Topic: RPG: In Space No One Can Hear You Scream - SW vs Aliens

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Topic #1298

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March 24, 2007 4:43 pm #

Let's start with the usual, I have also added a fairly long intro...

The Rules:

1. You may create any character you want. However they must be either a clone trooper, clone Commando (limit of four) or a hired mercenary. Clarify their name and rank/species so others can follow their actions easily. I will be moderating.

2. You can kill characters you create but you can't kill other people's characters unless they say they have been killed in battle with you. However you can wound them... aliens are fair game, but remember they're no push over.

3. You can have any weapon you want but you can only have what your character could physically carry - otherwise they wouldn't be able to move.

4. Be consistent, eg if someone says they blew up a building, don't suddenly be assaulting it.

5. If you have sustained many wounds you will have to either get medical help or eventually die. In the case of acid splash, you will die unless misted or wearing armour.

6. Follow the storyline, sure add a few twists and turns but allow others to see where you want to go so they can help you get there.

7. If you haven't seen the Alien films please check out this website so you have an understanding of the creature and it's lifecycle:

8. Don't bring the Queen into the story straight away. Let the suspense build.

9. Have fun.

Let us begin...

The sound of sirens echoed through the Notorious Force, the ship clearly failing. Lights blinked on an off with the surging power. Steam was building as the engine continued to burn. Atmosphere was leaking from the ship and there was no help in site.

The metallic scent of blood clung to the air as Milani Gnotnae reloaded her blaster pistol with a fresh energy cell. The deep gash in her upper arm was finally starting to clot, even though her blood was pumping alarmingly fast through her veins.

She was the last and she knew that didn’t matter. She was going to die too. The ship was too far away from base and too far away from help. The core would melt down eventually even if she did manage to stay alive long enough to witness it.

Milani noticed her knuckles were white as she held the blaster pistol. It was the last functioning weapon.

It was then that she heard the faint hiss. Her first instinct was to look up, that was how many of the others had been taken. Sure enough a large alien sat coiled ready to strike. Its elongated head gleamed each time the lights flickered on. A tendril of drool dripped slowly from its mouth and its finger-length teeth parted.

Milani didn’t hesitate, she fired. However she made the mistake of aiming at the head. She must have hit an artery as yellowish blood spurted from its head. Milani immediately jumped back, knowing that the blood was as dangerous as the beast, for its blood was acid.

Even as Milani jumped back, droplets of acid touched her boots. She ripped them off as the leather toes were eaten away by the potent liquid.

With her attention diverted, Milani didn’t notice the movement behind her. A small cream coloured creature that looked like a large spider with a tail moved in. The crew had been attacked by them first. Milani heard the scuttle turned and fired but the face hugger launched itself in the air and landed on her shoulder. Milani tried to push it off but its coil-like tail was already around her throat.

Milani knew what these things did. They impregnated their victim with the embryo that later became the adult. Of course the host died during the “birth”. Milani did the only thing she had left to do. She raised the blaster to her head and fired.


The small moon was only known as E34-JC. From the surface it appeared untouched and uninhabited. But like most things, you need to look beyond first appearances to understand what was really going on.

Close to the Southern Pole there was what appeared to be a large crater. It was actually a cover for a landing bay and entrance to a secret base.

Darth Sidious looked at the hologram once again with hungry intent. Dooku stood at his right awaiting a response from his master.

“They found the Notorious Force, or what’s left of it, in the Corellian Sector. Nothing was left alive.” Sidious hissed, clearly annoyed.

“Shall we send a more experienced party this time, my Lord?” Dooku queried.

“No.” Sidious said simply. “Let’s leave it to the Republic to handle it. I have a feeling that a platoon of Clone Troopers and a Squad of Commandos will suddenly have a new mission, along with a few mercenaries for hire. No one will miss them if they suddenly disappear.”

Dooku raised a brow, “What will their mission be?”

“To capture the facility or more importantly return a specimen of the creature they are breeding down there.” Sidious cooed evilly.

“What exactly are these creatures?” Dooku asked, hoping for an answer.

Sidious grinned, “They are death to whoever crosses their path.”

Dooku nodded understanding, “A powerful weapon against our enemies.”

“Indeed.” Sidious replied.


The message was cryptic, but then they often were. Commander Cody was to arrange a secret mission for his clones. What was also strange was the fact that extra mercenaries were also to be encouraged to assist. Cody didn’t like wildcards amongst his troops. But orders were orders.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
March 25, 2007 8:03 am (Edited May 11, 2007 02:15 pm) #

Name: Mattias Nilson

Ocupation: Mercenary

Species: Human

Age: 29

WOC: IMI DE Supermag

Secondary Weapon: DC-10 Pancor Prototype

Appearance: Nilson has short, spiked blonde hair, wears an olive green Imperial military jumpsuit with a black stripe on the side (Similar to the one worn by Admiral Daala), and a utility vest (Holds extra ammunition, and has special clamps for his minigun backpack).

