Closed Topic: The Red Helm

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Topic #1130

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March 9, 2007 5:27 pm (Edited March 9, 2007 05:30 pm) #


Name: Sol Gonsar
Age : 23
Species: Human
Home/Planet: Concord-Dawn
Physical Description: 4'7" 137lb. Short and thin, but very densely built. Black hair that hangs down through his helmet as a thin ponytail
Any other relevant info (Weapons, ships, armor, whatever...): Sol himself carries a five year old IR-5 blaster rifle and an old, but reliable, vibroaxe, though most of the weapons he actually sells are brand new. His ship, The Sleeping Krayt, is an old Z-95 Headhunter that has recently seen several decent upgrades, courtesy of his new job. He still wears his families red suit of Mandalorian armor, but as a bounty hunter he managed to lose both the jetpack and several sizable chunks of Mandalorian iron from the backplate.  The other peices of his outfit aren't in much better condition, earning him the nickname "The Shabby Mandalorian" from most he does buisness with.

Background: Sol left his home planet at 16 to become a Bounty Hunter,deciding that it would be more profitable than a farmer and part-time warrior, and consequently struggled at the bottom of the hunting ladder, getting stuck with the cheap messy jobs and un-paying employers. All of his equipment, except his Vibro-Axe has been passed down through three generations of Gonsar's, and is therefore prone to overheating and breaking down in the middle of a hunt. Gonsar still has a Concord-Dawn accent, although it is a little diffused due to the years he has spent away from Mandalorian space. He has recently aquired a new job as a representative to several companies, MandalMotors, Blast-Tech, and SoroSuub being the most notable, selling weapons, ships, and many other peices of equipment, to their many shadier customers. He has currently set up shop on The Katarn, carrying a sizable stock with him, and an order sheet for those items that you cant just carry around.

((OOC: I might not be able to post til tuesday, as I'm leaving tommorow for NY.))

"Theres NOT a country in the world that Bush would not get BOOO'd at ....even if Bush went to Antarctica the penguins would demonstrate."-Darknovae, NS Forum
March 9, 2007 9:32 pm #

((OOC: I might not be able to post until thursday evening, as I am leaving tommorow for Tennessee.))

"This IS my signature."
March 10, 2007 9:28 am #

Earon didn't falter beneath Nora's icy stare, she drew in a breath, tasting the refiltered oxygen of the ship. Her fingers absently tracing the weilding lines of her helmet. She started, trying to make her voice sound as strong as she tried to potray herself.
    "Pull up the map," Earon said, didn't ask. Nora didn't move, Earon tried to elaborate. "Most maps are outdated as of last month. A new holding area has been added on to the westwing, and that trinket of a helmet Mandalore Fett wants has been moved there. Now, in one standard week the local lords/ladies are holding a shebang for the coming of age of their monarch. Catchin' my drift?"
    "They're going to be short-handed that night. It'll be easy to get in from there; either we can split up and one group create a diversion at the party and the other can get in and get out. Or, we can take the place be force, Mandalore's Ghost knows you people brought enough muscule to get a rancor feed for a week. If you decide to go with plan "A"; I get get the diversion into the party. Or, I can get us hired to guard their junk for the night."
   Earon Sho'senaar never thought that she could feel so confident in her abilities and so scared at the same time. Use the fear, don't let it use you, her Dad's mantra flitted through her mind. Earon breathed deeply again and held the woman's I'm-not-going-to-look-away-first stare.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
March 11, 2007 8:54 pm #

Nora’s cool expression still held fast.  “That was a very informative speech...” she stated.  The girl had indeed volunteered a tremendous amount of knowledge that the team would find useful in their mission.  However, if she had held out a bit, then perhaps she could have done a bit of bargaining.  Such facts would normally be worth something...

“I’m fairly skilled at crashing parties by my own device,” the huntress continued, “And getting hired for a one night security stint won’t be hard since they will be understaffed in the first place, as you were so kind to inform me.”  Nora tapped her gloved fingers on the armrest of the pilot’s seat for a moment, “And since Fett himself provided me with the maps and stats on the location, I can assure you they are not outdated.” 

