my freind and I got into an argument over who would win between Boba Fett and Goku from DBZ, so I think Boba will win, what about you guys?
Topic: Boba Fett VS. Goku
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
62 posts
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How do you beat a super sayin or whatever?
Wouldn't he dodge a lot of stuff?
I spose Boba could trap him in a room and kill him or something.
I'll go with Boba's cunning on this one.
Like always..
I'd say Boba because I've never watched Dragonball Z. So GO BOBA GO!
I formerly watched the show. I would have to say Son Goku.
I'll go with Boba, but he'd probably get a couple broken bones in the process of winning.
In a fist fight, Goku would win hands down. There's no way a normal human would win against a Saiyan, especially if they go Super Saiyan or higher.
Now, if they were trying to outsmart one another, Boba would win because Goku isn't the brightest crayon in the box.
-Rampage, Beast Wars
Goku would win. It would take over ten episodes (and possibly an entire season) and after he ran out of Dragon Balls, wishes, and a few people have died, Goku eventually would transform to Super Sayin Fourteen Hundred and Seven and our dear friend Boba would indeed be defeated.
…unless Fett distracted him with food…
No, Boba would punch him, and his shirt would blow off. Then he would do int Super Sayin. He would then create a ball of energy the size of a planet for ten episodes, mean while, Boba is standing there the whole time not moving. Then Son Goku would throw the giant mass of energy, ad Boba's chest plates (but not any other parts of his armor) would disintegrate.
Hahahahaha! Exactly! Oh man *wipes tear from eye*
Oh, the good old days. *sigh*
Don't forget the part where the whole world would stand around just watching and commentating in complete and utter shock at every move!
And of course whenever Boba uses his blaster, he must yell out "Ultra-Hyper-Mega-Super-Uber-Turbo Blast," thus alerting the enemy, but making the attack ten times as powerful.
In a fist fight, Goku would win hands down. There's no way a normal human would win against a Saiyan, especially if they go Super Saiyan or higher.
Now, if they were trying to outsmart one another, Boba would win because Goku isn't the brightest crayon in the box.
Ah, but Boba is far from normal.
But Son Goku is so much more powerful than Boba. Boba cannot create giant sheres of energy.
Electro is far more powerful than Spider-man, but Spidey kicks his butt 90% of the time anyway.
Yes, but Son Goku is insanly powerful compared to average humans. Fett just could not compare to him.
Gotta go with Goku, as much as Boba is smart, Goku is powerful. He could destroy entire planets with ease. Boba can come no where close to that kind of power. It takes the entire Deathstar to produce that kind of power, and Boba just couldn't stand up to it.
Hail to the King Baby!!
yeah now that I think real hard Cakarot would probably win unless Boba like always came up with some way of killing him so... I'll remain neutral on this one.
(( sorry i havnt been on I just forgot to log out))
Yes, but Son Goku is insanly powerful compared to average humans. Fett just could not compare to him.
But although Goku is more powerful than Fett, Fett still isn't average.
draco fett wrote:Yes, but Son Goku is insanly powerful compared to average humans. Fett just could not compare to him.
But although Goku is more powerful than Fett, Fett still isn't average.
He is also insanly powerful compared to any human, clone, Mandalorian, Corallian, Furyian, etc.
In a fist fight, Goku would win hands down. There's no way a normal human would win against a Saiyan, especially if they go Super Saiyan or higher.
Now, if they were trying to outsmart one another, Boba would win because Goku isn't the brightest crayon in the box.
I agree with this, Boba wouldn't win in a fist fight, because he's not fast or powerful enough, and probably lacks the martial arts skills that Goku has.
But I think Boba would win if it was the usual energy blast fight scene that we see in DBZ so many times.
Just as Goku goes for the kamehameha, Boba would dive out of the way, like Jango did the Reek, and send a well placed rocket right in Goku's head, winning the fight.
Oh, Boba's definently a better martial artist than Goku, but I agree that Goku is stronger.
When has Boba ever demonstrated martial arts skills other than a probably non-canon video-game? Goku is much stronger, faster, and powerful than Boba.
And in a partly cannon comic, and i think it says it on wiki but as we have been reminded countless times they are not trustworthy. But i think it is extremly likely Boba has a vast nolige of fighting styles and techniques.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
What comic? Even if Boba did have a vast knowledge of martial arts, and was able to manuver with speed and agility in his armor, he probably would not be able to hit Kakarot.
