Here's me... in Mandalorian armor... :D
Topic: Boba Fett and other Star Wars Fan Art!
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
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![BFFC Manji Avatar](
dude those are sweet which pencils do you use I usually use HB for the main sketches and 4B for the shading
That is awesome, Manji! Do u take requests? :D
OMG that is good :P.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Wow. REALLY amazing Manji!!
-----[color=#FF0000]Rodney McKay[/color]
![BFFC Manji Avatar](
dude those are sweet which pencils do you use I usually use HB for the main sketches and 4B for the shading
Actuallly, I just use regular #2HB pencils... I did just recently purchase a pack with B, 2B, HB drawing pencils though! I'm working on a drawing of Queen Amidala with those, and so far they are working out nicely. :)
That is awesome, Manji! Do u take requests?
Sure do! Anything for a member of the BFFC! <3 :D
Thanks for the nice comments everyone!
Could you maybe do something with ARCs or commandos? (I love Etain & Darman! :D) Or maybe something of Jaster Mereel?
How did I not see this thread before? This is great work! I thought about doing that too--drawing myself in Mando armor--that'd be fun!
Manji--great work and you certainly have the art of smooth rendering down to a t! You understand proportions well. I also liked the stick figures--I thought those were cute!
I posted most my stuff at another thread, but I haven't done much in the way of Mandos lately. However, I did finish a Revan drawing. Not my best, but I'm not as familiar with him as I am with Fett or Mandos. I only just a couple of days ago got to see him breifly where I am in KOTOR. I think he turned out a little dark, but I think I did better with hands this time. I neglected to leave enough clearance to color in a proper highlight coming from the top lightsaber, so it doesn't look quite right. I had to have my husband pose like that so I could at least decently draw the left arm. He liked me having to use him for a model I think LOL.
Nice work :).
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
Thanks :)
nice, im gonna dig up some of my fett that chalk?
No--it's Prismacolors, a sort of hybrid of colored pencil and crayon. It works like a colored pencil, but can be layered a lot and has a waxy sheen to it when finished. It doesn't erase as easily unless the strokes are very light, otherwise, it can be scraped off using something like an Exacto knife, which is how I usually do it. The reason it shows up a bit like chalk is because I need to use a smoother paper like bristol board--so far, these are all done in my sketchbook on basic grade paper really made more for pencils, but can accomodate most mediums.
I'd like to see some of your Fett stuff! :)
That's awesome!
Here is one of mine with an ultra-fine point Sharpie pen.¤t=scan0002.jpg
Revan, your awesome...:)
Great drawings, like totally awesome. *Smashes his head on his desk for lack of drawing abilities.*
I bow down to Manji_Ninja for his superior art skills.
I wish I had that talent. I am so jeleous...
I can't explain.
nice work revan. that is some sick detail with a sharpy. props.
Very nice Revan! Looks like a drawing out of a comic book--nice style. I'm jealous that I do not draw hands quite as well--his left hand I keep looking at it because I'd like to draw hands as well as that :) I also like your viewing angle. It's not a head-on view, but rather it looks as though the viewer is looking up to Fett as he's walking toward them.
This was just straight up Sharpie pen--no penciling before? I've done a couple of just inks, but I'm not as comfortable yet in diving in with pen/ink only. It works well for you. Both you and Ninja are talented inkers :)
Here's a couple of vehicles: the AT-AT and the Tydirium. Both were using references, pencil, and together took maybe about 1.5 hours so far. There are a few things I'm going to fix on the AT-AT (as usual, seeing things on the computer has me noticing mistakes). I'll be adding color eventually.
I really like the AT-AT. Never want to see one in real life at that angle! lol
Ya, just strait-up ink. I based it on a pic from Shadows of the Empire.
I really like the AT-AT. Never want to see one in real life at that angle! lol
LOL--the picuture I used as reference was one I took at Walt Disney World almost 11 years ago. I purposely took it at just that angle, but have never drawn one before.
Finally I got this up! It's my first attempt to actually draw something and its not really good so don't throw things at me. I did it with colored pencils and a pencil for armor color.
For a first attempt, it's not bad! Proportions are a lot better than my first ones! The hair is nice and I like the addition of the "skirt"--I know that's not the word for it, but I can't think of the Mando word. Good job on the cape too :)
(Okay, I looked it up and I think "kama" is the word I was looking for)
I was trying for the ragged-northern-border-soldier look. Thanx, & yeah, its a kama. I thought it looked stupid at first with the cape but then i decided she needed lower body protection.
![BFFC Manji Avatar](
Could you maybe do something with ARCs or commandos? (I love Etain & Darman! :D) Or maybe something of Jaster Mereel?
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I didn't forget your reguest. I'm working on drawing of Darman & Etain, 'cause I was in the mood to draw them too! :D
Manji...I love you! :) I'm working on a new one too. His name is Cuyan Gekad and his armor is black and gold.
It sounds cool! I liked your previous one by the way. I haven't tried drawing anything realated to Madalorians/Fett. I should try it, though...
I have to say that I have enjoyed looking at all of these images, I have no talent for drawing myself. I'm more into splicing images together into backgrounds and stuff. But nice job guys, keep up the good work.
Hail to the King Baby!!
I'd like to see those too, Fetterthanyou.
I can't wait to see your Darman/Etain, Manji!
manja fett nice work! im an artist as well ,but havent drawn tho in like a year haha due to lazyness. but i have been very into microsoft paint LOL. Haha for some reason i can draw on the pc as well heres a pic i just did in 20 min not finished but figure id let u guys take a peek should be a great pic in the end
took me like 3 hours shading his upper lip.. no ser it is wierd shading on the pc haha if u look close u can see what i mean i didnt realize how small it is due to being 6x zoomed while making it
Dude that's great! I would never have the patience to do that on the PC. Or steady hand.
Yeah wow cool.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
It's looking good so far!
[url][/url] - Video Game Remix Music
nice start ki11switch, keep it up.
Very good so far! I don't have the patience or a steady hand to do that. Btw, I finshed my new pic, but it'll be a while before I can get it one here because I'm involved in my high school musical and we're opening this week.
that looks awesome.
the music in the pic orchestra for my school musical isnt that great, im considering dropping.
anyways, look at these fetts
I used to have the little Boba as my avatar! :) What musical are you doin? We're doing Guys & Dolls.
awsome i tried drawing some pictures to. and my parents just got a scanner so i could attempt to post them. awsome drawings people. love bacara.
not bad stargazer, keep at it. drawing the perfect picture is something we are all chasing...
I like that Killswitch! NICE
(Fett II--V for Vendetta is one of my favorites!!)
hey Manji Ninja Could you draw an ewok with a lightsaber for me please?
Your drawings are the best
Awww what could be "cuter" than a lightsaber-weilding Ewok?? lol neat idea
I used to have the little Boba as my avatar! :) What musical are you doin? We're doing Guys & Dolls.
my school did that 3 years ago. we did The Pajama Game this year.
That is a funky start that you have made ki11switch :D
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