Saviin shifter her weight to an opposite foot, impatient to test out the ship’s new airlock controls.

Nora leaned back in her seat and blinked, “I’m not one for staring makes my eyes go dry.  So give me a reason not to turn you over to Saviin, for it would seem that you have already spent your usefulness...”

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 11, 2007 9:26 pm #

"Kind of cliche to throw a being out an airlock."
Dres wanted to imagine he couldn't hear the conversation. His player had frozen for the moment. A fate's chance, maybe if it hadn't he could have ignored it. But you can't fix that. And of course, since he could hear it, the sand could understand it. A waste pocket shuddered a split second.
"Anbu, you're babbling." Warren
"I don't even feel like argueing."
Dres popped the battery out, slapping it back in. Getting back to his song.The crew might've heard him. Interesting prospect. In all hopes the sands would forgive him for not stopping them should they actually try to throw her out. But a cry for help would just ruin that...Dres sighed. Faith could be tiring. Such a thing to force him to stand up, click the com button. Ready a credit cube.
"A quick minute with a crew member would be nice. Understandable if you can't but this could be serious."
Anbu had to stop the doc from getting out his fake blood. Seemed someone else's religion had finally saved another being.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
March 11, 2007 10:42 pm #

Evaar appeared in the hatchway to the forward cargo hold where Anbu and his party were stowed.  “Don’t worry, the airlock has a double hatch system,” the young Mando assured them with shocking practicality, “She’ll go into a holding space before Saviin sends her out...” 

The green eyed girl smiled pleasantly at the group, “If Nora finds a reason to keep the woman, Saviin will have to wait...  But either way you shouldn’t concern yourselves....”

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 12, 2007 5:39 am #

"Actually...that doesn't mean I'm not going to bother you in the matter."
Dres threw the credit cube. One thousand should be enough persuasion. He'd be paying for her trip. Keep the low wavelengths in this place to a minimum. Just because the humanoids didn't understand a Siannic's position.
"You can throw her into the cargo hold. Keep her on the bridge. But don't open the airlock...or we'll all die."

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
March 12, 2007 10:08 am #

Evaar caught the credit cube in one hand, and snorted at the Siannic, "Its been done before...nobody died but the one going out..."  She turned to go, "Besides, I didn't say the decision was final.  If Nora finds a use for her, she'll keep her around.  If not, then the woman goes bye bye..."  With that the hatchway snapped shut and Evaar was gone...

(( I never intended to actually toss her out the airlock, not gonna kill off her character.  We need to get our butts to the Katarn, now there are three players waiting to start once we arrive.  :)  ))

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 12, 2007 11:37 am (Edited March 12, 2007 11:38 am) #

Earon had been trained to keep emotion off her face; her expression always placid. But a sense of dread coiled in her gut like a leaden snake. Oh, gods, help. Come on, Sho'senaar, didn't grow up on Gargon as a slick talker for nothing. Her lips parted to breathe the breathe of life, but none would come.
   Stubborn to a fault, Earon had yet to allow her gaze to falter. If I'm goin' to die, at least I'll go with dignity. She let her mental shrug become physical.
    "Well, Nora. Guess I died helpin' a cause of Mandalore. Couldn't ask to die anywhere else but the sea. Here, amoung the souls of our ancestors," a smile touched her lips.
    Earon crossed the room to the veiwport; clasping her arms behind her back. "Well, I guess this is kind of the sea." There was a long pause before Earon turned back to the chargin of her fate. She had never felt so calm in her entire life. The snake in her stomach hadn't lifted, but an eiree sixth sense had injected ice water into her veins. "Thankyou, Nora," she sighed softly.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
March 12, 2007 5:20 pm #

Credits were credits, not like he couldn't steal them back. Dres went back to his place.
(I know, but there's a purpose for everything. Continue on, I'm done till we hit planetside.)

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
March 12, 2007 5:46 pm #

“Sentiments do not move me,” Nora replied in an almost mechanical tone, “Nor does gratitude...”  The huntress made a gesture to Saviin, “Put her in a holding cell....I’ll decide what to do with her once we reach the Katarn....”