Recent History:

Nilson was hired as an armed gaurd and security agent for the Alien Laboratory and Testing Facilty on moon E34-JC, and spends most of his off-duty time in the gym.

"This IS my signature."
March 25, 2007 5:36 pm #

Name: Rolland Mercado

Occupation: Mercenary for Hire/ Big-Time alien hater (they have history. I'll elaborate when the time comes.)

Species: Human

W-O-C: Two Sawed-Off EE-3 Blaster Rifles

Secondary weapons: Thermal Detonators, a stolen Imperial Light Repeater, and a Carbonite Freeze Gun. All weapons are mounted on his black acid-proof armor. He also wears a helmet to protect his face from face huggers.

Now then:

Rolland Mercado sped through space in his ship Xenocide. He was on his way to a meeting with an army, primed to save some ship, or something. He didn't care. he was just coming to kill those demons called Xenomorphs. He knew they were there. He was tracking the Queen. He was going to kill every last one of them.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
March 25, 2007 7:45 pm (Edited April 13, 2007 07:39 pm) #

Name: Gustavo Perez
Occupation: Mercenary (Bounty Hunter)
Species: Human
WOC: modified "blaster revolver " ( a blaster with 6 smaller energy cells instead of 1 larger one. Slightly stronger than a DC pistol)
Secondary WOC: toxic darts, missile, whipcord, flamethrower ( contained in Mandalorian armor), vibroblade.

Gustavo sped to the coordinates displayed on the screen of his ship, Black Venom. The contract had said that the mission was to secure the facility Notorious Force, and better yet, to capture a specimin of the alien they were breeding there. It also said Republic forces would ally with any mercenaries interested. "Funny" though Gustavo. The Republic fighting alongside scum like him. He savored the idea.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
March 25, 2007 10:53 pm #

Name:  Theta 4565  "Jag"
Occupation:  ARC Clone Commando
WOC:  DC-17m with sniper attachment
2nd WOC:  Dual Wields DC-17 pistols, Vibroblades hidden under wrist gauntlet

He was sent from Kamino marked.  Him and his other Theta commandos, are all marked.  After what happened to the old Theta squad on Geonosis, no one wanted to be a member of Theta.  Even him.  As he was jostled in the LAAT/i he shuddered.  He heard this mission came from the Emperor himself, but most other details were sketchy.  They were to meet Cody at an unknown checkpoint and Cody would brief.  He also had heard that they were to work with some mercs.
"Fierfek," he swore under his breath, "I hope the mercs are picked off first."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
March 26, 2007 2:59 am #

Commander Cody emerged to stand before his Troopers and Commandos. There was already a clear dislike at the idea of mercenaries joining the ranks. That was somewhat surprising since they had all been trained by Mandalorians who themselves were generally guns for hire.

Cody's presence seemed to quieten the platoon, even if they were generally chatting via their coms. "Attention soldiers. It's time for your briefing. You're going into an underground facility on the moon designated E34-JC. This is no ordinary mission. You will be required to detain the staff, however the primary objective is to bring home a live specimen from their laboratory."

"The sample you are retrieveing is know as a xenomorph." Cody continued.

One of the mercs spoke up. "So is this going to be a stand up fight or a bug hunt?"

"Depends on how efficient you are. If things go smoothly, you won't even have much of a fight." Cody stated.

The merc shrugged. "Then why are we here?"

"Loyalty for us. Mere credits for you, I'd assume." Cody pointed out drily.

The merc merely shrugged but he shut up.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
March 26, 2007 4:15 am #

Rolland grimaced behind his mask, which vaguely resembled a human skull. His fists clenched inside his custom made aromor gloves. This chassey had been made especially for the Xenomorphs. The outer casing was highly resistant, almost immune, to the Xenomorph's acid blood, and the helmet was facehugger-proof. Furthermore, should a facehugger latch onto the helmet, he could activate a command from the controls in his helmet & electrocute the young alien. Easy as pie. That didn't mean he was unstoppable, oh no. He'd had one run-in with a Queen before, one that left him with a severe facial scar. Regrettably, he had been forcd to flee that battle, but not before tagging the Queen Xenomorph so that any eggs she layed and any subsequent aliens could be tracked by his ship. Indeed, Rolland was ready.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
March 26, 2007 9:41 am #

Name: RC 2458 "Aarcee"
Occupation: ARC clone Commando, LT.
WOC: DC-15 Carbine with folding stock and under barrel grenade launcher
secondary WOC: Verpine Shatter Pistol

