Topic: Imperial Conquest

Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.

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Topic #1082
February 15, 2007 3:24 pm #

"I like the job so far, but it can't be over so soon. I suspect there's more to come?" She asked, squinting her eyes at him.

((Sorry for such the long wait. I've been busy lately.))

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
February 16, 2007 11:50 am #

Uriel opened his eyes. He was lying on a table, his leg ached dully but someone had yanked the shrapnel out and smeared the wound with bacta.
Uriel groaned and sat up. He must be in the safehouse, and judging by the silence, the fight was over.
Suddenly the rebel officer walked into the room.
"So Koslov." he said bitterly. "I've read your file. Ditching your squadron? Deserting your post? Do you even know what the penalty for going Awal is? You should've been shot Koslov."
Uriel scowled bitterly. "I've had just about enough of you."
The officer returned his look. "I am an officer, and you will address me as such!"
Uriel stood up and limped towards him. "Did you forget already? I'm no rebel. I haven't been for nearly 10 years! What makes you think I should listen to you?"
"Then I guess we don't need you." The officer replied. "We don't need the assistance of some Mercenary scum."
Uriel clenched his fists. On any other day, this man would've been dead where he stood. But he needed to gain his trust, and right now he pretty much hated him.
Uriel sighed. "Sorry sir." he said. "Just tell me what I can do to help."

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 17, 2007 10:30 pm #

Devon had just finished collecting weapons from the battlefield, and when he got in he heard the field officer talking to Uriel.
"We don't need help from Mercenary scum." the officer said.
"Sorry sir." Uriel said. "Just tell me what I can do to help."
Devon walked up to them. "I think you could help us carrying the weapons to our speeders." Devon said.
"Yes, do that." The officer said. "But I have a list of everything that's there, and I don't want to see something's missing!"
Uriel tried to get up and he looked slightly surprised when he could walk normally.
"Our medics are skilled, Koslov, and you know that." The officer said. "Don't look so surprised, I know it hurts, but you can walk perfectly."
"Okay, I'll just go help carrying the weapons, then." Uriel said. "And I would never steal like that."
"I hope you mean it." the officer said and nodded. "We know a rescue is coming soon, it seems like the Mon Calamari are on their way to Ryloth, so they changed their course slightly, so they will come and help us. But first we need to get out of town."

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
February 18, 2007 3:10 pm #

((Don't worry about Thylacine. :P I totally know the feeling.))

Fenneth Crow gave an evil smil and no answer. He stepped ontop of another corpse and intentionally crushed it into the sand-covered ground, then mentioned off-handedly, "I feel a sudden urge to visit our Imperial friends."

He looked over his cloaked shoulder at Alo with another smile pulling at the corner of his mouth, "Care to see if I know how to show a fine lady with a callused trigger finger a night on the town?"

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
February 18, 2007 4:30 pm #

Alo's mouth hitched up into a grin. "Imperial night on the town huh?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, as long as you buy me flowers, I won't complain." Her eyes flashed almost playfully before she blinked it away, her eyes hardening into their usual glare.

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
February 18, 2007 6:46 pm #

"Damn." Fenn dragged the toe of his boot thoughtfully in the sand then looked over at Alo, "Flowers, huh?"

The Emperor's Hand turned, looked up at the sun with a black-gloved hand over his eyes, then again at the female mercenary.

"Well, I make no promises on this fair planet of Tatooine, but, then again, anything is possible." He shrugged with half a bow then moved off toward the street. He motioned once with his gun hand and the Vigo's now abandoned speeder started up. Fenn angled his head around and added, "Oh, and you're driving."

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
February 19, 2007 9:37 pm #

Uriel fought the urge to limp as he and Devon loaded the rebel weapons into a waiting speeder. The officer was rights, the medics to a damn good job fixing his leg.
"That was a pretty close call back there Uriel." Devon said lugging a weapon case. "I thought you were dead for sure."
Uriel tossed another weapons case into the speeder and wiped his brow. He had managed to buy some nic stiks from one of the rebel soldiers, he turned over one of the crates and sat down, lighting the end and taking a puff.
"I've had closer kid." Uriel replied exhaling the smoke. "It was getting caught by the imps that actually had me worried." he took another hit. "I've seen what they do to rebel prisoners."
Devon nodded and took a seat. "Mind if I try one of those?" he asked gesturing to the pack of smokes.
Uriel raised a brow in suprise. "Sure kid." He replied taking one out of the pack and tossing it to Devon. "But it's a filthy habit, I don't think you'll like them too  much."
Devon shrugged and placed the nic stik in his mouth, Uriel pulled out an old fashioned ligher and lit it for him.
Devon nodded his thanks and breathed deep. Uriel laughed as he began coughing uncontrollably.
" can you smoke these?" Devon asked between coughs. "It's like breathing in speeder exhaust!"
Uriel shrugged. "If you would've been a pilot you would understand." laughed Uriel.
Devon tossed the nic stik away and took a swig from his canteen.
Uriel suddenly stiffened as he felt the familiar feeling of a blaster on the back of his head.
"Don't move stranger." a familiar voice said. "Or your friend here gets to see what really goes on inside that head of yours."
"Wait a minute..." Uriel said, he turned around and came face to face with a grinning Kaseema.
"What are you doing here?" Uriel asked regaining his composure. "Missed me I suppose."
"Don't flatter yourself Koslov." Kaseema replied. "I'm a member of the Rebel underground. Well the leader actually."
Devon spit his water out in suprise. "What?" he said wiping his mouth. "You?"
Kaseema shrugged. "Noone ever suspects the waitress."
Uriel traded odd looks with Devon and shrugged. "Well, welcome to the party." Uriel's com suddenly chirped. "Hang on I'll be right back." he said standing up and walking away to get some privacy.
"Koslov here." he said into the com.
"Uriel, it's Mattias. Did you manage to get those plans yet? Vader is not one to keep waiting you know."
"Calm down Mattias." Uriel replied. "I could've had them already if your little pals hadn't decided to raid the place. Almost lost my damn leg!"
"Don't lecture me on lost limbs Koslov." Mattias replied. "I'm half droid now remember?"
"Yeah yeah." Uriel replied. "Listen, somethings come up. The rebels are planning on moving out of here asap. I don't think they destroyed the plans. And I don't think they will either, their too valuable. We could possibly be moving out of system, but I plan on getting my ship first. I'll ping my transponder so you can follow me if we take off."

