Closed Topic: The Red Helm

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Topic #1130

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February 17, 2007 4:46 pm #

I wanted to post a few links. I am a fan of Amy Brown's artwork, and I often base my characters' features on the subjects of her paintings.

Mind you, you'll have to picture these women minus the wings and pointy ears. (You'll see what I mean :P ) Put them in Mando armor, and you pretty much have Nora, Evaar, and Saviin.


Evaar  (I picture her having very green eyes.)


At least you can now put the faces I imagined to the names...  :)

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 17, 2007 10:15 pm #

((Nice pics.  I have a few pics I've used as references for some of my characters myself, but some won't appear in this rpg and the rest you haven't met yet.))

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 17, 2007 10:15 pm (Edited February 19, 2007 01:55 pm) #

Name: Mattias Felth
Species: Human/Cyborg
Gender: Male
Age: 71 Standard Years (His body is an Endoskeleton covered with synthflesh; he is not aged)
Homeworld: Unknown
Weapons: Too numerous to count
WOC: Two Custom Black Chrome Projectile Revolvers
Secondary Weapon: Custom Sawed-Off Double-Barrel Single-Shot Projectile Shotgun
Ship: "Avenger" Is A Custom-Built Starfighter/Gunship By Kuat Drive Yards
Appearance: Black Trenchcoat, And Black Military Fatigues Underneath. He Also Wears Tinted Glasses. (He Looks Like Mattias Nillson From Mercenaries, And Wears The Same Glasses, But Blue)

Background: Used to work as a merc for the Empire, after receiving a hefty paycheck from Vader, he started his own Private Military Company with his buisness partner Uriel Koslov. Mattias was the CEO of the Felth Corporation, Having his dream realized, Mattias soon began collecting blasters, speeders, starships, and rare artifacts from around the Galaxy. Mattias was particularly fascinated with the Mandalorian culture, and owns a large collection of expensive artifacts currently stored in a vault on Brozyna, scheduled to be moved to his Tower Penthouse on Coruscant within the next two weeks.

"This IS my signature."
February 18, 2007 10:55 pm (Edited February 19, 2007 01:05 pm) #

Mattias walked around Keldabe looking for anything he thought would look good in his collection, searching the very few weaponsmiths' inventories for something he desired.
He purchased a wrist-gauntlet and some chest armor to bring back to his penthouse collection.
After walking around a bit more, he went into the "Drunken Strill" a local tavern.
Mattias walked in, everyone looked before going back to their drinks.
"Ale" Mattias ordered his drink.

"This IS my signature."
February 19, 2007 10:01 am #

Kyr'am likewise placed his order to go and picked up his helmet before addressing the group, "I've got preparations to make as well.  If any of you need a ride, I can take you up in the shuttle.  If not, just call me when you're ready to go to the Katarn."

“We’ll contact you when we are on our way, we’ll see ourselves to the ship...” Nora replied. 

Evaar pulled out a datapad and began making a list of supplies.  “I’ll gather what we need, meet you at the Nineveh at sundown...” she informed her adopted mother.  The young woman was usually in charge of foodstuffs and supplies for a mission. 

Saviin gave the group a brisk nod, “Right then...I’m off to have a chat with some friends....I’ll be there at sundown as well.”  The lavender haired woman strolled away.  Her “chats” usually consisted of high price bargaining for demolitions and weaponry.....her specialty. 

The huntress herself headed for her ship, the Nineveh, to perform the customary pre-flight checks and fueling tasks. 

(OOC:  Just wanted to get this moving along a bit.  If it’s okay with everyone, I’d like to jump ahead to sundown where my ladies are meeting at the Nineveh, ready to go to the Katarn...  I feel like the story is starting to drag a bit...)

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 19, 2007 10:36 am (Edited February 19, 2007 10:37 am) #

"Ugly " Jim Goran nodded to his current comrades, "Right, got to inform the missus that I won't be home for supper." He grinned and cut a slab of his steak off with a knife and offered it to the strill, "Cos' yer so pretty, just like me." He gave a smile that was all teeth.

"Sundown then, verda." And with that the big man took what was left of the hunk of meat in hand and tore into it as he strolled for the door. An inventory of necessary tools and weapons going through his head.

