Who would emerge victorious. My money is on Vader, Cwolf says Palpatine.
Say who you think would win, and why.
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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Who would emerge victorious. My money is on Vader, Cwolf says Palpatine.
Say who you think would win, and why.
easy Sidious wins plain and simple u wanna know why ill tell u why Sidious>Yoda>Darth Vader
Don't you think that possibly not all the ranks that everyone has made in star wars should be summed up due to one skirmish or battle between a few characters? Just because Sidious beat Yoda doesn't mean shit. The only reason Yoda ran off is because more storm troopers were going to back sidiouses panzy ass up.
I think that Vader clearly has the potential to beat Sidious. He has the emotion, and hatred enough. He even has enough skill to realize when he's being stupid, and go back to the light side.
Vader doesn't ever kill Sidious, because he looks up to him.
That's what I think.
disagree here again Yoda alone said he failed knowing that he tried his hardest and palpatine was yet too much for yoda so then again yes i do think it should be based on one skirmish because they all fought their hardest in that one skirmish did they not?
Yoda didn't say, I tried my hardest, and he is just way too strong man, I give up.
Yoda said he failed, meaning he failed to kill darth sidious. Have you ever played a video game, and failed on a whim, and then come back and owned?
To honestly judge, you would have to do a scientific experiment. This requires three trials!
and no friggin troopers to interfere
lol yah u own them because its always the same battle or same level and nothing changes or if it does its the same thing but in different order.... and Yoda did try his hardest why wouldn't he... he is to intellgent not to
Yoda also made lightsaber form Zero, which is the form of not fighting at all. Yoda didn't lose, he simply ran out of time, because sidious was being a faggot, throwing shit from a distance like a panzy. Notice any time that Yoda got close, Palpatine shit his pants.
lol thats part of a fight ne thing goes and yoda doesnt know any offensive force powers to my knowledge but if he did he obvisouly thought they were worthless or he would have used them wouldn't he have?
I swear to god. You dare question Yodas force skills?
I say we make a new blog, Yoda vs palpatine.
Then we will see.
Do it.
Oh for god's sake Yoda was defeated period! Just admit Sidious is more powerful. And Darth Vader cannot kill Sidious by himself. At the most it is somehow a draw. Anyways I remember I read a quote from Lucas that said Vader was 80% as powerful as Sidious.
Sidious and the emperor that got thrown down the shaft in ROTJ are the same person. Vader killed Sidious there, and if youve played ROTS, the bonus lvl, anakin kills obiwan then kills Sidious. Its over, Vader kicks ass, Sidious get's ass rash.
yeah what a pathetic scream that sidious made while falling!
I think Vader would win because Sidious trusted that Vader was under his power. Had Anakin sided with Mace I think they would have defeated Sidious. I think it would have been a good fight.
yeah, anakin would clearly wi against sidious but i think mace would die! Even though he's very experienced!
Sidious in his prime would definatly win.
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lol 1st of all Games dont count they are games villmar.... and we are saying if they squared off not if they got suprised like Palpatine did by vader in ROTJ.... this isnt a hard answer palpatine was the more powerful jedi do u remeber palpatine in episode 3 taking down what 2 master jedi within seconds... and we dont know if he actually lost to mace or if he just planned it to make anakin become his puppet
lol 1st of all Games dont count they are games villmar.... and we are saying if they squared off not if they got suprised like Palpatine did by vader in ROTJ.... this isnt a hard answer palpatine was the more powerful jedi do u remeber palpatine in episode 3 taking down what 2 master jedi within seconds... and we dont know if he actually lost to mace or if he just planned it to make anakin become his puppet
Yeah Villimar exactly what I was going to say. He only killed Sidious because he was busy frying Luke like chicken. And we do know that Sidious didn't lose to Mace; he made it look like he was going to be killed when Anakin came so that he would side with him. If Anakin came in and Sidious was frying Mace who do you think Anakin would've saved? He STILL might side with Sidious, but he wouldn't make the decision as quickly as he did.
Both sides have very good points.
Unfortunatley I still am not going to change my point of view on this because I guess I'm stubborn. I don't think it's fair to base who is better anyways because it's a movie! The underdog quite often comes out on top anyways. So who is to judge who is better, based on one fight? I'm sure there are tons of times for example where a jedi would get killed, and boba fett for example would live.
All I'm trying to say is that it's a movie, followed by movie guidlines.
Boba Fett captured Han Solo, but the Han Solo put Fett into the pit. Who is better?
It's just silly.
Luke beat Vader, does that mean that Luke is better than Vader? They fight twice, but Luke wins once, and Vader wins once. Who is to decide based on one fight?
Haha, we are talking about who is better. Then I realized it doesn't even matter. No one is to judge I think. We can only assume.
Both sides have very good points.
Unfortunatley I still am not going to change my point of view on this because I guess I'm stubborn. I don't think it's fair to base who is better anyways because it's a movie! The underdog quite often comes out on top anyways. So who is to judge who is better, based on one fight? I'm sure there are tons of times for example where a jedi would get killed, and boba fett for example would live.