Saviin gave a curt nod and ushered the woman away down the corridor and into the rear of the ship.  She directed the armored stranger towards a holding cell where a scanning beam gave her a once over, registering the data into the ship’s main computer.  “Don’t bother trying your weapons in here,” Saviin warned as she gave the woman a push into the cell, “There are several dampening shields in place.  If you fire your weapon the blast will only ricochet about unit it strikes you...”  Saviin pulled her helm from her head and gave her long lavender locks a shake, “Nothing personal....just business...” she reminded the younger woman, “Roan must have some use for you....otherwise you’d be sucking space by now....”  The cell door sealed with a hiss and the shields hummed to life...

((OOC:  Lets just move this on to the point at which they arrive at the Katarn.  Unless Atinvod wishes to add something.  :)  Atinvod – PM me and we’ll figure out what to do once we reach the Katarn.  ))

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 12, 2007 6:17 pm #

With the shuttle on board the Katarn and all post-flight power-down checks completed, Kyr'am left the cockpit to the boarding ramp, where Canderous already stood, ready for anything.  With a nod to the droid, he activated the ramp which descended with a hiss and began walking down.  At the ramp awaited 3 figures.

Name: Orienda Kharr
Species: twi'lek(female)
Age: 26
Appearance: Yellow/orange skin, wears blue lipstick and eyeshadow
Weapon: blaster pistols and vibroknife
Background: As captain of the Katarn for the past 3 years, she is responsible for the overall welfare of its crew and passengers.  Renowned for her hatred of slavery in all its forms as well as those who support it, she frequently spaces any slavers or members of any organizations that participate in slavery (the Hutts, Black Sun, Zann Consortium, etc, etc.)  A former slave, she was a prisoner aboard the Katarn when the slaves rebelled and took the ship.  The crew elected her captain, a position she has held ever since.

Name: Vanga
Species: Barabel(female)
Appearance: leather armor, red skin, yellow eyes, missing right pinky finger
Weapons: vibroblades, vibroknives, E-11 Blaster rifle, twin blaster pistols, concussion grenades, vibrocutlass
Background: Not an original Katarn crewmember, she was hired on by Orienda to head up the Katarn's boarding parties.  Ruthless and effiecient, she is contrastingly good-natured and friendly when not on the attack.  She also shares a special kinship with her second, Red Z.

Name: Rella Ordo
Age: 34
Species: Human(Mandalorian female)
Appearance: 5'10", blue eyes, short white hair, black armor with blue flame trim
Weapons: Stoukker concussion rifle, E-11 blaster rifle, blaster pistol, vibroblade
Background: Kyr'am's wife, she prefers to operate from the Katarn as a mobile base, also citing that a spaceborne assault ship is much more defensible than a parked ARC-170.

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
March 12, 2007 10:13 pm #

Uriel left hyperspace and powered down his fighter. His power cells were running dangerously close to empty, even with the modified secondary tanks.
"Fierfek." Uriel said to himself tapping the energy reading display in front of him with his finger. "R9 reroute secondary power cells to the engines, we'll save the main drives in case we need em."
R9 beeped and whirred in response.
Now sitting motionless in the hard vaccum, Uriel was at a loss as of what to do next. The Trandoshian deal had turned sour, and he was light years from his home system. He didn't want to go back empty handed. Mattias would give him the "I told you so" speech for sure.
"Lets see what we got here." Uriel said booting his Nav computer. "Need something close by, but somewhat inhabited.."
His computer blipped in response as a planet, a mere 300 light kilometers away came up on the screen. The name was unknown, then again he didn't usually travel out this far.
"Hmm." Uriel removed his helmet and ran a hand through his hair as more diagnostics of the planet scrolled up the screen. "Nitrogen based atmosphere, breathable, majority of human inhabitants." he stopped the screen as the name "Mandalorian" flashed past.
"Wait a second." he said leaning against his restraint harness. "Mandos huh?" Uriel looked over his shoulder into the cargo bay at the crates of weapons. "Sounds like an investment to me. R9, plot a new course for that planet, and get me an approach vector."
R9 bleeped once again and the Fury's engines boosted to life towards the planet.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 13, 2007 3:01 pm #

