Good question Arc, but think I'll leave it to ya'lls imagination. ;)
Topic: Post a Picture of Yourself!
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
618 posts
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Kel Solaar,
So that's why you have been gone so long? your military?
PS, Did you give up on your Mando Helmet? The metal one?
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
AW, no fair.
Thats life =P
Kel Solaar,
So that's why you have been gone so long? your military?BD
PS, Did you give up on your Mando Helmet? The metal one?
EX-USAF, Honorably discharged.
Nope, the helmet is still sitting out in the garage waiting for me or someone else to finish it.
I just don't have the time nor energy to do that or any other things I'd like to.

Oh a Tech Sergeant. I like the picture of the U.S.S. Alabama. Been there many times. A B-52 bomber used to (if it doesn't still) sit there that my grandfather used to fly in.
I made it to AC1, but was honorably discharged due to blindness in one eye.
Nice photo's.
Yeah, it was pretty cool. Too bad we only got to go over to Mobile, AL for one day. We never did make it over to the WWII Submarine they had docked there. That B-52 is still there, by the way.
They had a lot of the aircraft on display outside the big hanger, because it was damaged so bad during Hurricane Katrina. Alot of the aircraft got damaged pretty badly, too.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
Nice pictures, thanks for posting! Sad to see the SR in such a bad shape. It seems they've updated the place since my last visit some six or so years ago. You should see the sub, really interesting!

dude, that B-52 is HUGE!! Common Kel Solaar. Plzzzzzzzzzzz with sugar on top
Kel Solaar wrote:Oh a Tech Sergeant. I like the picture of the U.S.S. Alabama. Been there many times. A B-52 bomber used to (if it doesn't still) sit there that my grandfather used to fly in.
I made it to AC1, but was honorably discharged due to blindness in one eye.
Nice photo's.
Yeah, it was pretty cool. Too bad we only got to go over to Mobile, AL for one day. We never did make it over to the WWII Submarine they had docked there. That B-52 is still there, by the way. had a lot of the aircraft on display outside the big hanger, because it was damaged so bad during Hurricane Katrina. Alot of the aircraft got damaged pretty badly, too.
Wow, I did not relize the scale of a B-52. I mean, I have a model, I knew they were big but, wow. Big bomber.
That poor SR-71, to bad, those plane are beutifull planes.
Do you have pic of that sub?
EDIT: True B-52
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
I have pictures of the sub, but they're laying in boxes. Plus I don't use a scanner so that makes the task so much more daunting. The B-52 is one bad son of a gun!
As I said ARC, use your imagination!

Back to the topic...
Any other member pics?
just go here

I have a new picture of me dressed up for prom! This is me and my lovely best friend, Kristin. (I'm on the right w/glasses in case you haven't seen my other pics)
We had such a great time!

You ladies look good in dresses. More than I can say for myself. :)
I have a new picture of me dressed up for prom! This is me and my lovely best friend, Kristin. (I'm on the right w/glasses in case you haven't seen my other pics) had such a great time!
Are you still in high school!?!
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.

You dont look like you are in HS, looks like you about 22..
Some of them ended up really blurry for some reason, Probably because I can't hold a camera steady.
Yup, that's me.

Boba Dude and Arc, yes, I'm still in high school. >_>;; It was my senior prom. A lot of people where I work think I'm in college... I'm used to it.
Nice pics, Mandalorian! I think on some of them you forgot to press "flash" lol. :P
Yeah, it gets dark in my basement at times I guess. I don't enjoy flash, because I'm very pale, and the flash tends to show that more.
I have a new picture of me dressed up for prom! This is me and my lovely best friend, Kristin. (I'm on the right w/glasses in case you haven't seen my other pics) had such a great time!
The dresses are pretty, I especially like your friend's dress, though I like the color of yours. I never wear dresses, though.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Boba Dude and Arc, yes, I'm still in high school. >_>;; It was my senior prom. A lot of people where I work think I'm in college... I'm used to it.
Nice pics, Mandalorian! I think on some of them you forgot to press "flash" lol. :P
you look like your 25 or so. I would have NEVER thought that you were still in high school....
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
i kno this topics dead but i hav a pic u might find slightly amusing it made me laugh at least. by the way the guy on the far left is huge hes like 6'8 or something and im a teeny bit shorter lol
Ooo, thanks for waking it up, I almost missed's the oft-missing BalanceSheet.
Guy in the middle
My painfully embarassing graduation pic
Me in my favorite place on earth, a dirty little town on the Baja.
-Captian Murphy
I'd forgotten about this thread! Here's pics of me from last Friday when I went to see POTC3:
[ADMIN: Defunct link to starwarsdotcom dot com removed.]
I made it all myself, except the pants, I bought those then cut them down into sortof shorts.
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
Some of you look the exact opposite of what I expected. Gustavo, that link only works to you, or to someone who is logged into your account.
You all look really funky, there are some fab pictures :)
Here is a picture of me with my three younglings (taken about a year ago)
I will have to get a recent picture of me