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell
February 19, 2007 9:06 pm #

Anbu Dres crossed his arms, watching was just half the fun. Motoko on the other side of the table leaned up against the opposite wall. Warren in front of Brassk. The Good Doc no where to be seen. Probably in the lab lurking around, hunting for an old invention. The location was small, the security office of a warehouse Warren owned.
"This is your last chance to get out Brassk..."
"Hey Warren, I'm heading off to meet with that Mando woman. Enjoy your talk Brassk!"
Dres left, he'd have to get there in fifteen minutes. Too bad they'd be using her, Warren could've tried a little harder. ]

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 20, 2007 11:42 am #

((I'm okay with skipping ahead till sundown.  Just to make sure though, everyone's got their own ship to the Katarn, right?))

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 20, 2007 2:49 pm #

As far as I know, everyone has their own ride.  :)

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 20, 2007 8:10 pm (Edited February 20, 2007 08:16 pm) #

“You didn’t tell me you were expecting someone!” Saviin barked at her cousin as they sorted their gear inside the modified VT-49 Decimator. 

Nora shrugged, “They didn’t ask to speak to you.  It doesn’t concern you as of now...”

Saviin’s violet eyes narrowed sharply, “Oh right, but if you need back up you’ll expect me right on your heels won’t you?”


The taller woman made a face and resumed shoving items in to her pack. 

Nora glanced out the Nineveh’s viewport, “Evaar ought to be arriving soon...” she thought aloud.

“Mmmmm...” Saviin responded absently as she turned a thermal detonator in one hand, admiring it’s quality.  “Gotta love Kahu...  He always saves the best for his most loyal customer....” 

The huntress snorted, “Is that what you two are calling it these days?”

Saviin gave Nora haughty glare.  “I resent that....” she said indignantly, “You know Kahu and I go way back....”  She tossed the detonator into the air, spun around, and caught it with her opposite hand behind her back. 

Nora shot her a warning look. 

Just then a beeping sound indicated a stranger approaching the Nineveh. 

“I believe our guest has arrived....” the huntress stated flatly.

(Cue Anbu!  :P )

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 20, 2007 9:18 pm #

It's depressing, well, when you have to play gofer it is. And he continued to stand as the landing ramp came down. Keeping that simple dignity of staying on neutral ground. Popped his neck, watching her step down after realizing he wasn't going up.
"Not to say I don't trust you...just an old habit."
"You need a ship for how many people? Sorry I'm being straightforward, stressed for time."
Dres moved his ears forward, trying to guess how many people were in the ship. Couldn't be too careful.
"About five. Yea, five."

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 21, 2007 3:27 pm #

Kyr'am approached his 170, it's drives thrumming with barely restrained power.  Sitting next to the fighter was a relatively unassuming shuttle, which Kyr'am knew was far from the truth.  Standing at the ramp to the shuttle was Canderous, his refurbished Super Battle Droid, and Tracyn, now clad in flight suit, helmet in hand. 
      "Tracyn, go ahead and take the 170 and leave now, I'll take Canderous and meet you on board the Katarn."  Tracyn nodded and trotted off to the 170 as Kyr'am started up the ramp to start his preflight checks, Canderous following obediently.

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 21, 2007 6:49 pm #

Note:  Please refer to the first page of this story, where the rules are posted.  There has been an edit.  (As seen below.)  Thanks!  :)

***Edit - Please do not make other people's characters speak or do things without first getting the player's approval.  You cannot always assume what someone is going to do in a situation.  This includes actions, conversation, and the like.  It is extremely frustrating to have someone move your character or make them say things that you did not intend.  This rule falls under the standard RPG rules generally recognized within all true RPGs***

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 21, 2007 6:55 pm #

Also, Kyr'am please empty your inbox.  I am trying to answer your PM but it says your box is full.  :P

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 21, 2007 7:01 pm #

(Done, sorry.)

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 21, 2007 7:33 pm #

Saviin leaned over the control panel to look out of the viewport.  “What in the world is that?” she asked upon seeing Anbu approach. 

Nora shrugged, “Lets see what the scanners make of him...”

There was a brief pause as the stranger was scanned and cross checked with the ship’s databanks. 

“Black Sun...” Nora said, referring to the final readout.  “Fun thing to have come up on a background check...”

Saviin crinkled her nose, “Siannic.....ever seen one before?” 

“Apparently there’s a specimen standing outside...”  She put her helm over her head and checked her blaster.  “Come on....we don’t have all evening...”

The boarding ramp lowered with a hiss and Nora appeared at the top, her taller cousin just behind her.  Both armored women strode down the ramp, but stopped at it’s edge. 