Dres pocketed the credit cube once more. His secret of course. Not about to waste one thousand, he'd given it for a purpose. Guess that deal hadn't been in favor. Too bad for them. Some extra spending allowance was alright as well. Laughable young that they were, it would go unmissing for a little while.
Snickering he capped a vial, placing it back in its pocket.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
March 13, 2007 8:14 pm (Edited March 13, 2007 08:16 pm) #

OOC:  I hate to bring it up yet again - and this is a reminder for everyone in general - please do not act for my (or anyone else's) characters.  Saviin would not have let a prisoner out to stretch his/her legs.  And Evaar would not linger around and ask a million questions, nor would she take a friendly interest in someone designated as a prisoner for the time being.  And its up to me to decide whether Evaar might have a worried look in her eyes or not. 

I know I moved Earon into a cell, but i did not speak, think, or otherwise act for her. 

This is a traditional RPG, not a "round robin" type game where everyone can share in the characters' habits, comments, and general actions.  Apparently this is not the norm of play here.  But I have been role playing for about 6 yrs now and in any game I've ever been in - about 90% of them - everyone controlled their own characters and didn't think or speak for others.   I know there are other ways of RPing, but I prefer the way in which you control only your own characters, as you would control yourself in real life.  In real life, you have no idea what someone else is thinking, feeling, etc.  That's the way my characters should be regarded. 

For example:  I'd never have Evaar hang around a prisoner and ask a million questions like a kid.  Thats just not her.  I'm sure if I had Earon cry because she was in the cell, or had Dress pace the floor a bundle of nerves, neither player would be amused. 

I have stated previously that this is a traditional RPG.  I'm sorry if its not what some members are accustomed to.  If you find it frustrating, perhaps you should consider joining another story on the boards.

Also, we are not on planet yet.  We are heading to the Katarn, a ship upon which we will rendevous with a group that will further assist us in reaching our goal on Brozyna.  There are three people who have been waiting for us to get to the Katarn so they can start their characters.  Please read the posts carefully so you know where we are going and what is happening. 

So please remember:

Please play your own characters.
Please post clearly so others can understand what your characters are saying/doing.
Please read the posts carefully so you know where we are and what is happening. 

I'm sorry if this all sounds like an angry rant, but I have to admit that it is becoming extremely frustrating.  Keep in mind that none of this is aimed at anyone in particular, it's just a general reminder for all involved in the game.  Also, please refer to the beginning page where this matter is mentioned in the game rules.

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 13, 2007 8:16 pm #

(Thank goodness for the edit button nespa.)

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
March 13, 2007 9:11 pm #

(( I'm already embarassed about my testy rant above.  :/  But I'm going to let it stand...  Had to state things clearly. ))

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 13, 2007 9:58 pm #

((well i think that should clear things up lol))

Uriel sat reclined in the pilot seat of the Fury as R9 navigated in the general direction of the planet, still very distant.
"And they said keeping the droid was a bad idea." Uriel said to himself as he fumbled in his flight jacket for the pack of Nicstiks. Finding them he stuck the end of one in his mouth. He was just about to light it when R9 blipped a warning.
Uriel groaned and sat up. "What is it now R9? Another debri cloud?" Suddenly a ship contact appeared on his Data screen.
"Oh I see." Uriel said sitting up straighter. "A ship huh?" Uriel out of habit activated the Fury's cloaking shield. Blending the Matte black hull of his ship into the stars around him seemlessly. "We'll play it safe until we find out who it is. R9 activate the nozzle dampeners would ya? I want this thing to look as cold as the vaccum around us."
R9 bleeped in response as cooling rods folded into place behind the engine nozzles.
"That should make us pretty hard to spot." Uriel said finnaly lighting the nicstik in his mouth and leaning in towards the Data screen. Uriel frowned. "This ain't telling me much, I can't even get a class or power plant reading on that thing. Hmmm, the Katarn." Uriel read the name outloud. "Could be smugglers, maybe pirates. Bring us in a bit closer R9, but make it a SAFE distance."
The droid whirred and the Fury crept closer to the Katarn.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 14, 2007 6:17 am (Edited March 14, 2007 11:43 pm) #

Katarn came up on the Obdurate Hammer's screens and "Jari'eyc" Jim Goran leaned back in his seat. "Cute" he grunted outloud, as he read down the specs of the big ship. Hell it even made the Hammer look like a shuttle.

