Topic: What is Boba Fett's Justification for Abandoning Sintas & Ailyn Vel?

Note: this topic was started 17 years ago.

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Topic #1205
February 19, 2007 6:27 pm (Edited February 19, 2007 06:32 pm) #

Hey, all. I know I don't post all that much, but when I do, I want it to be something that can be talked about on different levels, and on different opinions... interesting... worth saying! And most importantly, worth it for everyone else to read.
Now, by far, I'm not up to date on everything Star Wars in the Expanded Universe, nor do I claim to be an expert on Boba Fett. I do, however, feel I know a good amount of information of the background history of Boba, Sintas, & Ailyn. Because there's not much out there, lol.

     Now, some of you are probably still in denial.
"Oh, well... Ailyn is Jodo Kast's daughter... I'm going to leave it at that."
Well, you can think that way if you want to, but you're worng. Dead wrong... it's all canon according to the recent book "Bloodlines," which I'm sure most of us have read. Even if you haven't read it yet, you must have heard one way or another about it.
To be honest, when I first heard the story, I wasn’t all that thrilled with the idea of Boba being a father… yet, clone or not, we all have a desire to have children, love someone, etc. It’s human nature.

     So, now that we know Boba & Sintas were together… married at sixteen… had a daughter and Boba was out of there before Ailyn was even one years old… why did he do it? Why does he have no explanation?
The closest I can find is:

“I married Sintas at sixteen because I thought I could make my life normal by doing what normal people did, but I was wrong … I settled on being Boba Fett, because I just didn’t know how to do anything else” (Boba Fett to Mita Gev, page 365, Legacy of the Force: Bloodline, Karen Traviss)

I don’t know about you, but that is one poor explanation for leaving your family! How can Boba even blame Ailyn for wanting to hunt him down and kill him! He made no contact with them, didn’t care what happened to them all those years.
And I’m sure it wasn’t easy for Sintas. She was probably crushed. I haven’t read the comic involving her… but I couldn’t have been easy for her. She was expecting Boba to support her, for him to help raise their daughter. His own flesh and blood.

     I hate to say it, but the more I think about it, the more –disrespect- I have for Boba Fett. Sure, being a father can be stressful, but I can’t believe he’d leave them all that time, not even sending them money (He has enough to raise his own clone army, for Pete’s sake).
I just hope he can redeem himself with his Granddaughter, Mirta. More than anything for Boba's future, I just want him to realize he has a duty to Mirta and any family she may have someday.

     Okay, enough ranting for me… I hope some one has something to share.
I think Boba & Sintas are fascinating... it makes Boba more human. Yet, no one ever seems to bring them up on here! I think it's something we should all discuss! I'd love to hear everyone's views!

-BFFC Manji aka Jess
February 19, 2007 8:28 pm #

these to topics cover a lot of what you ask hope this helps

"I will bet all my Star Wars guys. Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! Except Boba Fett. No matter how sure I am, I never risk the Fett man."
―Peter Griffin
February 19, 2007 9:20 pm (Edited February 19, 2007 09:23 pm) #

I think Boba has an extremely poor self image.  And deep down he blames himself for his father's death.  Add that to the fact that the galaxy as a whole pretty much proclaims him to be a monster, and you get a terrible self-loathing complex hidden beneath the surface. 

Maybe, when he first held that little baby girl and realized just who's hands she was resting in, fear gripped him and he ran.....he just ran. 
He thought he wasn't good enough to raise her. 
Why curse her with a monster for a father?
He deals in doom and leaves death in his wake, nothing a child ever needs.
He didn't deserve anything normal, he wasn't even a "real person", just a clone. 
Who was he to try and have a normal life when he destroyed so many others via his profession? 
His very image meant danger to his family if they were ever discovered. 

And...this is the clencher....the only person he ever truely loved was Jango, his father.  When Jango died, it ripped Boba apart at the core.  So when he saw his daughter, the notion of loosing something so precious again was entirely too much to bare.  He couldn't bring himself to take the chance... 

So he seems cold, brutal, and heartless...  Leaving a young wife and newborn baby in a lurch.  Indeed, there is no excuse for it.  But there is perhaps reasoning behind the it entirely sane or not. 

Boba Fett disassociated himself from his wife and child because of his own guilt, fear, and thoughts of inadequacy. 

That's my opinion....

"There's only one thing that scares a Mando man......and that's a Mando woman..." - Karen Traviss, "A Practical Man"
February 19, 2007 9:26 pm #

Wow, that was profound.  You just took Boba Fett to a whole new level.

[i]Like I told your captain, the orphange attacked me. It was self-defense.[/i] -Richard the Warlock [url][/url]
February 20, 2007 3:19 pm #

I would second that opinion also he may have felt overwhelmed by it all. He did not have a truly normal life growing up. So he did not know how to really bond with people. It may not excuse him but he is not the first person to ever leave a family. A self-loathing complex probably didn't help matters.

-Fettish- wrote:

I think Boba has an extremely poor self image.  And deep down he blames himself for his father's death.  Add that to the fact that the galaxy as a whole pretty much proclaims him to be a monster, and you get a terrible self-loathing complex hidden beneath the surface. 

Maybe, when he first held that little baby girl and realized just who's hands she was resting in, fear gripped him and he ran.....he just ran. 
He thought he wasn't good enough to raise her. 
Why curse her with a monster for a father?
He deals in doom and leaves death in his wake, nothing a child ever needs.
He didn't deserve anything normal, he wasn't even a "real person", just a clone. 
Who was he to try and have a normal life when he destroyed so many others via his profession? 
His very image meant danger to his family if they were ever discovered. 

And...this is the clencher....the only person he ever truely loved was Jango, his father.  When Jango died, it ripped Boba apart at the core.  So when he saw his daughter, the notion of loosing something so precious again was entirely too much to bare.  He couldn't bring himself to take the chance... 

So he seems cold, brutal, and heartless...  Leaving a young wife and newborn baby in a lurch.  Indeed, there is no excuse for it.  But there is perhaps reasoning behind the it entirely sane or not. 

Boba Fett disassociated himself from his wife and child because of his own guilt, fear, and thoughts of inadequacy. 

That's my opinion....

A man's worst enemy can't wish on him what he can think up himself. Yiddish saying
February 20, 2007 4:17 pm #
-Fettish- wrote:

I think Boba has an extremely poor self image.  And deep down he blames himself for his father's death.  Add that to the fact that the galaxy as a whole pretty much proclaims him to be a monster, and you get a terrible self-loathing complex hidden beneath the surface. 

Maybe, when he first held that little baby girl and realized just who's hands she was resting in, fear gripped him and he ran.....he just ran. 
He thought he wasn't good enough to raise her. 
Why curse her with a monster for a father?
He deals in doom and leaves death in his wake, nothing a child ever needs.
He didn't deserve anything normal, he wasn't even a "real person", just a clone. 
Who was he to try and have a normal life when he destroyed so many others via his profession? 
His very image meant danger to his family if they were ever discovered. 

And...this is the clencher....the only person he ever truely loved was Jango, his father.  When Jango died, it ripped Boba apart at the core.  So when he saw his daughter, the notion of loosing something so precious again was entirely too much to bare.  He couldn't bring himself to take the chance... 

So he seems cold, brutal, and heartless...  Leaving a young wife and newborn baby in a lurch.  Indeed, there is no excuse for it.  But there is perhaps reasoning behind the it entirely sane or not. 

Boba Fett disassociated himself from his wife and child because of his own guilt, fear, and thoughts of inadequacy. 

That's my opinion....

Very well done. You saw the reality of the situation even better than I did.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege."

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