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 20, 2007 12:46 am #

When Uriel walked away Devon turned to Kaseema. "What do you mean?" He asked. "What's going on in his head? And if you were going to arrest him, then why did you let him walk away like that? He will probably not come back!"
Kaseema pointed to a rooftop "I have snipers on the roof, he won't get away."
Devon saw the snipers and wondered why this all happened. "What is going on here?"
"You will see. Now, Corpral Goldam, go and tell the field officer that we can leave as soon as we're ready." She said and turned around. "The Mon Calamari fleet has already secured an area." She started walking towards Uriel.
And Devon was still wondering what in the world was going on.

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
February 20, 2007 10:54 am #

((by whats going on in his head i meant she was gonna blow my brains out, and she wasnt going to arrest me, and i just walked away to use the com.))

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 20, 2007 4:48 pm #

((Mattias is about 90% droid.))

Mattias left his ship and went to the roof of a neighboring building, and watched Uriel through his rifle scope. He saw a woman come up behind Koslov and put a gun to his head.
"You better not shoot him." Mattias whispered, clutching the trigger on his rifle.
"No, she's just playing with him. I need an update." He thought, beeping Uriel.
Uriel's comm suddenly chirped. "Hang on I'll be right back." he said standing up and walking away for a moment.
"Koslov here." he said into the comm.
"Uriel, it's Mattias. Did you manage to get those plans yet? Vader is not one to keep waiting you know."
"Calm down Mattias." Uriel replied. "I could've had them already if your little pals hadn't decided to raid the place. Almost lost my damn leg!"
"Don't lecture me on lost limbs Koslov." Mattias replied. "I'm more than half droid now remember?"
"Yeah yeah." Uriel replied. "Listen, somethings come up. The rebels are planning on moving out of here asap. I don't think they destroyed the plans. And I don't think they will either, their too valuable. We could possibly be moving out of system, but I plan on getting my ship first. I'll ping my transponder so you can follow me if we take off."
"Good. I'm going to go dig up some information....Contact me when they do. Mattias out." He said, putting the comm away.
"Dig up what information? Mattias?....Are you there?....Mattias? Ah, crap." Uriel sighed putting away his comm.
Mattias picked up his rifle and went back to the Avenger to conact Vader.

"This IS my signature."
February 20, 2007 8:10 pm #

"Dig up what information? Mattias?....Are you there?....Mattias? Ah, crap." Uriel sighed putting away his comm.
"Damn him, he was always one to keep me in the dark." he said to himself.
"Who was that?" Devon asked as Uriel sat down again.
"Wrong number." Uriel replied.
The rebel officer was giving Uriel suspicious looks. "Back to work Mercenary!" he said walking back inside the building.
Uriel gave a very rude hand gesture to the man's back as he dissapeared inside. "Bastard." he said outloud. "Should've blasted him when I had the chance."
Uriel stood up and walked to his speeder.
"Where are you going?" Kaseema called after him. "Were getting out of here within the hour!"
Uriel turned around. "Do you think I would leave this dirt ball of a planet without my ship?" he asked jumping into the driver's seat. "I'll meet you by the jumppoint. I hope you have a good plan for getting around those star destoyers." Uriel wondered if he should warn them about the interdictor ship. "Just be careful." he said finnaly.
Devon stood up to join Uriel, but Uriel waved his hand at him.
"Stay here kid." He said pulling his goggles over his eyes, they automatically polarized. "Like I said, I'll catch up with you later."
With that Uriel gunned the speeder and raced down the sandy streets towards the outskirts. He chirped Mattias's com. It was busy, who was he talking to?
"Mattias, it's Uriel." He said to the recorded message. "I'm on my way to get my ship. Those rebels will be leaving within the hour. But I bet your friends in orbit will notice that right away."