He and his ship still tagged along behind the Nineveh, always at what he considered a safe distance. Didn't want to crowd a pack of female warriors, his mama taught him to mind his manners. And his father said it was just plain common sense.

A big hand activated the comm on the old consule. "Ugly Jim here, I take it things have worked out onboard. Haven't seen anyone taking a spacewalk without a suit."  The big man grinned and it twisted his scar into a mockery of the expression as always.

"So what's our next move? Shaakback <piggyback> a ride, or slip through their defenses?" He asked, either way Goran knew he would have to hide the Hammer. She was too big for such things, this kind of thing wasn't her speciality.

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell
March 14, 2007 9:09 am #

The door's to the Katarn's bridge slid open smoothly and Orienda strode onto the bridge, followed shortly by Kyr'am and Rella.  A crewmember at a sensor station noticed their entrence and quietly motioned for the captain. 
      "Captain, I've got two contacts on scope.  I had a third, but it disappeared before I could get a lock on it. "  Orienda turned to face Kyr'am "Friends of yours?"
      "Those two, the Nineveh and the Hammer, are the rest of the company coming, but that third one isn't.  Could be somebody tailing us, but I doubt it."
      "Smells like trouble,"  Orienda thought for a second then took a deep breath and exhaled, "All right, contact the Nineveh and the Hammer and grant them permission to land in bay 3, but I want a full security team down there to meet them, and have Vanga meet them personally.  Then go to full alert, all crew to battle stations, I want all fighters powered up and ready to go.  And have our current patrol swing by that third contact and see if they can't find anything.  Kyr'am, Rella, head down to bay 3 and give Vanga a hand."

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
March 14, 2007 11:39 am #

Uriel frowned as his ships sensor arrays picked up some strange energy fluxuations coming from the "Katarn"
"They must have picked us up before we went cold R9." Uriel said to the droid. "They'll be going to battlestations I'm sure."
R9 bleeped.
"I saw that too." Uriel replied. "Two ships are attempting to dock."
Just then red warning claxons began blaring. R9 beeped and whirred annoyingly.
"A fighter wing?" Uriel said grabbing the controls. "They're sweeping for us R9. Damnit, we can't avoid a sonar sweep!"
Uriel watched as the fighters slowly passed, sweeping the sector for a trace of the Fury.
"R9 power down the engines. Theres no way we can outrun them without any fuel."
Suddenly a red warning light flashed inside of Uriel's flight helmet.
"Damnit! They've spotted us!" Uriel swore as the ships swung around and boosted towards him.  A com transmission bleeped up on his HUD. "Attention craft. We have a lock on your position, deactivate your defenses at once or we will open fire."
"Fierfek." Uriel sighed and switched off the cloaking shield. The hull of his ship melted into view. "Don't shoot, don't shoot." he said switching off the auto defenses.
"We have him." Uriel heard one of the pilots say.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 14, 2007 4:48 pm #

Orienda heard the exchange over the comm and turned to the communications station. 
     "Patch me through to that ship," Orienda waited until the comm officer signaled she was patched through before speaking again.  "Unidentified fighter, this is the Independent Vessel Katarn.  You must identify yourself and state your purpose here in the next thirty seconds or be destroyed."

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
March 14, 2007 5:17 pm #

Uriel slammed his fist onto the dash of his fighter. "This is Uriel Koslov of the Fury. I'm low on fuel and need to be refueled. Sorry bout the misunderstanding, I wasn't sure if you were friendlies. By the way, do you happen to need any firearms?"

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 14, 2007 10:37 pm #

Nora brought the Nineveh down in docking bay 3 with the Hammer not far behind. 

“Looks like they left the light on for us...” Saviin commented as she eyed the gathering security team outside the Nineveh. 

The huntress was busy powering down her ship, “It never pays to be too cautious....take no offense...” she reminded her cousin.


“Evaar, see that Anbu and his group disembark swiftly...” Nora instructed her daughter who stood waiting in the hatchway. 