“State your purpose...” Nora said in the flat monotone that was her usual business chatter.

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 21, 2007 8:00 pm #

(Seems I'll have to make my posts shorter then...Fine with me)

"Oh? Don't remember me, that's dissapointing. I remember something about setting up a meeting the night before about travel over a starcraft."
Dres moved his ears back, curious what putting his profile in official scanning had done. Registering as Black Sun wasn't illegal, the company had laughed over it for a couple of minutes afterward. Putting it in, thinking it was a joke. Too bad he'd have to remove it in when they left and switch it back to assassin. It had a nice feel to it.
"Well anyway, space for about five, yea I'd say five beings perfectly able to pay their way."

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 21, 2007 8:41 pm #

{{I didn’t know there was going to be this arranged meeting between Nora and Anbu until you posted it in the game.  And as we didn’t have them discuss the nature of the meeting, I didn’t know to have Nora already aware of it’s purpose.  Also this is all still going on during the same day (afternoon/evening).  So they would have had to arranged this meeting sometime before Nora and her party left the Tavern earlier in the afternoon.  Sorry....*frets*.....I’m just going along with it best I can.  :P }}

“My ship is not customarily a shuttle...” the huntress advised.  “I am assuming you want transport to the same vessel we are going to.  If that is the case, I’ll have to get clearance for you and your party.”

Saviin remained silent behind Nora, her helm continuing to scan the Siannic, registering visuals and other pertinent data that she would later transfer to the Nineveh’s databanks as an update.  To a hunter....and a Mando....even the most minute details were valuable.

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 21, 2007 9:00 pm #

(Oh I just hate timetables. But I did talk to you earlier in the rpg before you folks left the tavern. Unless we're discounting that as well. I Hope I get used to this rpg style of yours.)

"That is the case indeed."
Dres shifted his weight to the other foot. Curious as to how much information the scanners even had on his species, wouldn't be much. He'd just have to check that out before they cold'd be better. Maybe with shaved ice.
And just from the situation chances were in between null and slim. Well, wouldn't it be an interesting outcome.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 21, 2007 9:55 pm #

{{  Sorry...  :/  I've been RPing for over 5 yrs and I've always done it this way.  I've seen it done your way, but honestly not often.  We're just approaching it from different angles, that's all.  It's okay - we'll get it all sorted out.  :cool:  No stress...  I'll post tomorrow, I gotta hit the hay...  }}

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 23, 2007 9:25 am #

{{  Sorry for not posting.  I have the flu and am not at all well.  I will try to write something tonight...}}

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 23, 2007 8:36 pm #

Saviin turned on her heel and strode back into the Nineveh, by unheard command via the internal helm comlink she had between herself and Nora.  The huntress had ordered her to contact Kyr’am and advise him of the current situation. 

“Saviin to Kyr’am...individual named Anbu Dres is requesting transport to the Katarn for himself and party, totaling approximately five in number.  Requesting clearance.  Will await your response.  Out.”  The tall woman leaned rather casually against the control panel in the cockpit as she patiently waited for Kyr’am’s answer. 

Meanwhile, Nora remained standing at the edge of the boarding ramp.  “We await clearance for your transport,” she informed Anbu.  The huntress’ dark visor seemed to be staring lifelessly at the Siannic as she stood waiting, blaster rifle in hand.  “What is the purpose of your visit to the Katarn?” she asked, “I always make a point to know the nature of what I am transporting...”

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 23, 2007 8:49 pm #

"I suppose you won't accept tourist as an answer."
Dres filtered through the nouns trapped in his vocabulary. Nothing really seemed to fit. And he couldn't very well say it was a treasure hunt, whatever it actually was still beyond him. But something did come to mind. Kinda sorta.
"I'm transporting refugees back to their home planet. It'd be too conspicuous if we took a main line cruiser. A reformed thug has to earn some reputation as honest doesn't he? I can't see that you believe me but in all honesty I just so happen to be what I hope is the right thing."
Anbu thankful his expressions were that much different than a humanoids. Too next of kin it'd be obvious he was lying.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 24, 2007 1:41 pm #

Kyr'am sighed and paused in his engine startup checklist as he thought about the request from Saviin.  He was glad Tracyn had already left, or she would have been a handful, moreso when she would have heard his decision. 

"Kyr'am to Saviin:  Go ahead and let them board.  But give them a warning that if they misbehave at all, they might be taking a walk out an airlock without a suit."