LT. Aarcee stood behind the commander as he delivered his briefing, he was never one for speeches. He preffered to let his deece do the talking for him.
LT. Aarcee was a veteran of almost every clone campaign. Starting as a grunt on Geonosis and steadily working his way up the ranks by various missions and acts of heroism. The only thing he knew was combat. Bugs, droids, wets, they all died the same in his point of view.
Aarcee studied the clones in the audience chamber. The high command had also allowed the help of mercenaries to assist the clones. He scoffed, give him 10 minutes and a pack of thermal plastoid and he would do the job himself.
This new threat was no different to him. Supposedly some sort of new alien species was discovered and killed the entire crew of a starship. No matter. He was anxious to get behind the trigger again.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 26, 2007 9:55 am (Edited April 1, 2007 01:05 pm) #

"Hrgh..." Nilson grunted, the lock for his keycard quit working again. "No..." He kicked it with his boot. The light turned green, and the  door opened. "Thank the force....this place scares even me." Nilson sighed with relief.

Nilson continued to walk his security route. "Next stop, the lab." He grined, then opened the door and walked in. "How's the mad doctor?"

"Fine I guess.....I'm analyzing more data from the computer.....The creature's blood is in some ways, a primitive molecular acid. It will eat straight through untreated durasteel....But what I've found through my recent tests, is that plaststeel is surprisigly resiliant." Briony stated.

"So....Where did this thing come from?" Nilson tapped the tank with the dead Alien in it.

"That little devil." She turned and pointed to the Facehugger on the table next to hers. They jump onto the victim's face....Then they have a little tube that goes down the throat, and impregnates them with an embryo. After they're done, they just fall off and die." She said.

"Yuck. But how did it get here?" He asked.

"They send me samples." Briony replied. "But let's hope there aren't any live ones in this sector."

"Hmm....If I see one, I'll shoot it just for you....But I better get back to my route, see you at 1100." Nilson walked out of the lab, and looked out the massive viewport in front of him. "Wow. Look at that sunrise."

"This IS my signature."
March 26, 2007 12:56 pm #

((Hey, this is a family place. NO DROPPING THE "SHIZZ"-BOBM!)

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
March 26, 2007 3:59 pm #

The briefing from Cody ended. In his arrogance, Gustavo proceeded alone into the unknown, menacing corridors of the facility. Everything was dark and quiet. He even heard someone murmur something about a sunrise.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
March 26, 2007 4:33 pm (Edited March 26, 2007 04:57 pm) #

((We should make the clone commandos all apart of one squadron.))

Jag looked for his squad the only other RC's on this mission.  He found the others and they discussed the mission.
"We are to get in throw, grab one of these bugs, and get out," he told them, "And for you that were at Geonosis, yes, more bugs."
He heard a few chuckles from the comlink.
"As I was saying, the bug is our number one priority, the troopers are responsible for the civs.  Any questions?"

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
March 26, 2007 7:34 pm (Edited March 26, 2007 07:43 pm) #

Name: Theta 1339  "Aden"
Rank: Corporal
Affiliation: Republic, Clone Army
Race: Human (cloned)
WoC (Primary): DC-17a Blaster Rifle (customized with a scope for better aim.)
WoC (Secondary): Merr-sonn Portable Missile System, usually carried strapped to his back.

Aden was late, as usual.  He could sleep through a war, and his alarm was nowhere near powerful enough to awaken him.  When he did get up, and by the time he suited up and made his way to the breifing room, his helmet's chronometer said that it was well past the briefing's end.  Once again, Aden missed his mission briefing.  Outside of the chamber, he saw his commander, Jag, standing by the entrance.  He walked over to him.
" You're late."  Jag wasn't surprised.  This was an everyday occurrance for them.
" I'm not even make up an excuse, sir.  I slept in again."
" Great.  I suppose you want me to give you a recap of the briefing, then."
" If it isn't too much trouble."
All official facade melted away right there and then.  Aden had known Jag all the way through their training, and had been assigned to his squad from the start.  They were good friends, regardless of Aden's shortcomings.  Jag went on to describe the mission.
" In a nutshell, we are instructed to infiltrate a facility containing a new species of alien, and bring back a sample.  They are hostile, so that is why we are being sent in, instead of a team of scientists.  Oh, and we'll be working alongside mercs."
" What?"
" The high command called them in.  No one is really happy about it, but we're soldiers.  We don't question orders; we just follow them."
With that, the two rejoined the remainder of their squad, as they prepared to take the shuttle to their attack cruiser.  Aden walked to his locker before they left, and liberated his deece and merr-sonn from the dark confines of the metal container.
" Looks like we're gonna see some actions boys," he told his weapons.
The squad boarded the shuttle, and took their first step to destiny.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
March 26, 2007 8:50 pm #