All I'm trying to say is that it's a movie, followed by movie guidlines.
Boba Fett captured Han Solo, but the Han Solo put Fett into the pit. Who is better?
It's just silly.
Well it depends what you mean. If you're asking who would win in a fight, Boba. Who's the better hunter? Boba. Who has better social skills? Solo. Who is the better smuggler? Han. It depends what the topic is. Also that is what rivals are: 2 conflicting people who are hard to say which one is better.
what!? who's better at sending posts than anyone else? ....!!?
Thats not what he meant. How old are you? 9?
I think Vader could have taken Sidious before he was turned into TorsoBoy by Obi-Wan. He was growing more and more powerful by the minute, and even Sidious admits Vader would one day surpass him. Also, I think either a sourcebook or Lucas himself states Vader could have taken Sidious before he lost his limbs. It's after he is encased in the infamous black body armor is his power reduced to 80 % of Sidious's. In which case Sidious could have just fried him with force lightning, as Vader would have been unable to counter.
I think Vader could have taken Sidious before he was turned into TorsoBoy by Obi-Wan. He was growing more and more powerful by the minute, and even Sidious admits Vader would one day surpass him. Also, I think either a sourcebook or Lucas himself states Vader could have taken Sidious before he lost his limbs. It's after he is encased in the infamous black body armor is his power reduced to 80 % of Sidious's. In which case Sidious could have just fried him with force lightning, as Vader would have been unable to counter.
Yes that is exactly what I meant.
ohhh, thanks mace.
you know, when Sidious was testing Darth Maul, he was harassing him. Maul gets this incredible rage and almost kills Sidious, but Sidious was going light and could have sliced him at anytime.
Vader, in episode 3 sidious said vader would be more powerful than him or yoda. (Oh, and Mace beat Sidious fair and square, you could tell Sidious didn't plan all that, since Mace was able to deflect his lightning and scar sidious, nearly killing him.)
Yes, but some people say that Sidious was planning on losing, thus making Anakin think the jedi were evil. It could have been a very very elabroate planning by sidious.
Or not. I suppose it will always be a mystery.
Naw, he definitely planned it. Remember how fast Sidious was going when he was dueling Yoda? That was way more speed than when he faced Mace.
Eggs and Bacon.
Only one point to make on this one, Sidious wins....
Here's why- Anyone who has read Dark Lord:Rise of Darth Vader knows that sidious put anakin in a inferior body than he could have simply to keep him weaker than himself. and here's the MAIN point...
Lightning, Vader's life is held by a iron lung on his chest, therefore if HE throws lightning, his suit shorts and he dies, if hit with lightning his suit shorts and he dies, and what is sidious' favored power? lightning.
there you go Sidious defeats Vader
I'll give you the fact that lightning would kill him. Unless he could stop it somehow, like Mace did with his lightsaber, or like Yoda did by controlling it. And while he is blocking the lightning, he chokes Sidious to death.
So I guess it all depends on Vaders ability to block the lightning, which I believe he would be able to do.
darth vader would have kicked sidiouses old ass. he was younger and more powerful and like villimar said, at he bonouse level it showed what would have happened if anikin had killed obi-wan, he would have killed sidiouse. if you think logicaly vader is the prime candidate to kill sidiouse.
Anakin didnt kill Obi Wan though so that never happened.
darth vader would have kicked sidiouses old ass. he was younger and more powerful and like villimar said, at he bonouse level it showed what would have happened if anikin had killed obi-wan, he would have killed sidiouse. if you think logicaly vader is the prime candidate to kill sidiouse.
If you think logically you will notice Vader's suit is a sort of lightning rod, therefore magnifying the damage caused by Sidious.
Vader would just block the lightning, and choke the old man.
Vader would just block the lightning, and choke the old man.
Sidious wouldn't go down so easily.
What evidence is there that Vader even knows how to block lightning?
There isn't. (slaps all who think blocking lightning is like flushing the toilet)
There isn't. (slaps all who think blocking lightning is like flushing the toilet)
Well since I was the first to suggest it, I'll try to defend myself. No it probably isn't easy top block force lightning, but then again Vader isn't a push over. He is one of the strongest sith, and Dooku was able to at least deflect it, Windu was able to block it, and Yoda was able to control it. And he definately has a reason to learn it, as he knows that Sidious uses it as a main attack. And Since all Sith think of overthrowing their masters, its obvious he had a plan to block Sidious's lightning.
Very good points but another question arises, how would Vader learn how to block force lightning? I'm sure one of the only person who could use force lightning at the time was Sidious, and I'm pretty sure Sidious didn't use Vader as target practice. It all depends on what powers block the force lightning involves, and since we don't really know that information it leaves us to speculate. But he could probably do it with his lightsaber like Windu.