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 20, 2007 11:05 pm #

Mattias climbed into the Avenger, and plugged his comm into the long-range transmitter.
"Holo-Code 35DS7558FD" Mattias contacted the Devastator, and waited for a response.
"What is, Felth." Vader said.
"Lord Vader, Koslov has infiltrated th Rebel base, and has learned that they will be leaving within two hours." Mattias replied.
"Good, I shall have my ships ready....Is that all, Felth?" Vader said.
"Yes my lord." Mattias replied.
"Deet" The comm went silent.
Mattias removed the comm from it's port, and put it on his belt.
"What now?" Mattias sighed, scrolling to the messages. "Ah, Uriel." he played the message.
"Mattias, it's Uriel......I'm on my way to get my ship. Those rebels will be leaving within the hour. But I bet your friends in orbit will notice that right away. Uriel out."
"Shit! I gotta get outa here!" Mattias jumped into the pilot's seat to punched in his take-off codes, and await Uriel's sensor becon.

"This IS my signature."
February 21, 2007 12:41 am #

Devon and the rebels were already in their speeders, starting the drive out of Mos Eisley.
"Devon, where is that ship he was talking about?" Kaseema asked.
"It's completely in a different direction from Mos Eisley, if you want to go there."
"No, but if it's in a different direction, it's probably under an area still under Imperial control."
"Well, he will have trouble getting to our ships, then." Devon said. "Should I contact him and tell him about it?"
"We will be at the transport in probably only 15 minutes, so yes, do that."
Devon tried to contact Uriel "Not within range." Devon said.
"What?!" Kaseema sounded angry. "The comlinks we use are supposed to have wider than average range!"
"Well, it looks like either he's too fast or we're too fast."
"Or, it's because Mos Eisley is in the way. It doesn't matter, when we are up at the ships, we can use a subspace radio."

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
February 21, 2007 7:00 pm #

"Yes sir," Alo mock saluted, mounting the speeder.

"I was just joking about the flowers anyway. I'm more of a "Give me my enemies bloody head" type girl," She told Fenn, patting the seat behind her. "Come on, let's roll out."

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
February 21, 2007 9:15 pm #

Uriel powered his speeder skillfully around the Imperial barricade, cruising slow as to not attract any unwanted attention.
"Bloody Imps." He said to himself, passing the barricade and going full throttle into the desert.
It took him roughly half a standard hour to reach his hideout. To his suprise, he spotted 3 imperial swoop bikes parked outside. The Troopers were nowhere in sight.
"Damn." Uriel swore parking the speeder and jumping out. He leaned into the backseat and grabbed his E-11. "Maybe they just wanna talk."
Uriel checked his datapad to make sure his Ships cloaking field was active. It was, those imps werent gonna find a damn thing.
Uriel casually walked up to the front door and strolled inside. One of the scout troopers was on his Com facing away from Uriel.
"Yes sir." he said. "No sir, it appears he ditched the ship somewhere else and commandeered a speeder. Yes sir were looking for him now."
"Excuse me." Uriel said tapping his shoulder. "What are you doing in MY house?"
The scout trooper spun around in suprise, drawing his blaster pistol. "Who are you?" he asked leveling the barrel at Uriel's chest. "You're interferring with an Imperial investigation!"
"I live here." Uriel replied,keeping his cool.
The trooper lowered his blaster. "Alright, then you must know about your stolen speeder?"
Uriel faked a look of shock. "What!" he shouted throwing his hands in the air. "That thing was brand new!"
"Don't worry." The scout said, his voice somewhat distorted by his external helmet speakers. "Were looking for the culprit. He can't have made it too far."
"Well see that you find him!" Uriel replied. "And if my speeder is damaged in any way, I expect a full refund!"
"Of course sir, just calm down." The scout said. "Now tell me your name so we can file a proper report."
Suddenly one of the other scouts walked in from outside. "Excuse me sir, but is that your speeder?" he asked pointing outside.
Uriel followed his finger, damn, he should've hidden the speeder.
"There it is!" Uriel replied. "I guess I just misplaced the thing. My memories not what it used to be you know."
The troopers glanced at eachother. "What did you say your name was again?" the closest one asked.
"I better get the Lt. He's checking out the garage."
Uriel sighed, he was probably gonna regret this.
"Don't move!" Uriel said drawing his blaster at the closest trooper. "Drop you weapons! Don't even think about it!" he said switching his aim to the other trooper as he reached for his holdster. Both troopers raised their hands and dropped their blasters on the floor.
"That's it." Uriel said kicking their weapons across the room. "Noone has to get hurt see?"
The scout Lt. came casually walking into the room, holding a converter in one hand. "I didn't see a damn thing, lot of footprints though." he looked up to see his two partners at the mercy of a complete stranger. The Lt. drew an E-11. "Hey! Drop your weapon!"
"Oh give me a break!" Uriel replied. He fired two shots into the first trooper and rolled to the side, the second trooper dove on his gun, but Uriel put a blaster bolt right between his visor.
Uriel heard a blaster discharge and his back was suddenly burning like mad. He whirled around as the Lt. fired another shot into Uriel's chest armor, burning a hole thru this jacket.
"What the?" The Lt. said confused before being blasted.
Uriel surveyed the damage. Vader would not be happy to hear one of his employees was going around killing stormtroopers.
"This is getting ridiculus." Uriel said shouldering his rifle and picking up the discarded weapons.
Uriel opened the hanger doors and pulled the three swoop bikes inside. If he ever came back to this place, he could probably get a nice price for them.
Uriel pulled out his data pad and deactivated the cloaking field around the "Fury". The black X-Wing seemed to appear out of thin air.
"Good to see you girl." Uriel said running his hand down the fuesalage and opening the rear cargo bay and tossing the stolen weapons inside. He also grabbed his own weapons from the speeder after pulling it back inside the hanger.
Uriel hopped into the cockpit and powered up the drives. "R9, plot a course for the rebel RV point from these coordinates." he said to the droid, plugging his datapad into the console.
R9 beeped in response as a targetting cursor illuminated on his view screen. "Alright, lets get goin."
Uriel piloted his ship slowly out of the hanger and throttled up to break the atmosphere. Once in open space, he activated his ships homing beacon. Hopefully the imps wouldn't try to blast him to atoms this time.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 23, 2007 1:29 am #

