I have been posting on this website for about 8 months now and recently a question has crossed my mind. It is what do you all you people do for a living? Ifyou are not ready for the work force yet What grade are you in? I have inferred that Missouri's finest is a police officer. What about the rest of you? I am a medical coder by the way. Which means I take diagnoses and procedures and turn them into numerical codes so insurance companies can reimburse and statisticians know who gets sick with what. What's your story?
Topic: What do you do?
Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.
52 posts
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That's a cool job. I am currently employed at Barnes and Noble Booksellers as a zombie hunter...no just kidding. I proudly work in the cafe, and I get AWESOME discounts. However, I am an even prouder member the Delayed Entry Program and will be joing the Navy in September. Woohoo! Go Navy!
College student, studying for a degree in Illustration. (hopefully...)
-Captian Murphy
I'm the dairy manager of a Smith's store.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
im a college student and work at kmart unloading trucks. Also an aspiring author which takes up most of my time when im not working or in class.
―Peter Griffin
I have been posting on this website for about 8 months now and recently a question has crossed my mind. It is what do you all you people do for a living? Ifyou are not ready for the work force yet What grade are you in? I have inferred that Missouri's finest is a police officer. What about the rest of you? I am a medical coder by the way. Which means I take diagnoses and procedures and turn them into numerical codes so insurance companies can reimburse and statisticians know who gets sick with what. What's your story?
You mean Mandalorian? I thought he was a minor. Anyway I'm in HS with no occupation at the moment.

I'm a pain in the a$$.
Well.. actually.. I'm a student in my second year of college.
This summer I'll be teaching horseback riding lessons.
I own and operate a salon and day spa....
I'm a pain in the a$$.
Well.. actually.. I'm a student in my second year of college.
This summer I'll be teaching horseback riding lessons.
So why exactly are you a pain in the a$$?
Student in high school doing work at a bottled water place working with customers and in the back. Hope to work at the local library as a page, which is better pay. I also do baseball umpirering on the side. That's good pay per game as well.

I can't please anyone this week. It just seemed like everything I touched fell apart.
...everyday im hustlin...
i carve ornate objects out of wood...
i am not a businessman, im a business, man.
i drink only the most creamed of sodas....
just kidding :P
im an online currency trader.
voluteer at animal hospital, and the ms foundation.
online cartoonist...soon.
aspiring book and tv writer.
and i spend alot of my energy staring at that box in the corner of the room that has moving pictures on it.
perks of what i do- insomnia, drama, contemplation.
Right now I'm in 9th grade, but I'm planning on either being an author, a lawyer, or a professional hobo.
I'm a parts manager at a Ford dealer.And my side is racing dirt late models....although I tend to spend more then I make so i guess it's more of a hobby. LOL
I'm a proffecional killer-for-hire. :P
I'm a middle schooler.
I am currently waiting to hear back from the Dillon-Aero Company about a job assembling miniguns...
I'm in 9th grade.
Seems we have quite a few 9th graders. Me being one of them. Go High School Freshman!
Right now I'm in 9th grade, but I'm planning on either being an author, a lawyer, or a professional hobo.
Professional Hobo...i think thats gonna take more schooling then the lawyer ;)
―Peter Griffin
I'm a Purchasing Officer for an Explosives company. I get to buy the raw materials for bulk explosive for our mining and quarry customers, and no I can't share :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I'm a Purchasing Officer for an Explosives company. I get to buy the raw materials for bulk explosive for our mining and quarry customers, and no I can't share :P
Aw, please? Just a little bit of explosives? :D That would be a fun job.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
It is pretty cool. Can be stressful too, especially if the mines don't forecast enough in advance.
I could probably find a video of a shot being fired, but no I can't give you any explosives :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I work for a game company... can be cool. Best part is I work on Star Wars!
local sophomore with no current interests in pursuing an occupation to fill his time, yeah that'd about fit me.
I work for a game company... can be cool. Best part is I work on Star Wars!
nice teaser... care to embellish?

Update: I got laid off so Im now a job hunter with hopes of either being a medical coder again or a real estate appraiser.
I have changed jobs, still work for the same company but I'm in Statutory Compliance. I make sure our customers are licensed to buy explosives now. ;)
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
sweet, i gotta buy some stuff off of ya Mel...
i'm done of working for the summer (landscaping), and await for school :(
I'm in Australia remember, besides I'm not in Customer Service ;)
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
I'm only 11 and dont have a job, i will be going into high shcool in September 2007 ! this year..... however my 18 year old brother, Lewis is working at Mcdonalds ;) ( please take note that this is the worst job in history )
No offense Lewis if you are reading this! :D :P
Good luck finding another job Sharra. I have my fingers crossed for you that you find a new job soon (fingerscrossed)
I am a stay at home mum at the moment. I would like to work from home though once the younglings have gone to school as it is not going to work out for me to return to work.
what is your job, devil girl?
she just said, she stays at home. That = no current job.
inresponse to the What do you do? question
breath eat sleep blink digest...anyother questions
[url=http://lfgcomic.com/page/1]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I am a freelance make up artist. I also work as a receptionist for a company called Ultimate Ears that makes In Ear Monitors for bands, techs, ect.
I'm starting out my freshmen year in college. I'm not working or anything on the side because my mother didn't want me to have to worry with that because that's why she didn't graduate from college. She worked days and went nights and it got really exhausting for her, so she's against my ever getting a job until I'm out of school.
although i want to be a chef and an artist when i'm older...:P i love cooking, lol, and i am very good at drawing :)
I'm still a dairy manager, though I could move up to ICM within the next year or two.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I'm a prisoner/slave/student/recruit/midshipman at the Military College of Vermont.
although i want to be a chef and an artist when i'm older...:P i love cooking, lol, and i am very good at drawing :)
Wow! me too except now instead of artist I want to be a cartoonist... :D
well not really at the good at drawing part... hee :P
-Boba Fett-
Currently in 10th, no job as of now. Over the summer I'll have to pick something up, recover from an out flux of cash (which will probably be taken care of because of Christmas, btw) for my armor. It's not cheap. And whatever I want to buy. Thankfull, I'm getting my dad's car, and as its nearly as old as me, I'm not having to pay.
--Captain Dynamic--

Update: I now work as a real estate appraiser trainee. I am looking forward to getting myself established in this business.
I've mostly been a stay at home mom, but my kids are in college so I can't use that as an excuse for not working anymore. I went to college for computer programming, but I'm out of date for that and hated it. I've been trying to take a class to get a Realtor license but the two colleges in my area haven't been having them because of lack of interest. So I guess I'm a bum. :)
I'm a professional photographer. I work mostly with schools and sports leagues. I plan to branch off and start doing more family and wedding type things 'cuz that's where the money is.
I travel a lot for work since my company services three states. I've been thinking about bringing my little Boba action figure on the road with me and taking photos of him at all the tourist-y things I do in my spare time away from home. Kinda like the "roving gnome" but waaaay more Kick @$$! would anybody be interested in seeing that series?
1. Suck Less 2. Do Better Learn it, Live it, Love it.

I would!! that sounds great.
Spunky, that sounds neat, I'd look at those.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
How I haven't seen this topic in about...(thinking)...(7-9)...2 years? Maybe...
I am still a student at Talladega High School.
A private soon to be PFC or CPL in JROTC...
I am a Combat Engineer. I work for the army finding roadside bombs. I was a platoon marksman but that went to someone with more rank. I pretty much just do whatever my Lt. tells me for a living.
―Boba Fett
I work as a Tech support agent. I would also like to say that a full time mom is the hardest job around ask my wife. They work harder than any of us.
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