Never could Boba hit Goku, and say he did hit him, so what? Goku would just yawn and eat a hamburger. Boba doesn't have the power behind the punch. It's like throwing a rock at the deathstar. When Goku has the power to destroy a planet, to travel instantaneously anywhere in the universe, and to become infinitely stronger by yelling really loud... Boba has no chance.
I mean, nobody in the Star Wars universe could beat Goku in my mind, not even the old Sith like Marca Ragnos. There is just a complete gap in power.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Boba Fett punching Goku is a lot like Captain America punching the Hulk. Although Goku is many times stronger, the punch will still hurt. Not to mention Fett's judo skills. Now, combine this with Fett's armor, weapons, and intelligence, Boba has a pretty good chance of winning.
Boba has NO chance. Boba's punch would not hurt Son Goku. Boba could not keep up with Goku. Goku can travel almost at the speed of light. Boba can't. None of Boba's weapons would effect Goku in the most minor way. Goku has be hit with masses of pure energy the size of a planet. Boba has no judo skills. How do you know that Boba has any martial art skills at all?
Boba has martial skills. Read Boba Fett: Death, Lies, and Treachery, THe Bounty Hunter Wars books, Shadows of The Empire(comic, fully canon), and those are just a few. Not to mention Jango Fett opening seasons, where Jango kills several jedi with his bare hands, which Boba could also do.
I know that he can fight, but I doubt that he has trained in martial arts. The only material that is one-hundred percent canon is the movies.
Still if there's more than one source i then i reckon you can believe it. If only the movies are cannon then that means we cant use any comics or books in arguments. Thefore we said Boba would beat Vader but if we cant call that comic canon then there is no proof Boba could beat Vader. If only the movies are canon then Boba is dead and there is nothing showing him doing any good bounty hunting that would probably make Jango a better warrior.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
I know that he can fight, but I doubt that he has trained in martial arts. The only material that is one-hundred percent canon is the movies.
Well now you're getting a little silly Draco. Because if you wanna base it off only the movies, Boba can't beat anyone we put him against in these versus battles. Because all he did was stand and look cool, miss people with blasters, slow Luke down with his cable, and get knocked into the Sarlaac by a blind man.
But Spidey you are definately overestimating Boba or underestimating Goku. It comes down to this:
Bobas EE-3 = put a small hole in a wall.
His cuncussion grenades = maybe take the wall down.
Gokus spirit bomb = Destroy planets (and that is before changing to SS)
Boba's armor = can withstand a few blaster shots, but also doesn't cover his whole body.
Goku = Has lived through the destruction of entire continents.
Boba = quick on his feet, and agile.
Goku = Can travel faster than the speed of light (he can instantly teleport anywhere he can think of)
Verdict = Boba is awesome, but can't touch Goku. The realities are just too far apart. Even enemies that Goku would now find easy (Like the androids or Freeza) would completely destroy anyone in the Star Wars Universe.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Still if there's more than one source i then i reckon you can believe it. If only the movies are cannon then that means we cant use any comics or books in arguments. Thefore we said Boba would beat Vader but if we cant call that comic canon then there is no proof Boba could beat Vader. If only the movies are canon then Boba is dead and there is nothing showing him doing any good bounty hunting that would probably make Jango a better warrior.
1. I was merely pointing out the fact that "Shadows of the Empire" is not completely canon.
2. I did not say that everything outside of the movies is completely non-canon.
3. We know for two reasons that Boba is a better bounty hunter than Jango, Expanded Universe aside for three reasons:
3a. Boba was picked by the Empire to capture Solo as one of the greatest bounty hunters.
3b. Out of some of the greatest bounty hunters, Boba was the one to capture Solo.
3c. Jango did not do any great bounty hunting.
whoa, this whole goku thing is a little out of my element- but draco, you should check ur self.
"shadows..." is canon, lucasarts-did a comic, a book and game. they all compliment each other.
until they are eclipsed by the tv show or lucas shoots them down, they r as good as a movie.
i think the "force unleashed" game is going to be a similar media event.
IMO. ur thoughts?
or back on topic-of which i dont even know who guku is...
whoa, this whole goku thing is a little out of my element- but draco, you should check ur self.
"shadows..." is canon, lucasarts-did a comic, a book and game. they all compliment each other.
until they are eclipsed by the tv show or lucas shoots them down, they r as good as a movie.i think the "force unleashed" game is going to be a similar media event.
IMO. ur thoughts?or back on topic-of which i dont even know who guku is...