Here is my most recent Picture
My hair was black, but I got bored of black.
My hair is blue/green now.
I will get another pic later
"I wonder what the weather is like on Kamino right now?" Delta 62, Scorch.
Some of you look the exact opposite of what I expected. Gustavo, that link only works to you, or to someone who is logged into your account.
oh ok
The default picture is the most recent one.
there's music so if you for some reason dont want to wake anyone up or something turn your speakers down....
btw im the guy on the left, not the girl
if you scroll down through the comments someone posted a more close up picture of me.
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
Here is my most recent Picture
My hair was black, but I got bored of black.
But ARC, that's the sort of colour old ladies put in their hair :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Lol your hair...extreme....but...ok. :P

ARC Fett wrote:Here is my most recent Picture
My hair was black, but I got bored of black.
But ARC, that's the sort of colour old ladies put in their hair :P
:( ...... everybody asks me "Y did you do that?" or what did you do to your hair" Because I felt like it, and what does it look like I did to my hair?
BFFC-Mel wrote:ARC Fett wrote:Here is my most recent Picture
My hair was black, but I got bored of black.
But ARC, that's the sort of colour old ladies put in their hair :P
:( ...... everybody asks me "Y did you do that?" or what did you do to your hair" Because I felt like it, and what does it look like I did to my hair?
LOL I love it when people ask silly questions.
I think your hair looks really funky, but then again I like brightly coloured hair (I am going to get some spray on colour for my hair)
I just had to stir the pot :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Here I am at my 30th wedding anniversary.
Here's me. The hotness! The hotness!! (Heat? Hotitude?)
...Now here's the actual me.
Note the Army of Darkness poster in the background.
And yes, I'm older than I look.
Here is a more recent picture of me...
That was before I had a drastic plastic surgery procedure done on me. I now look like this:
Ain't I a beaut? :p
Here is a more recent picture of me...
That was before I had a drastic plastic surgery procedure done on me. I now look like this:'t I a beaut? :p
You really are ;)
If I were not with Devil Boy then I would defiantly marry you ;)
Here is a more recent picture of me...
I can almost see up your "mudflap" :P
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
Here is a new picture of me as I have got a new haircut. I developed anaemia when I was pregnant with my twins and as I only took a short course of iron tables in my pregnancy it of course did not get better. It was so bad that my hair started to fall out. I am on iron tablets again but it is still falling out and while some is growing back I got fed up of the hair (it is a bit depressing as well) that I decided to get rid of it until it grows back.
It was actually really funky cutting my hair off :D (I am looking forward to it growing back though)

Devil Girl, it's very inspiring to see that you're so optimistic about losing your hair. I hope you'll be well soon and that your hair will grow back beautifully! <3
Here's so pics of me from Halloween, I was a modern vampire of sorts: <you get a glimpse at my ugly dorm room! XD <cheesy smile, lol. <me trying to be vampire-ish and failing, hahah.
Halloween pictures can be fun...I went as Bill Nye the Science Guy. See the link from my previous post for a comparison.
right, been planning on getting recent pics of me up, but for now you can see me as of age 14:
sorry, i ran out of ideas for my url lol. so i picked something that addressed me. i'm canadian and prefer the Sith.
lol. My Live space name was really lame. So lame I do not wish to share it here.
Devil Girl, it's very inspiring to see that you're so optimistic about losing your hair. I hope you'll be well soon and that your hair will grow back beautifully! <3
Thank you :D A lot of my hair has started growing back :D (Hehe there is no colour in the hair but I am just happy to see my hair growing back. I am going to keep my hair that short until I see the dermatologist that I am on the waiting list to see :D )
Wow Manji though you look so funky, really nice. I love your outfit :D
You look funky as well TheGunslinger :D
I cannot get your link to work though FettII, either that or I am doing something wrong :o
It's nice to put a name with a face. Good idea!
Here is a more recent picture of me...
That was before I had a drastic plastic surgery procedure done on me. I now look like this:'t I a beaut? :p
Had some issues with my tech, turns out it dosnt like water, But anyways I still got the buy who took the pictures...
Here I am without the mask, this is just before I..uh..."disposed" of him
[url=]Interrogations are hard...[/url]
I like being able to picture more than just the avatar to the names here.
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