"That Aden," Jag thought to himself, "What a character."  As he boarded the Larty he looked back he savoured it, because it may be the last view of humanity he ever sees.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
March 26, 2007 9:42 pm #

(( I agree, I'll stick my character in with the other ARCs))

Aarcee sat in his private quarters putting on the rest of his newly issued armor. Plasteel was supposed to be more resilient to the xenomorphs deadly blood but he had his doubts.
Suddenly his COM chirped.
"2458 here." he said out of habit still fiddling with his guantlets, they just didn't feel right.
"Lt. this is Commander Cody." the COM replied.
"Yes sir!" Aarcee replied snapping to attention mostly out of hard drilled practice, even if the Commander couldn't see him.
"You're being reassigned. Theta squad is low on triggermen. I thought we could use someone like you."
"Sir yes sir!" Aarcee replied.
"Good. Theres a shuttle waiting in the hanger bay, I want you on it in 5 minutes. Understood LT?"
"Very good sir!"Aarcee replied grabbing his helmet. "I'll be there sir." he closed the comlink and slinged his DC-15 over his shoulder. He also strapped his pistol belt securely around his Kama.
Aarcee walked briskly towards the hanger bay and the waiting shuttle. He showed a gaurd trooper his ID and was saluted thru the door. The latty was sitting on the pad, it's engines hot.
Aarcee ducked thru the low door. Several other ARC commandos were seated inside. He quickly grabbed the closest seat and strapped in.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 27, 2007 1:13 pm #

Rolland's ship cruised along side a latty full of republic troopers, all headed to their destination. His knuckles were white inside his plasteel casing, in fevered anticipation of the extermination of more Xenomorphs.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
March 27, 2007 3:53 pm (Edited March 27, 2007 03:55 pm) #

Name: Grov Vontross
Species: Human
W-o-C: Bowcaster and various bolts
2ndary Weapon: Tenloss Disruptor Rifle an 2 shoto style lightsabers
Specialty/Job Title: Mrecenary/Explosives expert. Has large pack on his back that contains his disruptor an explosives
Looks like:

I'm not sure where we are. Send me a message please.

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja
March 27, 2007 6:28 pm #

((They are launching into space))

Aden looked out through the viewport, at the countless stars streaming past.  The sight never failed to impress him.  Mentally pulling himself back to the matter at hand, he adjusted the scope on his deece, and checked his Merr-Sonn.  This was the fifth time that he had done so.  He was always overly official before facing certain death.  A textbook trooper.  Aden looked over at his squad-mates.  There was Jag farther up, and that new addition, the one that had just been assigned to the squad.  He obviously had been issued that new plasteel armour.  Yet another thing that Aden had missed.  He would have to keep on his toes if he wanted to survive.
Soon, the shuttle docked with the attack cruiser, and the airlock opened, admitting the troops to the interior of the behemoth.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
March 27, 2007 8:56 pm #

"Ready di'kute?"  He realized maybe he shouldn't have said that in front of the new guy, Aercee, he said.  He saw him shift uncomfortably, Jag never was a good social person. 
"Erm... check your weapons and all stuff.   And Aercee come on over here I want to have a word with you."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
March 28, 2007 12:11 am #

Name: Briony Calais
Occupation: Lab Tech
Species: Human
Location: E34-JC

Briony let out a deep sigh as Nilson left the room. She was tired and sick of analysising xenomorph blood samples. She hadn't been allowed into the actual holding facility for over two months. The fact worried her. The station had originally brought in 20 head of cattle to incubate the alien embryos. When Briony had last visited they were down to two cows, yet she had received four new face-hugger samples. It didn't take a mathematician to see that the numbers didn't work out.

The station held over 300 people and Briony knew of one fatality recently. One of the Mechanical Engineers had sustained massive injuries when a crane had dropped heavy equipment on him accidentially. The man's legs had been crushed terribly. He'd been taken to the Infirmary but was later reported dead from a blood clot in the brain.

Briony was starting to wonder if he really died. Perhaps he had been taken to the breeding chamber. It would explain a lot. But it didn't make Briony feel particularly comfortable.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
March 28, 2007 10:09 am #