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 25, 2007 3:34 pm (Edited March 14, 2007 06:18 am) #

Goran kicked up his heels onto an empty spot of the Hammer's control consule, and crossed his legs at the ankles. A wide gruesome smile crooked his mouth, the talk with his wife was brief and to the point as it usually was. She was a practical woman and didn't believe in wasting words or time, which of course was one of the reasons he married her.

The Obdurate Hammer was in the midst of fueling, a long boring process for the transport. Ugly Jim leaned forward to examine a ship docked next to his and he repressed a snorting boastful laugh. The ship was only as big as one of the Hammer's huge engines. A tug like his was a rare sight on a planet were most of the inhabitants owned warcraft and  all purpose freighters.

The half Corellian sat in thought for a moment, before he  picked up a rifle and began to give it a once over to make sure it would be ready. Afterall someone might take a bit of offense that their little war party was about to drop by....

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell
February 26, 2007 6:39 pm #

Saviin relayed the message back to Nora via their helm comm link.

The huntress gave Anbu a nod, “The transport of you and your party to the Katarn has been cleared,” she informed him in the same flat business tone.  “Passage is 200 credits each.” 

Evaar entered the docking bay steering a hover cart of supplies for their journey.  She paused at the sight of her mother negotiating with the strange being at the end of the boarding ramp.  He was the same individual they had encountered in the tavern earlier that day.  The young girl waited with the supplies, watching her mother for any subtle signal or direction...

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 26, 2007 6:46 pm #

Hmm...two hundred multiplied by five...1000 credits that's it?"
Anbu happily placed a credit cube on the ground.
"My com number's on this data card."
He placed that on the ground as well. Walking off with a wave.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
February 26, 2007 9:02 pm #

Kyr'am finished his checks and with the engines warmed up and ready to go, he walked back to the shuttle's small living area and cargo hold where Canderous was checking over the supplies.  Kyr'am always found it amusing to see the large and imposing battle droid performing mundane tasks as securing cargo.  Completed with its checks, the droid turned to him.
     "All set here, master.  Can we FINALLY leave?"  Kyr'am laughed before sitting down on a crate of blaster packs.  "Soon, Canderous, soon.  Once we get confirmation from our comrades that they're ready to go, we'll leave."

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
February 26, 2007 10:18 pm #

{{  Ack!  I meant to write 1200 credits a piece.  Only 200 each is absurd.  I still have the flu, so I’ll chalk the error up to illness :P  Still, 1200 a piece for a quick ride to Brozyna ain’t bad...  }}

Evaar moved forward with the supplies and passed Anbu without so much as a glance.  She had taken the cue from her mother to ignore the individual for now.  Edee rode on the hover cart, drooling and wagging his whip-like tail at the sight of the Nineveh.  He suddenly spotted the credit cube on the ground and leapt from the cart to investigate.  The Strill sniffed nosily around the cube, then snatched it up in his fanged mouth and trotted ahead into the ship.

“Did you find everything?” the huntress asked her daughter in a noticeably more pleasant tone that she had used with the Siannic. 

The young woman nodded, “Yes Nor’buir...”  But her voice was rather melancholy. 

Nora put an arm around her adopted child, “You know, most people have to work on their birthday....” she reminded.

“I know.  But friends were going to have a party for me...and Ira was going to bring her new baby...”

The huntress steered Evaar up the ramp along with the hover cart, “I’m sure they’ll have your party when you get back...and you can see the baby then...”

Evaar shrugged without comment. 

Nora pursed her lips.  Most of her daughter’s female friends had already married and started families of their own.  She could not quite figure out why Evaar had not settled on a mate for herself by now.  She was seventeen going on eighteen, well past the traditional marrying age for Mando’ade. 

“Duty calls Ev’ know that...”  Nora was always at a loss on how to approach the subject with her daughter, and she certainly didn’t want the girl to think she was trying to push her off into a marriage.  “Besides...did you think Saviin and I had forgotten?”  She gave Evaar a playful nudge with her elbow.

“ two never forget...” Evaar said, smiling at her mother. 

“Well then, you keep that in mind.  Maybe we’ll have a little party of our own before we get to Brozyna...”

“Party?” Saviin said, poking her head out of the cockpit, “Are you having a party Evaar?  Am I invited?” she teased.  Edee sat at his mistress’ feet wagging his tail, pleased with himself for fetching the credit cube. 

