's an impressive achievement, even if you can't spell), and you're walking away with tears in your eyes and your nose in the air. I'm sorry if you're disappointed to hear you won't be sorely missed.


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