Either Bardan Jusik or Aayla Secura
Topic: Who is your favorite Jedi?
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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hmm... i kinda liked anikan win he turned evil, he looked kool with his hood on.
But dose that count? I mean he'd probably be a sith or somethin. So i guess id have to say... Plo Koon he's awesome
O man soo many choices, hmmm let me think
1.dark anikin
2.kit fisto
3.mace windu
Obi Wan.
This is going to sound very "unFett" of me but I would say Mace Windu.
I always liked Yoda. He's cool in so many different aspects. :D
As for a dark Jedi fav... Hrrrrmmmm... Guess I'd have to say Darth Maul.
Jacen light and dark.
i like Darth Bane most all dark Jedi REVAN!!!!!!!!!! jedi Exile (hes cool). jedi is plo-koon, kit fisto, Ki-adi-mundi idk why and jacen from Jedi academy jedi knight
Hmmmmmm...... I really like Jolee Bindo, does anyone else?
I liked Jolee Bindu.
But my favorite will always be Obi-Wan.
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his name is funny. I think Sharad Hett is pretty cool.

Aayla Secura or Quinlan Vos. An awesome team, no doubt. I'm glad Vos and "Villie" are finally getting their own action figures.
"I'm just a simple Fan, trying to make my way in the universe."
his name is funny. I think Sharad Hett is pretty cool.
Sharad Hett is cool. Wasn't his dad killed by Aurra Sing? Or am I getting mixed up with A'Sharad Hett and Sharad Hett? Those names are confusing...
lol, i think it was Sharad (dad) that was killed by Aurra Sing.
favorite Dark Jedi (that rules all others) in my opinion): Darth Vader
other favorite Dark Jedi: Darth Revan (male), Darth Nihilus, Darth Nihl, Darth Talon, evil Luke.
overall favorite Jedi: Plo Koon
others: Voolvif Monn, Sharad Hett, Anakin Skywalker.
From the movies: Obi Wan Kenobi
From the EU: Bardan Jusik
Obi Wan for Jedi
and for Sith Darth Vader and Darth Maul
I am a Role Playing Gamer, like my father before me.
Favourite Jedi:Kit Fisto,Mace Windu,Aayla Secura.
Favourite Sith:Darth Maul(ahem),Darth Revan,Darth Sion,Darth Nihilus,Darth Vader.
My favorite Jedi is Yoda because he is a vicious midget and my favorite Sith is definetly Darth Bane.
Obi-Wan Kenobi is the best Jedi.
As for Sith...how can you say anything but Darth Vader?
While I'll admit that Obi-wan is the best Jedi, he's second in my book. Ploo koon is my fav.
Obi Wan is not the best Jedi.Yoda and Windu can easily defeat him.I only liked him in his Padawan form.He was very cool.
Aparently not...if you watch the movies...
Lol i dont think so he didnt exactly expect Anakin to do that did he ? Also palpatine really beat Windu.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Ok i dont have a favorite light side jedi i'm all darkside...well from the movies i'm the biggest VADER fan...but if we'er talking the games deffinitly Darth Revan
Jedi: Plo Koon (he looks sooo cool) or Aayla Secura (serouisly hot!!)
Sith: Darth Maul (awesome martial arts)
My favourite Jedi is Obi Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Gin, Mace Windu are the ones that I can think of for now. I am sorry that I just cannot have just one as I cannot decide.
My favourite dark Jedi is Darth Malak just because his name is almost the same as my youngest son’s :D
I think Ki-Adi-Mundi just cause he is smart and seems to know that there is something wrong with the boy and my fave dark Jedi (though not really a Jedi) is Aurra Sing cause she is damn hot and grew up as a pirate
I see there are quite the KOTOR fans here. Can't say I dissagree.
Light: Shaak Ti I Just think that she is the coolest looking, lekku just like a Twi'lek, but subtle in nature.
Dark: Darth Vader I've been a Vader gal since birth I believe, and he's what I first loved about Star Wars.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
light: kit fisto (he looks cool :))
dark: darth maul (he looks cool too :))
Light: Luke Skywalker
Dark: Probably Darth Vader
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
Light: Bardan Jusik because he's more Mando than Jedi and I like his character.
Dark: Darth Maul because he's just so visually entertaining with his fluidity and tatoos. Plus your coolness level is inversely proportionate to how much you say making him totally badass.
-Nope, that ner vod is simply the sound of natural selection at its finest.
Light-Side Revan with Mace Windu and Kit Fisto in a tie for a very far off second place. I have to mention Obi-Wan somewhere just because of all the tough opponents he fought against and all he accomplished. He fought Darth Maul and killed him as a Padawan, fought Dooku twice, fought and survived against Jango, beat Durge (and I read somewhere he fought Asaaj Ventress but I can't find the book or comic he did it in), killed Grievous, survived Order 66, fought and crippled Anakin and then finally he died fighting one of the most bad@$$ villains ever. Oh, and he survived for years on Tatooine alone. The boredom of living on that sandbox would have killed a lesser man.
My pick is Vosa, ok so she is insane but still tough enough to lead the Bando Gora.
Komari Vosa is less than insane, and not really a Jedi, at least one devoted to the light. I would at least called her a Dark Jedi because of her emotions, insability and anger. Plus she never made it through her trials into knighthood.
"Suggestion: Electrocution works well. Evisceration and Decapitation are also effective, or um, so I've heard."
I always liked Obi Wan, for the light side, and probably Darth Maul on the dark. I liked his fighting style better than Vader/ Anakin.
What makes you think that?
But is there a specific reason as to why you don't like them?
a few actually
You want to know?tell me what you have against Jango first. lol
This is getting off-topic, but, as I have said multiple times in the past:
-He used two wrist rockets to kill two guards, who were right next to each other, and were running away.
-He hired other mercenaries to do the jobs that he was hired to do on numerous occasions.
-He used his ten year old (roughly) as bait against ruthless anachists.
-Under his leadership, the Mandalorians fell.
-He keeps his armor much to shiny for a warrior. He would be spotted easily.
-He is too trusting, for his trade.
-He is too cockey.
-Instead of following Windu, he could have waited in the balconey, and sniped him out while the Jedi was fighting.
-He does not wear his helmet enough. Theis leaves a killing shot by a sniper very possible.
So, why do you hate Jedi?
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