Nora handed her cousin the data card, “Contact Dres and inform him that we will depart as soon as he and his party arrive.  Then tell the others we will rendezvous in orbit then head for the Katarn...

(Shall we assume Saviin does this and the messages are sent accordingly?  If you all have something else in mind, then by all means post as you see fit.  :)  I’m just trying to get us moving along...)

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 28, 2007 8:48 am (Edited March 5, 2007 04:07 pm) #

Mattias walked out of the tavern into the city, looking at all the people in full body armor.
"I love the Mandalorians. They appreciate almost everything." Mattias said, heading for the docking bays.
He climbed into ship and put his goods in the cargo storage, then turned and sat in the pilot's seat.
"Ahh....Good to be back." Mattias sighed, flipping on the engine startup sequence.
Avenger's engines rumbled to life, and the ship slowly rose into the air.
"What's that? Damn. Haven't seen one of those in ages." Mattias gazed from the sky at the ARC 170 starfighter a few bays down. "I wonder how much they'll sell it for? No. Shutup. You already have two of them." He said to himself.
Mattias punched the throttle and left the atmosphere into space.
He set the coordanents for Brozyna and engaged the hyperdrive. "Brozyna....Here I come." The Avenger abruptly dissapeared into hyperspace.

"This IS my signature."
March 2, 2007 2:38 pm #

((Since I'm not sure if Villimar is still, posting is it okay if my character goes off and does her own thing for awhile? I'm also lost as to what Villimar's character and my own are up to. Can somebody explain to me. I get that the three gals and posse are at the ship at the moment, but past that I'm confused and I've read the RPG story three times now.))

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
March 2, 2007 6:43 pm (Edited March 2, 2007 06:43 pm) #

Frankly, I'm a bit lost too. 

Here is how I see it:

Nora, Saviin, and Evaar are all sitting on Nora's ship waiting for a response to the messages Saviin sent to Kyr'am and Anbu stating that they are ready to leave as soon as Anbu's party arrives at the Nineveh (Nora's ship).  Then they will all leave for the Katarn, Kyr'am will rendevous with them there.  Once on the Katarn, they will dock their ships, then travel on the Katarn to Brozyna and begin the search for the helmet. 

Now, If anyone wants to bail from the story now might be the time to do it.  Also, if anyone want's to join in, they might want to find a reason to be on the Katarn when we arrive.  Villimar is no longer in the story.  So Atinvod, we can find a way to get your character in on a more active basis.  PM me and we'll figure out something. 

We have to get this story moving, its stalled again.  If I don't get a response in the next couple days, I'll just move it along as I see fit.  (Not being mean.)  Otherwise its just going to linger and become stagnant. 

Oh, and Goran's players are out of town and will be back next week.

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 3, 2007 3:58 pm #

(Ok, I'm going to go ahead and have my character leave for the Katarn now, he'll transmit the coordinates before he does.)

Kyr'am acknowledged Saviin's message and sent a reply.  "I'm heading out for the Katarn now, I'm transmitting the coordinates.  Once your guests arrive I'll meet you there.  Oh, and those coordinates are only good for the next 8 hours.  If you're not there by then, she'll jump out somewhere else and I'll need to relay those coordinates.  Ordo out."

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
March 3, 2007 4:33 pm #

(Am waiting on Brassk's descision.)
Anbu messaged the doc. Getting no answer he left a message to make the arrangements. doc calling back ten minutes later to tell Anbu to head for the dock. Motoko, Warren, and him would be meeting him there. Brassk(insert his answer here.) would (be or not be) joining them. Seemed he'd cleared everything already. But that had yet to be seen.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
March 3, 2007 5:04 pm #

((Bah! Totally forgot about this rp...I feel bad...Whats going on...))

Cover ears! Big Boom Boom coming.-Tek
March 4, 2007 8:44 pm (Edited March 4, 2007 08:46 pm) #

Nora had finished all the standard pre-flight checks, and was now sitting in the pilot’s seat punching figures into a datapad. 

Saviin strode into the cockpit and leaned one elbow on the main consol, peering out of the viewport.  “Somebody ought to tell them the bus is leaving...” the tall woman said as she scanned the area for signs of their passengers. 

“They’ll be here...” Nora said flatly.  “They paid enough for the ride, they won’t want to miss it.”

“We only have eight hours....” Saviin reminded her cousin.

“Plenty of time...”

Evaar came crowding in with Edee at her heels.  “I made the forward cargo hold suitable for guests...” she informed her mother, “They can sit on the stock crates I brought from the market.  And I even put some juice rations and water in there for case they get thirsty...”