"Excellent." Fenneth pulled the heavy black hood down to where it once more hid his face and deftly moved onto the speeder (( bike...apparantly? )).

"The Imperial Command Center is in the center of the city. You should be able to see it well enough when we get close." Fenn spoke over Alo's armored shoulder as she put the speeder into gear. Without his lenses, Fenneth wouldn't be able to see anything outside the stretch of his force senses. Fortunately he had a good ally to make up for the temporary set back.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
February 23, 2007 3:34 pm (Edited February 23, 2007 03:35 pm) #

Mattias frantically flipped switches as the engines rumbled to life.
He punched the throttle and the ship abruptly left the hangar into the air.
"Ping....Ping....Ping" The sensor lights flashed from Uriel's signal.
"Yes!" Mattias shouted. "Found you."
Mattias punched in the coordinates, and gunned the throttle once more.

"This IS my signature."
February 24, 2007 11:06 am #

((hey revan, how did you change your name from like mercenary to dark lord? I've noticed alot of people have done something like that.))

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
February 24, 2007 11:33 am #

take it easy baby take it as it comes
February 24, 2007 11:44 am #

Go to "Personal" and it says "title", just type in what you want it to say under you're name.

"This IS my signature."
February 25, 2007 6:08 pm #

"Aye aye," She said, grasping the throttle.

"You may want to hang on tight, this may be a bit fast," She said to her passanger, gunning the throttle, causing the bike to lurch forward and speed off into the distance.

"Yeah, now this is what I call traveling!" She yelled over the roar of the engine and whistling wind, squinting against the grains of sand that were being kicked up by the speeder's exhaust and deftly doging boulders and other obstacles.

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
March 1, 2007 8:40 pm #

Uriel calmly sat in the cockpit of the Fury waiting for Mattias. He had his cloaker activated to avoid any "unwanted" confrontations. He also configured his ships ID signature to read "Medical Supply Ship" on any radar scanners.
Uriel was also watching for a sign of the Rebel ships and the fishheads they were allied with. So far he didn't see any trace of them. But he wondered how they would make it past the Imperial blockade. No easy feat. A fleet of that size wouldn't be able to just sneak by.
R9 suddenly bleeped a warning. At the same time a small blip appeared on his long range scanner. A small personal craft. The ID signature was blocked. As was the Drive type and armament readings.
Uriel smirked. "That'll be Mattias." he said to himself disabling the warning buzzer. "Clever one he is."

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 1, 2007 9:15 pm #

((Im gonna say Yurt got killed or something, i kinda droned out. Im gonna make a new char))

Name: Ruwuruw
Race: Tusken
WOC: Long ranged rifle, no scope.
2nd WOC: Pistol
Ship: … ig_mk2.jpg
Crew: A whole lot of Jawas
Occupation: Slaver
History: Ruw was born on Tattooine to tuskens. He grew up with their ways until his bantha was killed in a raid. Outcasted from his tribe he took to space and started a crew with some money he got off many jobs. He took in the only avaible crew, Jawas. He found they were extreamly resourcful and his profits poured in. He turned his buisness to Slavery and is one of the most wanted slavers in the Empire.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
March 2, 2007 9:40 am #

Mattias looked at the sensor readings and found a "Medical Supply Ship"
"Medical supply ship? Yeah right." Mattias grumbled.
He piloted the Avenger to the so called med ship and found almost nothing.
"Where did you go?' Mattias looked for the near-invisible outline of the Fury.
Mattias was right on top of the signal, but couln't find anything.
He pulled out his comm and beeped Uriel. "Uriel, where the heck are are you?"

