I think he would have been a great hunter. he was feared and respected despite the fact that there were also thousands of sith present. I think he would give any modern bounty hunter a good go even the fetts.
Topic: calo nord (how does he compare with the new hunters)
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
69 posts
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"I should shoot you just for asking about that" (Jango Fett to count dooku for mentioning Galidraan)
I thought he was really cool, I liked him a lot. .....and then you so easily beat him when you fight him it's pathetic.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
He could probably take one most hunters, but not the Fetts.
He could probably take one most hunters, but not the Fetts.
Yeah I agree. Calo is cool and all. But the Fetts are cooler!
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.

i heard a rumour that he killed cassus fett. fett was given a bounty to kill calo because he got to close to some valuable information and cassus was sent after him but calo got him.
would be very interesting if true.
"I should shoot you just for asking about that" (Jango Fett to count dooku for mentioning Galidraan)
I love the part where you walk in the cantina and try to have a conversation with him.
Has anyone else let him finish counting to three? :)
-Captian Murphy
I let him count to two, once, but I got scared to continue. I heard if he counts to three you die. lol
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I just saved before, I really wanted to see what happens.
He counts to three, throws down some kind of flash grenade (his eyes are protected) and kills your entire party, one by one. :)
-Captian Murphy
He survived a very hardcore attack on Taris. That level of resilence is nothing short of monumental even on a Star Wars scale.
Still, Fetts are cooler. I refused to believe he even harmed Cassus Fett :P
Cassus Fett would have anihilated that munchkin if he tried!!
Honestly I'm not that into Calo. In fact I thought he was kinda dumb. 'Calo the Wonder Midget' we called him...
I just saved before, I really wanted to see what happens.
He counts to three, throws down some kind of flash grenade (his eyes are protected) and kills your entire party, one by one. :)
That's cool! I have to do that next time I play. lol
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
I love the part where you walk in the cantina and try to have a conversation with him.
Has anyone else let him finish counting to three? :)
Yeah that part was cool. Did anyone let him get to three?
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Yeah, I made that mistake -once.-
Yeah, I made that mistake -once.-
lol. what did he do? Did he kill you?
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Well actually, Carth and I took a piece outta him before we were blown to smithereens....
calo would kill most hunters and get a couple of potshots at the fetts before being blown to smithereens
He was a bit of an idiot.
Very arrogant.
Especially with all that "1, 2...." etc.
I found him more than annoying and I was exceedingly glad when I killed him on Tatooine....
Where were your guy's final fights with him?
Mine was on Kashyyk. Very dark, couldn't tell what was going on.
I couldn't believe it when I actually killed him...I thought he would somehow survive/escape, but...oh well.
-Captian Murphy
I killed him on Tatooine as well.
[url]http://www.townparkradio.com[/url] - Video Game Remix Music
calo nord was ok....doesn't come anywhere close to the Fetts though...
{MW} MS9
Doesn't come close to squat, he was really annoying...
He could probably take one most hunters, but not the Fetts.
Totally agree, draco. He's pretty cool, but good enough for the Fetts.
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Doesn't come close to squat, he was really annoying...
Yeah, sorta. But I have to admit, I like how cool he turned out. The first time I saw him, I thought he was Asian, but I guess not.
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
I think I must've missed the part where he turned out cool....
I really meant how he LOOKED, not who he is. I've heard about him, but I never really seen him until I played the game. And I thought he turned out lookin pretty cool.
{MW} TW :cool:
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
I must say I thought he looked fairly cool on the first encounter. He just annoyed me when it came to the battle to escape Taris. He had some skill but I got the impression he worked the fear/reputation element more than ability.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...

has anyone let him count to 3? i'm always to scared to let him.
he,he,he......same here ARC, ya never know. :)
{MW} TW :cool:
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
I hate his stupid glasses/goggles.....
Eh, *shrugs*, I dont really care for them, but whatever....
[color=blue]Listen to My Rap Songs!![/color] [url=http://www.myspace.com/dinonkeys]www.myspace.com/dinonkeys[/url]
has anyone let him count to 3? i'm always to scared to let him.
You might want to see post number eight.
I prefer Canderous....
Yeah, he has that bad arse attitude. It's like Arnie in Predator :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
"I'l be back."LOL ;)
I like talking to him about the war... Much more interesting than anything Carth ever said...

i thought they were going to set up a battle between canderous and calo cos they hated each other yet respected each other it would have been cool better than canderous fighting that jago guy.
when i kill calo i always make sure canderous gets the final blow.
"I should shoot you just for asking about that" (Jango Fett to count dooku for mentioning Galidraan)
I almost took out Calo on Kashyyk, but for his Wookie thugs. We had to run, and thanks for the tip about Tatooine. I respect the guy, but he shouldn't come gunnin for me lookin like Elton John. I've got a reputation to uphold too.
WWJD - What Would Jango Do?
I just got KotOR for Christmas in the "Star Wars: Best of PC" and I just had to post in this topic, I don't care if anybody even reads it!
I think Calo Nord in the lamest bounty hunter ever...(well, maybe that's a bit extrem... but...)
I just don't like him... I mean, what the heck is with his outfit? Goggles... a turban? Ick. Plus, her just tries to hard to be all big and bad, but he really doesn't seem that spectacular... Unlike Canderous, who fought in the Mandalorian Wars and everything. If anything, the Iridorian(sp?) bount hunter in the bounty hunter enclave on Manaan is cooler than Calo.
Just my opinion, no offense to those who like him...
Calo is good but, The Fetts are waaaaaay better!
I have................ no way to beat him, there is........death is alway to follow.
Karson,try not to double-post,you can always use the edit button to add what you want.And yes,sometimes Calo proves tough.
dont worry about it karson i was the same, when i registered here...posting twice, that is called spamming, which is what i do, mostly...by accident of course! lol :D
dont worry about it karson i was the same, when i registered here...posting twice, that is called spamming, which is what i do, mostly...by accident of course! lol :D
The strange thing would be doing it on purpose! :lol:
Green has done it on purpose, ssuch as when his entire post was "jkyugfdfyhasab."
I do not know much about Calo, but there is something that I don't like about him.
who, you dont like me? :|
Get his datapad and it will let you now more....
Do you mean in the game? I don't have it, but I'll look him up at a later date.
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