The huntress arched a brow at the girl, “They didn’t pay for refreshments...those are our rations.”

“Oh....I’ll just leave the water then...” 

Nora looked as if she were about to protest but Saviin stepped in, “That’s fine....let ‘em drink all the water they want...” she grinned at Evaar, “Then we’ll charge ‘em a credit each time they have to use the fresher...”  The lavender haired woman winked, “Just kidding.  Go on, get the juice out of there....leave the water.”

((Just babbling until Anbu and party arrive.  Getting antsy to leave...))

((Anyone who needs assistance joining or getting back into the story, PM me and I'll help you out  :)  ))

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 4, 2007 8:52 pm #

Anbu arrived second to last, the doc being the last to appear. Coming in with a medium sized bag strung over one shoulder. Warren irritated but obviously relieved, Anbu doubted his source of income wanted to stick his neck out too far. Being that they got there four hours early was convenient, Dres finishing an iced beverage before boarding. Throwing it into a well placed trash bin. Everyone there, Warren got the crew inside's attention.
What would they possibly do for four hours before take-off was anyone's guess, Anbu glad he'd brought his digital media player. Fresh battery he hoped, never know when these things are going to give out.
The ship lurched, Dres hoped it'd be the loading ramp getting ready to drop.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
March 4, 2007 9:45 pm #

The boarding ramp lowered with Saviin standing just at the top, helmet on and blaster in hand.  “All aboard!” she called, almost jovially.  “Good thing you’re here.....Roan’s wanting to leave...” 

Evaar appeared in the entrance, minus her helm.  “If you’ll all follow me, I’ll show you where you’ll be spending your time as we travel...” 

Saviin’s helm turned to stare at Evaar, “Regular stewardess, aren’t we?” she snipped, as if to tell the girl to knock off the flight attendant act. 

Evaar made a face, but kept her mouth shut.  She waved the passengers on, “This way,” she directed, her voice now lacking any pleasantry. 

(We gotta get moving, Kyr’am is already in rout to the Katarn, and others might possibly be waiting to join us there.  I plan on making the flight itself short and sweet.  Why are we waiting four hours before leaving?)

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 5, 2007 5:44 am #

"Hey Doc...I think you got your time tables wrong..."
"Yea, my chrono is set to the wrong planet zone, seems we arrived just before take off."
Dres wishes he could roll his eyes and make it look sarcastic. At least they wouldn't have to wait.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
March 5, 2007 2:57 pm #

Name:  Earon Sho’senaar
Age: 17
Species: Human Female
Home: Gargon/Mandalore
Armour:  Sea foam Green w/ black trim
Description: 5’10, olive skin, dark green eyes, bright pink pixie hair
Weapons: Weapons: dual-wielding vibroswords, Westar-M5 blaster rifle

Living on Gargon for anyone is hard, let alone an orphaned child who doesn’t speak the language or know the culture. She only knew her father for a brief time and he wasn’t even Mandalorian; he was killed by a gang member for his jacket. She was taken by a “flitter”, a Mandalorian who doesn’t stay planet-side any longer than he/she has to. Impressed with her story and surviving alone and unallied, the Mandalorian warrior, Dom Sho’senaar—a personal warrior of Jango Fett’s Cuy’vul Dar.

Earon peered past the grating and at the group inside the ship. She winced as the thin grating groaned under her weight, but no one below seemed to hear it. She shifted her weight and the next thing she knew, she looking up at mixed faces of surprise and anger.
“Uh, I, uh,” Smooth, genius. Think of something to say before they end this quick, “I know what you guys are after, some helmet, right? I heard you guys in the bar; weren’t keepin’ it much a hush-hush thing, were ya?  Yeah, uh, I can get you in that place, and I’m a heck of a pilot, I can shoot, and I can fix stuff real good.” Earon winced inwardly at her Gargon-grammar; hoping that women wouldn’t kill her.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
March 5, 2007 5:42 pm #

"Yeah, I'll be there" Brassk told Anbu in his com.
"sorry if I'm late I had trouble finding the dock" Brassk told Anbu upon his arrival.

there are no star systems slave 1 can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now. -Boba Fett
March 5, 2007 8:16 pm #