"This IS my signature."
March 2, 2007 10:52 am #

Up in the rebel ships, Devon could see the battle and he worried how they would be able to get out of here. He remembered the Interdictor.
"Do you guys know there's an Interdictor cruiser out there?" Devon asked. "We can't jump in hyperspace as long as long as those Gravity Well Projectors are on."
The command bridge was full of Mon Calamari tacticians and engineers. "We know that, give us some time!" One of them shouted back.
Devon could see the battle on the screen, it was going well. The Mon Calamari tactics worked well against the imps.
"Well done, boys!" The Mon Calamari fleet commander shouted in the comlink "See if you can hold sector Alpha-7!"
Devon felt like he was in the way, he wanted to leave this to the Mon Calamari "Can I man a turret? I need something to do."
An engineer approached him "Yes we have room for you, go to hallway 12 and to the turrets in room 1204."
Devon felt like he was more in the way, but he started walking towards the hallway...

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
March 2, 2007 11:07 am #

Uriel grinned and picked up his Com. "Right under your nose Mattias, well if you still have a nose." Uriel deactivated the cloaker and the Fury melted into view, still hard to distinguish with the matte black paint.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 2, 2007 11:50 am #

"That's an original." Mattias grinned. "The Rebels fell into our trap, and Lord Vader has boarded one of they're ships. Hopefully they'll have what he's looking for, but we get paid either way."
"What do we do now? I mean all we have to do is go get our money." Mattias shrugged. "What will the Rebels do to to you when they find out that Vader payed you 250,000,000 credits?"

"This IS my signature."
March 2, 2007 11:36 pm #

Devn was controlling one of the turrets, trying to hit some TIE fighters, but he could not hit most of them.
"The imps are now approaching our shield generator!" Devon could hear an officer shout in the comlink.
"How many do you think they are?" The Mon Calamari fleet commander asked in the comlink. Devon could see one of the Mon Calamari Cruisers was way ahead of the rest of the rebel ships, and he wondered why.
"We don't know how many they are, but we've already started launching escape pods, and actually some of us got trapped and took over the hangar. They escaped in fighters and are helping out with the battle right now."
"Good." The Mon Calamari fleet commander sounded happy about it "Thank you for your sacrifice."
Devon wondered what their plan is when the Mon Calamari fleet commander suddenly started shouting in the comlink again. "Ok, boys. It's time!" The fleet commander sounded like he had a great plan. "The imps have moved away from the Interdictor! Take control of sector B-7 and A-8 as quickly as you can, they are not defended heavily! Those in sector D-3, try to hold there and distract the imps, move out if you need to."
Devon continued firing and watched the battle from afar.
"Good, that was quicker than I expected, now, sector B-7 and A-8, everybody concentrate your fire at the Interdictor!" The Mon Calamari fleet commander shouted. "Remember: Aim for the Gravity Well Projectors!"
Devon looked towards the Interdictor and the swarm of fighters and bombers surrounding it, he could see the Gravity Well Projectors blow up one after another...

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
March 3, 2007 9:43 am #

Uh, Hehe...Not this interdictor:

This one:

And also, TIE fighters do not have pressurized cockpits.


"This IS my signature."
March 3, 2007 11:15 am #

Uriel shrugged, then remembered Mattias couldnt see thru the cockpit glass. "I don't care as long as I get my money." he said. "I mean I worked my ass off and was damn near vaporized in the process on several occasions."
Uriel could see the space battle from a distance. He used his cockpit's HUD to magnify the images of the distant ships. It didn't look like the rebels were doing so well.
Suddenly warning claxons began blaring. Mattias must have been alerted too since he was already bringing his ship around.
Uriel turned his head to see what was happening. His proximity alert had gone off, but nothing but empty space was around him. Suddenly he spotted a small distortion as something very large moved closer.
"Mattias!" Uriel shouted into the COM. "Watch out! There's a cloaked ship right on top of us!"
"They still have to power down their cloaker to use their weapons." Mattias replied. "If they wanna fight, we'll know it first."
The massive form suddenly began melting into view, it was like no ship Uriel had ever seen. But it resembled a short, flat, star destroyer, but not nearly as big.
"Damn!" Mattias said. "That's an Imperial Prowler! No wonder they got the jump on us!"
Another warning from R9 indicated the ship's Ion batteries were powering up.
"That can't be good." Uriel said powering up his engines. "I'm gonna try to get in close so they can't use the Ion cannons!"

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 3, 2007 11:51 am #
Lord Revan wrote:

Uh, Hehe...Not this interdictor:

This one:

And also, TIE fighters do not have pressurized cockpits.


(OOC:I didn't know there were 2 of them, but really, what's the difference?
I also see that I wrote "Interdictor cruiser" by mistake now, sorry.

About the TIE fighters... Where did I mention that? Or were you talking to someone else?)

"Now we will shortly jump into hyperspace, make yourself ready, get back to the hangars if you don't want to jump in that little fighter you're in!" The fleet commander shouted.
"Wait, what about Uriel?" Devon asked in the comlink.
"Hey, it's me." It was the field officer. "I convinced the fleet commander that Koslov is not needed, and that he's very likely to be a spy."
"No, he hates the Empire!" Devon shouted. "He could've been a good ally."
"Devon, listen." Now it was Kaseema. "All that could be lies, you know nothing about him."
"You don't know anything either." Devon replied.
"Yes we do."
"Well, what do you know, then?" Devon was getting irritated.
"If you come back to the command bridge we'll show you what we know about the man." the fleet commander said.
Devon started running up to the command bridge, he knew he shouldn't trust Uriel, but Uriel couldn't be an ally of the Empire if he killed stormtroopers and had an imperial bounty on his head, or could he?
Devon didn't know what to think, but he knew he trusted the field officer and his rebel friends more than he trusted anyone else.