The young brunette gave a nod and strode away to show the passengers off the Nineveh...

“So what shall I do with our young friend in the holding cell?” Saviin inquired.

Nora gave a wry smile, “Tell Goran I have a little project for him...” 

“Vidya would love this...” the tall Mando woman replied with a chuckle as she turned to go fetch Earon from her cell. 

A short while later Nora and her crew were standing at the edge of the Nineveh’s boarding ramp.  Earon had been brought along, at the business end of Saviin’s blaster...

Nora stepped forward, “Greetings,” she stated to the Barabel who was evidently in charge, “Kyr’am Ordo is expecting us...”

Saviin’s violet eyes studied the security team, then scanned the area behind them., someone.....caught her attention.  She zoomed in on the individual via her helm’s HUD.  It was a human female with long curling locks of fiery red hair, standing watch from a distance with blaster rifle in hand.  Although the woman was rather petite in stature, she had and look about her that would make a sane sentient think twice about any funny business.  Saviin’s brows raised behind the visor of her helm, it could only be Red Zee.....

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 14, 2007 10:41 pm #

((Posting Zeta's bio again))

Zeta aka “Red Zee” 
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Home: former slave from Brozyna
Ship : crew member on board the Katarn
Description: 5’5, fair skin, blue eyes, long curly red hair.
Weapons: Modified E-11, Vibro-blades, demolitions, whatever, etc...

Zeta was born a slave on Broyzna.  Her mother died giving birth to her, and she was raised by the other women in the slave quarters.  Known for her strong constitution and feistiness, Zeta was prized as sturdy stock...and therefore would fetch a high price on the market.  She was one of many slave girls loaded onto the dreaded Katarn, destined for underground slave markets throughout the galaxy.  The stories vary as to what exactly happened next, but the fact remains that the slaves revolted and overtook the Katarn and her crew.  The former slave vessel has since been manned by the slaves themselves.  Zeta remains among its crew and is known for her wicked temper and cold nature.  She can be downright brutal (if not savage) at times, a trait that has earned her the nickname “Red Zee”.  Although she has a soft streak that reveals itself on rare occasions, for the most part Zeta is a hard case rarely won...

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 14, 2007 10:47 pm #

Anbu's thoughts coiled for a second as they disembarked. Strange no one had mentioned yet about the missing creds, even these Mandalorians would have noticed. Must not have played strongly in their minds, maybe it just didn't matter. Doc having solved the data card. A good nights sleep was all the stood in their way before the mission began. Maybe a nice room and board would come of this. Dres lead the pack in sight only, Warren giving directions from behind his left shoulder. "Doc and Motoko are sharing a room, I have mine next to that with Brassk and Dres on the side of either room."
Anbu spread his wings lightly. Yawning his only response. Space travel was always tiring.
"Tomorrow, we'll need to wake at five early."
Piling into the turbolift, Dres waited for the next one.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
March 15, 2007 12:20 am #

Goran's big frame sauntered in their direction dressed in his dull gray armor, a disruptor rifle held loosely in one arm, as if the large man needed such a potent weapon. The helmet tilted slightly, "Hail,hail...the gang's all here."

'Ugly' Jim was obviously looking over the Barabels, as he shifted his weapon into a more usable position. The older Mandalorian didn't take any chances, and he would just as soon disintegrate a sentient as he would buy them a drink. Just because he was a good natured Mando didn't mean he was a stupid one.

He nodded toward Anbu and his group, "See you picked up some extra cargo..." One could practically sense the toothy grin behind the black visor. "Turning a cred,while turning a cred.....How positively mercenary of you."

"Jari'eyc" kept his firearm loosely directed at the security team, while trying to look only mildly threatening. He didn't want any of the lizards to get happy trigger fingers, but he'd "ash" the first one that looked at the group funny....And the short red head with the look that could kill, well...he just preferred she kept her distance.

"So what's this project?" he asked Saviin,who was obviously guarding a newcomer. "This must be your spacebait, can't be too bad. 'Cos yer still here." He grinned behind his helm, but his pale blue eyes remained on the security team and their leader.