Lt. Aarcee read over the briefing on his HUD one last time. As an officer he wanted to make sure he knew what he was getting into. He was suddenly jerked from his concentration as another trooper spoke to him.
"Ready di'kute?"  he said. Aarcee frowned slightly. The troopers ID tagged flashed in front of his eyes.  Theta 4565  "Jag" it read. He wasn't quite used to the Theta squad ways yet. His old squad always addressed him as Lt. or sir. That is before they were all wiped out during a raid on a Sep capital ship. He had managed to drag his seargent to safety, only for him to die several minutes later before he could be put in the bacta tank. The memory of that mission still haunted him. Why should he be allowed to live when his brothers died before his very eyes? His leadership was never questioned by the high command, but that didn't stop him from questioning himself. This was a dangerous mission. The death ratio was slightly higher then he was comfortable with.
Aarcee shook his head to clear the dark thoughts. He had to keep his cool. He didn't want the Theta boys to think he was soft.
"Erm... check your weapons and all stuff.   And Aercee come on over here I want to have a word with you." Jag spoke again. Aarcee closed the HUD window and released his seat harness. The rumble of the Latty's engines trembled thru his boots. The interior was a faint red. Aarcee shouldered his carbine and approached the blue glow from Jag's T visor. He took a seat next to him.
"Yeah? What is it trooper?" Aarcee said strapping himself in once more.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 28, 2007 11:21 am #

((what rank is Jag by the way??))

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 28, 2007 6:14 pm #

Grov sat at the controls of the Phantom's Revenge floating in Coruscanti space. He had been hired by the Republic to recover an alien species from the laboratories of E34-JC. He had been grouped with several mercenaries and clone troopers. Uneasiness had been sown into the bottom of his stomach and he wanted to get this mission over with. He didn't want to spend too much time with this new creature an find out any of its abilities. He just wanted to go in, get the beast, and get out.

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja
March 28, 2007 8:59 pm (Edited March 28, 2007 09:28 pm) #

((Do Commandos even have ranks?  We'll just say he's the same rank.  Still waiting for another commando.))
"Sorry about that comment.  I'm not really a people person, more of a shut up and shoot.  You see me and Aden were vat brothers there you used to two others but some reason something went wrong with their vat and we've been bouncing here and there and all this moving around has made us really close and we trade banter like that back and forth.  But it's all friendly stuff you know?  So I guess well either get used to it or well, you could leave?"
You stupid di'kut, he thought to himself, a little blunt don't you think.
"So uh... I'll be looking foward to working with you."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
March 29, 2007 11:51 am #

(( I always thought they had ranks, but that'll work.))
"I don't think I'll be going anywhere anytime soon." Aarcee replied studying Jag. "Even if I wanted to leave."
Jag sorta cocked his head in confusion.
"I'm kidding." Aarcee replied. "You know a joke? Nevermind. I'm sure I'll get used to it, Fierfek, I might even start to enjoy it. Now if we could get off this damn thing and get down to business I'm sure we'd adapt to one another very quickly. Funny thing how flying laser bolts and explosions can make a man oh so brotherly."

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 29, 2007 3:05 pm #

"What a view" He turned away from the viewport and headed for his quarters.

Nilson stuck his card into the terminal, and the light turned red. "Hm." He kicked the terminal, and tried it again. The light turned red once more. "Psh. This is ridiculous." Nilson pulled out his comm and paged the maintenance officer.

"Yes?" The officer replied.

"Mattias Nilson here, my security card quit working again. I'm in sector 1-A, level 9 ." He said dryly.

"Alright Nilson....I'm on my way."

"This is the the last time I'm fooling with these stupid security cards." Nilson dropped the pass in his pocket and leaned against the wall.

(1 standard hour later)

"I've had enough of this. There is no way it takes this long to go from sector 3-M to here." He got up and headed to maintenance.

"This IS my signature."
March 29, 2007 3:48 pm #

Rolland continued to soar through space towards E34-JC when his comlink went off. He answered before it finished ringing.
"Rolland, it's me. I've pulled up the file on the planetoid you're going to. It's really nothing special. It's just a dusty old moon." said the voice on the other end of the comlink.
"Your point?We're going underground for the mission, so that's a moot point."
"Jeez, sorry. What's the 'mission', anyway?"
"Go there, get a sample, get out."
"Wait, you're gonna actually let one of the Xeno's live?"
Rolland felt like an idiot. He was going to assisst the LIVE capture of a Xenomorph. That was unacceptable. He'd only let a xenomorph live once, and that was his queen friend. He sure as heck wouldn't do it again. What would he do?

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
March 29, 2007 4:06 pm (Edited April 6, 2007 12:55 pm) #

Aden walked over to bunk.  He had just been assigned quarters for the upcoming mission, and was just adding a few personal touches.  These consisted of a stationary hologram of himself and Jag after the battle of Geonosis.  It was his only personal object.  He had just finished putting his merr-sonn into the footlocker, and was about to place his deece as well, when he heard a sound outside of the room.  Upon further investigation, he saw that it was one of the tecchies leaving his room.  Wondering what would cause a newly settled ally to un-settle himself from his room so soon, Aden followed him. 
"Now just where are you going?" he whispered to himself, falling silently into line a couple of metres back.  He probably should mind his own business, but he had a gut feeling that this wasn't another trip to the mess hall.  And where there was a small amount of excitement, Aden wanted in.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
April 1, 2007 9:43 am #