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
March 3, 2007 7:44 pm #
Villimar wrote:

((Im gonna say Yurt got killed or something, i kinda droned out. Im gonna make a new char))

Name: Ruwuruw
Race: Tusken
WOC: Long ranged rifle, no scope.
2nd WOC: Pistol
Ship: … ig_mk2.jpg
Crew: A whole lot of Jawas
Occupation: Slaver
History: Ruw was born on Tattooine to tuskens. He grew up with their ways until his bantha was killed in a raid. Outcasted from his tribe he took to space and started a crew with some money he got off many jobs. He took in the only avaible crew, Jawas. He found they were extreamly resourcful and his profits poured in. He turned his buisness to Slavery and is one of the most wanted slavers in the Empire.

Love your new character. :)

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
March 3, 2007 9:04 pm (Edited March 5, 2007 02:35 pm) #

((Look at the size comparison:
It would not be that easy to take down ))

"Damnit! DO NOT ATTACK!!! I REPEAT, DO NOT ATTACK!!! FRIENDLIES!!!" Mattias shouted frantically.
Before they got a reply, the Prowler unleashes a barrage of ion cannon fire on the two small ships.
They are pulled in limp by the tractor beam.
"Uriel....this is not good." He grimly said into the comm "If Vader screws us, I'll-"
"Mattias." Uriel sighed.
"Well, all I can say is.....shit." Mattias replied.

"This IS my signature."
March 3, 2007 9:05 pm #

Ruw and his crew of jawas fly over Tattooine, they had a full ship of slaves, mostly Twi'leks; they sold the most, and wookies. Behind them flew three Tie fighters. <Tell the gunners to swat those ties down!> Ruw yelled out in a mixed jawa and tusken langauge.

<There working on it Captain!> A jawa yelled back in the same langauge.

<Hows the sheilds holding out!?> Ruw asked.

<Up at full!> A jawa yelled back.

<Lets hope they can hold out long enough> Ruw said.

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
March 4, 2007 11:31 am #

Uriel scowled as the Imperial Prowler opened up it's Ion Batteries, even after Mattias had warned them they were attacking friendlies.
The Ion blasts were deadly accurate, two clean bolts straight thru the drives of he and Mattias's ships. They were dead in space.
"Uriel....this is not good." Mattias said grimly said into the comm "Vader better not screw us."
Their ships are pulled in limp by the tractor beam.
"Mattias." Uriel sighed.
"I won't let us die. But all I can say is.....shit. "Mattias replied.
"They obviously knew we would be here, and they want us alive." Uriel said reaching behind his seat for his E-11.
"Just watch my back if the shit hits the fan in there. If Vader did screw us, I won't be some prize." He racked the charging slide with a high pitched whine. "They'll have to kill me first."
"And that's exactly what they'll probably do." Mattias replied. "If you go berzerk and start blasting stormies the second we get on board."

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 5, 2007 11:03 am #
Lord Revan wrote:

((Look at the size comparison:
It would not be that easy to take down ))

((Let's say the rebel forces got it's shields down quick (thanks to ion cannons mounted on Y-Wings) but were surprised the armor was that thick, then. They struggled, but after some time, the rebel bombers were able to destroy the gravity well generators.))

"Look, that man's done several imperial jobs." The field officer said while the fighters outside were working on disabling the gravity well generators.
"Yes, but he's an imperial bounty on his own head too." Devon said. "And he did help us out down there."
"Did you pay him?" the officer asked.
"No..." Devon didn't even remember if they did any agreement. Uriel just helped out. It did sound suspicious.
"Which means he's very likely to be a spy, which means as soon as those gravity well generators are disabled, we're going into hyperspace, back to Corellia!"
"You're from Corellia too?" Devon was surprised. He had never seen the man before.
"Yeah, but I have been out leading several operations." The officer said. "I'm not often at Corellia."

"Watch out for imperial fighters coming towards you from sector A-9!" The fleet commander shouted in the comlink. "X-Wing squadrons, now is your time to shine!"
The battle was getting rough, if all the imps got to the Interdictor Star Destroyer in time, they would be trapped, and probably captured.
"Our turbolasers are now ready to fire on the Interdictor Star Destroyer." The fleet commander shouted. "All turbolaser batteries fire! Don't worry fighter pilots, the armor will soon be gone."
Now it looks better, Devon thought.

((So the gravity well generators are still working, is that what you wanted Lord Revan?))

Everyone should check out this movie. Too bad only chapter 1's ready.
March 5, 2007 11:52 am (Edited March 5, 2007 02:50 pm) #

((I was just saying that it would be very hard to take it down, and near impossible to destoy it. There are also several normal Star Destroyers gaurding it, along with Vader in his. Just saying it would not be easy to take down 4 Star Destroyers and a Star Destroyer Interdictor, is all.))

