SO, how many friends do you have?? I have like 1 friend that is a guy, and the rest a girls. its funny.
Topic: Your friends
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
31 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestThat is a very very very strange question to just throw out there... I'm not really sure what it is geared toward. Like are you trying to find out how popular we are? What type of people we hang out with? How social we are? How many people can stand to be around us for more than 10 minutes?? I really don't get why.
But since I already replied might as well answer the question. I have about 5 really good friends that have my complete trust. Other than that I hang out with mostly anybody I meet at parties.
Hail to the King Baby!!
I have about 3 ot 5 proper friends and about 15 other semi friends.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters

its just a question, to to find out how popular people are, or anything like that, just a question.
That sucks Draco... That was me at one point, I just had BD to hang out with.
(Not counting i-net friends)There are 8 in my main group, then on the second string I got 16 sorta-buddies, and I'm on good terms with pretty much everyone else at my school, I can only think of 5 people in my grade I don't get along with.
I tend to keep my distance when it comes to making friends in real life. On the internet, there's people that I would consider friends since I talk to them almost everyday, but that's about it.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
I only have one best friend that I can tell pretty much anything to. Then I have four good friends. Then there's just people that I hang around, like at work and OL.
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yeah, the people that i tned to talk to here are :Mel, sometimes Aaron, Miba, Draco, Lord Revan, Perez, Fetterthanyou, there is probably more, just cant think of them right now.
In real life: zero. The only one I had moved away years ago. Online: 1...if NPC's count that is...
I have one old friend from my middle school days, four or five people I could call work friends, and a passal of aquaintences.
In real life: zero. The only one I had moved away years ago. Online: 1...if NPC's count that is...
Well I don't have much more than you guys. I have about 30 or so people that are suppossedly my "friends" but in reality I have about 8 true friends.
Oh but this brings up a question I ask to you all: Do you consider each other friends? heh....
Online: 1...if NPC's count that is...
This made me laugh for a very long time, thank you. (not at the only 1 friend thing, the npc joke...)
Hail to the King Baby!!
Sol Gonsar wrote:Online: 1...if NPC's count that is...
This made me laugh for a very long time, thank you. (not at the only 1 friend thing, the npc joke...)
Yes the NPC remark made me laugh as well.
I have four absolute best friends and about 5 semi-friends. But, I talk to everyone. :)
since i moved (last year) i have made 4 good friends and the rest of the people i hang out with are ok to. im like you Arc fett i have 2 guy friends and the rest are girls...

yeah, there is nothin wrong with have lots of friends that are girls ;) But most of female friends, ask for gum every day, or steal our pencils, like all the time, we try to take them back, then they act like they are crying.
this brings up a question I ask to you all: Do you consider each other friends? heh....
Well, yeah. Except draco, who evidently isn't anyone's friend. *scratches draco off list of friends* (No offense, drac.)
Okay, just in case you guys didn't realize it, it souds really emo when you take the time to post: "I don't have any friends, boohoo . . ." Come on Draco, I don't believe you don't have any friends. You're a pretty cool guy.
On subject, though, I have twelve close friends that I do things with on the weekends and whatnot. I generally get along with most everybody I meet unless the're unpleasent, then I pretty much despise them. They hardly ever get back on my good side.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
Thank you Yautja, but you are both right and wrong. I do have a friend, but I never get to see her. I have the chance to make friends, I chose not to. There are about five girls who follow me around school. I do not make friends because I am a misanthrope. However, I do occasionally talk to a few people during my classes.
Myself, I have six. Five hang around with me at school, and the other lives on my street. They're all great, and I have no idea what I'd be doing if they hadn't been there. (Sorry if this sounds like a soap opera, but it is true.)
Thank you Yautja, but you are both right and wrong. I do have a friend, but I never get to see her. I have the chance to make friends, I chose not to. There are about five girls who follow me around school. I do not make friends because I am a misanthrope. However, I do occasionally talk to a few people during my classes.
You are not a misanthrope. You are not old enough to be a misanthrope (no crack at your age, just need more experience). You have not witnessed enough (especially without friends) to have an overarching hatred or distrust of humanity. Either you just think that you are because you choose not to hang out in the ordinary sense, or you are trying way to hard to become one... for some reason or another.
Hail to the King Baby!!
to true arc fett. the only bad thing about having lots of girls that are your friends is that if one of them starts to like you... then you can never go back to being just friends after.
In short, I have one best friend. And about five good friends. The long answer, I don't really get seriously close to a lot of people, but I get along with just about everyone. Like, my best friend, I consider him one of my 'soul mates,' people that I'm spiritually going to be around till the end of time. But I have friends that I hang out with, most that I don't see anymore because they've moved/gone to school, but I'm not as close to them as I am with my best friend, that I consider good friends.
draco fett wrote:Thank you Yautja, but you are both right and wrong. I do have a friend, but I never get to see her. I have the chance to make friends, I chose not to. There are about five girls who follow me around school. I do not make friends because I am a misanthrope. However, I do occasionally talk to a few people during my classes.
You are not a misanthrope. You are not old enough to be a misanthrope (no crack at your age, just need more experience). You have not witnessed enough (especially without friends) to have an overarching hatred or distrust of humanity. Either you just think that you are because you choose not to hang out in the ordinary sense, or you are trying way to hard to become one... for some reason or another.
Well I can understand somewhat what Draco is saying, I have a similar problem. The difference with me is that my problem isn't having a nature with excluds socializing. I don't want to get too personal with myself, but my problem in general is that some events have caused a lot of anger and hatred in me, and since I don't have any way to let it out, it stayed inside and severely worsened my personality ( made a lot more negative, generally speaking). Which is why I am the way now, hahaha... :|
Okay, just in case you guys didn't realize it, it souds really emo when you take the time to post: "I don't have any friends, boohoo . . ."
There was no "boohoo" in mine. When I said I didn't have friends I was simply stating the truth. If I wanted them, I'd probably go get some.
Sol Gonsar wrote:Online: 1...if NPC's count that is...
This made me laugh for a very long time, thank you. (not at the only 1 friend thing, the npc joke...)
=D Didn't expect that.
There was no "boohoo" in mine. When I said I didn't have friends I was simply stating the truth. If I wanted them, I'd probably go get some.
=D Didn't expect that.
I added the boohoo for dramatic effect. And if what you say is true fine. I'm just telling you it sounds kind of whiny and attention-grabby to post it.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
Well, the question is "how many friends do you have", by answering "none" then wouldn't that simply be answering the question? I can see if you're in a different topic and randomly say you have no friends how that would seem like whining. But I don't get how answering the question is whining? Maybe it was the wording?
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In real life I have three close friends and one good friend. Three of my friends are from the place that I grew up (one from when I was at school and the other from when I was at college) and one of my close friends stays in the place where I moved.
On here I obviously it is none as I have just joined.
But I don't get how answering the question is whining? Maybe it was the wording?
Huh, I think you're right. It was the wording.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!