what is(are) your favorits starwars vehicles?
Topic: what are your favorite starwars vehicles?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
43 posts
Sorted by oldest to newest―Zuka
I would have to say Basilisks, LAAT, the fighter tank (preferably Republic style), and the classic X-Wing.
And of course a certain modified Firespray class attack ship.
mine would have to be a basilisk war droid(big surprise)
jedi starfighter (ep3)
boba fett's slave 1
imperial shuttle (like the Tydirium)
Vader's TIE fighter
the falcon
any ship equiped with that sonic space charge...how cool was that weapon?
Also, always a fan of the imperial chicken walker, that toy was a hoot.
the death star was classic
eh, it was more a station than a vehicle (although it was more like a planet of its own, considering it did orbit planets)
i guess your right
Slave I
Tie interceptor
Star destroyer
Hailfire droid
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Slave 1 lol....
definitley the little carts that people are carried in on tatooine, seen in episode I.
i would have to say....
1.slave 1
2.tie interceptor
3.imperial landing craft
4.basilisk war droid
TIE fighter, definitely. The design is very cool, plus I always liked the sound they make.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
I always liked the hellfire tanks because they are rolling high speed tires with missles. Oh and I really like the TIE Interceptors.
ps. Tie fighter noice = Elephant scream + car on wet pavement =P
Hail to the King Baby!!
Basilisk war droid
Imperial tanks (whatever they're called)
Jedi Starfighter (Aethersprite) and the Skysprite
Slave I, Basilisk War Droid, Ebon Hawk, TIE fighters, and the Falcon are my favorites.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
The AT-AT, AT-TE, Speeder Bike, and Jango's Slave 1 (cu'z you get to see it do stuff in the movie).
Slave 1, Basilisk, Prince Xizor's Virago, TIE Defender, Sith Infiltrator(Scimitar-Darth Maul's ship), and the IG-2000.
For me it'd be:
Slave 1 (Given)
Speeder bike (ROTJ)
Basilisk (Thing's a beauty!)
And the list goes on. These are just my BIG TIME favourites. As a side note, they are in no particular order.
You know I also like the TIE fighter. There's something classic and heart-warming about it ( Did I just say heart-warming? There's something wrong with me....), you know it really brings me back to a good era in my life. Lol.....
Slave I
TIE Fighter

I'd have to say the ARC-170 starfighter. Pretty decent specs.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
The Falcon
Slave I
SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000
VT-49 Decimator
From the games to use would have to be the TIE Interceptor in the Movies the AT-AT and in the books Lando's Lady Luck.
From the games to use would have to be the TIE Interceptor in the Movies the AT-AT and in the books Lando's Lady Luck.
"the lady luck" is in a video game, it slips my mind which one. maybe jedi outcast, you fight with lando to protect it-or something. it kinda looks like the ship from futurama. but i agree very cool.
Yes it is Jedi Outcast. You have to shoot all the people from the turret.
1. Naboo Starfighter 2. X-WING 3. Jedi Starfighter 4. Sith Infiltrator 5. Millennium Falcon
the x-wing fighter
and whatever those fling cars were that people on Corusant traveled around in.
in no particular order Ebon Hawk, Slave 1-6, LAAT/I, LAAT/C , Basilisk war droid, Krayts Honor, General Grevious's Star Fighter, Crusader Class - Corvette, Keldabe-class battleship (awsome mando ships) and the SPEEDERS ZOOM ZOOM.
in no order: X-Wing, Millennium Falcon, Slave 1, TIE interceptor, and the Outrider are my favorites.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
I love the S.T.A.P's that the droids use in menace. I would love to fly one of them. Also the ATST but not very practical in Endor!
The AT-ATs. When I was little I called them Big Dogs. LOL
Mine are: Jaster's Legacy
Slave I
Slave IV
Slave I.
Coming to theaters whenever George Lucas dies.
AT-AT, slave 1, that obi wans green lizard thing on ep 3, y-wing and a speederbike
-Speeder bikes
-Durge's lancer bike
-Rancors( I know they're not technically a vehicle but I'd rather ride one of them into battle than anything else on my list)
STAPs man I forgot about those! They are alsome!
Mine are:
1-Slave 1
5-Jedi Fighters from ROTS
1Death Star
2Eclipse star destroyer
3Slave 1
3jedi star fighter
4Obiwans lizard thing*
*not realy vehicles, but you can use them as vehicles
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
#1: Basailisk War Droid
#2:Eclipse super-star destroyer
#3: Star Forge
#4:Slave I
#5: Venartor class destroyer
#6: Star destroyer
#7: AT-AP