The larty shuttered as it hit a patch of turbulence, josteling the commandos inside. Aarcee unbuckled and walked up towards the cockpit.
"How far to the designated LZ?" he asked holding himself up with the back of the pilot's chair.
"ETA 3 minutes sir." the pilot replied not taking his eyes off the controls. "Now you might want to have a seat sir, we've hit a patch of rocky air and it's gonna get bumby."
Aarcee nodded and returned to his seat next to Jag.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
April 1, 2007 12:00 pm #

"I'm gonna kill him." Nilson thought as he walked down the wide corridors to maintenance. He keyed in the terminal's unlock code, but it had been deactivated from the inside. "I swear. Today is just not my day." Nilson casually looked down the corridors on both sides of him. "All clear...." He cautiously pulled out his pistol an typed in the overide code.

The door hissed open, and there was the maintenance officer. Dead as the wall, with huge hole in him.

"Aw no." Nilson crouched down to take a better look at the opening in the officer's chest. There was no entrance wound in his back. "That can only mean one thing." The panic jumbled around inside him as he remembered what Briony had said. Nilson froze with dismay as a tendril of drool dripped down onto the dead body in front of him.

Nilson looked up slightly to see an awkward black drooling creature staring down at him. "No." He rolled out the door, then drew his massive pistol and unleashed a barrage of rounds in the creature's general direction as it leaped twords him. Nilson shot the control panel and the door slammed down infront of the charging alien.

"Huh. Huh. Huh." He leaned against the viewport and gasped for breath. The creature slammed into the door denting it badly. "Psh." Nilson laughed, re-loading his pistol. But no....It didn't give up that easily. It spit acid onto the door, dissolving it, making a nice big opening to go through. "Dodge this." Nilson lifted his pistol and shot the creature in the side of the head as it poked out the door.

He dropped down onto the floor and looked out the view port. "Help me."

"This IS my signature."
April 1, 2007 2:01 pm #

Gustavo watched as a mercenary finished off one of the specimins. The mercenary nor the alien had been aware of his presence. He cautiously approached the damaged door. " Don't shoot" he said, leaning against the wall next to the door. "I'm on your side."

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
April 2, 2007 1:19 am #

Briony lifted her head and her brow furrowed. She could have sworn she had heard gun shots. She lay down her implements and walked over the the nearest terminal and flicked through the various security cams she had access too. She was halfway through when she saw something that made her blood chill. Nilson was firing at an alien. It wasn't even in the containment zone. Somehow it must have escaped.

With a calm she didn't feel, Briony lifted the emergeny handset to call Dr Ultug who was the supervisor of the alien project. The phone rang out and Briony had a feeling of impending doom. Something extremely bad was going on.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
April 2, 2007 8:48 am #

"Heh....How did you get here? I gave no one security clearance to get in this base. But it doesn't matter now. We're gonna need all the help we can get....It seems we have a problem. Name's Mattias...Mattias Nilson, and I'm head of security around here. Well, exept for Alien Containment, but that's a different department. And you?" Nilson asked.

"This IS my signature."
April 2, 2007 3:53 pm (Edited April 6, 2007 12:56 pm) #

It was only then that Aden realised he had boarded the wrong cruiser.  He kicked himself mentally.  Jag would have his head, vat brothers or not.  He was probably already at the destnation.  This wasn't good.  Aden mentally searched for any hyperspace-capable one man fighters that the cruiser had docked, but came up blank.  Come to think of it, he didn't even know the coordinates of the squad's destination (he missed the briefing).  Aden tried to think of a way out of this mess, while trying to listen in on the conversation between the  two technicians down the hall.  With luck, they might have a way off of this cruiser, and into the battlefield.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
April 2, 2007 3:58 pm (Edited April 2, 2007 03:59 pm) #

"I'm Gustavo Perez, I'm a bounty hunter and I've come to capture one of those specimens alive. Shouldn't be too difficult, considering this place is full of 'em. Where are you headed? I might be of assistance, and maybe you could help me capture one of those things, considering you work here."

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
April 3, 2007 9:35 am #

"That's the first time I've  seen one of those things alive.....I wish it was the last.  But if there are more, we have to go by the lab and get Briony, she is the head scientist on those creatures; she may be of some help. But lets stop at my office first to pick up some ordinance....Well....Heh....More like like a weapons vault than office." Nilson grined as they headed to his "office".