Anbu could barely understand what the deal was with this helmet. Black Sun didn't want it, how it could be so important if it failed to catch the attentions of a crime syndicate. Of course they had no idea what they were going after, The Good Doctor and Motoko still feverishly trying to break the digital combination in a fairly massive portion of his time. A ship's hyperdrive wouldn't be too available this trip.
Even then, this newcomer was the crew's issue. Brassk's appearance made the space on this cruiser slim. Not his problem. Age does that to a being.
"Dres, as cute as this vagrant is. I'd appreciate if you at least pretended to be on guard."
Anbu raised the sleeve covering his gauntlet slightly. Just owning a long sleeve shirt was humorous though, mutilating clothing to make it fit usually left out sleeves. Thank the sands for tailoring.
Brassk would hopefully do something along the same lines. At least put a ready hand on guard.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
March 5, 2007 8:32 pm (Edited March 5, 2007 09:34 pm) #

Saviin spun around in time to see the stranger spill onto the boarding ramp from the docking bay’s upper service walk.  In an instant the cold business end of her blaster rifle glared down at the individual.  “Just dropping in I presume?” the tall Mando woman said in a warning tone. 

“Uh, I, uh,” Smooth, genius. Think of something to say before they end this quick, “I know what you guys are after, some helmet, right? I heard you guys in the bar; weren’t keepin’ it much a hush-hush thing, were ya?  Yeah, uh, I can get you in that place, and I’m a heck of a pilot, I can shoot, and I can fix stuff real good.” Earon winced inwardly at her Gargon-grammar; hoping that women wouldn’t kill her.

“If it were a hush-hush thing then you’d already be dead.” Saviin stated through the vocorder of her helm, “Guess today is your lucky day.”  The tall woman took a step back and motioned with her weapon, “On your feet...” she ordered, “We’ll see what Nora has to say about this...”

Evaar cleared her throat to get the attention of Anbu's group, “Lets carry on, time is wasting...” she advised, pointing them in the direction of the forward cargo hold.

((Just getting everyone on board so we can get moving...  :) 
Also, Nora has neural implants that link her to her ship.  I usually play her that way, makes her almost mentally connected to her ship.  I see that I forgot to mention it in her bio... ))

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 5, 2007 8:45 pm #

Dres dropped himself to the floor of the cargo hold, propping his back up against a crate. Popping the headphones in, starting a track he'd gotten last night. Maybe he'd fall asleep.
Warren might spread himself out over two crates, after breaking away from the atmosphere was the guess.
Motoko inspected the hold with a quick glance. Finding a place fit for two. That data card still a problem.
The doc had changed to his most oddly shaped lenses. At least one of them could see into-for humans anyway-invisible light spectrums, not the ones he was using but at least a pair could. Dres suspected he cheated at cards.
He watched the man play.
The ship shifted, gas expanded. Engines nearly ready to blast. What a nice place for a vacation. Just lovely.

I'll abdicate at the drop of a hat
(BFFC Moderator)
March 6, 2007 2:02 pm #

Earon was a bit afraid of what she'd managed to get herself into; she followed the lead of the woman, occasionaly looking down and across at the woman. Well, buir was always telling me I was sticking my nose in places it doesn't belong, Earon shrugged mentally and surpressed her smile. now wouldn't be a good time to look like some cocky Corellian. Her life balanced on the tip of a knife and even a whisper could tip it unfavorably(sp?).
   "Hi," she greeted the other woman, Nora. "I'm Earon. Gargon-origin." Earon thought about sticking her hand out in greeting, but left her gauntleted hands hanging at her side.

They say that dreamers are an extinct breed. I say they're wrong.
March 6, 2007 4:36 pm (Edited March 6, 2007 04:43 pm) #

"Hi," she greeted the other woman, Nora. "I'm Earon. Gargon-origin." Earon thought about sticking her hand out in greeting, but left her gauntleted hands hanging at her side.

Nora was busy at the controls, navigating the Nineveh out of the dock.  “You stated that you can gain access to the vault on Brozyna.  Explain.”  The huntress paused as the ship accelerated, rose from the city, and shot into the sky.  “If I like your answer you might find a place in this mission.  If’ll be taking a walk out the air lock...” 

One could almost see the wicked grin spreading across Saviin’s face beneath her helm.  Escorting unwanted passengers to the ship’s airlock was one of her favorite activities.

Meanwhile in the cargo hold...

Evaar pointed out the water available the passengers and the location of the refreshers.  “If you need anything use the ship’s internal comm system,” she thumbed towards a panel on the wall near the doorway.  A security clearance on the unit would prevent their eavesdropping, and Nora’s neural links would alert her if they tried anything clever...