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell
March 16, 2007 6:07 pm #

"I'd shake your hand, but I don't think the lady over here," Earon jerked her thumb in Saviin's direction, "would like that too much. I just wanna know how I can help. I snuck on board, so spacebait would at  least let me stretch my legs." Earon smiled lightheartedly; breathing fresh air had put her in better moods, even if her life was riding on this group's mood. Somebody had to joke to keep the stress of them; even though Earon knew she wasn't welcome, she was willing to try.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
March 16, 2007 11:40 pm #

Kyr'am strode into bay three as Nora and company disembarked from their vessels.  Walking up next to Vanga, the barabel turned to him and hissed, "You expected them?"   
     "Most of them, I didn't think she'd be bringing this many,"  Kyr'am walked up to Nora and asked, "What happened, I thought you were bringing less than this."

Meanwhile, on the bridge, Orienda was still dealing with the now discovered contact.  "Negative Fury, we do not need weapons.  You will proceed with our escorts to docking bay 3, where we will refuel your ship.  If you deviate from your course or attempt to evade, the escorting ships will destroy you, do you understand?"

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
March 19, 2007 9:27 am #

Uriel sighed. "Yeah yeah, following you in." he shut his COM switch. "These guys don't screw around R9." he said to the droid. "Bad for business, but I'll see what I can do. Gods sake why am I talking to a droid?"
R9 beebed annoyingly.
Uriel made a psh noise. "I'd like to see them try R9. I have over 400 sorties under my belt, If theres a better pilot out here, I wanna meet em. Noone can touch the Fury."
Uriel throttled up his ship and followed the escorts towards Docking Bay Three, making sure to keep his thumb well away from the trigger of the chain guns tucked away under the rear x foils.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 19, 2007 10:43 am #

Kyr'am walked up to Nora and asked, "What happened, I thought you were bringing less than this."

The huntress made a face behind the visor of her helm.  “If you will recall.....I cleared their passage with both you and the Katarn before we left port.  And that,” she made a gesture towards Earon, “ an attempted stow-away.  We will deal with her ourselves...”

Saviin leaned slightly towards Goran, “I hear you’re a good babysitter.  So here....” she snorted, shoving Earon towards the man, “I don’t have the patience....”

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 19, 2007 1:02 pm #

"Fury you are cleared to land. Maintain current heading and velocity." A voice said into Uriel's com.
"Copy." Uriel replied watching the hanger doors open soundlessly. "Acquiring approach vector."
Uriel guided the Fury into the yawning, brightly lit hanger bay. There were already quite a few ships inside, but finding a spot for an X-Wing proved easy enough.
He unfastened his shoulder restraints when he felt the skids touch down and the tug of artificial gravity weighed on his chest. Calmly he reached behind his seat and picked up his custom E-11. He wasn't going to take any chances with these Mandos.
Uriel popped open the canopy and leaped to the ground. "R9." he said turning to the droid perched on top. "Lock her down, I'll supervise the refueling myself." R9 beeped in response.
There were several figures all in the hanger, most wearing visored helmets that covered their faces.
"Hmm." Uriel thought to himself. "Menacing, but I'm not impressed." he took a couple steps towards the group. "Hey," he said outloud this time. "Who's in charge of this heap?"

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 19, 2007 6:46 pm #

"Jari'eyc Jim Goran..." the big man introduced himself to  Earon. "...That's Ugly Jim to you non-mando types." Saviin shoved the girl toward the older man stating he was the lucky barve to watch her.

A big gloved hand rested on the stowaway's shoulder, and Goran's dull colored helmet dipped down close. "Now what possessed you to sneak onto a Mando ship?"

"Gutsy, but foolish." He straightened back up, "Stick with me, kiddo. Yah didn't sneak on the Hammer, so we're cool like Hoth." The gray toned warrior leaned back slightly, "But if you try to sabotage this job,or pull any osik...I will shoot you first, and ask questions later. Clear?"

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell
March 25, 2007 4:24 pm #

(( Its been almost a week since anyone has posted here.  I have active RPGs at other sites that I am busy in, so if this one has gone idle, then I will go ahead and declare it closed.  I'll wait a few more days just in case.  :)  ))

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 26, 2007 9:53 am #

(At least give a week, I haven't had a chance to post.)