"This IS my signature."
April 3, 2007 10:17 am #

"Touching down." The pilot of the LAAT/i said over the COM. "Good luck out there boys, radio if you need an extraction."
The doors of the larty slid open and the commandos jumped out onto the surface of the dusty moon.  The instalation was little more than a large duracrete bunker complex, barely rising off the surface. Aarcee's transponder began to ping as he studied the structure.
"That's the place all right, pity they couldn't drop us off at the front door." he said unshouldering his carbine and racking the charging slide. The other commandos did the same. "No sense in waiting outside while the mercs do our work eh boys? Now do remember we need at least one speciman alive. I wont get my shebs chewed off by command if we come back empty handed, understood?"
The commandos nodded silently. Aarcee slid open his grenade launcher tube and popped an HE round into the breach and slammed it shut.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
April 3, 2007 1:11 pm #

"As you wish." As they headed towars Nilson's "office", he hoped he had plenty of non-lethal weapons. The only weapon Gustavo possessed that was not lethal was his gauntlet whipcord, and he knew that wouldn't do much good, consideringf the specimen's size and shape. Either way, he would capture one alive and leave immediately.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
April 3, 2007 1:26 pm #

Rolland brought his ship in for landing with the latty and hopped out. He strapped on the holsters for his vast armory of weapons, and placed them all in their correct areas. He followed the clonetroopers as they headed towards the base. Rolland went ahead & pulled out his Carbonite Freeze Gun, just in case of a surprise attack. It was crunch time.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
April 3, 2007 6:02 pm #

"Where is that Aden?  I could swear he was on with us.  Well it's you and me Aercee.  Approach with caution."
As they walked down the to the main entrance, Jag was observing.  He noticed that there appeared to be only one entrance and exit.  Not very good if the enemy has the exit blocked.  As they slowly continued towards the base he noticed many other tactical mistakes.  When they arrived inside he was immediatly greeted by vats full of aliens floating in lifeless suspension, or at least, what appeared to be lifeless.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
April 3, 2007 6:24 pm #

"Well, is that it?" Rolland asked. "We just gonna snag one of these & leave?"
One commando nodded. "I guess so." The commando approached a keyboard and attempted to open one of the vats without waking the creature. He pressed the wrong button. Every vat opened and the aliens awoke.
"Oh..." Rolland muttered obscenities under hsi breath as he drew his EE-3's.

YOUR AD HERE--this space for rent (or lease to own). Call 1-234-5678
April 3, 2007 6:44 pm #

((not what I had in mind but whatever.))
Firing his DC as he was backing up he reverted to training now.  The merc was valiantly trying to kill as many aliens as he could, so Jag grabbed him and threw him outside.  He quickly ran outside and closed the door.
"Don't these things have acid blood?" he asked the merc.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
April 4, 2007 11:36 am #

Aarcee let the merc take the lead with his caronite gun, that type of weapon might be very useful he thought to himself.
The other clone commando, Aden was it? missed the latty leaving just Jag and himself. He wasn't too worried he would watch Jag's back and hopefully he would return the favor. Aarcee shook his head as the image of his seargent bleeding in his arms floated back.
They approached the bunker like complex. Utterly silent accept for the scrape of gravel and dust under his boots.
There was only one way in and he didn't like that, he could also tell by the way Jag tilted his head that he wasn't too happy either.
The three approached the door, he expected it to be locked but to his suprise it slid open with a small hiss. Aarcee stepped inside, his carbine sweeping the room for hostiles. He was only met by numberless tubes of the aliens suspended in some kind of liquid.
"Well, is that it?" the merc said. "We just gonna snag one of these & leave?"
Aarcee nodded. "That's the plan." he pulled out his datapad from his belt pouch and approached the keyboard.
Taking a small cable he attached it to the keypad. Command was supposed to have programmed the access codes into the device, making it a simple job.
The merc and Jag stood by as Aarcee began to access the keypad. He frowned inside his helmet. The system was locked down attempting to open one of the vats could trigger the entire sector; and that would be bad news.
Aarcee contacted Jag through a private COM channel. "Jag this is not good, the scientists must've panicked and locked the system down." Aarcee said watching the screen. "If we attempt to open one of these vats, the whole sector might leave containment."
"That's really not what I wanted to hear." Jag replied. "Give it a go anyways I suppose, we have no other choice. We need at least one alive."
"Acknowledged." Aarcee replied. "Here goes." he punched the access code into the keypad.
An alarm began ringing as the entire room of vats opened and the aliens flopped onto the floor, dripping in the fluids from the vats that held them.
"Fierfek!" Aarcee said ripping his datapad back and grabbing his deece.
"OUT, NOW OUT!" Jag shouted firing into the hissing mob of aliens. Aarcee followed suit taking out 3 with a burst of laser fire.
Jag grabbed the merc and threw him outside as Aarcee walked backwards towards the door, desperately trying to hold back the tide of black horrors that rushed their position.
His deece clicked dry. "Damn it all." He said to himself not bothering to slap in another charge. He turned and ran towards the door, doing a perfect shoulder roll outside just as the door slammed shut.
Jag and the merc were panting on the ground as the sound of hundreds of the creatures slamming into the door reached them.
"Don't these things have acid blood?" Jag asked picking himself up.
Aarcee nodded. "That's what intel says." he looked over his shoulder at the door, large dents were appearing. "Once those things realize they can't break through, they'll use that nasty acid of theirs to get out." he turned toward Jag and the merc and slammed another charge into his carbine. "It won't hold them for long."