"And that's exactly what they'll probably do." Mattias replied, grabbing extra speedloaders for his revolvers. "If you go berzerk and start blasting stormies the second we get on board, that is."
"Don't worry, I'm just bringin' it along in case things go sour." Uriel said.
"Again, don't go blasting people after we're onboard. We got 500,000,000 credits comin' our way." Mattias reminded Uriel.
"Alright, Alright. I get it." Uriel sighed.

"This IS my signature."
March 6, 2007 11:21 am #

"Alright, Alright. I get it." Uriel sighed, shouldering his blaster. "But if I even catch a HINT of backstabbing going on in there, well you know what'll happen."
"Just keep it together till we get onboard and talk to Vader." Mattias replied. "Hopefully he just want's to talk."
Uriel laughed. "Just wants to talk?? Mattias, I've never met Vader before, but from what I heard, theres never much talking involved. Just a lot of this, AACK!!" Uriel faked being choked by some unseen force.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 6, 2007 11:56 am #

"Yeah, that would suck bantha crap if that was our reward." Mattias smirked.
"Well, this is where we find out."

"This IS my signature."
March 6, 2007 6:22 pm #
Thylacine wrote:

"Aye aye," She said, grasping the throttle.

"You may want to hang on tight, this may be a bit fast," She said to her passanger, gunning the throttle, causing the bike to lurch forward and speed off into the distance.

"Yeah, now this is what I call traveling!" She yelled over the roar of the engine and whistling wind, squinting against the grains of sand that were being kicked up by the speeder's exhaust and deftly doging boulders and other obstacles.

OOC: Sorry I've been gone so long! I've had zero internet but I'll be a lot better at responding now.

IC: Fenneth stumbled/ fell/ jumped for dear life off the speeder when they came to a stop and turned on Veera with irritated fire in his yellow eyes as he tried to stand up straight and look like he wasn't trying at the same time, "Tell me, where exactly did you learn how NOT to drive?"

The Imperial Garrison towered over the two and cast a looming shadow from the twin suns begining to set on the orange horizon. Imperial troopers and officers ran about busily, some carrying wounded, and new patrols heading out. The Rebel problem seemed as troublesome as ever.

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
March 7, 2007 11:49 am #

Uriel watched as the massive hanger doors closed in front of him. They were in the belly of the beast now. He felt himself sink in his seat as the artificial gravity kicked in.
He and Mattias's ships were sitting in a large empty hanger.  The tractor beam was obviously designed to pull in much bigger ships.
"Well no use waiting around here." Uriel said opening the canopy of the Fury and leaping to the steel floor. "You comin or what?"
Mattias also leaped out of his ship onto the floor, clutching two revolvers. "I'm kinda suprised they didn't send a welcoming party." he said glancing around.
Uriel grasped his blaster and looked around the massive hanger for some kind of door. "You're tellin me." he replied. "Something doesn't seem right."
Suddenly a door on the far side of the hanger hissed open. Uriel and Mattias walked cautiously towards it.
Reaching the door, Uriel stuck his head around the corner. What awaited them was a long and of course pitch black hallway.
"Oh give me a break!" Uriel said. "Why is there always a long dark creepy ass hallway on these things? Next were gonna see a giant pit with no bottom!"
Uriel jogged back to his X-Wing and opened a small access hatch on the side. Reaching inside he grabbed a pair of strange looking goggles.
"What the hell are those?" Mattias asked pointing with the barrel of his revolver.
"These," Uriel replied pulling them on. "Are prototype X-Ray Penetrator goggles. Very exspensive, but at least we'll be able to see in the dark. And thru walls for that matter."
Mattias made an unimpressed "Psh" sound. "Big deal, I can do both those tasks with these photoreceptors."
"Well I wasn't fortunate enough to be blasted into pieces and rebuilt with some fancy wires and junk." Uriel replied sarcastically. "Now can we get going please?"
Mattias looked down the seemingly endless hallway. "You first."

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 8, 2007 12:14 pm #

"You first." Mattias said, twirling his revolvers.
"Damnit." Uriel cautiously stepped out into the cold, dark hallway. "This corridor seems endless, no bright light at the end- Where the hell do you think you're you goin'?!" Uriel asked.
"Quiet down. I'm gonna get my supressors." Mattias turned and went back to his ship. "'Cause I got a bad feeling about this."
"Not that line again! Ah, crap." Uriel leaned against the wall and waited.

((I'm gonna let you do the char. moving, Vassili. I have no Idea what this ship is like, how big it is, or who's on it.))

"This IS my signature."
March 8, 2007 8:51 pm #

((It's all good :) ))

"Sorry about that," She grinned her grin. "Must've been those lessons I got from the Hutts. You know how they drive..."

She turned towards the Garrison. "So, do we just jump down there and yell "Surprise" or do we need a plan on getting in there?" She asked Fenn, as she watched the Imperials moving around. "Because those guys look like they can use a bit more help."