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
March 26, 2007 12:27 pm #

Its already been a week. 
I'll wait another week, and then close it if need be. 
No worries either way...

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 26, 2007 2:47 pm #

((I'm sorry, my cousin just came back from Iraq, he's going back in this week end. I haven't time to post on anything.))

"Like crystal, sir?" Ewoyn had met quite a number of men who hated to be called "sir". "Trust me, I just wanna help." [i/]Get away from the fame of your name, more like. Makin' your own way through the game. Hey, that rhymed. . .[/i]

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
March 26, 2007 3:16 pm #
-Fettish- wrote:

Its already been a week. 
I'll wait another week, and then close it if need be. 
No worries either way...

In that case I'll post before tomorrow.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
March 26, 2007 3:30 pm #

Atinvod, take all the time you need visiting with your cousin.  That's far more important than this game.

Maltese, post whenever you wish.  No rush.

I just thought maybe everyone had lost interest.  I'm glad to see that's not the case.  :D

Carry on!

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 27, 2007 2:37 pm #

OOC:  Just a reminder to everyone about where the characters all are:

Nora's ship and Goran's ship have both just arrived at the Katarn and docked there.  Nora's party are all still standing before the Barabel security team in the docking bay, awaiting a response. 

The Katarn is a large, former slave ship still in space.  It is not a planet.  So for any characters who just disembarked from the Nineveh (Nora's ship) you are now just on a much larger ship which is still in space.  The ship is run by former slaves, who are going to assist in the mission to some extent by helping Nora's team reach Brozyna, the planet where the helmet is being kept in a security vault. 

Other characters are arriving via their own ships, also planning to dock on the Katarn. 

The goal here is, with the help of the Katarn's crew, to reach Brozyna (the planet) where the helmet is being kept in a high security vault owned by a rich human male. 

The helm is not in a house, not in a Hutt palace, nor any other location.  And we are are all still in space...aboard the Katarn or our own personal vessels.

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 27, 2007 2:42 pm #

(Well, it's slightly depressing to think we're still not planetside. I'll wait till we arrive to post then.)

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
March 27, 2007 2:57 pm (Edited March 27, 2007 02:58 pm) #

How could we possibly be on planet side when recent posts clearly state that people have just arrived on the Katarn?? 

There are new characters on board (and arriving at) the Katarn, waiting to be introduced.
Nora still has to meet with Kyr'am to further discuss the mission details.
Red Zee has to make her intro and establish herself as a character.
There are entire pieces of the plot that need to be worked out. 

They cannot go from stepping off their ship and onto the Katarn, not even speaking to anyone, to suddenly being on a the middle of a Hutt palace no less!  I have no idea where the Hutt palace came from.  The helm is not there and there are no Hutts running Brozyna.  The description of Brozyna was given much earlier in the game, Nora briefly describes the planet's economy, social set up, and the like.

Please try to follow the story.  Do not make major plot changes and the like.  If you want to be in a game where you can take complete control of the story and turn it to your liking, then perhaps you should join a story that accomodates that type of playing. 

Also, I am going to wait until the end of this week and then if there is no response I will be closing this game.  I might start another one, I haven't decided yet.  I have quite a few elsewhere that I am busy with.  But I'd hate to give up on BFFC yet as I can see there are a number of active players here.

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 27, 2007 7:49 pm #

(You'd be surprised what mistakes some people can make when they aren't paying enough attention. I forgot where we were. I would also like to defend my case in that no one corrected me when I did that earlier, notably I mentioned being planetside had to change that today. Not a big issue. Thankfully I'm not after the helm.)

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
April 3, 2007 7:18 pm #

The story has been stalled since around March 19th.  If anyone is still interested in playing, post a message.   Otherwise I will close this game end of this week.

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
April 3, 2007 8:34 pm #

(Either way is fine with me, closed or open.)

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
April 4, 2007 5:54 am #

Sure, I posted something to continue earlier. Just, there are no responding comments, yet.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
April 6, 2007 9:10 pm #

This game is closed. 
I have other games at different sites and don't have time to press this one anymore...

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"

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