Anyone ever get tired of their current username, and they want a new one? I know a few of you want one. Lately, I've been thinking that I want a new username, something more original. And this is what I thought of: Kom'rk Verd. Does anyone like it? It means "Gauntlet Warrior" in Mando'a. If anyone else wants a new username, post it here. Maybe Aaron will let us change ours. Start posting!
Topic: New Usernames
Note: this topic was started 18 years ago.
26 posts
Sorted by oldest to newestI'm thinking of asking Aaron to change my username to "humorbot"
What's wrong with the 5? Well, Humorbot kinda sounds better than Humorbot5.....
Anyone else want to answer? And who likes the username that I want?
I have thought of asking to ask to get mine changed to necro fett. Necro is a slight corruption of the word "necros," Latin for corpse. I think that "draco" fits me better though; there was a Sumarian lawmaker named Draco, who was known to be very strict, as people often describe me.
Yeah, fett3393 was just a hmm, I can't think of a name so I'll just use my E-Mail name.
Necro Fett sounds cool. Personally I think that draco fett sounds better, but then again, it's your username. Does anyone think that Kom'rk Verd sounds cool? And by the way, fett3393, what is your email name?
Sorry for the second post, but I just sent a request to Aaron about my username. If he agrees, I will now be known as Kom'rk Verd! That means Gauntlet Warrior in Mando'a for those who didn't read my first post.
Post Deleted
ZeRo Fett
That is spam, and that is greatly discouraged on these boards. What if everyone went around typing "ARC Fett" or "Boba Dude" or "Miba" or "draco fett"? Do. You. Understand. My. Language?
Sorry for the second post, but I just sent a request to Aaron about my username. If he agrees, I will now be known as Kom'rk Verd! That means Gauntlet Warrior in Mando'a for those who didn't read my first post.
When you need to add something to a post that, if no one has posted anything after it, you use the edit button. This is at the bottum right-hand corner of each of your posts :) .
I know, but this topic was getting unnoticed by everyone, so I posted again to get people's attention. I won't do it again, though.
It was only a 15 minutes pause...
But yah, Sev Fett, it was a spontaneous decision and thinking back I'd rather have something more original. I like my Lord of the Rings Orc name, (According to an almost random name generator:p) "Nazg" Means Ring or Power in the black tongue.
It was only a 15 minutes pause...
But yah, Sev Fett, it was a spontaneous decision and thinking back I'd rather have something more original. I like my Lord of the Rings Orc name, (According to an almost random name generator:p) "Nazg" Means Ring or Power in the black tongue.
Sound pretty cool. Sev Fett is also cool (Sev totally rocks), but if you want it changed, I can't stop you. I will ask again. DOES ANY1 LIKE THE NEW NAME THAT I WANT?!?
It sounds cool but it dosent really make sense what is gauntlet warrior sposed to mean. It should be somthing like armoured warrior or fearless warrior.
I think, therfore i am I destroy, therfore i endure - IG-88 tales of the bounty hunters
What exactly do you mean by Gauntlet Warrior? Like "Gauntled Warrior" or what? Man I wish I could be fluent in Mando'a.
I found it confusing enough figuring out who everyone one was when we changed from the old boards to the new boards. People decided to go with a new name and I had no idea who was truly a "new" member.
To continually change your name makes it hard for others to realise you're the same person. Plus you lose your post score - if that matters to you.
It was like thousands of voices cried out for a sequel and were suddenly silenced...
It sounds cool but it dosent really make sense what is gauntlet warrior sposed to mean. It should be somthing like armoured warrior or fearless warrior.
A gauntlet is the piece of armor that one wears on one's wrist. It can also refer to a type of punishment.
I like Draco by the way, it means dragon. Did you know that? LOL, Dracula is derived from Draco.
Virtualbettie is an inside joke, aimed at all the wierd guys who try to pick me up online. I usually state, "I ain't your virtual Bettie" before I hit the ignore button.
yeah but dragon fett sounds a bit silly, dont you agree?
I like Draco by the way, it means dragon. Did you know that? LOL, Dracula is derived from Draco.
I did. I only found out about the lawmaker recently. Vlad Tepes's father's title was Drac because he a member of the Order of the Dragon. Draculæ means "son of Drac." Ialmos wrote a rreport about him for school.
Green, I agree that dragon Fett sounds odd, but my user name is not dragon Fett, is it?
i must agree with you there , it isn't. :)
Nope, I'm pretty much good with what I got.
(BFFC Moderator)
It sounds cool but it dosent really make sense what is gauntlet warrior sposed to mean. It should be somthing like armoured warrior or fearless warrior.
I meant it like a Mandalorian gauntlet with flamethrower, wrist lasers and rockets, an ejecting vibroblade, and a whipcord.
Still doesn't make much sense when you think it through, but that doesn't matter, because it's a username not a book report. You username could be FrankElephantjumpers and it wouldn't matter. Really, I guess I just don't understand what the big deal is. I like my username because I get a kick out of saying it.
Hail to the King Baby!!
Yeah, your username is pretty funny, Fetterthanyou! :D
I must say there are some pretty cool usernames on the BFFC. And draco that son of a dragon fact is very interesting. Learn something new everyday huh?