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 6, 2007 5:25 pm (Edited March 14, 2007 06:17 am) #

The Obdurate Hammer lifted off behind the Nineveh, following at a safe distance. The big engines rumbled the ship along and "Ugly" Jim reached for his commlink. "Goran here, if you don't mind I'll just tail you gals out." 

Hell,should have just come aboard and slaved the Hammer to their ship. Ah well,sometimes you come up with a good idea five minutes too late,old man. He reminded himself to be more on top of things once the job was under way and not to fall behind.

"Vidya sends her love,Roan." Actually his  wife was happy to hear he was working with her old friend, she said something like Nora could keep him out of trouble. He smiled widely as he looked fondly at the holo display on his ship's front consule of his wife and son. "Said you should stop by and see her sometime,yah know...bring the girls."

Their marriage had started as a business arrangement, he knew better than to think his looks attracted Vidya to him. He was a fine enough warrior, but there were certainly more that were fiercer. And she was a good woman,tough and loving, and well connected in the Mando community...certainly better than he deserved.

He have to ask Roan how she come to know Vidya at some point on the job,he was sure it was most likely an interesting story. One thing about Vidya,there was never a dull moment....and she often said her friend Nora was like a lost twin sister.

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."-George Orwell
March 6, 2007 5:55 pm #

Saviin’s voice came over the comm system.  “Thought you’d end up eating our dust, old man...”  From the sound of it, she was speaking through the vocorder in her helm, which probably meant that she was on a closed channel, unheard by the huntress.  “Nora’s busy with an unexpected guest...  If I’m lucky I’ll get to take out the trash.  Keep an eye on our airlock...”

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
March 8, 2007 11:06 am #

Kyr'am's shuttle was now within visual distance of the Katarn.  The cruiser was beginning to show signs of it's age, with much of her hull pockmarked with blast marks and hasty repairs welded over them.  A pair of ancient Y-wings were escorting the ship, and had now broken off to intercept the approaching ship.  Kyr'am killed his drives, well familiar with the procedure and opened up a comm channel.  A familiar voice came across almost immediately. 

          "Unidentified shuttle , this is the independent trading vessel Katarn, please state your intentions or leave the area immediately.  You have thirty seconds to comply." 
          "Katarn, this is the shuttle Dewback with supplies and goodies for the crew.  Transmitting ID codes now."
          "Please wait."  There was a brief pause as the Katarn's databanks ran the codes.  "Codes accepted.  Welcome back, Kyr'am."

"Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized meatbags!" -HK-47
March 9, 2007 6:53 am #

Name:Uriel Koslov
Race: Human
Title: Private weapons contractor
WOC: Highly modified and upgraded E-11 Blaster Rifle
Secondary: His ship the "Fury" contains hundreds of weapons at his disposal.
Appearence: Roughly 6' tall. Shortish black hair. Wears an ancient chest and back plate made of Flat Black Kartaan armor under a green flight jacket.
Ship: Heavily modified Black X-Wing fighter.
A former pilot for the rebellion, Uriel ditched his squadron to pursue a career as a Mercenary. After several years Uriel had made a small fortune and was fascinated with weaponry of any kind. After working a high paying job for Vader, He and his business partner Mattias Felth started a company of their own. With Mattias running around the galaxy for artifacts for his collection, Uriel decided to start a side company as a Weapons Merchant.

Uriel stood next to the rear cargo bay of the Fury as a shady group of Trandoshians inspected a crate full of weapons he had just delivered.
"It's all there Kraag." Uriel addressed their leader. "Now if we could talk about the payment,"
Kraag grinned. Uriel hated Trandoshians. "Kraag like weapons, and Kraag keep weapons, but Kraag no pay tiny human!"
"Now now Kraag." Uriel said. "A deals a deal, we don't want things to get messy."
Kraag laughed. "You funny, Kraag enjoy ripping tiny humans arms off!"
"I was afraid you'd say that." Uriel said reaching into his inner coat pocket and pulling out a tiny device. "See you later Kraag."
Uriel activated the device detonating the thermal plastoid he had rigged in the crate if the deal went sour. The blast killed nearly all the Trandoshians, and those who survived were in no shape to walk.
Uriel sighed and closed the cargo bay door and leapt into the cockpit. "R9 get us airborne." He told the droid. "And get Mattias on the COM. That's the last time I deal with Trandoshians."

"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe"

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