He did see Windu bloking it so he would know all he would have to do is use his saber. Plus since he had a thurst for noledge i reckon he would've tried to lean as much as possible, so there is every chance he would be able to.
and palpatine is a faggot, and vader isnt, so vader would dominate
im not trying to be stupid, or ignorant, even though im sounding like it, but vader would just beat sidious.
Remember, although Anakin was stronger in the force than most jedi, his training was as yet unfinished, despit is rapid promotion through the ranks, he still lack knowledge. He would not know how to block force lightningsince other than dooku he never really had orry about it, therefore probably wouldn't have been trained in it. BUT remember being younger doesn't mean better, could mace beat Yoda? I think not, They said themselves the sith have been xtinct for thousands of years as far as they jdi knew, and we can gather that palpatine is the last sith since plagueis (his master) therefore making him older than yoda (unless someone can prove me wrong here) thereforce making him FAR moe powerful in knowledge of the force than even vader, cuase he taught vader al that Vader knew of the dark side not all that Sidiou knew of it
This question gets answerd at the end of ROTJ Vader wins.
No, it does not. That was not a battle. Vader metaphoriclly sucker-punched Palpatine.
Remember, although Anakin was stronger in the force than most jedi, his training was as yet unfinished, despit is rapid promotion through the ranks, he still lack knowledge. He would not know how to block force lightningsince other than dooku he never really had orry about it, therefore probably wouldn't have been trained in it. BUT remember being younger doesn't mean better, could mace beat Yoda? I think not, They said themselves the sith have been xtinct for thousands of years as far as they jdi knew, and we can gather that palpatine is the last sith since plagueis (his master) therefore making him older than yoda (unless someone can prove me wrong here) thereforce making him FAR moe powerful in knowledge of the force than even vader, cuase he taught vader al that Vader knew of the dark side not all that Sidiou knew of it
I don't think it was ever mentioned how old Palgueis is. I'm assuming he wasn't thousands of years old despite his ability to extend life. And the people of Naboo would figure out if there representative was thousands of years old. So I honestly do not believe that Sidious is older than Yoda. If he was he could have easily wiped out anyone who went against him, including Yoda and Mace.
.. if anybody has read my list of Anakin's cheap shots, the end of ROTJ was on it.
Sidious has trained more and is skilled from his years of practice with the force and the saber. but, vader is the "chosen one" the one to bring balance to the force. vader has alot more raw talent and more force power than palpitine will ever have, but in all out fight sidous by far sidous, vader needs more training under his belt.
Very good points but another question arises, how would Vader learn how to block force lightning? I'm sure one of the only person who could use force lightning at the time was Sidious, and I'm pretty sure Sidious didn't use Vader as target practice. It all depends on what powers block the force lightning involves, and since we don't really know that information it leaves us to speculate. But he could probably do it with his lightsaber like Windu.
"Curse Fett! He thinks he's real smart." "He is smart, Bossk. That's why he's the best."
—Bossk and Zuckuss
In the bokks of the vong invasion where Jaina temporarily goes dark side she uses lighting against Kyp who then renders it harmless giving the explanation of since he knows how to use it, he therefore knows how to defend against it, which really makes sense if you assume that you must know about a power in order to use it, shutting it off, what makes it work and why etc.....
FetttheBountyHunter wrote:
Remember, although Anakin was stronger in the force than most jedi, his training was as yet unfinished, despit is rapid promotion through the ranks, he still lack knowledge. He would not know how to block force lightningsince other than dooku he never really had orry about it, therefore probably wouldn't have been trained in it. BUT remember being younger doesn't mean better, could mace beat Yoda? I think not, They said themselves the sith have been xtinct for thousands of years as far as they jdi knew, and we can gather that palpatine is the last sith since plagueis (his master) therefore making him older than yoda (unless someone can prove me wrong here) thereforce making him FAR moe powerful in knowledge of the force than even vader, cuase he taught vader al that Vader knew of the dark side not all that Sidiou knew of it
I don't think it was ever mentioned how old Palgueis is. I'm assuming he wasn't thousands of years old despite his ability to extend life. And the people of Naboo would figure out if there representative was thousands of years old. So I honestly do not believe that Sidious is older than Yoda. If he was he could have easily wiped out anyone who went against him, including Yoda and Mace.
He WAS able to easily wipe out Yoda and Mace, they really didn't give him more than a moment's difficulty, Palpatine MEANT to appear weak and vulnerable so that Anakin would see how "evil" the Jedi had become and side with him, If he had instead witnessed Palpatine owning Mace and killing him, he never would have fallen to the trick and turned dark. And how do you know he was the representative for Naboo the whole time, I doubt he was, if he is that old, he probably spent the majority of it setting up the entire plot. Also with most of Naboo's government being weakminded, his ability to make them think what he wanted, probably helped him a great deal, remember he was able to stand NEXT to Mace AND Yoda and keep his real identity hidden.
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Note: the last post in this topic was 17 years ago.
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