Trying not to veer too far from the subject, I do believe that the force unleashed will have a few pieces of information that Lucas has come up with himself. Thereby making them canon (i believe...). But some of the stuff I have seen the characters doing in the trailers makes me wonder how these jedi are doing the things they do. Like putting up a huge forcefield that knocks back hundreds of troops.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Boba a thousand times over. Goku might be able to go Super Saiyan Level 24153.4, but in the end, the guy is a flaming idiot. The fight would go down as so:
Super-Duper Saiyan Goku v. 24153.4: AAAAAAAAA -
Boba Fett: Look! A...giant bowl of rice! -points-
Super-Duper Saiyan Goku v. 24153.4: REALLY? OMG WHERE?! -turns, looks-
Boba Fett: -flees!-
Fifteen minutes later...
Super-Duper Saiyan Goku v. 24153.4: Hey...there's no giant bowl of rice here at all!
Boba a thousand times over. Goku might be able to go Super Saiyan Level 24153.4, but in the end, the guy is a flaming idiot. The fight would go down as so:
Super-Duper Saiyan Goku v. 24153.4: AAAAAAAAA -
Boba Fett: Look! A...giant bowl of rice! -points-
Super-Duper Saiyan Goku v. 24153.4: REALLY? OMG WHERE?! -turns, looks-
Boba Fett: -flees!-Fifteen minutes later...
Super-Duper Saiyan Goku v. 24153.4: Hey...there's no giant bowl of rice here at all!
So Boba wins... because he ran away? This doesn't make any sense at all. It does in fact seem likely to happen, but it would be a win for Goku as Boba fled the battle.
Hail to the King Baby!!
So? Boba still lived, man. And made Goku look for an invisible bowl of rice. Survival in that case can be taken as a victory (the widdle Mando commander managed to escape the walking mass of muscle and gravity-defying hair).
i'm in total agreement with draco on this one. this fight would be very long and drawn out, but that's just because it would take goku that long building up the energy for a death star sized, planet destroying, KAAAAAAAAAAAAMEEEEYYYYYYYYYYHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Son Goku only uses that attack as a finisher on extremly powerful enemys. He would not even need to use it on Boba.
Boba a thousand times over. Goku might be able to go Super Saiyan Level 24153.4, but in the end, the guy is a flaming idiot. The fight would go down as so:
Super-Duper Saiyan Goku v. 24153.4: AAAAAAAAA -
Boba Fett: Look! A...giant bowl of rice! -points-
Super-Duper Saiyan Goku v. 24153.4: REALLY? OMG WHERE?! -turns, looks-
Boba Fett: -flees!-Fifteen minutes later...
Super-Duper Saiyan Goku v. 24153.4: Hey...there's no giant bowl of rice here at all!
HA HA! An asian rice joke! Nice! You've just officially put yourself at really awsome in my book, nice to meet you and welcome to the boards.
Boba a thousand times over. Goku might be able to go Super Saiyan Level 24153.4, but in the end, the guy is a flaming idiot. The fight would go down as so
At past Super Sayin Level Four (that number may be higher), Son Goku's mental state change completely. When he turns into the ape like being, he is insane, and could smite Boba out of existance. Past that, he is essentially the exact opposite of his usual self, so I've heard.
my freind and I got into an argument over who would win between Boba Fett and Goku from DBZ, so I think Boba will win, what about you guys?
Um... I think you all forgot that this is NOT a fist fight and that Boba dose have a SHIP and a flame,rocket,and anything else he wants wrist gauntlet. Not to mention his jet pac...
Boba still would be flattened even with Slave 1.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Um... I think you all forgot that this is NOT a fist fight and that Boba dose have a SHIP and a flame,rocket,and anything else he wants wrist gauntlet. Not to mention his jet pac...
Nothing that you listed there would have any major effect on Son Goku. As Fetter has previously said, Goku has survived continents being blown up, while on those continents. Boba is not a god, just a very nifty character.
lol i like how people still think boba can beat a unbeatable opponent
what if Boba gave Goku a disease? I mean he died once from heart disease, unless Trunks travels back in time once again to save him.
Hey just check'n if my pic show's up...
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yeah, Fett has retractable spike boots, rocket knee pad darts, lots of sensors indicating where Kakarot will be coming up, and he could probably just build a new device to give him a sheild around his armor kind of like Goku's super saiyin aura, or maybe even stronger.
Son Goku has the ability to destroy a planet. A force feild or anything else that you said is enough to slow him down.
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