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
March 9, 2007 6:31 am #

((lol gotcha, I kinda came up with the whole "Prowler" Idea. No problem.))
Uriel waited as Mattias rummaged around in his ship for his suppressors. "Psh bad feelings." Uriel said trying to see the end of the hall. "This ship is pretty damn creepy though."
Mattias returned, suppressors screwed onto the barrels of his revolvers. Uriel thought about going back to get his, but a bright blaster bolt is bright as hell, no matter how quiet the shot was.
"Ok then cmon." Uriel said leading the way down the corridor. "Just keep those bad feelings to yourself huh?"
"I'll give it a shot." Mattias replied sliding one hand along the wall.
They walked for another 5 minutes before Uriel came to a halt. "This is ridiculus!" he said glancing down the hall. "It seems we would've reached the stern by now!"
Mattias nodded. "It is strange. But our best bet is to find the bridge and see who it is that's behind all this."
Uriel shrugged. "Well just so you know I'm all for blowing the hanger doors off and flyin' outa here. I've got enough thermal plastoid in the Fury to blow up a star destroyer!"
"I don't think that'll be necessary." Mattias replied. "They'd probably blast us to atoms by the time we got clear of the bow."
Uriel fell silent and continued walking. After another half hour the hallway abrubtly ended. "Fierfek!" Uriel swore. "Now where are we supposed to go?"
Mattias knelt down and ripped open an access shaft cover. "In here."
Uriel backed away. "Oh no. I'm not crawling on my stomach thru a tiny ass shaft!"
"Suit yourself." Mattias said crawling into the duct.
"Damnit Mattias." Uriel muttered crawling in after him.

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"
March 14, 2007 1:34 pm #

“Actually, we are simply going to go through the front door and politely ask to have tea with the Imperial Officer in charge.”

Alo began to wonder why Fenneth had pulled out his blaster for just that.

The hooded dark-force user turned with his cloak flaring out behind him, and headed towards the complex without slowing down.

“Excuse me, Sir,” A Stormtrooper officer tried to halt the Sith and lifted up his white-armored hand.

“Move aside, trooper,” Fenneth made a slight motion with his hand that caused the Imperial Solder to move out of the way and stumble over the uneven yellow sand.

The Emperor’s Hand moved through the automated front entrance with Alo close behind him before the stunned security could have anything to say about it.

“Sir, you are not allowed in here. Vacate the premises immediately or suffer the consequences!” An Imperial Officer of lower rank instantly moved into action and pulled out his blaster, signaling for more Stormtroopers to come over.

The yellow-eyed force-user only stretched out his hand and the Imperial Officer lifted into the air, desperately clawing at his tightening throat, “Oh really? As the Emperor’s Hand I promise to only be half a minute.”

(OOC: Any Imperials feel free to join in :P )

"A thousand years of space and time and I have never come across anyone wasn't important." -- Doctor Who
March 18, 2007 5:36 pm #

"Not what I mind, but okay," Alo said, raising an eyebrow at his blaster. She pulled out her own, getting the feeling that she was probably going to need it as she followed him, standing behind him as he negotiated his way into the building.

"Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
-Rampage, Beast Wars
March 29, 2007 6:28 pm #

(new character)
Name: Commander Guntry
WOC: Two imperial grade targeting pistols
Secondary weapon: DC-trooper assault rifle
armor: regulation white armor with a black stripe on his helmet and a leather skirt(like an arc troopers)
Rank: stormtrooper commander

History: Guntry inlisted into the war after a group of war crazed rebels raided his village and killed his father  who, at the time, was a star pilot for the empire and a loyal supporter of the empire. 10 years later, at the age of 27, he was promoted to a commander of a small fleet of tie Intercepters. his sip, being his fathers old model, was remodled and upgraded to out run any ship it would fight, it had equip to it a miniature turbo laser with  stralth scanner disrupters. during a rebellion attack his air fleet was destroyed and he was the only survivor from his squad. after that he resined from his star pilot job and became a ground troop commander by orders directly from Darth Vader, he is now one of the 501st troopers.

March 29, 2007 6:41 pm #

Commander Guntry stood, gripping the handle on his trooper transport. he and his squad had been assigned to do recon on a rebel base on Yavin. a crack from a tree twig shattered their silent mission. he grabbed his two pistols and turned around violently, ready to fire.
But it was only his second in command.
then out of no were a group of rebels entered the stormtroopers perimeter. Guntry raised two fingers straight up then pointed left with them. then he pointed backwards, towards the sniper sitting on the hill. the sniper gave him the same gesture, then aimed his gun at the unsuspecting rebels, and since there were only three rebels, it would be a piece of cake for the squad. Guntry sheathed his guns and drew his vibro-knife. the rebels walked into the sniper view. he fired, killing one instatly, then Guntry stabbed at the second one, sliceing his throat. the sniper fired anothe silent round, killing the third and final one with ease.
"Perimeter secure Lord Vader." said Guntry into his com link.
"excelent" Vader weezed.

March 29, 2007 6:54 pm #

((Eh?! Darth Vader is in orbit above Tatooine in his Star Destroyer.))

"This IS my signature."
April 1, 2007 10:10 pm #

i know im talking to him over a com link.

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