As Fetter pointed out, if you took the time to read the books, you would realise that Master Chief is very unique. Obviously Mandalorians are lame. Did you notice that there are not true Mandalorians left?
Topic: Boba Fett vs. Master Chief
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
132 posts
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Obviously spartans are lame... notice there is only one left?
As Fetter and Draco said, If you read the Halo books, you would find out more than you know.
There are several Spartans left.
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Isn't it unfortunate most people disagree with you? I don't know much about Halo but I can still see Master Chief is good at what he does.
I think I've really said all I have to say in my last post and all my ones before it, so I will just mention this.
Master Chief is not his name. His name is John. Master Chief is his rank. It is in fact a true rank in the military. It signifies him as the leader of the spartans.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Either way, Boba is very unique, Master Chief isn't. Master Chief just seems too movie like, and it seems like the people who made the video game didn't take the time to like... make him more interesting.
Obviously spartans are lame... notice there is only one left?
I'm just not a fan of Halo because it seems to... predictable to me.
I think it's shameful to put Boba Fett vs master chief as a thread.
Boba Fett would outsmart, and then, if he even needed to be near master chief to kill him, out gun as well.
Boba Fett would dominate master chief who's name I shall stop capitalizing. It's not even his f****** name... a video game whos name is master?
Lay off the F-bombs on this site. We try to keep it family friendly. I hadn't know that Master Chief had a name. I shall take to calling him John now.
Sorry about the language, I just would have figured that people on the boba fett fan club would not even suggest such an idea so stupid as master chief vs boba fett.
Maybe I'm picking favorites... but... go hang out at the master chief fan club... if there even is one
boba would own master chief in a second
Boba would own master chief but it would be one of his tougher battles. Tougher being the sweat he broke raising his dart and firing in between the helmet and the breastplate armour.
Boba would own master chief but it would be one of his tougher battles. Tougher being the sweat he broke raising his dart and firing in between the helmet and the breastplate armour.
Unfortunately the dart would in fact be stopped by the high tension seal that sits in that excact place. This of course is also depending on the fact that his personal shield is already down somehow.
"an idea so stupid as master chief vs boba fett."
Why is it so stupid? If you checked the earlier posts you would see many many heated debates on the subject. Just because you don't like a character doesn't mean he would be completely obliterated by Boba. I hate Superman... but he would still destroy both Boba and MC at the same time. Why? Because he is waaaaay to unstoppable, hence why I don't like him.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Cortana doesn't do all of the MC's thinking, he just gets his info on covenant activity from her. He planned out an invisible strike on an elite swat team during training, while he was still a teen. He also raised to the top of his peers in the Spartan training, who were all military trained from age 6. So don't try saying he is not a tactical genius, because i am sure you haven't read the books. Also, maybe boba is fast, but MC can run over 50 mph.
The covenant may not have rockets, or flamethrowes, but the humans do. And saber darts would just bounce off his armor. Weapons are pretty even if you ask me. Like i have said before, it would be really close, just trying to keep your minds open. You can't judge how good the MC is from the game, just like you can't judge Boba from the movies.
Cortana doesn't do all of the MC's thinking
no but she dose the important stuff, like tell him where to go, and where the eneimies are so he can then make "tactical" moves.
He also raised to the top of his peers in the Spartan training, who were all military trained from age 6.
Um... Boba was like trained from birth AND beat out his peers. And he was a kick butt bounty hunter at age 13.
but MC can run over 50 mph
Why run when you can fly??
Weapons are pretty even if you ask me
ARE YOU KIDING!!?? I mean the spartans still use mostly projetile weappons.
And saber darts would just bounce off his armor.
Yah but the pistlo and the shotguns don't, and any of MC's weapons (if they can be called that) would "bounce off" Boba's armor.
I love MC and all and can't wait to get vista so I can get Halo 2 but lets face it folks....
Boba would convince MC that bounty hunting pays better and MC would become the 2nd best in the biz.
Everyone knows it they just wont say it.
So you think anybody could suck themselves into space carrying a giant bomb, aim themselves through a crack in a ship, arm the bomb, kick themselves away and land on a friendly ship?
Ask Bossk about that...
-Slave Ship
Cortana doesn't do all of the MC's thinking
no but she dose the important stuff, like tell him where to go, and where the eneimies are so he can then make "tactical" moves.He also raised to the top of his peers in the Spartan training, who were all military trained from age 6.
Um... Boba was like trained from birth AND beat out his peers. And he was a kick butt bounty hunter at age 13.but MC can run over 50 mph
Why run when you can fly??Weapons are pretty even if you ask me
ARE YOU KIDING!!?? I mean the spartans still use mostly projetile weappons.And saber darts would just bounce off his armor.
Yah but the pistlo and the shotguns don't, and any of MC's weapons (if they can be called that) would "bounce off" Boba's armor.I love MC and all and can't wait to get vista so I can get Halo 2 but lets face it folks....
Boba would convince MC that bounty hunting pays better and MC would become the 2nd best in the biz.
Everyone knows it they just wont say it.
The only reason she does the "tactical thinking" in the game is because it would be stupid if MC was talking to himself. All she does is hack into the covenant databanks and give him information. He makes his won decisions on where to go and how to kill people.
No argument there, but it doesn't make him better, more like a comparison. Boba is a good bounty hunter at 13, MC is a great military mind and soldier at about the same age.
Boba cannot fly indefinately, his fuel supply is in fact very limited (notice he usually uses short controlled bursts).