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
April 4, 2007 5:46 pm (Edited April 6, 2007 12:57 pm) #

Aden realized that he wouldn't be able to get off the cruiser by listening to the two tekkies, so he turned heel and sprinted down the hallway.  If he was lucky (unlikely) he might be able to find a ship to take him to wherever the commando's had been dropped off.
He was passing by communications, when he heard an officer make a remark about Theta squad.
"What did you say?"
"Oh!  I thought the whole squad was at the installation already.  What are you still doing here?"
"Long story.  Anyhow, do you have any news on the mission?"
"Yeah, the LAAT-1's just returned.  Apparently there has been a complication with the mission."
" Fierfek!  Now I know Jag's going to kill me.  Is there any way I can hitch a ride back with one of them?"
"I don't see why not.  They would just be doing their job.  Just wait for them to re-fuel, and board the transport.  I'll let them know you're coming."
"Thank you.  You have no idea how much you've helped."
With that, Aden raced to the hangar bay, where the laaty pilot greeted him.  Aden was informed that the ship would be cleared for take-off in ten minutes.  The commando was content to wait.  If anything happened to his squad-mates because of him missing the flight, someone would pay.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
April 4, 2007 10:09 pm #

((Heh....I'm in the base on the moon. That's why I fought an Alien, Not on some random cruiser. I'm not sure where you got that, MA.))

"This IS my signature."
April 5, 2007 10:34 am #

(( Same here I'm with Nilson))

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."
April 5, 2007 6:17 pm #

(Grov also has a ryyk blade)       
          The Phantom's Revenge touched down on the small, dusty moon. Grov surveyed the seen before him. There were two clone commandos and one mercenary besides himself. Grov left the cockpit and headed for his armory. He shouldered his explosive pack and his disruptor and picked up his bowcaster with the ryyk blade.
          The clone troopers turned as a new ship landed in their midst. The other merc gazed silently at the door. A robust man descended from the ship onto the bleak moon. His was covered in armor with a gas mask and large pack on his back. He had a bowcaster in his arms and a blade on his hip.
          The merc approached the group and addressed them, "Name's Grov Vontross. Need any help?"
          One the commandos eyed him and said, "You're just in time, my friend."....

"I look forward to killing you soon!" - Ask a Ninja NInja
April 5, 2007 10:23 pm (Edited April 5, 2007 10:28 pm) #

"Your just in time, my friend," Jag said relieved.  This guy looked like he'd dealt with the creatures.  Obviously someone was here before us and used this place as storage. We accidentally released all of the aliens and just barely managed to get our shebs outta there.  You like experienced with these creatures, have anything to prevent these aliens from breaking through that door?"

As if on cue, dents showed up on the door, and a faint sizzling sound was heard. 

"And you better think of something quick."

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
April 6, 2007 12:21 pm #

(( Sorry guys!  Man I'm such a newb.  First RPG, and I'm already messing up... Not good))

Finally, the shuttle landed at the installation.  Aden had been anxious to get off, so he quickly (but sincerely) thanked the pilot, gathered his equipment, and jumped out of the LAAT-1.  He surveyed the area with a quick and practiced eye, and, finding no immediate threat, tried to triangulate the signal from Jag's commlink.  If it was successful, he would be able to home in on his superior's location. 
Finally, over there!  The signal was weak, so he'd have to trek a long ways.  But at least he knew where his commander was.  Aden only hoped he wasn't to late.

Due to maintenance problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will not be in operation today. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
April 8, 2007 2:48 am #

Briony's heart sank as she continued flicking through the security cams, some areas appeared as normal but at least four had been breached by the xenomorphs. The other scientists didn't answer her calls to the area they called the "Haven" in which the full grown specimens were kept. She'd even heard that they had a Queen, but she was unsure if it was merely rumour. Afterall, she was just a lab tech, even though she talked herself up in front of the security guys.

Grabbing the key chain from her belt, Briony unlocked one of the weapon's stores. Inside were several blaster rifles, stun batons and flares. Briony had no idea what model the blaster was but didn't care. She checked the energy cell to check it was full then threw the strap over her shoulder. She was about to pick up a stun baton when she heard someone knock at the door.

She froze and lifted the rifle. "Who's there?" She asked, hoping a human voice would answer.

BFFC Moderator
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...

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