Yes they still use projectile weapons, but slugthrowers don't seem to be ineffective in SW. Nym and others seem to get around fine. Also, the spartans have access to many covenant plasma based weapons. Unfortunately it is impossible to compare the weapons power.
First of all, the MC has a shield that would block the saber dart. If it was down, his armor has no holes in it (unlike Boba's). A bullet and a saber dart are different, one is meant to pierce armor while the other is meant to hit flesh or clothing. And while some shots may bounce off Boba's armor, as I have stated it does not fully cover him. And how would it stand to plasma weapons? Nobody knows.
And I think MC would hire Boba to bring down the covenant. Then he would join him.
Hail to the King Baby!!
I think MC would hire Boba to bring down the covenant. Then he would join him.
Yah Mandos + Spartans = Spandos! or Martans!
poor jedi don't stand a chance...
Sorry about the language, I just would have figured that people on the boba fett fan club would not even suggest such an idea so stupid as master chief vs boba fett.
Maybe I'm picking favorites... but... go hang out at the master chief fan club... if there even is one
boba would own master chief in a second
Let me ask you a question.
Do you, in fact, know anything about Spartan 117? Or for that matter, the Halo universe at all? Have you finished either of the games or read the books?
This has all the indications of blind bias. If the storyline seems so predictable to you, please, do explain it. I'll tell you how close you got.
Boba Fett and John are two very unique and awe-inspiring individuals, both with their respective amount of 'cool'
117 has a very detailed history and character. Boba Fett less so, as he is supposed to be a very mysterious character, and it works well for him.
Did this help, or did I use too many big words for you?
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
Yes, maybe, but Master Chief is lame.
Yes, maybe, but Master Chief is lame.
Good argument. My views have been changed forever.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!

That might not be in the game, its just a trailer. My views on MC have also been changed, not.
No, It's definately in the game.
Watch Bungie's new VidDoc, and you'll see. That is the 'new' function of the X button. It also deploys a anti-vehicle mine, among other, yet-to-be-announced things . . . It's gonna be awsome.
I'm Old Gregggggggg!
They have added some very cool weapons. From what I've seen there will be a Spartan Laser, capable of taking out Warthogs, and a anti-tank weapon that has ammo that releases a "bat" like projectile, named for the noise and shape.
boba fett is better than spartan 117 because..........HE JUST IS,OK?!?!
Mandalorian wrote:Sorry about the language, I just would have figured that people on the boba fett fan club would not even suggest such an idea so stupid as master chief vs boba fett.
Maybe I'm picking favorites... but... go hang out at the master chief fan club... if there even is one
boba would own master chief in a second
Let me ask you a question.
Do you, in fact, know anything about Spartan 117? Or for that matter, the Halo universe at all? Have you finished either of the games or read the books?
This has all the indications of blind bias. If the storyline seems so predictable to you, please, do explain it. I'll tell you how close you got.Boba Fett and John are two very unique and awe-inspiring individuals, both with their respective amount of 'cool'
117 has a very detailed history and character. Boba Fett less so, as he is supposed to be a very mysterious character, and it works well for him.Did this help, or did I use too many big words for you?
Thank you. Couldn't have said it better myself. Don't play Halo much but I have resoect for Spartan-117, John.
boba fett is better than spartan 117 because..........HE JUST IS,OK?!?!
That answer is pretty pointless.
boba fett is better than spartan 117 because..........HE JUST IS,OK?!?!
I fail to see the points that make up your opinion. If you just mean thaat you like Boba better, then allow me to give you a couple examples: I like Boba a lot more than Yog-Sothoth, but there is no way that Boba could even touch Yog-Sothoth. I like Alice Cooper a lot more than Boba, but Boba would surly best the greatest singer of all time.
say in a quiet voice*
I think he was trying to be funny...
Mandalorian wrote:.
Obviously spartans are lame... notice there is only one left?
As Fetter and Draco said, If you read the Halo books, you would find out more than you know.
There are several Spartans left.BD
Hey guess what THERE ARE CLONES!!!!!!!!!!yes, flash clones, they originaly repalced the spartans when they were abducted as childeren and they are not all dead. READ THE NOVELS!!!!!!!!!(sory if any one already said this but i wasnt able to keep reading because of what that post said
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
the novels bore me...
I don't see how, unless you are not interested in the Halo concept. The books are some of the best written game-based novels out there. Most are crap with the exception of Halo and some of the diablo books.
Hail to the King Baby!!
eh, halo just bores me. Halo 2 is so plain now, it's gotten old.
bobafett38468 wrote:boba fett is better than spartan 117 because..........HE JUST IS,OK?!?!
I like Alice Cooper a lot more than Boba, but Boba would surly best the greatest singer of all time.
Lol. I know Alice Cooper and have worked with his son a bit.
And boba wouldn't sing too well cu'z he gots that mask and all.
I know this is off-topic, but, are you serious? If you are, what did you do with Dash.
Alice Cooper go's to my church (its not like one of those supper big 1,000000 people church's ether) and he sits in the pue right in front of my familly.
I've worked with son Dash and daughter Sunorah in VBS. and have my bro was in a play with Dash a little while ago.
They're a nice family.
Oh and Alice showd my sis how to do the eye makeup a couple of years ago when Mrs Cooper derected a play that she was in.
That is very, very, very nifty. Thank you very much.
Anways, we should probably get back on topic.
It would be a draw Mastercheif and Boba Fett are equals in battle.